Sweeping the world

Chapter 404 Ancient Mysteries

Chapter 404 Ancient Mysteries
The majestic breath gushed out.

In a vast area, a little bit of breath began to recover spontaneously. At this moment, a wave of breath covered the surrounding land and enveloped this piece of land.

The deep and unfathomable breath began to recover.

Then, in this unique environment, a will slowly revived, gradually waking up from a long slumber.

Chen Ming opened his eyes and looked into the distance.

The scenery of the outside world was reflected in his eyes, and it was so clear at this moment.

Every plant and tree around, every speck of dust, every pebble, every bit of detail, every bit of scenery are transmitted to his heart through his eyes.

The scenery was so vivid and so clear that Chen Ming couldn't help being stunned at the moment.

"This is……"

He stared blankly at the land in front of him, feeling a little dazed at this moment, as if he had thought of something.

At this moment, the land in front of me is no longer what it was before.

Before going out, he was still in the big hall before, sitting side by side with the legendary ancient emperor, discussing Taoism in it.

And at this moment, when he woke up again from his deep sleep, he had already come to another place.

The place in front of him is not the world he was in before, but in the previous cave, in the secret realm of the Emperor Chen Clan.

In the vast Emperor Chen Cave Mansion, the previous stone tablet is still standing in front of it, with a faint gleam blooming on it, which looks very dazzling.

In an empty area, all the original surrounding scenery disappeared, leaving only the purple stone tablet standing there, with ancient mottled traces on it, and the vicissitudes of life, exuding a vicissitudes of life. The ancient changes in the years.

The stele carries the aura of the Emperor Chen family, but at this moment the power belonging to the Emperor Chen family has been exhausted.

It seems that after supporting Chen Ming and the others to go to that world, the power contained in this stone tablet has been exhausted, and nothing can be done at this moment.

"Have you ended your mission..."

Chen Ming shook his head, recalling the experience this time, he felt a little stunned and realized.

In general, after this experience, some of the doubts in his mind had been eliminated, but there were still more doubts arising.

At this moment, he can already be sure that he will come to this Emperor Chen's cave, and even pass through the stone tablet in front of him to reach that other world, it is definitely the Emperor Chen's handwriting.

The other party obviously did something to him. During the period of time when he was unconscious, he did some unique things to him.

The reason why Emperor Chen wanted to summon Chen Ming to this place and to that world was probably the same reason.

After understanding this, even greater doubts arose in Chen Ming's heart.

As Emperor Chen, why did the other party pay so much attention to him, and why did they exhaust their efforts to lure him into that world on purpose?
Even if Chen Ming had something special about him, as the other party, he didn't need to be lured into that world at all, and he could meet him directly.

Chen Ming didn't believe that the other party could do such a big thing, but he couldn't show up to meet him.

With the strength of the Emperor Chen Clan, even if countless years have already passed away at this moment, as long as he thinks about it, he can also cross countless years and directly descend in front of Chen Ming to meet him face to face.

But to be honest, after experiencing the previous scene, Chen Ming couldn't help but feel doubts about the life and death of the ancient emperors like Di Chen.

He was very skeptical at the moment, that the ancient emperors like Di Chen might not have died at all, maybe they were still hiding in that corner deep in the world at this moment, and hadn't disappeared at all.

Even those who fell, I'm afraid they didn't die completely enough. They belonged to the kind that could jump out of the grave at any time, and come out twice.

Extremely spooky and terrifying.

Chen Ming shook his head, thinking about the previous experience, he couldn't help but feel a little confused at the moment.

Going to the ancient times and meeting the ancient great emperors, if this kind of experience spreads out, it will probably cause a commotion.

Not many people would believe it at all.

If it was before this incident, even Chen Ming himself would not have believed it.

But at this moment, this kind of dreamlike thing just happened.

And it doesn't just happen to one person.

Recalling these, Chen Ming shook his head involuntarily, turned around and looked around.

After returning to this cave, the people around who had gone to the ancient world with Chen Ming also returned to this place at this moment.

Zhang Sanli and Feng Wu are lying on the ground at this moment, lying there quietly, looking at this appearance, they don't know how long they will sleep.

The chaos in his mind didn't respond at all. No matter how Chen Ming called at this moment, he didn't make a sound. It looked like Zhang, Sanli and Li, who fell into a deep and chaotic sleep.

For a while, the few of them probably couldn't wake up.

As for Qiu Xiaoya, who was by Chen Ming's side and accompanied him before, she has disappeared at this moment. I am afraid that she has returned to that world, and there is no way to come out with Chen Ming and others.

Thinking of this, Chen Ming was silent for a moment, and finally smiled in relief, and began to sense his own situation.

Walking out of that ancient world, at this moment, Chen Ming's condition was extremely good.

He felt that he was stronger than ever before. At this moment, every inch of skin and every inch of flesh contained infinite divine power. A casual wave of his hand was enough to severely injure an unrivaled powerhouse in the Broken Realm.

The martial arts domain that was originally nothingness has gradually condensed at this moment. It is blessed on his own body, integrated with his own body, and exists as the most solid point, without the previous sense of division.

According to Luanmo's description before, at this point, he is no longer broken, but promoted to legend.

The realm of martial arts legends.

At this moment when the ancient times are declining and the vitality of heaven and earth has not yet returned to its peak, in today's mysterious world, a legend is already at its peak.

Even the world's top existence like the Buddha King is incomparable, and he is invincible in this great world.

Moreover, this is not an ordinary legend.

After being baptized by the Emperor Chen Clan, Chen Ming's power at this moment has been urged to the peak. It is by no means an ordinary legendary realm, but he jumped directly to reach the level of the legendary peak.

Faintly, there is only a thin layer of isolation between it and another level.

It seems that as long as Chen Ming exerts a little force, he can break through the boundary of that level and be promoted to another level.

Chen Ming shook his head, resisting the urge, and did not try to be promoted immediately.

From Broken Realm to Legend Peak, this span is already extremely large.

Although because of Emperor Chen's handwriting, his foundation at this moment is not unstable in any way, and the foundation is extremely solid, not inferior to anyone else.

But such a leap forward still made Chen Ming feel uncomfortable. It took a long time to adapt to this situation, and he had to polish every inch of his body to the extreme. Only after he got used to it could he try to be promoted and reach the next level.

It is not of much benefit to him to be promoted rashly.

So he endured the desire for promotion in his heart, suppressed his own strength, calmed down like this, and meditated silently on the spot, waiting for the recovery of the rest of the people.

During this waiting, he was also looking up some information that emerged in his mind.

This time when going to the ancient world, the Emperor Chen not only baptized Chen Ming, but also left some things in Chen Ming's body. inform.

In addition to the cultivation methods that belonged exclusively to the Emperor Chen clan, there are also some ancient secrets.

"Extraterrestrial demon..."

Feeling the information that emerged in his mind, Chen Ming was stunned, feeling a little surprised at this moment.

Among the information given by the Emperor Chen, the existence of extraterrestrial demons was mentioned emphatically.

He explained the cause and effect of this incident, not because of anything else, but because of the existence of extraterrestrial demons.

This matter needs to start from the history of this world.

According to what Emperor Chen said, this world was occupied by ancient gods and men in ancient times.

At the beginning of the world's creation, the origin of the world was scattered, and ancient gods and men were bred in various places, making them the first batch of creatures since the creation of the world.

Different from the races of the later generations, the ancient gods and men were born powerful, and they could obtain powerful power without practicing. Among them, the powerful ones were not inferior to the later ancient emperors, reaching a kind of peak.

I don't know how many years have passed. Among the ancient gods and men, disputes continued to appear, and wars and strife began to emerge among the entire world.

At the end of the war, the last emperor fell, and his body was occupied by an extraterrestrial demon, and finally became a demon.

That extraterritorial celestial demon occupied the body and source of the ancient god-emperor, used the source of the god-man to occupy the authority of the world, and finally hid behind the scenes of the world, suppressing the whole world silently.

The extraterritorial celestial demons suppressed the entire world, and continued to conquer the entire world, gradually exterminating the rest of the gods, ending the era of gods and entering the age of mortals.

In essence, the races of the later generations were further differentiated from the origin of the ancient gods and men, and inherited the origin and mission of the ancient gods and men innately.

It is a natural opposition to the extraterritorial demon who stole the origin of the emperor.

It is precisely because of this that the Emperor Chen family needs to let Chen Ming return to ancient times.

In Chen Ming's body, Di Chen and the others left a seed.

That was the seed of the world, which was conceived in Chen Ming's body at this moment, and merged with the martial arts domain in him.

(End of this chapter)

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