Sweeping the world

Chapter 309 Crusade

Chapter 309 Crusade
"Your Excellency King Ming, I would like to support you to go to Hualai Prefecture to fight against the demon of the abyss!"

In the same place, in the quiet room, Zou You gritted his teeth, knelt down on one knee in front of Chen Ming, and said so.

Looking at Zou You in front of him, Chen Ming was a little surprised, but after thinking about it carefully, he didn't find it surprising.

There is a difference between a distant threat and an immediate danger.

When the power of the abyss has not affected them, these people naturally don't bother to care about other people's lives.

But once the threat of the abyss is at hand, these people will immediately change into another look.

However, this is also human nature, and Chen Ming understands it very well.

"Get up first."

He looked at Zou You at his feet and spoke, then pondered for a moment, then walked aside to meet another person.

"You saw what happened just now."

Walking into a spacious room, looking at the figure in front of him, Chen Ming said calmly.

In front of him, a young girl was standing there.

The girl was tall and slender, with a delicate appearance, a little heroic and stubborn, and her appearance was exactly the same as the young man who stopped Chen Ming's carriage on the street yesterday.

However, compared to yesterday, at this moment she is dressed in women's clothing, and she looks extraordinarily tall and beautiful, which is amazing.

"I have seen it."

Looking at Chen Ming who was walking towards him, the girl looked determined. She bowed to Chen Ming and said, "Thank you for saving my life yesterday."

"If it hadn't been for my lord's action yesterday, I am afraid that my clansmen and I would not have escaped the end of being demonized."

Yesterday, in front of their faces, the evil spirit of the abyss residing on them was directly drawn out.

I didn't think much of it at the time, but now it seems that it is a life-saving thing.

"Thank you no more."

With a calm face, Chen Ming said lightly, "Tell me about what you know."


The girl nodded and began to tell her own story.

According to what the girl said, she was originally a princess of a small country in Hualai Prefecture. Because the abyss revived from under the earth, riots broke out in the whole country. Countless people were infected by the evil spirit of the abyss and directly turned into monsters.

At this moment, the entire Hualai State has been reduced to a ghost.

"In order to avoid further demonization, I took my people and left Hualai State. While gathering strength, I was looking for a powerful demon extermination master who can eradicate the abyss, but I didn't expect it"

Having said that, she had a wry smile on her face, feeling a little complicated about the current scene.

On the one hand, they themselves are also victims of the abyss, but on the other hand, the chaos here and now is indeed caused by them.

Without the appearance of these Hualai survivors, spreading their evil aura to all directions, it is impossible for this area to be reduced to what it is today.

"It's over, don't think about it anymore."

Looking at the girl in front of him, Chen Ming calmed down and asked, "When are you leaving?"

"My clan and I are available anytime."

Mentioning this, the girl's spirit immediately lifted, and her eyes became sharper: "As long as the adults are ready, we can set off at any time!"

"I have nothing to prepare."

Chen Ming said calmly: "I'll give you three days to prepare, and after three days, we will set off immediately."

After the voice fell, he didn't mean to say much, he turned around and walked towards the outside world, leaving only the dazed figure of the girl in place.

three days later.

"Lord King Ming, are you really not going to wait any longer?"

Looking at Chen Ming sitting on the carriage, closing his eyes and meditating alone, Zou You couldn't help but said, "Give me some more time, let me contact more people, and I can be more sure."

"No need."

Chen Ming's face was calm, his figure didn't move at all, he didn't even open his closed eyes, and he spoke directly like this.

Naturally, it's not that he lacks this time, but because it's really useless.

For an existence of his level, the number of people has already lost its value, even if there are tens of thousands of troops, it is not unusual.

As for the so-called exorcists in this world, they are also weak.

The so-called exorcists in this world practice a unique method of body training, which can extract strength from food, gradually make themselves stronger, and gradually reach the point of inhumanity.

But this power is actually very limited.

As far as Chen Ming has seen so far, even the strongest demon extermination master, in terms of body alone, is only equivalent to the innate level. Combined with some curse marks, the use of demon power such as puppets, it can barely deal with some demon powers. A powerful monster, joined by more than a dozen people, can even pose a threat to the big monster.

For ordinary people in this world, this level is not bad, but for Chen Ming, it is just like this.

Not much use at all.

Since it can't be used much, why let innocent people come and suffer casualties?

Quietly opened his eyes, looking at the road ahead, this thought flashed in Chen Ming's mind.

However, what Chen Ming didn't expect was that he didn't ask the nearby state lords to come for reinforcements, but in the end, a steady stream of people joined his team.

The previous spread of the abyss domain was not an isolated case, but a common situation around here.

As the refugees of Hua Lai's curse continued to flow out, people everywhere were infected by the evil spirit of the abyss and gradually turned into monsters.

The huge number of monsters further strengthened the power of the abyss, forming a vicious circle.

If it continues like this, I am afraid that the countries around Hualai State will not be able to keep it, and they will all be reduced to ghosts.

The only way to solve this matter is to get rid of the root of the evil spirit, which is the abyss.

Therefore, after hearing that Chen Ming, who is the faintly number one demon extermination master of mankind, King Ming personally took action, and was about to go to crusade against the abyss, many city lords sent troops to join.

Along the road, from time to time, a demon extermination master came to the door and joined Chen Ming's team.

The army moved forward all the way, and when they reached a land that was completely infected by the evil spirit, Chen Ming slowly opened his eyes.

With the opening of his eyes, at this moment, a colossal momentum gradually condensed, blessing him silently.

Over the past few months, armies and powerful demon extermination masters have continued to join in, and people's hearts have continued to condense. In line with the flow of God's will, a general trend has gradually formed. Under Chen Ming's control here, they are united and all The blessing is on Chen Ming's body.

As if feeling this force, the next moment, the scene ahead suddenly changed.

A dense black mist rose from midair, covering the entire sky like a black curtain.

The demonic aura that covered the sky and the sun rolled in, boiling like hot water, drowning everything.

And among them, densely packed monsters emerged from it, almost directly filling the entire field of vision.

(End of this chapter)

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