Sweeping the world

Chapter 345 Outing

Chapter 345 Outing
In the early morning, the sun shines on the earth, shining brightly on the earth, which looks extremely beautiful.

On a wide avenue, a large bus slowly passed the road and kept moving forward.

On the bus, Chen Ming lay quietly on the seat, watching the outside scene, looking listless.

In the bus, people were coming and going, a few girls were playing on the side, and some boys were playing cards, it seemed very lively.

"Hasn't Xiao Yuan been in touch yet?" A voice said, looking a bit puzzled.


On the side, Qi Yang walked up to Chen Ming, and asked with some doubts: "Old Ming, did you do something to Xiao Yuan?"

"Why do you ask that suddenly?" Chen Ming asked with some doubts, without turning his head.

"Just now I called Xiao Yuan and told him to come over quickly, but he asked me if you were there."

Standing on the same spot, Qi Yang looked a little depressed: "As a result, he heard you were there, so he hung up the phone immediately."

"Have you two had any conflicts recently?"

Looking at Chen Ming, he asked.

"No." Chen Ming shook his head and said so.

"That's weird."

Qi Yang shook his head, actually he didn't think there would be any conflict between the two of them.

"Maybe he has something to do recently."

He tilted his head and thought for a while, and finally came to such a conclusion.

After a while, there was a sound in front.

"Qi Yang, we are almost there." A voice came from the front.

Qi Yang hurriedly turned his head, looked at the place in front of him, then looked at the time, and then said with a smile: "It seems that we are almost here."

"Old Ming, get ready, we'll go down right away."

He raised his eyebrows at Chen Ming, and then said so, there seemed to be deep meaning in his eyes.

"Okay, I see." Chen Ming put down the book in his hand, nodded slightly, and then said so.

Seeing this, Qi Yang also nodded and walked out quickly.

Time passed slowly.

A group of people moved things down from the bus, and then tried their best to help them go up the mountain.

When this process was completed, everyone present was already sweating profusely. They sat down almost as soon as they arrived, looking very tired.

In the crowd, Chen Ming stood out.

Compared with the people around him, not only did he not sweat a little, but he also looked quite relaxed, which surprised a large group of people.

"I haven't seen how you exercise, how come you are so powerful?"

Looking at Chen Ming, Qi Yang said with some doubts.

"It's called real people not showing their faces, what do you know?"

Another classmate interrupted and sat aside and laughed.

Qi Yang was furious, without saying a word, he rushed up to grab the classmate, and the two started fighting on the lawn, causing a burst of ridicule from the classmate.

Standing quietly on the spot, looking at the few people fighting in front of him, Chen Ming smiled, then turned around and looked to the side.

A line of sight happened to be watching, met his line of sight, and then quickly separated.

It was a young girl wearing a school uniform. She looked young and her appearance was not beautiful, but she still looked pretty. Facing Chen Ming's gaze, she lowered her head with a blushing face, looking a little shy.

"is her."

In the same place, looking at the girl's appearance, Chen Ming was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that he smiled at her before turning around.

The girl in front of him is none other than Chen Ming's crush in his previous life, named Qi Jiali.

This time, at Qi Yang's invitation, she also came to the dinner party, and the location was very close to Chen Ming.

Sitting in the same place, Chen Ming turned around and looked aside, just in time to see Qi Yang winking at him and smiling at him in the distance.

Immediately, Chen Ming shook his head, not knowing what to say for a moment.

The party started normally, and then, a few students who had prepared for a long time came forward to show their talents.

The atmosphere at the place was warm for a while.

Sitting quietly in the middle of the crowd, feeling the lively atmosphere around, Chen Ming couldn't help but smile, with nostalgia in his eyes.

Counting the time, he has indeed experienced a lot along the way and has seen many different scenery.

But such a harmonious and peaceful scene in front of him has never been seen since he crossed over and left the familiar campus.

He enjoyed the scene in front of him very much, and slowly closed his eyes.

After a while, he slowly opened his eyes and looked towards a certain direction in the distance.

In his induction, there seemed to be some kind of disharmony in the distance.

This breath came quickly, but it also dissipated quickly. It existed for a very short time, and the shortness of time almost made people think it was an illusion.

If it weren't for Chen Ming, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to catch the breath from the mottled breath.

"Is it just by chance, or did you come here?"

Sitting there, Chen Ming looked calm, looking at the mountains in the distance, this thought flashed in his mind.

In any case, after experiencing what happened before, Chen Ming is already very vigilant at this moment, and he will not be careless if there is the slightest disturbance.

Time passed slowly like this.

To Chen Ming's surprise, nothing strange happened around him in the next few days.

The surrounding scenes were all as usual, without any accidents, as if the breath that Chen Ming felt some time ago was just his hallucination.

Chen Ming was a little puzzled about this.

But in any case, nothing happened, it's better than something happened.

Time passed slowly like this, and soon the time for the outing will come to an end, and it will be time for everyone to return soon.

And at this time, the accident finally happened.

Ah ah ah ah ah!

In the middle of the night, a horrifying scream resounded, and it kept ringing in place. The sound sounded like a woman.

"what happened?"

In the same place, everyone on the top of the mountain was terrified. After hearing the sound, they were immediately awakened by it and woke up from sleep.

Qi Yang walked out of his tent, looked at the sound coming from a distance, with doubts and fear on his face, he didn't understand what happened.

"It seems that something happened." From the side, Chen Ming's voice sounded slowly.

Chen Ming walked out of the tent and looked at the direction of the distant voice, his face was calm, but there was some doubt in his eyes.

He didn't feel anything unusual.

Different from other people around, Chen Ming has not let down his vigilance since he felt the strange aura around here that day, and has been observing the surroundings.

According to his observation, there is no change in the surroundings, and the people around are all in good condition, and no one has shown any abnormalities.

But tonight, at the gate that was about to leave, things happened like this again.

This had to make him feel a little puzzled and a little surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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