Sweeping the world

Chapter 369 Enter

Chapter 369 Enter
Four terrifying auras began to slowly unfold.

The vast and extremely vast realms of heaven and man opened up at the same time, intertwined with each other, and flickered here.

Then, Chen Ming raised his head.

He looked in front of him.

In front of me, a tiny black spot began to appear slowly in the place that was originally barren and empty, and within it, a deep aura was

Unreal, unthinkable, but it does exist.

In it, indistinctly, the breath from another world comes through.

From it, it seems that another world is standing in it.


Standing on the spot, sensing the existence of that other world through their spiritual sense, the hearts of several people present were overjoyed.

They looked at each other, and then intensified their efforts in unison.

The majestic power is rippling here.

With the joint efforts of the four unrivaled powerhouses, in the midair, the broken node began to expand slowly.

With the opening of this door, the breath from another world gradually became clearer, and it was felt more and more by the few people in front of them.

During this process, huge pressure also came from all directions.

This is the repelling force of space, and it is also the pressure that supports the opening of the portal of space.

If the few people in front of you are unrivaled powerhouses, and each other's heavenly and human realms condense with each other, sharing the pressure from space, otherwise there will be no chance at all.
law to accept.

Once unable to bear this pressure, the open door in front of him will heal again in an instant.

This is also the reason why it takes at least three or more venerables to work together at the peak to open the passage between the two realms.

Because once the power is lower than this level, even the backlash force when the channel between the two worlds is opened can't bear it, let alone enter the channel


Fortunately, for the few people in front of them, it is naturally not a problem to open the channels of these two realms.

However, after successfully propping up the passage between the two worlds, this caused new problems.

"How do we get in?"

Yang Yi turned around, looked at the people around him, and couldn't help asking.

The rest of the people looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Should just go in right away?"

"So direct, will there be any problems?"

"Is there any other way?"

Several people on the field were discussing.

"Shenpo can't go in deep, it's pitch black, and nothing can be seen."

Yang Ye frowned.

"Go right in."

Chen Ming's face was calm, and he said: "Staying here, there is no way to reach that world, and sooner or later you have to go in."


The rest of the people nodded.

After reaching a consensus, they looked at each other, and then walked into it in unison.

A sense of nothingness came from all directions.

Just after entering it, a void space storm blows from all directions, almost blowing away several people.

"a bit dangerious."

Zhong Qiu barely stabilized his figure and spoke.

"Let's move fast."

"it is good."

They looked at each other, and then moved forward in unison, walking forward.

Of course, it is not appropriate to describe it as walking.

There is no concept of space in nothingness. What they call walking at this moment is actually driving themselves forward with the prototype of their own domain, striving to move forward.
Forced to walk forward.

Time passed slowly.

Living in the chaos and nothingness, they don't know how much time has passed, and they don't know how far they have moved.

They only know that in front of them, a huge world is getting closer and closer to them.

It was an incomparably huge world, and it was impossible to see the end at a glance.

Even if you are in the chaos and nothingness, you can feel its majesty and extraordinaryness.

"far better than the east"

Standing in nothingness, looking at the purple radiant world in front of him, Yang Ye muttered to himself.

On the side, the reactions of the rest of the people were similar, with more or less shock on their faces.

Only Chen Ming was better.

After all, he is different from Yang Ye and others, he has seen many big scenes.

He has seen many stalwart and powerful worlds.

But even so, he was also surprised by the world in front of him.

Too strong.

Seriously speaking, the worlds he experienced before, whether it was the world of Martial King, or the world of Tongxuan and Star God, the essence of the world was extremely different.

But even these few worlds seem to be inferior to the world in front of them.

The reason why he said this was not because of Chen Ming's subjective feelings, but because of the instinctive feedback from his abilities, which gave him inspiration.

The world in front of him was ancient, brilliant and powerful, and faintly gave Chen Ming a faint sense of excitement, which came from his blood.

The emperor's blood of Emperor Chen's family, as well as the Buddha's blood from the Great Nirvana Buddha Lord, were spontaneously boiling, making him throbbing involuntarily at this moment, feeling

A deep surge.

"Emperor Chen and the Great Nirvana Buddha Lord have both been active in this world and have left indelible marks in this world. Because

Only then did it resonate with the blood in my body.”

Standing there, this thought flashed through Chen Ming's mind.

However, from this point, he also affirmed that the world in front of him is the source of many legends, the foundation of the vast history of martial arts, the mysterious world.

This is the center where the legend begins and where it all begins.

Emperor Chen once ruled the heaven and earth in this area, and the Lord Buddha was born in this heaven and earth, and passed down the name of Buddha on the earth.
In many ancient lands, the sages of hundreds of sons once sowed blood in this area, illuminated all living beings with their own wisdom and experience, and left a legacy for future generations.

One stalwart legend after another.

But now, after experiencing all kinds of ups and downs, Chen Ming has returned to this place.

As soon as he thought of this, his mood couldn't help but fluctuate a little, even with his state of mind, he couldn't help but have some ripples at this moment.

In fact, so did everyone else.

At this moment before landing in this world, they confirmed their identity in the world in front of them.

The divine soldiers in their hands were spontaneously terrified, before landing in this world at this moment, they spontaneously revived, and in the spirit of the divine soldiers,

A surge of excitement flowed out from it.

That says it all.

The vast world in front of them is undoubtedly the place where the former Emperor Ming clan and the Five Sacred Emperors used to be active, otherwise they would not have made their hands
The god soldiers in the movie had such a reaction.

"Let's go in."

Standing outside the world for a long time, after a while, Yang Ye sighed, his face gradually became firm.

"it is good."

The rest of the people were silent, then nodded slowly.

They went on, into the light of that world.

Then, not long after, they realized something was wrong.

As they approached, the light of the world was gradually entering their bodies, changing their bodies.

"My flesh.is dissolving."

Yang Ye raised his arm and frowned: "This world is rejecting us!"

"For this world, we are all outsiders. If we want to enter this world now, we will naturally be rejected."

On the side, Zhong Qiu frowned and said so.

"What should we do now?" Yang Yi asked.

"Either go back, or stick to it to the end."

"Anyone want to back off?"

No one speaks.

Several people had calm expressions on their faces. Although they didn't speak, there was determination in their eyes.

Backing off is impossible.

Which martial artist has not been tempered and experienced hardships?
If they didn't have a firm heart of martial arts, it would be impossible for the few people present to come to this step, let alone come here.

Since they came here, they never thought about going back.

Of course, in fact, at this moment, even if they wanted to retreat, it would be too late.

Walking so far, most of the divine power in their bodies has been consumed. If they look back at this moment, except for Chen Ming, the rest of them will
There may not be strength to go back.

Even if he barely returns to the location of the eastern boundary, he may not have the strength to break through the passage and return to the eastern boundary.

What's more, if they miss this time, they probably won't be able to wait for the next opportunity, and they will probably just die of old age in the Eastern Realm.

Instead, they would rather die on this road than come to this world in vain.

They looked at each other and understood each other's mind in an instant.

Then, without much hesitation, they moved on.

Be indifferent to life and death, go forward bravely!

Majestic power blooms here.

Their respective celestial and human domains are open, competing with the omnipresent world light.

In this case, they move on.

Time passed slowly.

Under the erosion of the brilliance of the world, their bodies slowly melted, and their physical bodies gradually began to become blurred, leaving only the pure spirit still remaining.

"Is this the end?"

Yang Yi and the others muttered to themselves.

At this point, except for Chen Ming, the other three could no longer hold on.

Their bodies melted, and at this moment, only their last breath remained.

Chen Ming's situation is also very bad. Although he can still support it, he is also seriously depleted. If this continues, he will sooner or later be reduced to the same level.
Yang Ye ended up like the three of them.

The four of them came across the border together, but the final ending was so tragic. If there were no accidents, they would all perish here.

If it gets out, I'm afraid people will be stunned.

But for this ending, the four of them were very calm.

Life is nothing more than that.

There are some things that always have to be done hard. As long as you have worked hard and worked hard, there will be nothing.

As for the final result, it is still second.

For the current result, they are all willing to accept it calmly, and don't feel that there is anything wrong.

During the calm waiting, Yang Yi was the first to be unable to hold on, his body completely melted and melted into the light of this world.

Chen Ming started his own martial arts field, trying to save the last bit of vitality, but failed.


Just when they thought Yang Yi was dead, Yang Yi made a sound in front of them.

Everyone turned around and looked, their eyes could not help but become surprised.

In front of his eyes, Yang Yi's body had disappeared, but his soul still remained, attached to the Chiming Divine Sword at this moment

, shrouded in the radiance of the Chiming Excalibur and sheltered within it.

The ubiquitous light of the world still shrouds it, but at this moment, it no longer rejects it, but tries to accept it, and begins to envelop it
cover inside.

A unique resonance begins to emerge.

Suddenly, there was a little understanding in the eyes of everyone present.

"I see."

Looking at the state of Yang Yi in front of him, Zhong Qiu's eyes revealed a little understanding: "The physical body cannot be brought into it together, if you want to enter it, you have to

In a spirited way?"

Then he suddenly realized.

After realizing this, without the slightest hesitation, his body quickly disappeared, and his original physical body quickly disappeared, and he was cut off directly
, leaving only a bit of pure soul, which was protected by Yueshan Dao.

On the side, the Emperor Qiantian Dao began to whine softly.

Yang Ye's physical body also melted, and a little soul was pinned on the divine weapon to move forward.

Chen Ming was the only one left on the spot.

Compared with the other three, his situation is a bit awkward.

His cultivation base is the strongest in the field, but he does not have the corresponding protection of the gods. Once the spirit is separated from the body, it will be very difficult.

However, Chen Ming didn't care about it, and seemed very calm.

Although he does not have a magic weapon, he is not without advantages.

The bloodline of the Emperor Chen family and the Great Nirvana Buddha Lord is his biggest trump card.

As early as the very beginning, he had already felt that under the light of this world, the emperor's blood and Buddha's blood in his body were also boiling, faintly
There is also a force generated between them, which is protecting him.

Just like the soldiers of the Diming Clan and the Five Sacred Emperors were protecting their master, the ancient blood in his body was also protecting him.

"It's time to use it"

In an instant, he looked at his source power panel.

It hadn't been used for a long time, but at this moment, the number of source power on his body had reached a peak, an unprecedented and terrifying number.

And now, at this moment, it was time to use this terrifying amount of source power.


With a thought, a vigorous force that seemed to tear Chen Ming apart emerged in his body.

The source of purple power surrounded his body, and various visions began to emerge on his body.

An ancient emperor stood with his hands behind his back, looking up at the sky.There is Nirvana Buddha sitting quietly on the square platform, with golden light blooming all over his body.

There are also demon gods who tore through the sky and stained the earth with demon blood.

All kinds of visions emerged one by one, and finally slowly fixed on Chen Ming's figure.

boom! !

The majesty of the mighty bloodline began to bloom.

A burst of purple-gold bloodline power spontaneously emerged, resisting the light of the surrounding world.

Afterwards, he came to a vast big world.

At this moment, Chen Ming stopped slightly and looked into the distance.

At this moment, the other three people have been washed away by the torrent of the world.

After losing their physical bodies, they can only cling to their respective god soldiers at this moment, and follow the guidance of the god soldiers to fall towards the ground under their feet.


Not long after, they turned into three dots of golden light, falling in three directions respectively.

Looking at all this, Chen Ming withdrew his gaze.

Without the slightest hesitation, he leaped fiercely towards the world beneath his feet.

In an instant, a warm force of the world enveloped him, leading him to rush towards the ground under his feet.

With all this happening, the next moment, he lost consciousness.

(End of this chapter)

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