Sweeping the world

Chapter 399 The Old Man

Chapter 399 The Old Man

"Stop whoever comes..."

In front of the huge golden gate, several guards in golden armor stood there quietly, looking at Chen Ming in front of them with stern faces, and said lightly.

"Only members of the Emperor Chen clan and those who have received invitations can enter this place, and idlers are not allowed to approach."

A few guards in golden armor stood in front of the golden gate, looking at Chen Ming in front of him, without any fluctuation in their expressions.

What they mean is simple.

Let Chen Ming come from and go back.

The Didian in front of him obviously has different specifications.

Like in the outside world, most of them are ordinary warriors, and most of them are not as powerful as Chen Ming. On the one hand, they came to this place to admire the emperor Chen's appearance, and on the other hand, it was convenient to discuss with other people. , and by the way, the benefit of rubbing it.

The golden flowers from the heavens produced by the two sages discussing the Tao before are one of the benefits.

In addition to those invisible and intangible benefits, being able to get close to the sages and listen to the discussions between the sages is a great opportunity in itself.

Absolutely not in vain for them to come here.

And inside this golden gate, there are obviously some stronger warriors.

Some broken and even sage-level existences are located in it, gathered in it, and are not outside at all.

The specifications are obviously higher than the outside.

Chen Ming stood calmly on the spot, looking at the golden gate in front of him, and the guards in golden armor. He didn't say much, but the aura from his body slowly spread out.

The power of the shattered peak slowly spread from his body, and that aura almost crushed the sky, distorting the surrounding world for a while.

The vast divine power slowly spread, and then in front, the few golden armored guards were a little surprised, and their expressions began to soften at this moment.

After confirming that the person in front of him is a qualified strongman, and not just some rogue, the faces of the several golden armored guards in front softened a little, and the leader of them nodded, and was about to say something.

A little change has occurred again in situ.

The moment Chen Ming's aura was revealed, the golden door in front of him began to move.

A purple spar began to vibrate on it, and then a little purple light fell down, directly falling on Chen Ming's body.

The aura of Emperor Chen's blood began to spread from Chen Ming's body, and a little bit of mighty power began to spread, spreading in all directions, so that people in all directions could feel it.

Vast, noble, and sacred auras are constantly emerging, erupting here with an incomparable majesty.

The emperor's blood from the Emperor Chen's family began to recover spontaneously. At the moment when the purple spar shone in front of him, a change began to take place in Chen Ming's body.

Waves of purple air rose from Chen Ming's body. At this moment, his eyes began to change. A pair of deep and pure black eyes turned purple.

Dots of purple complex textures began to emerge on Chen Ming's forehead. It was the mysterious and mysterious emperor's pattern, engraved with the mystery between heaven and earth, and it appeared on Chen Ming's body at this moment.

At this moment, with the revival of the Emperor Chen's blood in his body, Chen Ming stood quietly at the same place. At this moment, it was like an ancient emperor descending, his whole body was filled with a vast majesty, sacred and invincible, and awe-inspiring.

In front of the golden gate, feeling the strangeness on Chen Ming, the faces of those golden-armored gods showed surprise. At this moment, they stared blankly at Chen Ming in front of them. They didn't react for a while, and they didn't know what to say. What.

"The bloodline breath of Emperor Chen's..."

Inside the golden gate, in a courtyard, two sages were sitting in it. At this moment, one of the old men was surprised. He turned around and looked outside, feeling a little surprised by the breath rising from the outside. : "It's so rich, which emperor's son has come?"

"The Emperor Code has been in existence for 300 years, and I haven't heard of any emperor's son leaving the customs..."

Opposite the old man, another black-robed old man shook his head, this one also had a slightly surprised expression.

They can feel the breath of blood rising in the distance, and feel the vastness of that breath of blood.

That is by no means comparable to that of the ordinary Emperor Chen's clan. The strength of his bloodline has reached an extremely terrifying level.

Even if they are the sons and daughters of the Emperor Chen, those beings who are called the sons of the emperor are probably nothing more than that.

"I don't know that Lord Marquis is coming, but I still hope for atonement..."

Outside the golden gate, feeling the aura rising from Chen Ming's body, the golden robed god in front of him suddenly turned respectful, and bowed deeply to Chen Ming.

They didn't know Chen Ming's background, but these were not important at this moment.

The blood of the Emperor Chen family on the other party cannot be concealed. With such a purity of blood, even in the Emperor Chen clan, I am afraid that he will not be a small person.

Feeling this, they didn't say anything, and they didn't dare to continue to block them, and quickly opened the door in front of them, revealing the road ahead.

Looking at the open door in front of him, Chen Ming's face was calm, without any hesitation, he walked in with Zhang Sanli and the others behind him.

Looking at Zhang Sanli and the others behind Chen Ming, the golden robed generals hesitated for a while, but finally they didn't stop them and let them go in with Chen Ming.

The scenery inside the golden gate is special.

This place has been arranged with special means, in which the rules and fluctuations of the universe are extremely clear and extremely violent.

The myriad ways of heaven and earth manifest here to their heart's content, and the power of various rules is incomparably strong, which makes people feel clearly.

Cultivation in this place is much easier than in the outside world, one day's work is enough to be worth ten days of practice outside.

A sacred and vast scene manifested in front of his eyes.

Chen Ming raised his head and looked around.

There are some flowers and plants standing around and growing among them.Not far ahead, more than a dozen golden ancient trees hundreds of meters high stand in front of them.

On the golden ancient tree, there are plenty of inspirations flowing. Every leaf and bark on it is filled with a vast energy, which contains infinite vitality.

A kind of sacred energy flows in it, it is a vast regular power, flowing and evolving in it, if ordinary people can get a little bit of the mystery in it, they can jump up and transform into a powerful warrior.

It is not impossible to achieve heaven and man even in one step.

There is no doubt that this is a treasure that is hard to find in the world. It may be hard to find in the outside world, but it can be seen almost everywhere in front of our eyes.

Nothing in this place is ordinary, even a flower or a tree, every grass and tree contains a peerless power of law, and there is a deep-seated energy brewing and flowing.

Ordinary people may not be able to see something, but for those who really know the goods, these things are like treasures in myths and legends, each of which is hard to find in the world, but at this moment they are everywhere.

It's like walking into the cemetery of gods and demons. Nothing in this place is simple. Even the seemingly ordinary things have withstood such a majestic baptism in this place, and finally It will also slowly transform, becoming extremely extraordinary and sacred, with a vast aura.

Faced with all this, Chen Ming was a little surprised, but his expression was normal, and he didn't react too much.

But behind him, Zhang Sanli has completely changed his appearance.

He stared wide-eyed, looking at the surrounding scenery, feeling the peerless aura contained in those plants and trees, at this moment he felt a little uneasy, looking left and right, he looked like he was about to move but didn't dare to move.

It made people laugh.

Feng Wu on the side also looked a little nervous, standing next to Zhang Sanli at the moment, her face looked a little cramped.

In a way, it's no wonder the two reacted the way they did.

The things in this place in front of me are too shocking. It can be said that picking any thing around and taking it into the mysterious world is enough to cause a large number of people to scramble. .

Even the living Buddha King and other top powerhouses at that time were moved and could not feel peaceful.

Not to mention the two of them, even the chaotic demon in Chen Ming's mind stopped talking at this moment. Feeling the existence of those gods around him, he fell silent at this moment.

On the other hand, Qiu Xiaoya, who was by Chen Ming's side, was not affected too much at the moment because she was a mortal, and was still alive and kicking, walking around curiously from time to time, looking left and right, like a curious baby. look.

"Let's go..."

Chen Ming looked calm, looked at Zhang Sanli and the others behind him and said calmly, then took the lead and walked in front.

After walking a certain distance, a figure began to appear in front of him.

It was an old man in a black robe.

The old man was wearing a black robe, and his long hair was already grey. He looked very old and a little old.

He looks ordinary, his old face is full of wrinkles and fine textures, and he is standing there with a smile on his face at the moment, with a very ordinary breath all over his body, just like an ordinary mortal.
The old man stood in front of him, looking at Chen Ming who was walking in front of him, with a smile on his face.

"Your Excellency has finally arrived..."

With a smile on his face, he said, "I am here, and I have been waiting for you for many years..."

"Many years..."

Chen Ming's body stopped, and he looked at the old man in front of him with surprise on his face.

He came to this world, it seems that it has not been more than a year in total.

The old man in front of him told him solemnly that he had been waiting for him here for many years.

This can't help but make people feel a little absurd and a little surprising.

"How long have you been waiting here?"

Chen Ming's expression remained unchanged, and he asked.

"do not know……"

The old man shook his head with a smile, and said with a smile: "Since Your Excellency just arrived, I have been waiting here."

"I know that you have many doubts in your heart, and I also know the purpose of your visit this time..."

With a smile on his face, he looked at Chen Ming and raised his head slightly, and said, "But now, please come with me!"

"The person you want to meet is waiting for you in front..."

Chen Ming's heart skipped a beat, and he almost couldn't maintain his calm at this moment.

He looked deeply at the old man in front of him, it was hard to say what kind of mood he was feeling at this moment.

Finally, he took a deep breath and looked at the old man in front of him.

"Lead the way ahead..."

With a calm face, he spoke to the old man in front of him.

"Then. Please come with me..."

With a calm face and a faint smile, the old man turned around silently and walked forward at this moment, leading the way alone.

(End of this chapter)

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