Sweeping the world

Chapter 342 The Curse of Recovery

Chapter 342 The Curse of Recovery

"What should we do now?"

With complicated emotions, Xiao Yuan continued to walk forward.

He didn't leave right away.

After all, it's all here, if you don't see the ending with your own eyes, you will be too unwilling.

It's like watching more than half of a movie, even if you don't like the ending, you will probably choose to watch it.

This is the helplessness of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

When Xiao Yuan continued to walk forward, he was stunned, completely stunned.

In the front, at the entrance of a remote alley, the dim light continued to shine, reflecting the scene there.

A piece of bloody wall was torn down, a piece of crimson bloomed, and the bloody wreckage lay quietly on the ground together with the ruins of the place, as if accusing the cruelty of the previous comer.

It looks like a demolition site!
Xiao Yuan was stunned for a long time, took out the yellow paper from his bosom and looked at it, then looked at the forced demolition scene in front of him, wondering where is the description of this scene?
This is not the case!

Isn't it a big wall of blood as promised, invulnerable?How did it change?

Or is there forced demolitions in the evil spirit world?

Xiao Yuan shivered suddenly, realizing that something was wrong.

The scene in front of him was obviously different from the scene described on the yellow paper.

In a way, that also means saying.
The future has been changed?

Suddenly, a wave of joy surged in his heart.

Although I don't know which ruthless person demolished this place, the situation in front of me undoubtedly means that the evil spirits here are in trouble.

There is an enemy coming to the door. There is no doubt that a large part of the power of the curse here will be restrained, and there may not be much strength to deal with others.

In this case, the probability of Lin Feifei's survival is undoubtedly much higher.

With the rise of his thoughts, in his hand, the content on the yellow paper keeps changing, and the writing on it keeps changing, like a novel writer with a big brain, there is no way to fix the next plot down.

To a certain extent, this also means that Xiao Yuan's previous guess was correct, and the future has indeed been changed.


At that moment, he gritted his teeth, hugged the yellow paper, and walked forward like a martyr with the strong smell of blood in the slaughterhouse around the ninja.

far away.

inside the black hole.

Chen Ming quietly walked on the pale steps, his face looked calm.

The white steps he was stepping on looked very clean, as white as jade, and seemed pretty at first glance.

But if you know what the steps are made of, maybe you won't think so.

The high steps are all made up of human bones, and they were artificially made like this.

I just don't know who is so boring.

What Chen Ming didn't expect was yet to come.

Walking through the steps made of bones, the next step is a bright red carpet.

The carpet looks very red and bright, which makes people like it at first glance, but the way of doing it is even more unique.

The entire carpet is made of human blood and skin. Such a long carpet can at least be used as materials for hundreds of people.

This cost is really not low.

Chen Ming had no expression on his face, and quietly walked across the carpet, smelling the vague smell of blood around him, the murderous intent gradually rose in his heart.

After a while, he saw Lin Feifei.

In the center of the hall ahead, Lin Feifei stood there quietly, with delicate makeup painted on her body, wearing a long red dress, and her face looked a little hesitant.

"As you requested, I have come."

She looked around and said, "Why did you ask me to meet here?"

Within Chen Ming's line of sight, she kept saying this, from the beginning to the present, without stopping, it seemed that she was talking to herself.

But Lin Feifei obviously didn't think so.

At this moment, her face was gradually becoming agitated, and her voice became much stronger, as if she was arguing.

To be honest, in the impression of Chen Ming's predecessor in the past, this teacher has always been gentle and serious, and there has never been such a time.

Looking at it this way, it seems to have a different taste.

But as time passed, the teacher's situation became more and more wrong.

Her face began to distort continuously, the color of her skin all over her body began to turn redder and redder, and her voice began to become hoarse and sharp unconsciously, as if she had changed herself.

A mysterious and unique force is affecting this place, affecting her sanity and making her more and more abnormal.

Looking at this scene, Chen Ming shook his head. Although he still wanted to see the next development of the plot, he couldn't do nothing, so he was about to step forward.

But the next moment, another change began to appear, making his footsteps pause.

"A mysterious force permeates this place, affecting Lin Feifei's sanity. At this moment, an unknown existence begins to descend, and the unknown ritual begins."

On the other side, Xiao Yuan stood in the distance, hiding in a corner, looking at the contents on the yellow paper, his face was constantly changing, it looked as if it had been painted with dye, it was incomparably wonderful.

Coming here, like Chen Ming, he was not found.

But if Chen Ming sneaked by himself, then he cheated with props.

The yellow paper in his hand is enough to protect him from the power of ordinary curses, and the experience of being cursed in the past also allowed him to develop a certain amount of experience. Then played the ending.

But no matter how cheating with props, if you dare to go to the center of the stage, it is a dead end.

It's okay if he doesn't move, but if he dares to go up to save people, he will deliver food to others, or he will clean himself and come to the door.

The next moment, his body froze and he paused suddenly.

The hazy darkness fell, and a gloomy atmosphere enveloped the place.

In Xiao Yuan's eyes, a pale figure had appeared in front of him at some point, standing behind Lin Feifei at this moment, looking at her with a pair of pure white eyes.

He came here, just like that, without doing much, just standing there quietly, which made people feel a sense of fear and suffocation from the heart.

It's like falling into the Nine Hells, a ray of ghosts is suppressed forever, and it's like being under a glacier, with that icy feeling like being suffocated.

Just looking at this figure, Xiao Yuan's body froze completely, as if he had been anesthetized, and he didn't dare to move at all.

Afraid of attracting the attention of the other party!

It's not that he is timid, but that the existence in front of him is too terrifying, and it is the real curse, an existence that cannot be defeated by human beings.

Faced with such an existence, no matter who it is, as long as it is an individual, it will feel hopeless.

"Why. Why did the body of the curse appear in the first place?"

The last glimmer of luck in Xiao Yuan's heart disappeared, and at this moment he no longer had any hope of rescuing Lin Feifei.

But he was still confused.

Under normal circumstances, it shouldn't be so fast.

There must be a process from the triggering of the curse to its appearance, and the curse can't really appear until a certain condition is met, and then kill people. This is the law of the curse.

At this moment, the appearance of the curse's body shows that the preconditions for the appearance of the curse have been fulfilled.

"Could it be before?"

With a shock in his heart, the thought flashed through him suddenly.

After receiving Lin Feifei's death warning, he rushed over without stopping.

But he didn't know what happened before Lin Feifei came here.

Then the result is obvious.

"Before coming here, Mr. Lin had fulfilled the prerequisites for the curse to begin, so just after arriving here, it became like this."

Xiao Yuan took a deep breath, and after realizing this, he no longer expressed any hope in his heart.

Once the curse starts, it means that there is no solution, and it is impossible to stop.

Unless someone can withstand the pressure of the curse.

But how is this possible?

Looking at Lin Feifei in the distance, Xiao Yuan sighed in his heart, and silently backed away.

There is no way, things have come to this point, there is no going back.

If you don't leave, maybe you will take yourself in.

But the next moment, he stopped and froze in place.

In front of him, a figure he didn't expect appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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