Sweeping the world

Chapter 320 Killing and Looting

Chapter 320 Killing and Looting

"It's really lively."

In the Imperial Palace, a figure stepped out from a corner and appeared in front of everyone.

This is a young man who looks very heroic. He looks very young, but there are some vicissitudes in his eyes. At this moment, he quietly raised his head and looked at the black pool in the distance.

Inside the palace, he was wearing a black robe, holding a golden sword on his right hand, which was emitting a faint golden light at the moment, and the texture of the mountains on it seemed to come alive.

Yueshan Knife, Zhongqiu!

I haven't seen him for many years, but he has also been promoted to Heaven and Man. Now holding Yueshan Saber, he joins the battle.

"A celestial being, and an earthly soldier who recognizes the Lord."

Standing outside the large formation, stroking the knife marks on the armor with one hand, Kurosawa looked at Zhongqiu with a serious expression on his face.

He didn't underestimate Zhong Qiu because he was just a celestial being, on the contrary his heart was full of dignity.

A celestial being, if placed in an ordinary time, is naturally nothing to him.

But if you add a handful of earth magic soldiers who recognize the master, this is a bit extraordinary.

Earth God Soldiers, these divine objects, were all formerly equipped by ancient emperors, and their power is unparalleled. Once they truly recognize their master, the power they will erupt will be beyond imagination.

A celestial being recognized as the master by the divine soldiers of the earth, even for the Venerable, cannot be ignored. Although he must lose to the Venerable, he already has the power to protect himself. Even if he loses, he is still enough to protect himself.

In addition, the opponent is standing in the big formation at this moment, and is blessed by the power of the big formation. With every move, he brings the power of the big formation to the top, and his strength is even stronger.

With this person here, he couldn't move lightly.

Even, this is not all.

Standing quietly outside the formation, the three of them clearly felt that there was another breath in the palace.

In the palace, with the appearance of Zhongqiu carrying the Yueshan Saber, a majestic and majestic aura, like the emperor ruling the world, came out, the power and aura contained in it was not inferior to the Yueshan Saber.

Earth Divine Weapon, Chiming Excalibur!

"Another Earth God Soldier"

The white-haired young man's face was solemn. At this moment, many thoughts were circulating in his mind, and various plans were deduced one by one in his mind, but he overturned them one by one.

The situation at hand is almost unsolvable.

Under the protection of at least one celestial being and two awakened earth god soldiers, the three of them could not break through no matter what, and they could not break through the large formation guarded by Mu Linglong.

"Originally, in the plan, I had a helper."

In front, Mu Linglong's face was calm, and the power of heaven and man slowly unfolded, and said lightly: "But I didn't expect that this time only the three of you are here, but there is no need to trouble him to come here."

"One more person?"

The white-haired young man looked surprised, and his figure kept retreating, but he didn't have much doubt.

In the present situation, the other party no longer needs to lie to them.

After witnessing the lineup in front of them, they also gave up their plans to continue fighting.

"This time, let's stop here."

He shook his head, looked at Mu Linglong in the distance and said, "From now on, we will not interfere with the river, we will not trouble you, and you should not interfere with us, how about it?"

This is to negotiate.

In the current situation, both sides are more than evasive, but not aggressive enough.

Although the three venerables were unable to break through the formation, Mu Linglong also had no hope of getting out of the imperial capital.

Otherwise, once she loses the blessing of the great formation, she will be surrounded and killed by three people in an instant, and there will be no luck.

"With the Imperial Capital as the boundary, you are not allowed to move the Qianzhou area, and the rest of the place is up to you."

Mu Linglong's face was calm, and she seemed to have expected the situation in front of her: "How?"


The three white-haired youths looked at each other, and then the white-haired youth nodded slightly, agreeing to the proposal.

The next moment, the three of them backed away, their figures blurred, and disappeared directly in place.

In the arena, in the imperial capital, with the departure of the three venerables from the upper realm, the formation in the imperial capital also slowly became silent, and the spiritual veins in it continued to riot.

Standing on the Linglong tower, feeling the aura of the three white-haired youths leaving, Mu Linglong looked to the north with a smile on her face: "How will you deal with the next situation?"

"It's really exciting."

"Let's discuss it."

Outside the imperial capital, on a piece of wilderness, the three of them stopped slowly, and then the white-haired young man said: "This piece of heaven and earth is vast. Although it is far inferior to the Eastern Realm, it can be called vast. Among them, there are countless places where spiritual veins are bred. Even if Mu Linglong's share is removed, the rest is enough for us to share."

"How about I go south?"

He opened his mouth and looked at his two accomplices and said so.

"In that case, then I'll go north."

Xuan Wu lowered his head and thought for a while, then spoke lightly.

"I'm going to the west." Kurosawa said lightly.

"That's it, it's a deal."

The white-haired young man nodded and said, "We are responsible for each side, and we will not interfere with each other. Whatever we discover, it belongs to the discoverer."


Xuan Wu said lightly, looking a little careless, looked up to the distance, and then the figure disappeared in place.

"It's so fast."

The white-haired young man shook his head and looked at the silent Heisawa: "Then, I'll go first too, and let me know if there's anything else."

After the voice fell, his figure blurred in situ, and in a flash, he also disappeared in situ.

In an instant, only Kurosawa was left in place.

He stood alone in the same place for a long time, and after thinking for a while, he concealed his whole body and walked towards the west.

Time passed slowly.

As time passed, the influence of the coming of the Venerable from the Upper Realm soon appeared.

In various places, as the three of them advanced, places where spiritual veins were conceived and nurtured were patronized by them, and spiritual veins were directly drawn out by them, absorbing the aura and essence of them, and directly taking the most essence of a region. take it.

And these places are often not unowned.

However, most of the places where spiritual veins are bred are rich in vitality and suitable for warriors to practice, so they often attract many warriors to gather, or establish a sect, or use them for trials.

The three of them marched forward and extracted the spiritual veins all the way, which naturally aroused the resistance of these original owners and caused a commotion.

However, these three people may have no one to deal with the trapped dragon formation with exquisite faces, but this does not change the fact that the three are venerables from the upper realm.

Strictly speaking, if a certain existence beyond the standard is excluded, almost everyone in this world is their opponent.

They fought all the way, the blood stained the earth, and the sky was covered with blood, which was extremely desolate.

Along the way, there are many people who have been exterminated. Unless they realize that something is wrong and lead them to retreat in advance, they will never be spared.

For the three of them, this kind of thing has long been commonplace, and it is not difficult to do it.

(End of this chapter)

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