Sweeping the world

Chapter 305 The Intimacy of God's Will

Chapter 305 The Intimacy of God's Will

The surging vigor flickered above the four fields, and the saber energy danced in all directions, condensing in all directions like a living thing, and finally turned into a long red dragon, flying out.

Accompanied by a loud bang, in front of him, a black monster with a head as big as a mountain and a height of 30 meters froze, and its whole body was torn apart.

"The black beast was beheaded by His Excellency King Ming!"

"This, what a terrifying power this is! It can kill a big monster with a mortal body!"

All around, looking at the corpse of the giant beast, the surrounding onlookers looked horrified. Looking at the figure holding the knife in front, at this moment, they could only feel the blood on the whole body boiling, and their faces looked extremely excited.

In the front, Chen Ming calmly retracted his knife, ignored the plans of those behind him who wanted to come and talk to him, and walked to the side alone, looking like he had no intention of talking to anyone, with a cold look.

"Castle Master Wrinkled Worry, your entrustment, my master has already done it, I don't know your bounty?"

On one side, Hao Shan walked up consciously, and said very bluntly.

"we are ready."

The local city lord, a middle-aged man who looked to be in his 40s, nodded repeatedly, and hurriedly asked someone to come forward and took out a large box.

The sweet-looking maid walked up to Chen Ming with a face full of admiration, knelt down in front of him, and opened the wooden black box, revealing the contents inside.

In the wooden box, there are golden demon pills of various sizes everywhere, which are shining with a faint golden brilliance under the brilliance of the sun at this moment.

Looking at the box full of golden demon pills, Chen Ming nodded, and then Hao Shan stepped forward and took the box from the maid.

Seeing that Chen Ming had put the box away, the city lord named Wrinkle secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and quickly showed a smile on his face: "I understand the rules of your lord, please rest in the humble house for a few days before leaving. "

"That's disturbing."

Looking at Wrinkle, Chen Ming calmed down, nodded lightly, and didn't intend to talk too much with these people, he walked directly to the side, and walked to the carriage under Hao Shan's careful service.

Seeing Chen Ming stepping into the carriage, Zou You's face suddenly showed joy, and he turned around and said loudly to his subordinates, "Hurry up, everyone!"

"We have to return to the mansion as soon as possible to entertain this lord!"

After the voice fell, the people around should claim that it was true, and then a group of people walked quickly towards the distance.

"I have been busy for more than half a year, killing so many monsters, and I have accumulated such a little vitality."

Sitting quietly in the carriage, Chen Ming was sitting alone with his eyes closed, and this thought flashed through his mind.

Before he knew it, more than half a year had passed since he came to this world.

For more than half a year, he traveled all over the place, hunting and killing demons all the way, and on the other hand, he was like a normal exorcist, accepting some people's entrustment, and constantly exterminating demons in various places.

The reason for this is naturally for efficiency.

The monsters in this world seem to have some unique abilities, and that kind of weird vitality spreads all around, making it impossible for Chen Ming to find the location of these monsters sometimes.

Therefore, he accepted the entrustment of others, while looking for suitable monsters through the aborigines of this world, and at the same time, he also collected some rewards to obtain some demon pills from the people of this world.

After more than half a year, his reputation has already opened up, and now the speed of energy accumulation is slowly picking up.

In addition, during the past six months, Chen Ming also discovered something.

"The degree of suppression by God's will seems to have completely disappeared."

Sitting quietly on the carriage, he crushed a demon pill casually, absorbing the vitality in it instantly, Chen Ming thought quietly in his heart.

Due to some reasons of its own, this world appeared to be very chaotic, even divided into hundreds or thousands of parts, so it was powerless to suppress Chen Ming.

But despite this, in fact, the suppression still existed, but it was very weak, and it had little effect on Chen Ming today.

But for more than half a year, as Chen Ming continued to eliminate the demon, Chen Ming unexpectedly discovered that the faint suppression of God's will had disappeared at this moment.

Not only is it no longer suppressed, but even faintly, there is a sense of intimacy.

Accompanied by this transformation, Chen Ming also keenly discovered that with his continuous elimination of demons, among the hundreds of thousands of providences that were originally divided into five categories, there is a piece of providence that is growing rapidly.

The indistinct closeness of this world's will to Chen Ming is also revealed from this providence.

"This situation is somewhat interesting."

Feeling the faint closeness of this providence, Chen Ming slowly opened his eyes with a smile on his face.

"It seems that this powerful providence is the side of this world that represents the normal order."

Sensing the changes in the will of the world, Chen Ming had this thought in his mind.

From the present point of view, this closeness of God's will does not benefit Chen Ming too much.

After all, he is not an aborigine of this world.

If the natives of this world, living in this world, have the closeness of God's will, almost like a child of a small world, turn bad luck into good fortune, and turn disaster into good luck, no matter how you go, you can be pushed to the peak by God's will behind you to go.

But Chen Ming is not a native of this world, so it is impossible to stay in this world for a long time.

This closeness of God's will cannot be said to be completely useless, but the usefulness is not as great as imagined.

"However, with the help of God's will in this world, my confidence in promotion is undoubtedly increased by several percent."

Chen Ming shook his head, this thought flashed through his mind.

It is also possible for heaven and man to fail in their promotion. Once they fail, the body will be severely damaged directly.

With Chen Ming's realm, the possibility of his failure is very small, but it still exists.

Now, I have more confidence.


Outside, a noisy sound suddenly sounded, accompanied by the neighing of the horses, the carriage gradually stopped.

At this moment in the outside world, at some point, the road ahead of the carriage was already crowded with people, directly blocking the path of the carriage.

"Who dares to block the carriage!!"

Looking at the group of people blocking the road ahead, Zou You was furious, and with a whip in his hand, he rode to the front of the convoy: "You bastards, dare to block His Excellency King Ming's carriage, are you looking for death? !"

"Get out of the way now, for His Excellency King Ming's sake, I can let you go!"

Looking at the crowd in front of him, he said angrily.

Today is the day when the terrifying big monster, the Black Beast, is to be punished. Because of Chen Ming, almost all the surrounding residents rushed out, wanting to see what the demon extermination master who killed the big monster looks like. So the perimeter of the road is directly fenced off.

Zou You didn't care about this at first, but he didn't expect that someone would dare to block the road here, directly blocking the road.

In front of him, listening to Zou You's words, the people in front of him were commotion, but no one left, they stood there persistently, blocking the front of the team.

Looking at this scene, Zou You was very annoyed: "Where is Sheng'er?"

"Why haven't these people been evacuated?"

Accompanied by his words, a young man wearing armor and with a face somewhat similar to Zou You rode up to Zou You's side: "Father, these people refuse to leave, even if soldiers push them away!"

"Why don't you do it directly and let the soldiers drive them away with swords?"

He looked at Zou You and said hesitantly.

What this means is that he is about to hit hard.

"Are you crazy?"

Zou You glared at Zou Sheng, looked at the carriage behind him, and was relieved when he saw that Chen Ming hadn't come out: "My lord is still watching from behind, how can you let blood see here? You want Lord Ming to stop Are you happy?"

"Then what should we do?" Zou Sheng was also a little annoyed: "There are too many untouchables, and they won't move anywhere!"

"Go and ask them what they want to do."

Zou You managed to calm down, and said, "If you dare to do such a thing in front of us, you must ask for something."

"Promise to them first, and then ask him to settle the score afterwards."

Hearing this, Zou Sheng nodded, and quickly rode forward.

After a while, he came back and said with an ugly face.

"Father, they said that they want to see His Excellency King Ming."

(End of this chapter)

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