Sweeping the world

Chapter 402 Metamorphosis

Chapter 402 Metamorphosis
In the hall in front of him, Chaos Demon dared not speak.

He didn't dare to make the slightest sound. He was hiding in Chen Ming's body at the moment, sensing the majestic aura outside, trembling deeply at this moment, he didn't dare to make a sound at all.

I believe that if there is a corner that allows him to sneak in at this moment, he will definitely lie down directly into the corner without hesitation, just begging that the people around him will not pay attention to him.

It is so humble.

Chen Ming shook his head at Luanmo's reaction, feeling a little disappointed, then turned around and looked behind him, seeing Zhang Sanli's reaction, his eyes suddenly felt a little relieved.

Compared with Luan Mo's shivering reaction, the reactions of Zhang Sanli and Feng Wu were normal.

Zhang Sanli looked around at this moment, his face was as usual, and he looked calm and calm, without any reaction.

Seeing that his concentration was far superior to that of ordinary people, even Chen Ming felt a little admirable at this moment.

A pink and white palm stretched out and patted Zhang Sanli's shoulder.

Qiu Xiaoya patted Zhang Sanli on the shoulder with some curiosity, looked at his calm face, was a little curious, and was about to ask something.

There was a soft bang on the spot.

Chen Ming stared at Zhang Sanli, watching him fall directly to the ground after being slapped by Qiu Xiaoya.

His face is still very calm, he looks calm and calm, his eyes are full of determination, it seems that there are some emotions, people feel a great will and perseverance, and can't help but be moved.

However, Chen Ming took a closer look at this moment and couldn't help being a little speechless.

Zhang Sanli's body stiffened immediately.

How could he be so calm, he had clearly fainted at this moment, so his expression remained the same as before, without any change, and he looked calm.

It's hard for him too.

It is also a talent to pretend to be so dizzy with eyes open.

Chen Ming shook his head, and couldn't help but look at Feng Wu at the side.

Not surprisingly, Feng Wu's reaction at the moment was similar.

Her body trembled slightly, and she kept shaking slightly as she stood there. At this moment, she looked like a little white rabbit, trembling there.

"Small... young master..."

Seeing Chen Ming's gaze, she trembled, met Chen Ming's gaze, and said in a trembling voice: "This place is too scary...I want to go home..."

Yep, another crazy one.

Chen Ming shook his head, didn't say much, just stretched out his finger, and tapped on the other person's forehead.

A little bit of divine power surged, and in an instant, the emotions in Feng Wu's mind were instantly emptied, and the body that was originally trembling due to the surrounding breath stopped trembling at this moment.

She closed her eyes and fell to the ground just like Zhang Sanli. She seemed to be in a deep sleep.

Chen Ming shook his head, a little speechless.

He had to admit that the scene in front of him was indeed a bit bigger.

Dozens of people suspected of being at the level of the ancient great emperor manifested at the same time, appearing together in the hall in front of them, which is probably unbearable for anyone.

Not to mention their group of weak chickens, even if it was a sage who came here, after feeling the existence in the hall, I am afraid that he would tremble, trembling his body in the corner, trying to reduce his existence feel.

However, the performance of Zhang, San and Li was really too bad.

Today's young people are really weak.

Chen Ming shook his head and let out a sigh.

Then, the next moment he didn't think so.

Because at this moment, with Zhang, San and Li falling to the ground, in the hall in front of him, dozens of pairs of eyes full of infinite power looked at him in unison.

Dozens of figures of the ancient emperor level came to stare at Chen Ming.

Chen Ming stopped talking immediately, his hands and feet were a little cold, his face was a little pale at this moment, and he didn't seem to have much blood.

Sensing the pair of playful, calm, or vicissitudes of eyes in front of him, Chen Ming managed to maintain a calm expression, and at this moment, a lot of cold sweat broke out on his back.

What the hell!

Chen Ming's mind went completely blank.

Dozens of people at the level of the ancient great emperor are staring at you, who can bear it?
Not to mention that he is just weak at the moment, even if a real sage came, he might not be able to bear this posture.

Chen Ming was already a little restless at the moment.

He felt that he was neither sitting nor standing up. He wanted to say something, but found that his throat was stuck and he couldn't speak at all.

The scene seemed a little awkward for a while.

In the center, standing at the top of the main hall, Emperor Chen looked at Chen Ming with interest, observed his reaction, and couldn't help smiling.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Chen Ming always feels that at this moment, Emperor Chen seems to be watching a joke.

A drop of cold sweat dripped from his body on the spot.

Shouldn't be...

He thought in his heart, comforting himself at this moment: "What kind of person is Emperor Chen? How could he have such a bad taste..."

Chen Ming comforted himself in his heart, but feeling the sight of Emperor Chen not far away, the feeling of uneasiness became stronger and stronger.

He was restless, and at this moment he deeply understood the feelings of Zhang Sanli and Feng Wu.

The feeling of neither sitting nor standing nor speaking is almost suffocating and extremely uncomfortable.

But in the next moment, he didn't have to worry about these problems anymore.

An inexplicable power enveloped Chen Ming's body, and the next moment, with the blood boiling in his body, Chen Ming's Yuan Ling was directly immersed in it and fell into a dao state.

The next moment, he passed out directly.

There was a moment of silence around.

Until a moment later, intermittent laughter began to resound in the hall.

The majestic and sacred figures looked at Chen Ming who had fainted at this moment, and couldn't help laughing at this moment.

"Okay, let's stop joking here..."

Emperor Chen shook his head, looking at the lower head sitting there, Chen Ming, who had fainted at the moment, also had a smile on his face at this moment.

Then he turned around and looked aside, his eyes fixed on Qiu Xiaoya.

Following his gaze, beside Chen Ming, Qiu Xiaoya's aura has completely changed.

The originally weak, gentle aura of the woman next door disappeared completely, and became strong and majestic.

At this moment, on Qiu Xiaoya's body, a majestic and sacred aura manifested, undisguisedly emanating, competing with the auras of other sacred existences around her.

Her eyes turned into a piece of gold. At this moment, she looked very dazzling, as if casted by gold, and her whole body was filled with an unrivaled majesty. At this moment, her breath filled the universe, almost crushing the void and covering everything.

As good as any great around.

"Emperor Chen met fellow Taoist..."

Seeing the change of breath all over her body, Qiu Xiaoya seemed to be a different person at this moment, Emperor Chen showed a smile on her face, she didn't care about it, and cupped her hands casually.

"Emperor Chen..."

Qiu Xiaoya's face was flat, and she raised her head at this moment, her golden eyes looked forward, fixed on Di Chen's body: "What do you want to do?"

"It's all about doing something that's already planned..."

Emperor Chen's face showed a smile, looked at Chen Ming in front of him, and nodded at this moment: "Please rest assured, fellow Taoist..."

"He is my descendant and my heir, so I can't be against him..."

"So...that's fine..."

Qiu Xiaoya nodded lightly. Her face, which was originally only delicate, became absolutely beautiful at this moment. It looked incomparably beautiful, with a dignified and sacred aura. Everyone who saw her couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. Extreme glamour.

Her skin is fair, every inch of skin on her body, every bit of flesh and blood is shining with a faint sacred light, it looks crystal clear, like a piece of jasper.

The light white long dress was worn on her body, matched with her indifferent and noble temperament, it looked very unique, with some unique charm, people couldn't help but sigh, there is such a beautiful woman in the world.

She looked aside, looked at Chen Ming who was sitting there, and fell into a deep sleep at the moment, with a softness on his indifferent face.

Then, she gently reached out and patted Chen Ming's shoulder.

A bit of pure golden divine power poured into Chen Ming's body along this point of contact.

Somehow, it seems that something has been changed, but at the same time, nothing seems to have changed.

In Chen Ming's body, the divinity that had been deduced to perfection began to emerge spontaneously. At this moment, there were countless changes in it. Among them, it can be vaguely seen that a vast divine realm is unfolding, covering it entirely go in.

And within that vast and boundless God's Domain, the power of Dao Dao Law is manifesting, and at this moment, it is all poured into Chen Ming's body.

A bit of purple blood energy was rising, emerging from Chen Ming's body, heading straight to the sky, almost endless at a glance, covering the entire sky.

And in the boundless purple blood energy, a golden divine flower slowly bloomed, gradually touching the most prosperous fruit.

That little golden flower is nothing but the combination of Chen Ming's own blood energy and spirit, which represents the great perfection of his body, and to a certain extent, also represents the fruit of his life.

It is manifested by the perfection of spirit, energy and spirit, and the final unity. To a certain extent, it also means that Chen Ming's practice has reached a peak level, and he has reached a state of perfection.

If you continue to go up and take another step forward, you can reach a whole new level.

"Since Fellow Daoist has made a move, I can't be stingy..."

Watching Qiu Xiaoya's movements, Emperor Chen smiled lightly, then waved his hand.

Above his body, a bit of purple light shot up into the sky, and the faint imperial aura covered everything, rushing towards Chen Ming's body with the Dao law that belonged only to the Emperor Chen family.

Accompanied by a bang, there was a violent fluctuation in this place, and the entanglement of the law of the great way covered almost everything, forming a big net called the law of heaven and earth in this place.

On top of Chen Ming's body, the big net was slowly opened, and at this moment, several visions emerged in it.

There are unrivaled gods and men holding long knives, waving forwards, showing a peerless blow, there are also phantoms of Buddhas manifesting, and the divine will of ancient emperors emerge, coercing the world, as if the emperor of heaven descended.

All kinds of visions kept appearing in this place, making Chen Ming look incomparably holy at the moment, with a kind of aura that belonged to the ancient emperor without a sound.

An unrivaled aura emerged from Chen Ming's body. At this moment, dense textures spread out from Chen Ming's body, constantly entangled there.

That is the mysterious emperor pattern, which contains the mystery of the ancient great emperor. At this moment, under the urging of the emperor Chen, it just surfaced on Chen Ming's body and was branded out.

And around, after seeing Emperor Chen's movements, the rest of the figures also started to move.

(End of this chapter)

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