Chapter 406
"Ordinary people..."

Luanmo's voice seemed a little weird, and he seemed a little speechless.

Are there any ordinary people like you?
Ordinary people can have the blood of the Emperor Chen family, and be able to be personally guided by the Emperor Chen family to travel to the ancient world?
If you are an ordinary person, what am I?
not human?

At this thought, Luan Mo suddenly froze.

He is really not a human right now.

Even his physical body is gone, only a little source left, so he can't be regarded as a person now.

It's almost like a ghost.

Thinking of this, he was a little speechless, and finally returned to Chen Ming's body and fell asleep without speaking.

A few days later, Zhang Sanli and Feng Wu woke up intermittently.

Just like Luanmo, after waking up, they also feel that their own strength has improved a lot. At this moment, they have surpassed the previous level and reached another level.

Regardless of Feng Wu for the time being, Zhang Sanli's strength has already approached that of the Venerable after this transformation. As long as he goes back to retreat for a period of time, he can probably be promoted to the Venerable and reach this level.

For Zhang Sanli, this was undoubtedly a surprise, but for Chen Ming, it was no surprise.

After all, to today's Chen Ming, a mere venerable is nothing more than an existence that can be destroyed at the flick of a finger.

Speaking of which, after staying in this cave for several months, the source power on Chen Ming's body has accumulated to hundreds of thousands. At this moment, as long as he wants to, he can use the source force to be promoted to the next level at any time.

Chen Ming suppressed this impulse, and then led Zhang Sanli and the others out of the cave.

After coming to the outside world, Chen Ming and the others paused, and at this moment, some expressions of surprise appeared on their faces.

"The vitality of heaven and earth has become stronger..."

Chen Ming raised his head, his face looked a little surprised at this moment.

At this moment, compared to before, the vitality of the outside world is already very strong.

The mighty vitality of heaven and earth condensed in mid-air, and this moment was much stronger than when they entered the secret realm before.

Although it can't be compared with the ancient world they entered, just such vitality is not trivial.

Roughly converted, it is equivalent to the increase of two or three times before they entered the Emperor Chen's cave.

"How long have we been in?"

Zhang Sanli also felt a little horrified, so he couldn't help but speak at this moment.

They hadn't stayed in the cave for a long time before, even including the sleeping time of Zhang Sanli and the others, it was only about a few months.

But before they entered the ancient world, they didn't know how many years it took.

Although I only stayed in that world for more than half a year, I don't know how much time I really spent.

On the one hand, there may be a difference between the time in the secret realm and the time in the mysterious world.

On the other hand, they were also baptized by the power of the Emperor Chen before, and the time spent in this process is unknown.

Before that, they hadn't realized this problem, but now they took a step forward, walked out of the Emperor Chen's cave, and felt the completely different concentration of vitality in the outside world, and they realized this problem all at once.

Immediately, the expressions of several people present were a little strange.

"Go out and have a look..."

Chen Ming's face was calm, and at this moment he also took on some seriousness. He looked up at the outside world, and said lightly.

Behind them, Zhang Sanli and Feng Wu nodded and agreed with Chen Ming's statement.

Then they walked all the way outside.

Walking from the borderlands all the way to the Central Plains, in the world in front of them, they can feel that the vitality of the surrounding world is obviously much denser.

The whole world began to recover. At this moment, it recovered to a new level. The vitality in the whole world became much stronger, much stronger than before.

On the other hand, the number of warriors in the entire world is also increasing, and the growing trend can be clearly seen.

The growth of celestial vitality is linked to the strength of the warrior.

Generally speaking, the stronger the vitality of the world, the lower the difficulty for warriors to practice, so a large number of warriors will emerge.

And once the base number of warriors increases, the number of strong fighters that can emerge from them will also increase, which will lead to the continuous prosperity of the whole world and form a glorious martial arts prosperity.

The scene in front of me is very ominous at this moment.

It was like a harbinger before the opening of the Great World.

Walking on the road, Chen Ming and the others also knew the current time.

"Has a full 200 years passed..."

After knowing the passage of time, Chen Ming and the others were stunned, feeling an inexplicable sense of dream at this moment.

I haven't done much, just went to a place, and then fell asleep for a while. The real conversion is only a few months, and the outside world has passed hundreds of years.

In the world of the outside world, 200 years have passed.

200 years is not too short even for Chen Ming.

Except for the unknown age of Zhang Sanli, the combined ages of Chen Ming and Feng Wu are less than a hundred years old in this life.

200 years is longer than the combined age of the two of them, reaching a very huge level.

Feeling this situation, Chen Ming remained silent, and walked forward silently with Zhang Sanli and the others behind him.

At this moment, Chen Ming's mood was a little complicated.

200 years is enough to change a lot, especially in this critical period of recovery of the great world.

They kept moving forward, and kept approaching the prosperous place in the Central Plains, listening to various news along the way.

"The ancient Tianyuan holy land was born, and its holy son was born. He picked thirteen holy places and defeated the thirteen holy sons..."

"Tianlong Holy Land has also been born, appeared in Hengzhou, and is recruiting disciples..."

"The Heavenly Demon Sect was born, a generation of demons swept across the world, and they are heading to Yuanzhou, it seems that they want to subdue the Demon Sect for their own use..."

As Chen Ming and the others continued to worry, news came to their ears one after another.

Overall, the world has changed a lot in the past 200 years.

More than 100 years ago, with the recovery of the vitality of the heaven and the earth, some forces left over from the ancient times began to appear one by one between the heaven and the earth, and came to this world again.

Those holy places that only existed in ancient times began to appear in the world one by one, showing their edge to the world.

200 years ago, I don't know how many holy places in the world were overthrown by the forces of the ancient times, lost their original crowns, and were replaced by the forces of the ancient years.

And the heroes from ancient times emerged even more, their light overwhelmed the whole world and suppressed the heroes of the present age.

The changes in this world are too fast, almost every few months, there are a lot of messages from all over the world.

The forces of the ancient times and the forces of the present world are colliding violently, and they are all competing with each other.

On the one hand, the birth of those forces in ancient times will inevitably squeeze the territory and resources occupied by the current forces.

On the other hand, the current holy land has dominated the current world for many years, and its own inheritance has a long time. Naturally, it will not be willing to be suppressed by others, so it also fights back vigorously.

The two sides collided violently. In this short period of 200 years, I don't know how many times they collided.

Chen Ming didn't care about these.

What he cares about at the moment is some of the news he has heard.

"The devil came to Yuanzhou..."

Hearing the news, Chen Ming was silent for a moment, and couldn't help frowning.

Mozi Muyan, this was one of the top few Tianjiao at that time, and he was also in the limelight at the moment, and was hailed as the most promising demon sect Tianjiao in the future.

According to what Chen Ming learned, this devil's celestial arrogance has a lot of talent, and he has already emerged as early as in ancient times, and his strength is unfathomable, reaching an unfathomable level.

To be able to suppress all the arrogance of the Demon Sect generation in the era of strong men in ancient times, to be respected by the Demon Sect, and to be called a devil, the talent, strength and means of this devil can be imagined.

At this moment, the other party went to Yuanzhou.

Yuanzhou is the headquarters of the current Demon Sect, and there are too many Demon Sect forces in it, including the Yuan Demon Sect that Chen Ming was born in this life.

With the temper of that devil, will something good happen when he comes to Yuanzhou this time?
Chen Ming shook his head, not having any hope for this.

After hearing the news, Chen Ming did not continue to tour other places, and directly took Zhang Sanli and the others to the direction of Yuanzhou at the fastest speed.

He wants to go to Yuanzhou, return to Yuanmozong, and take a look at his current teacher.

Take a look at how the Yuan Demon Sect is now after nearly 200 years.

With the current footsteps of the few of them, it only takes a few days to go from the place in front of them to Yuanzhou.

After arriving in Yuanzhou, some new news kept coming to their ears.

"The tiger demon was killed by Mu Yan. He was killed within three moves. He was no match at all..."

"Tiansheng Demon Sect surrendered and was suppressed by Mozi Muyan. His suzerain was killed by Mozi within three moves, and Mozong surrendered..."


The news came to Chen Ming's ears one by one, making his face more solemn, and his originally calm mood couldn't help but have some ripples.

Fortunately, among the news all over the sky, there was no news from Yuan Mozong.

This made Chen Ming secretly heave a sigh of relief while he was anxious.

"Mozi Muyan...he still has such a temper..."

In his mind, during this period of time, Luan Mo also woke up from a deep sleep, and he couldn't help shaking his head when he heard the news at this moment.

"You know him?"

Chen Ming's heart moved, and he asked.

"Know some..."

The voice of Luan Mo continued to sound, and at this moment, the voice was also somewhat dignified: "Mozi Muyan, this is a very famous figure in my era..."

"Before I fell, he was already very outstanding. He was the No. 1 descendant of the Demon Sect, and he had the faint title of Demon Son..."

(End of this chapter)

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