Sweeping the world

Chapter 299 A New World

Chapter 299 A New World

The conversation between Yang Ming and Yang Sheng didn't last long.

Soon, Yang Ming left.

Perhaps it was because he hadn't seen his relatives for a long time, after he left, Yang Sheng's mood was very low, and he was very silent all the way.

But soon, he recovered, started to practice with a harder attitude than in the past, and became more and more energetic.

After half a month.

In Dingzhou, in the courtyard of the Governor's Mansion, Chen Ming stood quietly in a garden, standing there alone.

"Or not."

Standing quietly in place, after a while, Chen Ming opened his eyes, and there seemed to be a divine light shining in his eyes: "The vitality has reached its peak, but the suppression of God's will still exists, and there is no way to break through."

He is trying to advance, trying to break through from the realm of heaven and man and advance to a higher level.

As Mu Linglong said, half a year later will be the time when the two realms will merge, and some things cannot be avoided at all.

There will be disputes between the two worlds, and even if Chen Ming wanted to stay out of it, he might not be able to do so.

As Mu Linglong said, unless it was absolutely necessary, the group of venerables from the upper realm would not allow one more person to share their vitality with them. When the two realms intersected, most of them would attack Chen Ming.

Whether Chen Ming is willing or not, this is probably unavoidable.

Since fighting is inevitable, Chen Ming must be more or less prepared.

Improving your cultivation as much as possible is one of the ways.

With the cultivation of heaven and man, it is too disadvantageous and difficult to face several venerables at the same time.

Therefore, after returning from the Imperial Capital, Chen Ming began to try, trying hard to make further progress in the past six months.

However, his attempts were fruitless.

Although the vitality of this world has been stimulated to its peak, the suppression of God's will still exists. Not only has it not been weakened by the intersection of the two worlds, but it has become more terrifying.

No matter how hard Chen Ming tried, he could only stay in the realm of heaven and man, and could not go any further.

Standing quietly on the spot, Chen Ming raised his hand with a calm expression.

With the movement of divine will, faint ripples spread around, and with this place as the center, all the vitality within several miles was drawn here and condensed in Chen Ming's hands.

The majestic vitality gathered into a light blue crystal in the palm of Chen Ming's hand, which looked as pure and beautiful as a light blue crystal.

"Or not."

Standing where he was, quietly looking at the light blue crystal, Chen Ming shook his head.

In the past ten years, through Mu Linglong's relationship, he has also learned a lot of secrets, including some information about the Venerable.

Through these, in these ten years, Chen Ming also gradually figured out the promotion from the Supreme Being of Heaven and Man.

Any venerable person must have polished his own power to the extreme without leaving the slightest flaw in his existence.

This point, as early as in the world of star gods, Chen Ming had reached the standard when he incarnated into the god mountain and conceived the star god.

Afterwards, the divine will must be extremely tyrannical, enough to control the vitality of the world, so as not to be overwhelmed by the surging energy of the heaven and earth when promoted.

In this regard, Chen Ming also met the standard.

What really stuck him was the last point.

That is to absorb the vitality of heaven and earth.

Martial arts practice begins to sense vitality at the time of innateness, and begins to control vitality when returning to the source, until the power of heaven and man to control reaches the limit, every move has the power of heaven and earth added to the body.

In the realm of the venerable, if one wants to be promoted, one needs to absorb the vitality of the heaven and earth as much as possible, wash oneself with the vitality of the heaven and the earth, melt the divine power and vitality into the flesh and blood, and rebel against the limit, in order to succeed.

Chen Ming was stuck on this step at the moment.

He can do it just by mastering his vitality, not only can he do it, but he can do it very well.

But if he wanted to absorb vitality into his body and smelt it, he couldn't do it at all.

The reason is simple, this world does not allow it.

The vitality of the world is there, you can use it, but the suppression of God's will still exists, and you are not allowed to smelt the vitality at all, which directly makes you stuck at this step and cannot move.

It's like you like someone, but the other person doesn't like you, what can you do?
Can't overlord be hard on the bow, right?
In order to break through this hurdle, Chen Ming has tried many times. For ten years, he has tried various methods, but there is not much effect.

In this world, the will of the world cannot be circumvented after all. No matter what method you use, as long as the suppression of the will of heaven still exists, you cannot go any further.

Unless, another world?
With this in mind, Chen Ming's face became calm, and a purple source force interface emerged in front of his eyes.

Source Power: 315240
Martial Arts: Seal of Great Compassion, Divine Dharma of Mystery.
Supernatural powers: Tianxin, the spirit of heaven and earth

Bloodline: Bloodline of Great Nirvana Buddha Lord (advanced level), Emperor Tianchen Body (intermediate level), Body of Holy Spirit (intermediate level)

With a thought, the purple source power interface appeared in front of him, quietly appearing in front of Chen Ming's eyes.

Compared with the past, Chen Ming's source power is unprecedentedly abundant at this moment, and the number has reached 30.

This is the greatest achievement he has obtained in the last world.

Shenshan has been silent for 50 years. During these 50 years, the source power in him has been growing, and after leaving, it has reached this amount.

This is also one of Chen Ming's confidence, he believes that no matter what situation he encounters, he can face it head-on.

"Ten years later, Tianxin's imprint can be used again"

Looking at the Yuanli interface in front of him, Chen Ming muttered to himself, having already made a decision in his heart.

Since the will of this world does not allow promotion, then change to another world to break through.

With the ability of source power, there is absolutely no need for Chen Ming to hang himself on a tree like everyone else.

This world does not allow promotion, so change to a world where promotion is possible.

As soon as he thought of this, he was certain in his heart and walked out of the garden.

In the Governor's Mansion, he confessed to others, and then lived in the retreat room alone.

Walking into the spacious room, Chen Ming randomly found a place to sit down, and then a layer of faint purple light gradually rose above his whole body, slowly covering his whole body.

Accompanied by the brilliance of the source force, the next moment, Chen Ming's body disappeared completely, and he left this place directly.

A hazy feeling of darkness came from the body, as if the suffocation of the world and the earth were squeezed together, and it made people feel an unspeakable sense of fear and pain.

In a dark and fuzzy space, Chen Ming slowly opened his eyes and looked at the surrounding world.

The world in front of me is dim, and the whole world is filled with a dark tone, which looks like a hazy gray.

In the surroundings, rich aura surged.

"What world is this time?"

Standing quietly in place, feeling the surrounding scenery, Chen Ming couldn't help frowning.

The world of this world gave him a strong sense of alienation, like a drop of water falling into hot oil, which seemed out of place.

The world in this world gave him such a feeling.

 Finally free, this is the first update added

(End of this chapter)

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