Sweeping the world

Chapter 394 Emperor Chen Era

Chapter 394 Emperor Chen Era
"You just said Didian..."

Chen Ming raised his head, looked at the female deed in front of him and said, "What is that?"


The woman Qi was stunned for a moment, looking at Chen Ming with deep surprise in her eyes.

That look is extremely weird.

"I have lived here in seclusion since I was a child, and I don't know much about the outside world..."

Chen Ming looked up at her, and said so.

The female deed suddenly realized, and looked at Chen Ming in front of her with more admiration.

"It's really admirable to be able to reach this point in practice alone..."

He looked at Chen Ming with some admiration, and then explained to Chen Ming and others.

"Emperor Chen is still alive, and 300 years ago, the Emperor Ceremony was held, calling on the world's heroes to discuss the Tao..."

The three present were shocked.

Chen Ming's hands trembled, his face remained unchanged, and he raised his head.

"what did you just say?"

"The Emperor Ceremony was held 300 years ago, and the world's heroes were called to discuss the Dao..." The girl's eyes were a little dazed.

"No, the previous sentence."

"Emperor Chen is alive..."

The girl's eyes became even more bewildered.

The three of Chen Ming were completely silent.

Chen Ming himself said that although he was silent at the moment, he looked normal.

As for Zhang Sanli and Feng Wu behind them, they were completely stunned at the moment.

They stood there in a daze, looking at each other at this moment, with big eyes and small eyes, not knowing what to say.

The female deed in front looked at the three people in front of her strangely, and was a little puzzled by their reactions.

The convening of the Imperial Code was indeed shocking.

But why such a reaction?
Subconsciously, she felt that the reactions of Chen Ming and the others were a little strange, but she couldn't figure out why.

"I don't know where the emperor code is..."

Chen Ming was silent for a while, and finally spoke.

"In such a prosperous age, I don't know if I will be lucky enough to watch it..."

"Of course you can..."

Nuwa quickly said: "The emperor's code is opened, and all the heroes of the world can go there. With your cultivation level, it is enough to enter the hall and discuss the Tao with the descendants of the emperor Chen..."

"I don't know how to go?"

Chen Ming remained calm and continued to ask.

"This area has been going north, and it takes dozens of days to reach a city. There is a large formation in the city that can cross the domain, and you can reach it in an instant..."


After some questioning, Chen Ming had a deeper understanding of the world in front of him through the woman in front of him.

As for behind him, the faces of Feng Wu and Zhang Sanli have completely changed.

"Era of the Emperor of Heaven!"

The voice of chaotic demons sounded in his head, and he sounded shocked at the moment, with some unsure of himself: "How is this possible!"

Emperor Chen, this refers to the character who lived in the ancient books. He is the great emperor of the ancient times.

For the people of later generations, this is a legendary figure, one of the ancient emperors, and an ancient figure that needs to be worshipped at ordinary times.

He is also one of the most powerful people of all time.

For most people, the era in which Emperor Chen lived has long been blurred, and all the records in it have become hazy, and only sporadic records remain, allowing future generations to understand the power and glory of that era.

And according to what the woman in front of him said, they are now in the Emperor Chen era.

In today's era, Emperor Chen is still alive, and he is holding an imperial ceremony, calling for heroes from all over the world to gather together.

This news really made the few people in front of them feel unbelievable.

Even Luan Mo, the so-called ancient demon, was stunned at this moment, and had some doubts about his life.

After all, he is said to be an antique from the ancient times, but in fact he is only tens of thousands of years away from later generations.

Compared with the era of Emperor Chen, the few years it lived are nothing at all.

Chen Ming's reaction was better.

After all, as a traveler who has traveled to other worlds many times, his ability to accept such things is inherently much better than Luanmo and others.

But when he heard the news at this moment, he couldn't help being shocked, he was in a trance, and it took him a while to react.

"Era of Emperor Chen. Is it related to that stone tablet..."

Chen Ming recalled the stone tablet erected in the Emperor Chen's secret realm before, and couldn't help being suspicious at this moment.

Who erected that stone tablet there, and who led him there, causing him to come to this world?
"What the woman said doesn't seem to be a lie..."

In his mind, Luan Mo said, his voice sounded a little dignified, without the ease and freehand style of the past: "The traces of practice on her body are not the same as those of later generations, and they are very different in some subtleties. It is indeed like ancient times. The traces of martial arts from the period..."

"Her words don't seem to be fake..."

Chen Ming frowned and said.

Martial arts practiced to their level, and their cultivation base was far inferior to Chen Ming's, it was easy to be discovered if the other party was lying.

The woman named Nuqi had the same demeanor when she talked, and there was no slight change in any part of her body, she didn't look like she was lying.

And there's no need to lie.

There is no advantage in cheating them to play.

"The vitality in this secret realm is so strong, if it really is from the ancient times, then it makes sense..."

Luan Mo said suddenly, saying so.

The vitality of the world in front of him is astonishing.

According to what Luanmo said, even in the ancient years he lived in, the vitality that filled the world was far inferior to this, and he was not even worthy of lifting shoes for this man.

Even this great demon who traversed the ancient world made such an evaluation, which shows how rich and exaggerated the vitality of this world is.

Earlier, Chen Ming was still a little puzzled.

But if they really went back to the ancient times, it would make sense.

In ancient times, the world was prosperous, and ancient emperors were born one after another, pulling the whole world to the extreme.

The heaven, earth, and myriad ways are prosperous and perfected to the extreme in this era, which is far from being comparable to the broken heaven and earth in later generations.

If the world in front of me is really the world where Emperor Chen's enlightenment was in ancient times, then it is not surprising that there is such a scene.

"Go and see..."

Chen Ming sighed and said so.

"Have you decided?" Luan Mo's voice was a little dignified.

"If it were you, would you give up?" Chen Ming asked back.

"I..." Luan Mo was a little speechless.

Indeed, if he was in Chen Ming's current position, he would definitely go and have a look.

It is an unprecedented opportunity to see the true face and heroic appearance of the ancient great emperor. It is unknown how many people have had this opportunity throughout the ages.

In the later generations, countless people lamented the prosperity of the ancient times, and wanted to see the ancient emperor but couldn't get it.

But now, if they really returned to the time when Emperor Chen was there in ancient times, how could they not go and see the heroic face of Emperor Chen in person?
What's more, there is also the Emperor Ceremony held by the Emperor Chen.

An imperial ceremony convened by an ancient emperor in person, among which Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon must gather the essence of this world.

It would be a pity not to visit one of them.

For Chen Ming, besides these reasons, there was another reason.

He wanted to meet Emperor Chen in person, to ask questions in front of the other party, and to clear up some doubts in his heart.

In order to achieve this goal, he must go to Didian this time.

Regarding his decision, Zhang Sanli and Feng Wu were in a trance and did not refuse.

In their hearts, they also have longing and curiosity in their hearts, wanting to see what the outside world is like.

If this piece of world is really the piece of world where the ancient emperors lived in ancient times, then it would be a pity not to go out and have a look.

At this point, they have the same idea as Luanmo.

Chen Ming understood this.

"Your Excellency wants to go with me!"

Nuqi looked at Chen Ming in front of her, with a look of joy on her face.

Chen Ming raised his head and glanced at her, a little strange, not understanding why she was so happy.

But it was a little strange to ask this matter, so he didn't ask, but nodded calmly.

Then they packed up some things and prepared to leave.

When leaving, the female deed looked at Zhang Sanli with some surprise.

I saw a big package on Zhang Sanli's back.

Inside the package were all kinds of things, most of which were spiritual objects collected by Zhang Sanli during this period of time.

According to his words, these are treasures that are rarely seen by the outside world. If this bag is taken to the outside world, he can make him rich immediately.

"Your Excellency..."

The girl's expression was a little puzzled, she looked at Zhang Sanli and considered it for a while, and then said: "These weeds... are they useful..."


Zhang Sanli's expression froze, and he turned around blankly to look at the female deed.

The female deed gave Zhang Sanli a strange look: "These weeds are everywhere outside. If you like it, I will send you a bunch..."

Zhang Sanli's expression became even more rigid, and he was in a strange mood at this moment.

In his eyes, these things that are treasures are like weeds in others' eyes.

But even though the girl said so, in the end, he was still not willing to throw away the bag, took a big package and took it all out.

Although the female contract was strange, she didn't say anything. She just thought it was the other party's hobby, but shook her head and sighed that the other party was a little strange.

They walked out of this abandoned cave and headed north.

Soon three months passed.

During these three months, Chen Ming and the others also saw a more dangerous side of the world because of the longer walking distance.

All kinds of terrifying beasts can be found almost everywhere in this world, not just ordinary beasts comparable to innate warriors, but also many more powerful beasts.

On the way, Chen Ming even saw a powerful beast that could rival the Shattered Realm.

The strength of that ferocious beast is extremely powerful, stretching its body hundreds of meters, with a single claw, it can crush a sacred mountain and destroy a piece of pure land.

If Chen Ming hadn't subdued this ferocious beast that time, the rest of them would have ended up being reduced to fertilizer.

This is far from all.

In the process of walking, they also encountered many other dangers, but most of them were avoided under the leadership of the female deed.

It can be said that if it weren't for the leadership of the female deed, although Chen Ming and the others could go out, they might have to go through some twists and turns.

Even Zhang Sanli and Feng Wu may still encounter some dangers.

After walking like this for three months, they finally walked out.

A barren area.

The area in front of me looks very barren, with weeds growing all around, and it seems that there are not many people.

But no matter how uninhabited it is, it is better than the previous place.

At least there are not many people, the implication is that there are still some people.

And the place where Chen Ming was before was not even a ghost, let alone a person.

Coming to the front, Chen Ming saw a small town.

The tribe where the female indentured was not a nomadic tribe with tents as Chen Ming imagined, but gathered into a small town, which seemed to be developing well, but it was still called a tribe.

It seems to be pretty good.

But at this moment, there is no one in the small town in front of him.

A majestic aura came from the front, pulling a huge amount of heaven and earth vitality to wreak havoc in this place, and that unique wave of fluctuations spread out continuously.

The unique domain of warriors is opening, slowly covering the entire town, covering an area of ​​tens of miles, covering everything around it within the only domain of martial arts.

And in this huge dance field, one can vaguely see a strange beast with seven-colored horns and densely covered with hideous scales looming in it. At first glance, it looks like a fierce beast that existed in ancient times, exuding a terrifying majesty all over its body.

Chen Ming was expressionless, turned around silently, and looked at the female deed beside him.

He sort of understood why the female deed showed such a happy look when he heard that he was going to go with the female deed before.

Emotional matters await here.

Sensing Chen Ming's gaze, Nu Qi's expression was a little embarrassed.

She turned around and looked at Chen Ming in front of her, hesitating to speak and then wanting to speak.

He looked like he wanted to explain but didn't know how to explain it.

Chen Ming shook his head, signaling her not to care.

Although the other party has elements to take advantage of, this is also human nature.

In all fairness, even if Chen Ming stood in the opponent's position, he could only do this.

So he can understand.

However, understanding belongs to understanding, but the expression that should be given is still necessary.

After this incident, the female deed's tribe might be bleeding heavily.

Under the leadership of the female deed, Chen Ming and the others continued to step forward.

Then they heard a voice from ahead.

"Hand over the spar to me, and I will spare your lives!"

A tyrannical voice sounded from the front. It was very violent to hear it. It sounded continuously in all directions, so that everyone present could hear it.

To be precise, not only everyone present, but even people with a radius of tens of miles could hear it clearly.

Chen Ming raised his head and looked forward.

In front of him, a tall, burly middle-aged man, more than two meters tall, wearing a gray robe, stood in mid-air, with a majestic face looking forward.

It looked very vicious.

(End of this chapter)

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