Chapter 387

Chen Ming's demon body is destined to be special.

After his own demon body has been strengthened by him many times, it has now been raised to a level that ordinary people can't imagine.

Ordinary monsters can't compare with him at all.

There is no comparison between the two.

Even if Luanmo traveled all over the world, he probably couldn't find another pure demon body like Chen Ming.

"So you don't have to worry about me hurting you..."

Luanmo's hoarse voice continued to ring in Chen Ming's mind.

"I still need the magic blood in your body to help me recover. Before I fully recover, I will never let you get hurt."

"Of course, if you want to use this to blackmail me, then there's no need for it."

"Everyone is a devil. As your senior, I know better than you the calculations between the devils."

"If you want to play tricks, you don't have to. At worst, everyone will be separated."

His voice was faint, slowly resounding in Chen Ming's mind.

It seems very straightforward.

But it is.

Everyone is a devil, and they are not good people themselves.

It would be fine if they didn't know beforehand, but at this moment, both parties knew about each other's existence and details about each other, so naturally they didn't have much chance to plot.

Under such circumstances, instead of the two parties breaking up in the end, it is better to benefit each other, and cooperation will benefit both sides.

Chen Ming also knew this.

So he nodded slightly, agreeing.

"What happened at that time before?"

Chen Ming continued to ask: "I feel that you seem to be very afraid of that living Buddha king..."

Before that, Chen Ming had sensed it.

The chaotic demon in his body seemed to be very afraid of the Buddha king who appeared before.

So much so that he just called out the name of the Buddha king, and this chaotic demon appeared spontaneously.

"The devil met a bald donkey, or a bald donkey that you can't beat at the moment. If it's you, are you afraid?"

In Chen Ming's mind, Luan Mo said unhappily.

Chen Ming's face was calm, and he didn't express any opinion on it.

"There is something wrong with that Buddha King..."

Luan Mo pondered for a moment, continued to speak, and said slowly: "He is definitely not an ordinary Broken Realm, and he carries something that makes me feel extremely dangerous..."

"This Buddha king is very likely to be a powerful reincarnation in ancient times, otherwise I wouldn't have such a feeling..."

"Great reincarnation..."

Chen Ming frowned.

For Chen Ming, the idea of ​​reincarnation was no stranger.

After cultivating martial arts to reach heaven and man, they already have the ability to reincarnate. Even if the body decays and grows old, the soul can choose to retake the body and come to another life.

Even a mere martial artist can do this, let alone those great powers from ancient times.

Strictly speaking, even Chen Ming at this moment can be said to be the reincarnation of a foreign warrior.

If he can do this, so can others.

"Nine times out of ten, it is the reincarnation of an ancient power..."

In Chen Ming's mind, Luanmo sighed softly, and said, "Probably he is a great sage from a certain Buddhist sect, but judging by his appearance, he probably hasn't fully awakened yet..."

"But even so, as the reincarnation of an ancient Buddhist sage, this one is no small matter. If I don't pay attention, he may find out..."

"We'll both have finished playing by then..."

"Why do I feel that you have been discovered by him..."

Chen Ming recalled the Buddha King's reaction before, and said so.

"No way?"

Luan Mo was taken aback: "If he really found out, why didn't he respond at all?"

"I think it might be because of my face..."

Chen Ming said with a calm face.


Luan Mo's voice was a little surprised, but also a little indifferent: "You are not from the Buddhist sect, why should you ask him to give you face?"

Chen Ming, who was standing there, was silent for a while, and then continued to speak after a long time: "If I say that I am from the Buddhist sect, would you believe me?"

"Do not believe!"

Luanmo thought that Chen Ming was making him laugh.


You are a person who has a demon body and is destined to become a great devil. Tell me that you are a Buddhist?
If this is said, a three-year-old child will not believe it.

But soon, he was stunned.

In the same place, Chen Ming's face was calm, and he was silent now listening to Luan Mo's words.

And on his body, a faint Buddha power slowly rose, and a terrifying power that was as bright as the morning sun and as majestic as the abyss was slowly recovering.

As if a great sun suddenly rose, in Chen Ming's body, the Buddha's blood began to revive spontaneously, slowly lighting up on Chen Ming's body.

For a moment, he looked like a Buddha, and his whole person looked extremely stalwart and extremely sacred.

At this moment, even if it is said that he is a Buddha who came to the world, some people probably believe it.

Luan Mo was stunned on the spot, and was stunned at this moment, not knowing what to say.


He felt the pure and incomparable Buddha power in Chen Ming's body, and he was inexplicably confused at this moment.

Buddha blood demon body?

It took him a while before he accepted the fact that Chen Ming had a demon body but was a Buddha in the current world.

After discovering this fact, his attitude immediately changed, and even his voice became inexplicably complicated.

According to him, this is the reaction after seeing a monster.

Previously, when he saw the reincarnation of the Buddha king, he thought that the fright he had suffered this time was enough.

It wasn't until he saw Chen Ming that he realized that he might be thinking too much.

The surprise he received was destined to be more than this.

Because later on, he also saw Chen Ming wave his hand, linking up the vitality of heaven and earth in an instant, and activating a spiritual vein in an underground place.

A dense array of heaven and earth spirit patterns appeared on Chen Ming's body. At this moment, he looked like a son of heaven and earth, and his whole person looked extremely sacred and brilliant.

In mid-air, a faint divine will descended, gradually descending on Chen Ming's body, covering his entire body.

He stood quietly on the spot, his face looked very calm, with every move he made, a majestic aura was drawn by him, and all the ten thousand ways of heaven and earth were faintly compatible with him, like the son of heaven and earth, with a kind of great majesty.

"you you you……"

The voice of chaotic demons kept ringing in Chen Ming's mind. At this moment, it was as if he saw a ghost: "He was born with a spiritual fetus!"

He had some doubts that he was hallucinating, but after carefully looking at the scene in front of him, he finally accepted the reality.

For several hours, he didn't say a word, it seemed that he was a little closed.

It was several hours later that he spoke again, and the voice rang in Chen Ming's mind.

"You are such a monster..."

His voice came from Chen Ming's mind. Although it sounded hoarse, it also carried an extremely complicated emotion.

There is an existence that combines the body of the devil, the blood of the Buddha, and the soul, and he has never seen one since ancient times.

Not to mention the combination of these three bloodlines and physiques, he has never seen even a combination of two of them.

You must know that whether it is Buddha's blood, demon body or heaven and earth spirit fetus, they are all top-notch physiques.

Buddha's blood is the blood left by the Lord Buddha in the legend, which fell into the world and was finally born. Only those who are born with a relationship with the Buddha and who are close to the Buddha are eligible to have it.

People with this kind of physique and blood can be called living Buddhas. They are born close to Buddha. If they don't die halfway in the future, there will be no accidents.

The demon body is a kind of physique formed by the condensed chaotic demon energy between heaven and earth.

A person with a demon body is born to be a demon head. This top-notch physique essentially corresponds to a certain rule in the world. Once you practice the magic technique, you will make rapid progress. If you grow up smoothly, you can call it a monster. A generation of devil emperors has the possibility of peeping into the supreme realm.

As for the final spirit fetus of heaven and earth, it is a kind of creature spontaneously conceived by heaven and earth.

This kind of creature can be conceived from many places, it may be conceived in a stone fetus or some kind of genius treasure, but it may also be born in the world and conceived by mortals.

To a certain extent, this kind of creature can be called the Holy Spirit, who was born with the favor of the heaven and the earth. Once it is truly conceived, it will be endowed with the great luck between the heaven and the earth and be loved by the heaven and the earth.

Once this kind of existence is successfully born, the future prospects will be unimaginable.

Each of these three bloodlines is undoubtedly the top of the world when taken alone, and it is an existence that has the opportunity to achieve the realm of sages.

Even if it is placed in the outside world, it is enough for a large number of people to come out to fight for it. Even if it is placed in ancient times, there will be a large number of sages vying to come and come to recruit disciples, just to make it their own. disciple.

But now, at the juncture where the world is about to recover, these three physiques have become one.

A single physique is enough to peek into the existence of a sage, but the three physiques are combined into one, what kind of thing is this?
I'm afraid the only thing to say is a monster.

Apart from the word monster, Luan Mo couldn't think of other words to describe it.

A sense of awe rose in him.

After knowing the details of Chen Ming, some thoughts in his mind were completely dispelled.

The reason is very simple.

People with the blood of these three types of physique will not have low luck.

The combination of the three bloodlines also means that Chen Ming's own luck will be extremely large, and he is known as the one with great luck.

The so-called favored by heaven and earth, protected by heaven and earth is not just for fun.

A truly lucky person can pick up treasures on the road, jump off the cliff, and maybe pick up magical secrets. Even if they encounter any danger, they will be able to die in the end and turn danger into tempering.

For such a person with great luck, if he dared to make some crooked ideas and attack him, what would happen to him in the end under the backlash of luck.

(End of this chapter)

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