Sweeping the world

Chapter 355 That's a Good Idea

Chapter 355 That's a Good Idea

on the way back.

"Are you really going?"

Looking at Chen Ming in front of him, Qi Yang hesitated to speak.

"if not?"

Chen Ming smiled: "I've collected everything, so it's hard to go back on my word."

"That's not true"

Qi Yang sighed: "But this kind of thing is not very safe after all."

"Do not worry."

Chen Ming nodded lightly: "I have a sense of proportion."

"Be safe."

Qi Yang said seriously: "No matter what, safety always comes first."

In the same place, except for them, no one else made a sound.

They sat in their seats one by one, calm on the surface, but panicked in their hearts.

Except for Qi Yang and a few others, few dared to speak.

This is a normal reaction.

They had just walked out of the mountain, and these people hadn't changed from the previous incidents. At this moment, their impression of Chen Ming was still the same as that of decisiveness before.

Naturally dare not make a second.

It may take a long time for these people to return to their natural state and face Chen Ming calmly.

Sitting quietly on the spot, Chen Ming didn't care about it.

How people around him see him has nothing to do with him as an outsider.

The only thing he cares about at the moment is his own changes.

"The progress of the only true species has been accelerated"

The thought flashed across his mind.

After swallowing three cursed objects at once, the change was very obvious to Chen Ming.

At this moment in his body, the only true seed has become active, entering the metamorphosis of the heart level.

Of course, this is only a preliminary change, and it is still far from the final transformation.

In a way, this meant that it wasn't fed enough and needed more cursed things to nourish it.

"From the current experience, nourishing the true species with cursed things is one way. As for other ways, I haven't found it yet."

Sitting on the bus back home, Chen Ming had nothing to do and started to count.

"It is known that the conditions for the appearance of cursed objects are related to curses. Wherever curses appear, there is a high probability that cursed objects will appear."

"The curse is more likely to appear in some specific places, characters, and environments"

After thinking up to this point, Chen Ming hesitated, picked up the notebook, and wrote down the names of several people.

Xiao Yuan, Qi Yang, Su Yi, Lin Feifei
These are all people who have been cursed.

After the curse, these people are not completely fine.

Having personally come into contact with these people, Chen Ming could feel the curse aura left on them, which hadn't disappeared completely.

In terms of probability, those who have been exposed to the curse will undoubtedly have a higher probability of being exposed to the curse again in the future.

Therefore, it was listed as a key concern by Chen Ming.

Chen Ming informed Qi Yang of this conclusion.

"Isn't it?"

Qi Yang was stunned for a moment, and the smile on his face suddenly became forced: "It's just a guess?"

"See if you believe me or not."

Chen Ming waved his hand and said so.


Qi Yang gritted his teeth: "Do you dare not believe it?"

Yes, believe it or not.

This kind of thing, it is better to believe it is, not to believe it is not.

It's fine if it's fake, but if it's real, it's over.

Recalling Chen Ming's terrifying performance before, Qi Yang felt that it was better for him to accept the reality honestly.

"so what should I do?"

Qi Yang's face was a little pale, and he looked at Chen Ming eagerly: "You protect me?"

Chen Ming was full of surprise: "Your own father is a magistrate, and you still use me to protect him?"

"Ha ha."

Qi Yang chuckled and waved his hands: "What do you think can be done with just a few people under my father's command?"

"It's okay to clean you up anyway."

Chen Ming made a joke with a smile.

But after the joke, the serious thing has to be said.

"You'd better not stay too far away from me in the future."

Facing Qi Yang, Chen Ming said so.

"Get closer, and if something goes wrong, I can help solve it."

"It's easier to say when I was in school."

Qi Yang's face was full of bitterness: "Anyway, we are in the same class but what should we do when we are on vacation?"

"And when we go to college and work after graduation... I can't be with you 24 hours a day, can I?"

"Is there any way to solve it?"

"There is a way."

Chen Ming glanced at him, then waved his hand.

A bit of golden divine power surged, and then exploded. Together with a bit of blood essence, it condensed into a golden demon seed, which just floated in his palm.

Just like Qi Yang didn't say anything before, and directly handed over the cursed object to Chen Ming, Chen Ming also didn't say anything, and directly slapped the monster on Qi Yang.

A little golden light flashed past.

Qi Yang only felt a warm current rushing through his body, and then a force rose up and down his body spontaneously, and in an instant, he was completely reborn, as if he had been reborn.

"This is."

He froze for a moment and looked at Chen Ming.

"A drop of my blood."

Chen Ming glanced at him: "You can understand that my strength has divided you a bit."

"So I'm going to be a Superman soon?"

"People look average, but they think they are beautiful."

Chen Ming shook his head: "It's just a little power, equivalent to a drop of water in a river, how much power do you want to have?"

"Such an exaggeration."

Qi Yang was taken aback: "Then what's the use?"

"It's enough to keep you safe."

Chen Ming waved his hand: "In addition, the excess power is enough to make you transform once, at least you are not considered a normal person."

"That's not bad."

Qi Yang nodded, and half-jokingly said: "Can you give me a little more, and let me help you share a little bit."

"Do you really think so?"

Chen Ming glanced at him.

Qi Yang was taken aback for a moment, but he couldn't help waving his hand when Chen Ming's eyes were on him: "I'm just joking."

"Although I don't know where your strength comes from, but I think it will not be so easy, how can you give it to others so easily."

"We are indeed friends, but I don't think I have any right to get anything from you for free."

He said seriously, his face very serious.

"It's impossible for free."

Looking at his attitude, Chen Ming nodded: "However, how about making a deal?"

"Do you have any idea?"

Qi Yang became interested.

No one is not interested in power, and who wouldn't want to gain superhuman strength if they could?
Especially, after you have seen the cruelty of the world and your own powerlessness, and have seen the horror of that power with your own eyes.

"I have an idea."

Chen Ming thought about his words before he said: "The curse is attached to the cursed thing. If I set up a place to provide services for those who are trapped by the curse, how about collecting the cursed thing as a reward?"

"It can not only provide help to those in trouble, but also realize self-worth."

He said so, and then felt something was wrong.

While he was speaking, Qi Yang's realization in front of him changed again and again, from the original expectation, to surprise, doubt, and finally to admiration.

Let me just say something, you have so many plays?

Chen Ming raised his head in doubt, and then heard Qi Yang speak.

"Is this what you really think, Lao Ming?"

Qi Yang looked at Chen Ming, although his face was still calm, his eyes were obviously full of excitement.

"To save those who are troubled by the curse, to save their lives and families, is this your ideal, Lao Ming?"

He thought secretly in his heart, and couldn't help being moved for a while.

Just like what Chen Ming said before, with Chen Ming's strength, if he needed money, he didn't need to use this method at all, and a lot of people would automatically send it to his door.

Therefore, there is only one explanation for Chen Ming's behavior.

For the ideal!

Think about it, in this corner of the world, how many people are facing the curse?
Facing the invasion of the curse, these people have nothing to do, and the final outcome can only be bleak.

How many families have been broken, how many people have lost children, how many couples have said goodbye because of this, and how many beautiful lives have been lost because of this!
He must have seen this before he came up with this idea!

Otherwise, why take cursed things as payment?
What is the use of the cursed thing?It can only bring disaster to people.

Lao Ming must have understood this, so he made up his mind to destroy all the cursed things in this world!

Recalling the scene when Chen Ming destroyed those cursed objects without hesitation on the mountain before, Qi Yang was moved and couldn't help but grab Chen Ming's hand.

"Old Ming!"

Qi Yang's eyes were watery, looking at Chen Ming, his eyes were full of emotion.


Chen Ming looked confused: "What are you doing?"

"No, you continue."

Qi Yang realized that he had lost his composure, so he quickly corrected his attitude and continued to listen.

Chen Ming looked at Qi Yang, always feeling that Qi Yang was a bit puzzled.

However, he didn't pay much attention to this and continued to explain.

"The rescuer can use the cursed thing as reward, and then they need to hire a group of people to help, such as Qi Yang, you are good."


Qi Yang was a little confused: "What can I help?"

"I can't beat those things."

He is quite self-aware.

"I know how to fight and kill all day long."

Chen Ming glanced at him: "Is it possible to do things just by fighting?"

"Without fame, how can the rescuers find us? How can they find out exactly where the curse is? How can they find clues to the curse?"

"These are all problems, and they are all things you can do."

He glanced at Qi Yang and asked, "How do you feel?"

"It's a bit dangerous, but it seems interesting."

Qi Yang answered truthfully, a little eager to try.

"There won't be much danger."

Chen Ming shook his head: "You have my blood on your body, even if you encounter something, nothing will happen in a short time, let alone be strengthened."


Qi Yang was taken aback.

"If you ask people to do things, of course you have to pay."

Chen Ming said as a matter of course: "The reward I give is my strength."

After the voice fell, there seemed to be a faint change in the surroundings.

The eyes of several students around suddenly lit up.

"That's pretty good."

Qi Yang's eyes lit up, and he seemed very excited: "I like it."

Seeing him like this, Chen Ming didn't speak, but shook his head secretly.

And at this moment, on the other side.

(End of this chapter)

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