Chapter 373
In the resplendent hall, listening to the conversation between the old man and Yuan Mozun, the eyes of the people around suddenly changed.

The Yuan Demon Orb is the treasure inherited from the Yuan Demon Sect and the foundation of the Yuan Demon Sect's sect.

In the past, the Yuan Demon Orb would be activated only at very few critical moments.

This time it was only used because of a new disciple?
The disciples present looked at each other, and their eyes changed a little.

They looked at Chen Ming, who was standing alone in front of him, who looked like he was only in his early two or three years old, and was still a baby. His eyes could be as weird as they were.

"Could this child be the illegitimate son of the demon?"

Chen Ming was not clear about the private slander of the people around him.

He came to a canyon at this moment.

There is a pool in the canyon, in which golden liquid is flowing, exuding a tempting aroma.

Chen Ming's clothes were stripped off, and he was thrown in directly.

There are several good men around watching.

Including Yuan Mozun, Yuan Mo's three generals, and the blank-faced Supreme Elder from before.

They stood there, looking at Chen Ming's white body, their eyes were a little fiery.

The whole is like an idiot.

Feeling the eyes of the people around him in the pool, Chen Ming felt a little uncomfortable, always feeling that they were harboring malicious intentions.

The next moment, an ominous premonition was experienced.

A strong pain came from the whole body, burning pain.

Chen Ming looked expressionlessly at Yuan Mozun who was at the side.

"Don't panic, apprentice."

Yuan Mozun waved his hand: "This is the Spirit Pool tempering your body and baptizing you."

Chen Ming stared at him for a long time, the corners of his mouth opened, but he still didn't say anything in the end.

Still the same sentence, the arms can't twist the thighs.

At this moment, he is only a two or three-year-old child, even if these people really want to do something to him, what can they do?
It can only be endured silently.

Of course, as a last resort, he could also choose to run away.

After reincarnation, limited by his age, his strength is gone and it will take time to recover, but other things are still there.

As a last resort, he activated his supernatural powers and went directly to hide in other worlds. What can this group of people do?
Of course, the current situation has not yet developed to that point.

Chen Ming slowly closed his eyes, feeling the boiling liquid around him, and began to feel something.

He felt a warm current surge in his body.

"The source power is increasing"

Chen Ming slowly opened his eyes, and this thought flashed through his mind.

Then the familiar Yuanli interface flashed before his eyes.

Source power: [-].
Martial Arts: Seal of Great Compassion, Divine Dharma of Mystery.
Supernatural powers: Tianxin, the spirit of heaven and earth

Bloodlines: Bloodline of the Great Nirvana Buddha Lord (excellent), Tianchen Emperor Body (excellent), Holy Spirit Body (excellent), Free Demon Body (excellent)
If someone else saw Chen Ming's Yuanli panel at this moment, he would definitely be shocked by it.

All of the best blood.

This was obtained when Chen Ming used the source power bonus when he was reincarnated.

When approaching this world back then, the source power consumed was not in vain after all.

When a full 50 yuan was thrown down, Chen Ming's own blood rose to the top, which is the so-called peerless product.

If it goes higher, it seems that it can continue to rise, but there is no doubt that the required source power will be lost.

Don't count on Chen Ming, a pauper.

After reincarnating in this world, these blood vessels of Chen Ming's own have not disappeared, they are still lurking in his body, but because he has not formally started to practice, so they have not been activated.

All kinds of visions in the glazed mirror before came from this.

But at this moment, with the continuous stimulation of this pool of spiritual liquid, the silent blood in Chen Ming's body seemed to be gradually recovering.

A faint spirit pattern flickered, with a kind of indifferent and huge power, faintly, like the will of God high above, unfathomable and awe-inspiring.

In the same place, with the gradual recovery of the blood power in Chen Ming's body, this place seemed to be gradually affected.

"This is."

Surrounding them, Yuan Mozun and others felt their hearts change and felt the changes in the world around them.

Several of them are unrivaled fighters, even the weakest among them is a venerable, and immediately felt the changes around them.

The will of heaven in the surrounding land is changing, and a unparalleled indifference, like the indifference of the will of heaven, descends silently, and begins to look at this place.

The majestic aura of heaven and earth is rolling in.

At this moment, with Yuanmo Mountain as the center, countless people are terrified.

Under the gaze of their horrified eyes, the surrounding mountains, rivers and land began to change.

Slices of spiritual veins began to dry up, and slices of sacred mountains began to dim.

With this place as the center, within a radius of thousands of miles, all vitality is extracted, and under a kind of traction force, it frantically rushes towards the direction of Yuanmo Mountain.

"what is this?"

"Such a huge formation, is there a treasure born?"

Each warrior is horrified.

Yuan Mozun and others were also horrified.

They have thought that as the current Buddha, the scene when the foundation is awakened must be very unusual.
But the scene in front of me is too scary!
Not to mention the awakening of the Buddha, it is a Buddha who came to the world, and this is probably the scene.


The next moment, Yuan Mozun suddenly realized that something was wrong. Looking at Chen Ming in front of him, the divine light in his eyes kept flickering, as if stars were falling and dying.

In front of him, on Chen Ming's body, densely packed heaven and earth spirit patterns emerged spontaneously.

In his body, countless acupoints spontaneously opened at this moment, achieving the goal that others could not achieve for countless years in an instant.

An innate aura spread in his body, and combined with the will of heaven high above in the distance, exuded a boundless artistic conception.

It was as if a god and demon had been conceived for countless years and was finally born, that kind of domineering arrogance was undoubtedly displayed.

"It's not the Buddha's blood awakening, but the innate holy body!"

At this moment, Yuan Mozun and others finally realized: "This son is not only the Buddha's blood demon body, but also the innate holy body created by the innate aura?"

Their hearts were horrified, and after confirming this, their entire hearts trembled.

Born with the blood of Buddha, the body of a demon god, and the body of a holy spirit
These three, each one taken out alone, is extremely terrifying, and has the qualifications of ancient sages.

In the historical records throughout the ages, anyone who can have one of these three identities is all someone with great luck. As long as he doesn't meet other people with great luck halfway, causing his own death, he will undoubtedly have great achievements in the end.

But at this moment, Buddha's blood, demon body, and holy spirit are all in one, and they are all in one person.

What kind of monster would this be?

Yuan Mozun and the others were horrified, and couldn't help but flash this thought.

But at this moment, Chen Ming's changes in front of him were far from over.

The will of heaven that shrouded this place gradually dissipated, and the densely packed heaven and earth spirit patterns on Chen Ming's body also gradually dissipated.

Afterwards, the incomparably radiant Buddha's brilliance spread throughout the world.

This Buddha's light is crisp, seemingly very weak, and does not make people feel uncomfortable, but at the same time it is very bright, as if illuminating the filth in this world, and trying to restore clarity to this world.

A majestic and bright Buddha figure slowly appeared, accompanied by a deep sense of Buddha.As long as ordinary people can see it, they can immediately realize all kinds of truths.

The heaven and earth are eternal, all actions are impermanent, and the Buddha's mind that everything is empty emerges.

Seeing in front, Chen Ming slowly opened his eyes, silently looking to the side, looking into the distance.

With his glance, a burst of vitality spread from his body and spread to the surroundings.

Not far away, the withered grass fell down, but at this moment it was replaced with a new life, and it was green again.
A school of Buddha came to the world to save all living beings.

Yuan Mozong and others watched quietly, admiring the rare scenery in front of them.

The birth and awakening of the living Buddha, this is probably a scene that most people in the world can hardly see.

They were lucky to be able to see this scene.

Contrary to the imagination of the world, as devils, these few actually do not reject the Buddha's power.

The confrontation between Buddha and demon is actually just a superficial impression of the world.

In essence, Buddhas and demons are no different, they are both sages and explorers who embarked on the road of martial arts.

The only difference is that the two paths are different.

Because of their own practice, demons are mostly domineering, vicious and easy to kill, while Buddhist practitioners are peaceful and compassionate, with a peaceful state of mind.

The external performance of the two is completely different.

But when it comes to the essence, the Buddha and the devil are not in conflict.

Buddha power itself does not reject the magic tome.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the Chen Ming in front of him to be in the body of the Buddha's blood demon and live in peace all the time.

The original vision lasted for a long time.

Yuan Mozun and the others waited patiently.

They didn't move suddenly until the huge Buddha's shadow disappeared and a bit of night covered the sky.


Mozun Yuan and the others raised their heads, the brilliance in their eyes was extremely bright at this moment.

Under their gaze, a deep night began to fall in the distance.

Wisps of faint devilish energy enveloped the earth, covering the sky and dimming the world.

boom!boom!boom! !

A burst of violent heartbeats came from the front, like the heartbeat of a god and demon.

Dazzling divine light dazzled in situ.

In the golden spirit pool ahead, on Chen Ming's body, the essence of the demon body began to recover.

A kind of divine light rose from his body to the sky, and the dark blood energy rushed straight into the sky, and a huge and stalwart demon god could be faintly seen in it.

The demon god is majestic and has a mighty aura. Although the surrounding demonic aura is billowing, there is no evil intention. On the contrary, it is full of an upright atmosphere, like a war god, majestic and majestic.

Under the eyes of Yuan Mozong and others, the stalwart phantom slowly raised his head, a majestic face that was vaguely similar to Chen Ming, but also like his future growth emerged, staring at the lower head. Yuan Mozun and others.

Suddenly, their hearts jumped.

"Sure enough, it is the current demon body!"

After a while, after the awakening vision of the demon body disappeared, the numb-faced Supreme Elder finally breathed a sigh of relief, looking at Chen Ming with joy in his eyes.

However, he hadn't waited for him to be happy.

A faint purple aura slowly rose from Chen Ming's body in front of him.

Unparalleled imperial aura began to emerge.

(End of this chapter)

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