Sweeping the world

Chapter 367 Promotion Broken

Chapter 367 Promotion Broken
The faint red light is flickering.

In an empty laboratory, the surrounding dust is constantly being raised.

A series of golden divine patterns began to flicker, and bits of brilliance continued to come from all around, with violent fluctuations of vitality.

Chen Ming quietly returned to this area.

He came back very quietly, just like when he left, just as quietly and without a trace.

Just like a ghost.

"came back"

He looked up at the world in front of him.

The familiar world in front of him exuded an aura that made him feel close.

Unlike the oppression of the previous world, it is full of kindness and a sense of sadness.

Yes, sad and silent.

The whole world is full of sadness.

Compared to before Chen Ming left, the vitality of the whole world has fallen into a downturn again at this moment, and it is even more terrifying at this moment.

The vitality of heaven and earth dropped further.

The silence of the world has gone one step further, and it has now reached an extremely terrifying point.

Even Chen Ming felt depressed at the moment.

It's like a mountain of gods is pressing down on my body, and I feel a horrible feeling of oppression all the time.

In this kind of environment, if you fight against someone, you may be suppressed by [-]-[-]% of your strength before you make a move.

The end is extremely terrifying.

However, under this extreme depression, there is also a new vitality blooming.

The outside world is constantly oppressing, and within Chen Ming's body, the only true species that has been fully conceived is also roaring, as if it is fighting unwillingly.

A unique confrontation begins.

The formation of the only true species means that the realm of heaven and man has been completely perfected. In a faint way, it is like a small world itself, gradually beginning to separate from the external world.

The connection between the two began to be gradually severed, and they were about to become two completely different individuals.

In other words, Chen Ming has reached the current limit, and can make a breakthrough at any time to reach the next field.

That is the so-called broken.

Although he had imagined it in the past, but now that he has really reached this step, Chen Ming's heart is extraordinarily peaceful, without the slightest wave rising, and the tranquility is surprising.

"There is still the most critical step."

He raised his head and looked into the distance.

At his level of cultivation, if he wants to go further, he must completely sever the connection between himself and the world, and make himself a completely independent individual.

But if you want to achieve this step, it is not the only true species that can do it when it is mature.

The maturity of the only true species is only one of the necessary conditions for promotion to Broken, not all conditions.

He still has a lot to do if he wants to really advance.

So, in the following time, he walked out of his retreat room, and after resting for a while, he left the retreat again.

He walked towards this vast world, wandering in this world.

There is nothing unusual about this process.

Almost every venerable will have this experience.

Traveling around the world, this is what every successful martial artist will do.

But Chen Ming's journey this time seems to be different.

Walking between the heaven and the earth, this time he is not simply traveling, but searching around.

He is searching for Jedi everywhere, exploring among all kinds of Jedi, and using his tyrannical divine power to adjust the general situation of mountains and rivers, bringing various changes to this world.

Occasionally, when he sees a suitable area, he will set up a large formation, transfer the earth's energy, and plant the seeds of spiritual veins, so that the land will be replaced with new vitality.

Thanks to his efforts, in just a few decades, piece after piece of land has been replaced with vitality.

The originally large barren land was filled with vitality again and became suitable for cultivation again.

This is one of the changes brought about by Chen Ming.

And with this change, Chen Ming could easily feel the change.

The clearest point is that the oppression from heaven and earth is gradually weakening and no longer oppresses him.

Chen Ming had expected this result.

The process of walking the world and making good fortune in all directions is actually a return to the world.

Warriors started to practice since they were weak, and the vitality they absorbed along the way, and the geniuses and treasures they consumed were all the essence of heaven and earth.

At this moment, since the warrior wants to transcend and separate from heaven and earth, he naturally needs to return all these.

For example.

A person grows up wearing your clothes and wears your clothes. Now he waits for him to grow up and expects him to work for you to make money. Now he says he will cut off ties with you and won't give you a penny.

Who can bear this?

But if the other party has paid enough compensation, that's another matter.

For the specific attitude, refer to the amount of compensation.

The more compensation you give, the better your attitude will be.

Chen Ming walked the world, and everything he did was a process of making up for the world.

Time passed slowly.

Before you know it, 100 years have passed.

During the whole 100 years, Chen Ming's aura gradually changed.

The breath on his body began to become more and more indifferent, and his figure became more and more indifferent. At this moment, if he didn't take the initiative to make a sound, even if he stood in front of others, he might not be able to be seen by others.

To some extent, this means that he has been cut off from heaven and earth to a certain extent.

And in his body, more than 100 years have passed, and the only true species in his body has strengthened again. At this moment, it has reached a certain limit, and it can take that final step at any time.

At a certain moment, a roar came from Chen Ming's body, like the first soft hum when a person was born.

A little bit of new life begins to bloom.

In Chen Ming's heart, a faint light flickered.

The only true species accumulated to the extreme began to roar spontaneously, and then shattered.

The whole process was very natural, without any abnormalities or obstacles. It was completely different from Chen Ming's previous promotion.

Without anyone knowing, Chen Ming completed the promotion and reached another level.


On a mountain peak, Chen Ming stood quietly.

He is feeling the changes after the promotion.

After the promotion was broken, he seemed to have changed a lot, but he didn't seem to have changed much.

All changes are reflected in subtleties, which are difficult to detect from the outside.

But in Chen Ming's body.

The only true species in his body has disappeared.

Instead, there is an illusory but real prototype of the realm.

It is somewhat similar to the past heaven and man realm, but completely different.

If we say that the domain of heaven and man in the past was the power to control a piece of heaven and earth, with the help of the power of foreign heaven and earth.

In other words, the domain condensed in Chen Ming's body now has another nature.

It is no longer relying on the power of the outside world, but directly blessing on itself, bringing a powerful increase to itself.

Of course, in the past, the realm of heaven and man connected with heaven and earth, and the nature of borrowing the power of heaven and earth in a single thought still exists.


At the same place, Chen Ming raised his head and looked into the distance.

Now, at this level, he can already feel something deeper in the world.

Outside the world, faintly, there is another kind of providence, which is very far away, but it is true.

It seems that as long as Chen Ming exerts a little force, he can break through the space barrier of this world and reach another world.

Of course, in fact it does.

Being in the Broken Realm, Chen Ming is now stronger than ever. The surrounding space is very fragile to him, as if it could be torn apart with a random movement.

As long as he wanted, he could open the passage between the two worlds at any time without having to gather all three venerables together.

At the moment when the promotion was broken, Chen Ming did have an impulse in his heart, wanting to directly break through the barrier between the two worlds and directly enter that world.

Only in a blink of an eye, he gave up this idea.

not the right time yet.

He has just been promoted to Broken, and he hasn't sorted out everything about himself, and he hasn't reached his peak state yet.

Moreover, in this world, some things have not yet been explained.

After breaking through the passage between the two worlds and going to the other world, if there is no accident, I am afraid that I will never come back.

Some necessary things still need to be explained.

Otherwise, if you regret it later, it will be too late.

This thought flashed in his mind, and then he looked into the distance.

In the following time, he did not continue to wander the whole world, but returned to the Great Chen Zuting, where he sat in peace and taught the descendants of the Chen clan.

In a flash, decades passed.

On a sunny morning, Chen Ming meditated quietly in a spiritual place.

In the distance, a ripple came slowly.

Not far from Da Chen Zuting, two auras erupted at the same time, and faintly, the hissing sound of dragon aura was constantly ringing out, entangled.

Two majestic powers of the earth gods soared into the sky, one was a knife and the other was a sword, both of which carried a terrifying imperial aura, with the majestic aura of controlling the universe and controlling the rivers and mountains.

Dry Heaven Emperor Knife!Chiming Excalibur!
Accompanied by the aura of these two divine weapons rising rapidly, in the distance, there were two figures intertwined with each other, rising towards the sky like two suns in Chen Ming's induction.

Feeling this, Chen Ming raised his head and looked relieved.

After hundreds of years, Yang Ye and Yang Yi finally broke through the last boundary with the help of the Earth God Soldiers. At this moment, they were promoted together and reached the peak of the Venerable.

And in the distance, it seems to feel these.

A golden divine light suddenly lit up.

In the middle of the sky, a golden magic knife flickered, and the phantom of Yueshan knife manifested, and it was completely urged at this moment.

The shadows of the mountains, rivers and five mountains gradually became clear, and the power of the vast magic weapon began to condense and gradually spread in all directions.

When Yang Ye and the other two started to fight for promotion, Zhong Qiu suddenly started his own promotion. The majestic power of the Yueshan Saber made people's heart palpitate, and it also made Chen Ming feel nostalgic.

The three started to advance at the same time.

They are not far away, and each of them has a magic weapon in their hands. At this moment, the power of the magic weapon is echoing with each other, and it looks extraordinarily bright and brilliant.

This is a rare scene in the history of the Eastern Realm.

Since the vitality of heaven and earth began to weaken, it is rare to see even the promotion of the Venerable on this land, let alone the promotion of the three Venerables at the same time.

This is destined to go down in the history books.

(End of this chapter)

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