Sweeping the world

Chapter 371 Two Buddha disciples?

Chapter 371 Two Buddha disciples?

Bright light blooms in situ.

In the same place, Chen Ming froze for a moment, then turned around and looked not far away.

About a mile away, a majestic Buddha's light was shining, with a sense of Buddha, faintly making his blood boil, and faintly resonating.

In terms of strength alone, Chen Ming had only seen that kind of Buddha power in his life, even in his heyday, it was still inferior to it.

However, although this Buddha power is powerful, revealing an invincible and irresistible majestic force, it is also stiff and rigid, not like a living thing, but like a silent dead thing.

Standing on the spot, when the surrounding people bowed their heads and knelt on the ground, Chen Ming looked up and just saw a golden glass mirror going across the sky, and a mighty majesty enveloped the place.

This majesty is majestic and majestic, but it does not easily hurt others. Although you can feel the majesty and terror of this majesty, it will not hurt anyone.

boom! !

A breath of terror erupted.

Under Chen Ming's gaze, the glazed mirror fell completely and landed on a young man.

To be precise, it fell in the arms of this young man, a newborn baby.

All of a sudden, in an instant, the majestic, boundless, stalwart and infinite Buddha spirit bloomed.

The newly born baby opened his eyes, a pair of golden Buddha eyes were incomparably penetrating, although immature and pure, but there was a sense of the boundless majesty and holiness of Buddhism, just like the Buddha in the myths and legends, the majesty is boundless .

The divine power in the glazed mirror began to bloom.

On the golden mirror body, a mysterious and unique texture began to emerge, with an extremely mysterious and mighty texture, mysterious and unpredictable.

Just like the birth of Buddha, it is sacred and stalwart.

The scene in front of them shocked countless people.

Beside Chen Ming, his biological father in this life had already knelt down. Although his body was intact, he couldn't bear it mentally.

There are human heads everywhere, kneeling one after another.

"Found it!" A voice came from afar.

Yuan Hui and the others finally rushed over.

They looked at the Liulijing hanging in mid-air, and the baby with Buddha eyes who had recovered under the Liulijing, all of them showed ecstasy on their faces.

"A living Buddha! This is a living Buddha!!"

"In this life, there is hope for the revival of Buddhism!!"

Their faces were excited, even though they were all eminent monks and great virtues that are rarely seen by the outside world, at this moment they couldn't help but burst into tears of excitement, as if they had seen the real Buddha.

For their Buddhist disciples, the birth of a Buddha is undoubtedly the biggest event.

If it weren't for the fact that Buddhism is at a critical moment at this moment, and the Buddha king should not move lightly, I am afraid that even the contemporary Buddha king would be dispatched to greet the Buddha in person.

However, when they were excited, there was a sudden change in front of them.

A burst of devilish energy rolled down, overwhelmed by majestic divine power, stirring up vitality for hundreds of miles.

Yuan Hui and the others' eyes were tearing open as they watched a man in black appear over there, reaching for the baby with one hand.

"you dare!!"

Yuan Hui's eyes were about to burst, and when he pressed it with one hand, a burst of Buddhist power surged, turning into a Buddha seal and pressing down, heading towards the man in black.

The universe was in turmoil, and the mountains and rivers changed color. Just by pressing this blow, a rudimentary form of the martial arts domain immediately unfolded, turning into an incomparable, unstoppable blow rushing forward.

At the same time, the glazed mirror hanging in mid-air was also glowing slightly, and a little light of the Supreme Buddha shone, moving in all directions, blocking the figure of the man in black.

"Buddhism is a treasure, and it really lives up to its reputation"

Blocked by the glazed mirror, the man in black turned around, boasted, then swung out with one hand and pressed down.

A burst of divine power soared to the sky, and the red divine light was dazzling, covering the surrounding land, blocking the Buddha's light.

"Hunyuan Demon Physique! Are you from the Yuan Demon Sect?" A voice of surprise and uncertainty came.

Yuan Hui rushed to the baby, and looked at the middle-aged man in the distance in surprise: "I, Leiyin Temple, came quickly to meet Yuan Mozong's well water, why did you make a move!!"


In the distance, a man's stern voice came.

"You are a Buddha, and I am a demon. Is there any reason for me to attack you?"

Under the faint sunlight, the man turned around, with a stern face, and said lightly.

Yuan Hui was speechless for a moment.

That's right, the other party is the devil in the first place, and it's the other party's job to do bad things, so what's there to say?

What's more, the Buddha and the devil are originally enemies.

Then there is nothing more to say.

In the end, he snorted coldly: "Get back quickly!"

"With the glazed mirror guarding this point, you don't even think about taking action against the living Buddha!"

Behind him, the golden glazed area flickered slightly, looking extremely sacred.

A ray of Buddha's light hangs down from it, protecting the baby, protecting him from all dharmas and preventing any damage.

"The glass mirror is indeed the supreme treasure, I cannot break it"

On the opposite side, the middle-aged man stood with his arms on his arm, and said lightly, "However, with your strength, how long can you activate these Buddha treasures?"

"Can you escape from our hands?"

He stood with his hands on his arms, and after that, one figure after another began to appear around him.

At this moment, a series of celestial and human domains opened up, and a series of frightening martial arts spirits emerged, and Zhou Hou turned into several figures, clustering around the middle-aged man.

"This is."

Looking at the martial spirits that appeared one after another in front of her, Yuan Hui's face turned livid: "Three generals of Yuanmo, are you the master of Yuanmo sect, the venerable Yuanmo?"

"Are you only reacting now?"

Yuan Mozun said lightly, looking at his eyes with a pair of eyes.

To be precise, he looked at the baby in front of him.

Under the shroud of the glazed environment, the baby was bathed in the Buddha's light, every inch of his skin seemed to be made of beautiful jade, incomparably perfect, as if made by nature.

What's more critical is the original energy in it.

Sacred and stalwart, even though he has not practiced yet, he is also full of supreme majesty.

This is the origin of the Buddha, and it represents the unique essence of the living Buddha. Anyone who has achieved success in practice can feel it, and can feel the vast and boundless potential.

It wasn't obvious before, but now after being illuminated by the glass mirror, that potential has undoubtedly been revealed at this moment.

People with this kind of potential, once they embark on the road of martial arts in the future, will surely soar into the sky, and will be out of control.

Even becoming a Buddha and becoming a saint is not impossible.


Standing quietly on the spot, Yuan Mozun had a calm face, but he sighed slightly in his heart.

No matter how beautiful other people's children are, they belong to other people's families after all.

The living Buddhas are naturally close to the Buddha, even if they are forced to take them back, most of them will not be as suitable as the Buddhists in the end, and they will get twice the result with half the effort.

But even so, it's good.

Although the Buddha's son is called the Buddha's son, it does not mean that the Buddha's son cannot practice other martial arts.

In fact, with the aptitude of a Buddha, even if he practices other martial arts, he can still excel and become a top powerhouse.

It's just that it's not as suitable as Buddhism.

But even so, what has to be done has to be done.

They were deadlocked here, and no one moved.

Yuan Mozun didn't move because it was useless to do it now.

The glazed mirror is the treasure left by the previous generation of Buddha kings. Under the current full force, although it has no aggressive power, but in terms of the power of protection alone, it is equivalent to unparalleled, which is equivalent to the previous generation of Buddha kings in person.

Even if the contemporary Buddha king came, I am afraid that he would not be able to break through it for a while.

Yuan Hui's side also didn't dare to move.

They are not the opponents of Yuan Mozong.

The three generals of the Yuanmo, each of whom is at the level of a venerable, plus an unfathomable Lord of the Yuanmo, make up at least four venerables.

But on their side, there is only one Venerable Yuan Hui.

If it is not guarded by the power of Liulijing, it will end up in the street every minute.

And even with the guardian of the Glazed Realm at this moment, it is still more than conservative and not aggressive enough.

Now is the time for the two sides to compete for patience.

Since just now, Yuan Hui has sent a message through the glass mirror to inform the situation here, and I believe that someone will come to rescue in a while.

But even so, it is not immediately available.

If the rescuer hadn't arrived before he couldn't move the Glazed Glass Realm, then everything would be over.

And if they waited, then the people from the Yuan Demon Sect in front of them would have no choice but to retreat.

Both parties understand this truth, so they are waiting patiently at this moment.

But here, in the middle of the sky, with the continuous recovery of the Glazed Glass Realm, the spirit of the divine weapon inside seemed to feel something, and let out a soft cry in the middle of the sky.


Looking at the Liulijing that was making soft noises in mid-air, Yuan Hui and the others were stunned for a moment, not understanding what happened.

The colored glaze realm trembled spontaneously, and the power of the magic weapon within it was completely revived. At this moment, as if it felt something, the Buddha's light on it suddenly brightened.

The next moment, under the astonished eyes of Yuan Hui and the others, the glazed area flew away suddenly, and flew straight in one direction.

"This is?"

Standing on the handrail, watching this scene, Yuan Mozun was also a little surprised. A pair of purple eyes were fixed on the glass mirror, wanting to know what happened.

The next moment, under the gaze of everyone, the glazed mirror suddenly flew above the head of a little boy.

The little boy didn't look very old, but about three or four years old. He was white and tender, very cute, but his face was very calm from the beginning to the end. It was only when the glass mirror flew above his head that there was a look of astonishment on his face color.

"what's the situation?"

Looking at the golden glazed mirror flying above his head, Chen Ming was bewildered.

You fought well, why did you drag me into it?

Why don't you just let me watch the show honestly?

It's a pity that the thoughts in his heart are destined not to be heard by others.

The next moment, the glazed mirror in front of him began to glow.

A faint golden Buddha's light began to shine, and at the same place, a wave of Buddha's light that was the same as the previous baby's, but at the same time seemed somewhat different, continuously rose on Chen Ming's body.

Boundless, inexhaustible, and infinitely bright Buddha's will blooms here, just like a momentary flower, blooming in a flash, and then withering in a flash, and between coming and going, a supreme Buddha's will begins to bloom.

Great Nirvana Buddha Will!
In the same place, Chen Ming was stunned, but his body was involuntarily glowing. On his body, dots of golden mysterious patterns emerged spontaneously, as if they contained the ultimate truth between heaven and earth, mysterious and grand, sacred and inviolable.

boom! !

A slight roar sounded on the spot, although it was slight, it was extremely loud at the same time, flickering in everyone's hearts.

In mid-air, on the glass mirror, along with the revival of the Buddha's blood in Chen Ming's body, a vast, majestic, sacred and transcendent figure of the Buddha appeared, with the artistic conception of boundless extinction.

That was the Great Nirvana Buddha's blood in Chen Ming's body. It had been silent all along, but at this moment it was revived under the illumination of the glazed mirror.

With the revival of the Buddha's blood, a scene began to appear.

"Another Buddha?"

The people present were stunned for a moment, with shock written all over their faces.

Yuan Hui looked around, looked at the baby next to her for a while, and at the same time looked at the direction of Chen Ming. At this moment, there were only two big characters on her face—shock.

He looked at Chen Ming in the distance, his eyes were filled with shock and doubt, and he couldn't understand it.

"How come there are two Buddha disciples?"

Not only him, the monk, but also those members of the Yuan Demon Sect in the distance were all shocked at this moment.

In the past years, Buddhas were only born occasionally, and every time they were born, it was the beginning of a great world.

And the two Buddhas were born at the same time?
This kind of scene seems to have never happened in the past.

What does this portend?What does it represent?
This thought flashed through everyone's mind.

But at this moment, in the distance, the changes in the glazed mirror are still going on.

After the endless Buddha light shone, a brand new change began to emerge.

The strands of Buddha's light began to shine, and in an instant, the scene emerging in the glazed mirror changed.

A bit of black demonic energy soared into the sky, and in an instant, the infinite Buddha light on the spot changed instantly, and a stalwart figure like a god and demon emerged as if it had opened up the world.

That figure was tall and stalwart, covered in a devilish energy, and his face could not be seen clearly, but he looked like a Chaos Demon God from the source, so stalwart and mighty.

Exuding boundless magic.

The hundreds of miles of rivers and mountains in the same place began to change color, and everything began to wither.

It hasn't really shown its power yet, just the escape of a ray of breath, it has aroused the vitality of a hundred miles around, and deformed this area.

"This is!"

Looking at the scene in front of them, Yuan Hui and the others changed their expressions. At this moment, their faces were much more horrified than before: "The demon body!!"

"This kind of strong magic power can almost be called a living devil!!"

In the distance, on the other side, Yuan Mozong and others also changed color.

However, unlike Yuan Hui and the others at the side, their faces were filled with intense joy.

"Something is wrong"

Aside from the ecstasy, Yuan Mozun also had some doubts in his heart: "Being recognized by the glass mirror, and having such a vision just now, this child is undoubtedly a living Buddha, why did he give birth to a demon body?"

"And, such a strong demon body?"

The physique of the living Buddha is a demon body. If this matter is revealed, I am afraid that a group of people will laugh out loud.

However, this kind of thing happened again at this moment.

It's incredible.

(End of this chapter)

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