Chapter 312

Standing quietly on the spot, Chen Ming looked forward.

On the land ahead, the fight between humans and demons is still going on.

With the death of monsters one after another, the golden vitality continued to grow on Chen Ming's body.

This is what is left of Chen Ming's promotion. After the consumption of promotion, there is roughly [-]% left.

Although to Chen Ming, this is not a lot, but to ordinary people, it is already an extremely huge number.

"Hao Shan."

Standing quietly on the spot, Chen Ming said.

"Master, I'm here." On the side, Hao Shan hurried forward, waiting for Chen Ming's order.

A white palm slapped down instantly, directly hitting his chest.

For this, Hao Shan was surprised at first, but then he was stunned.

Above his body, a majestic force surged, and under Chen Ming's control, a bit of golden vitality surged into his body, washing away his body in an instant, and turning him into another appearance.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the power in his body began to change, and the breath all over his body rose rapidly.

After ascending to the peak of Houtian, only one step away from Xiantian, Chen Ming stopped.

The reason why he stopped was not that Chen Ming was stingy with this little vitality, but that this point was already the limit.

Acquired and innate is a watershed, when it comes to innate, one must learn to get in touch with vitality, and even control it.

If you can't do this, rashly elevating it to the innate level is to let it commit suicide.

"Thank you master!"

In the same place, feeling the surging power in his body, Hao Shan looked a little excited, knelt down on one knee, and thanked Chen Ming.

"It doesn't have to be."

Looking at the battlefield ahead, Chen Ming said calmly, "Your strength has just improved, and you still need to adjust."

"The battlefield in front of you is the best place for you to run in."


Hao Shan understood what Chen Ming meant, so he nodded respectfully, got up quickly, took a deep breath, and rushed towards the distant battlefield under the envious eyes of the people around him.

In the same place, watching his figure keep rushing forward, Chen Ming's expression was calm, without sadness or joy in his heart, and he slowly closed his eyes.

Half a day later, the battle here was completely over.

With all the big monsters being killed by Chen Ming, the remaining monster extermination masters fought forward, leading the soldiers to charge, and finally wiped out the monsters in front of them.

The army left a group of people to clean up the battlefield, burn the corpses, and the main force continued to move forward.

After walking for half a month, Chen Ming ordered everyone to stop when they reached an area.

Under the watchful eyes of the people around him, he walked into the end of the abyss domain alone, and his figure gradually disappeared from everyone's sight.

"The change of God's will began to continue again"

Stepping on the black ground, Chen Ming's face was calm, and he walked quietly on the ground, feeling the faint changes in the air around him, and this thought flashed in his mind.

After coming here, the change of God's will has been completely different.

If it is said that when he was in the outside world, Chen Ming was blessed by God and treated like a child of the world, but after he came here, it was completely reversed.

The will of heaven here is full of malice towards him, completely on the side of the monster, not only does not bless Chen Ming, but suppresses it layer by layer.

Being in this place is like an enemy of the world, who has to bear the malice of this world.

However, Chen Ming was not surprised by this.

The providence of this world is undoubtedly divided, divided into hundreds of parts, and the two largest parts stand on top of humans and demons.

As a human race, in the outside world, Chen Ming would be blessed by the will of the human race, so after arriving here, it would be normal for him to be suppressed by the will of the monster race.

In the final analysis, it’s just a matter of different positions.

If Chen Ming was a demon, he would be treated like a child of the world if he came here now.

In a way, though, there are no ifs in this world.

Quietly walking on the same spot, Chen Ming walked forward quietly without sadness or joy in his heart.

As he went deeper, the black mist in front of him gradually rippled, and indistinctly, it seemed that a huge mouth was slowly opening, ready to swallow Chen Ming in one gulp.

Bursts of malice came from all directions.

As Chen Ming stepped forward, a huge figure appeared in front of him.

It was a very huge figure, hundreds of meters tall, and looked like a high mountain at first glance, which made people feel awe before the moment.

Like an abyss like a prison, an abyss-like terrifying aura rises from the figure in front of him, making people feel creepy.


When Chen Ming walked forward, a hoarse voice sounded.

Hearing the sound, Chen Ming was a little surprised, raised his head slightly, and looked forward.

In front of his eyes, on the hundreds of meters tall piece of meat, a huge one-eye emerged, with some agility in it, watching him at the moment.

With the opening of this one eye, a unique spiritual fluctuation resounded in Chen Ming's heart.


Looking at the huge figure hundreds of meters in the abyss in front of him, Chen Ming showed a smile on his face: "I didn't expect that."

"The so-called demon of the abyss is actually an outsider?"

On the huge piece of meat in front of him, Chen Ming clearly felt an aura that was incompatible with this world. It did not belong to this world, but was like Chen Ming, an absolute outsider.

"I arrived in this world 5000 years ago, and spent 2000 years spreading demon energy, polluting this world, and gradually transforming this world into a paradise for demons."

Ahead, a loud and deep voice sounded in Chen Ming's mind.

"Using one's own strength to try to change the whole world in vain, really is a great spirit."

Chen Ming nodded. Although they had different positions, they couldn't help nodding at the abyss in front of them.

Coming to this world, as a foreigner, will undoubtedly be suppressed by the will of this world.

The practice of the abyss in front of him directly polluted this world with its own power, and even caused the will of this world to split, and a heaven that belonged to the demon was born forcibly.

This approach made Chen Ming amazed at the moment.

"5000 years, after me, you are the second outsider to visit this world."

Standing there quietly, the huge body of the abyss wriggled there, a huge scarlet one-eyed quietly looked at Chen Ming, and directly said in Chen Ming's heart with the power of the heart: "You are here to represent this world. God, come to attack me?"


Chen Ming's expression was calm, without any concealment, he nodded lightly.

After his words fell, the existence on the other side was silent for a while, and then he said: "Unknown strong man, your clone is stronger than mine, but if I abandon this clone, the same It can also cause you a lot of trouble."

"In that case, how about giving up?"

(End of this chapter)

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