Sweeping the world

Chapter 415 Why are you forcing me

Chapter 415 Why are you forcing me
The mountains and rivers are roaring, and at this moment the universe and the sky are in turmoil.

A streak of blood was burning in the midair, and divine light was splashing out of it, and then the body of the devil Mu Yan was torn apart and fell directly on the ground.

The vast blood energy soared into the sky, and at this moment, it was like a sea of ​​blood appeared in front of him, dyeing this place bloody.

Standing in it, Chen Ming is like a living god and demon, just so high above, standing in mid-air, looking down at Mu Yan below.

Mozi Muyan was thus defeated.

Since ancient times, he has been raging in the mysterious world for decades. The devil Mu Yan, who is faintly known as the co-lord of the devil sect, was defeated here. At this moment, his whole body was torn apart, his body fell backwards, The breath is weak to the mechanism.

There is no doubt that this is a shocking thing. If it is spread, it will be enough to cause shock in all directions and make everyone feel horrified.

Chen Ming's face was calm, and he just looked at the devil Mu Yan lying on the ground in front of him at this moment, without saying anything.

"Holy Son, do it."

Not far away, the Azure Dragon God General took off the mask on his face, and at this moment he spoke to Chen Ming with an excited expression.

Chopping the grass does not remove the roots, but the spring breeze blows and regenerates.

Taking advantage of the moment when Mozi Muyan had already lost, he directly took down the opponent and eliminated this hidden danger directly.

Otherwise, if the opponent hides this time, it may be very difficult to find such a good opportunity next time.

Chen Ming naturally understood this truth.

So he stepped forward, step by step, and the faint aura spread out from his body. Although there was no killing intent on his body, it was equally terrifying, and he could feel a murderous aura permeating the air.

On the red land in front of him, Mo Zi Mu Yan's face was pale, his body was torn apart at this moment, and he just watched Chen Ming walking step by step in the distance.

His face was a little pale, and the breath on his body seemed particularly weak at this moment, but looking at the figure of Chen Ming approaching step by step, his face was very calm, and he did not speak.

It wasn't until Chen Ming walked in front of him that a slight smile appeared on his face. At this moment, a slight smile appeared on a somewhat gloomy face.

"You think you're going to get me, don't you?"

He opened his mouth lightly, looked at Chen Ming in front of him at this moment, fixed his eyes on him, and just said that.

"if not?"

Chen Ming spoke calmly, standing in front of him at this moment: "Your physical body is damaged, and your strength has dropped to the extreme at this moment, it is impossible to escape from me..."

"At this moment, the ending is already doomed, what else is there to say?"

"Yeah, what else is there to say..."

Mozi Muyan sighed softly, at this moment there seemed to be a little self-mockery on his face, and he seemed to be muttering to himself with an inexplicable emotion.

Seeing his appearance, Chen Ming frowned, and was about to say something.

A feeling of uneasiness suddenly emerged from his heart, and at this moment, a hidden instinct gave him a warning.

Then, he stretched out his right hand subconsciously, the divine power in it was vibrating and turned into a barrier, as if he had done something instinctively.

The next moment, a golden radiance flashed, and then in the area in front of him, a figure interlaced instantly and rushed over.

A golden chaotic sword pierced through the space, penetrated the barrier that Chen Ming had set up in an instant, and penetrated Chen Ming's chest in an instant.

Behind Chen Ming, an old man in a black robe had stood there for some time, with a cold expression on his face, holding a golden dagger in his hand, and stabbed straight into Chen Ming's chest .

And on this old man, a faint aura spread out from his body, not inferior to Chen Ming and Mu Yan in front of them, who also stood at the peak of legend.

A legendary expert who is comparable to Chen Ming's strength has been lurking around all the time, and at this moment, he even used a sneak attack method to come to Chen Ming, and accurately caught the moment when Chen Ming's mind was relaxed. He succeeded with one hit.

The next moment, the two arms suddenly crossed each other, and the two figures stepped back in an instant.

The figures of Chen Ming and the old man intertwined, and they both retreated in an instant.

"who are you?"

Chen Ming resisted the boiling blood in his body, felt the severe pain rising in his body at this moment, and looked forward indifferently.

"My seat, the protector of the Heavenly Demon Sect..."

In front of him, facing Chen Ming's questioning, feeling the boiling aura in Chen Ming's body, the old man had a calm face and spoke indifferently.

"Heavenly Demon Gate..."

When Chen Ming read the name, he was a little stunned at this moment.

Mozi Muyan was able to travel freely in the ancient times, so he naturally has inheritance.

And according to what Chen Ming learned, this demon son Mu Yan seemed to be born in the Heavenly Demon Sect.

To be able to cultivate Mu Yan, a current devil, must be extremely powerful in the Heavenly Demon Sect. It is surprising, but not impossible, to have a legendary peak existence sit in command.

Just like the four great generals of Qinglong, Xuanwu, Suzaku, and White Tiger in the Yuanmo Sect, this old man in front of him must also be the guardian of the Heavenly Demon Sect, and his strength is not inferior to that of the devil Muyan.

In the past, the other party must have been hiding nearby, but he never made a move. It was not until the moment when the devil Muyan was defeated and Chen Ming was about to kill him that he seized the gap exposed by Chen Ming and directly Chen Ming was hit hard with one blow.

Bits of purple-gold blood splashed everywhere.At this moment, Chen Ming's body was pierced with a golden dagger through his chest.On his body, dense wounds were constantly emerging, torn apart by the power contained in that golden dagger, causing unimaginable damage to Chen Ming's body.

This golden dagger was by no means an ordinary utensil. It contained terrifying power, and it directly caused huge damage to Chen Ming's body at this moment.

This kind of damage was so huge that Chen Ming couldn't bear it at this moment. It made his originally intact body collapse, and he felt trembling waves. He couldn't bear the power contained in that dagger. As if to disintegrate on its own.

I have to say, this is very magical.

Taking advantage of the threshold of the decisive battle between the two of them to launch a sneak attack directly, this is definitely the practice of the Demon Sect.

"Boy, are you okay..."

In his mind, Luan Mo's anxious voice came out, and it kept ringing in Chen Ming's mind.

At this moment, feeling the situation in Chen Ming's body, Luanmo also became a little uneasy, and said quickly at this moment: "That sword is made of the bones of a saint, and it contains a little bit of the holy power of a saint. It's not something you can stop now..."

"Don't worry about the situation here now, leave here immediately, the old man will help you cover up!"

He said anxiously, wanting Chen Ming to leave this area as soon as possible.

A long time ago, he had already changed his attitude towards Chen Ming.

After experiencing the emperor Chen's cave, his attitude has changed again and again. By this time, he no longer regarded Chen Ming as an ordinary junior, but regarded him as an inheritor who inherited the mantle of the ancient emperor.

His attitude has also gradually changed from the previous cooperation, and he put himself in the position of protecting the Dharma.

Therefore, after Chen Ming was in danger, his first reaction was not to leave alone, but to urge Chen Ming to leave this place as soon as possible, not to put himself in danger.

"I see……"

Chen Ming took a deep breath, and sighed a little at this moment: "But I'm afraid it's too late to leave now..."

In front of his eyes, those two beings were still staring at him.

It wasn't just the old man, Mozi Muyan also stood up from the ground after taking a short breath at this moment. At this moment, he regained his body, with a calm breath all over his body, and stood directly side by side with the old man.

Compared to before, the aura on his body at this moment is still a little weak, but he is a legendary peak existence after all, standing at the same level as Chen Ming, and if he sacrifices his life to erupt, he can also burst out the power of the peak period for a short time .

Coupled with the old man who is at the peak moment, the two add up, even if Chen Ming is at the peak, he will still feel the pressure.

Let alone at this very moment.

Chen Ming sighed a little, looking at the devil Mu Yan and the old man in front of him at this moment, his face was calm at this moment, without the slightest word.


On the opposite side, Mozi Muyan spoke coldly, with a smile on his somewhat gloomy face at this moment: "When you stood in front of me and said those words to me just now, did you ever think that you would have this moment too?"


In the distance, the Azure Dragon God General looked at Mu Yan who had stood up again in front of him, and then looked at Chen Ming who was on the side. At this moment, anger appeared on his face: "Aren't you afraid that people in the world will laugh at you if you use this method to win?"

"People in the world ridicule?"

Mozi Muyan looked at the Azure Dragon General in the distance, and his face looked extremely strange at this moment: "Before you speak, think about your identity."

"We are a demon sect, why are we afraid that people in the world will laugh at us?"

"It's in our nature to be mean and shameless!"

He spoke coldly, with a mocking expression on his face at this moment.

Everyone present was speechless for a while, looking at the devil Mu Yan and the old man in the distance, they didn't know what to say at this moment.

Yes, strictly speaking, there is almost no one who can stand here and look at the scene in front of him.

Everyone is a member of the Demon Sect, despicable and shameless, treachery and so on are basically normal operations, just laughing at fifty steps, what is there to say
If we talk about human nature and etiquette, then it is really something to be ashamed of for those in the Demon Sect.

As for the one in front of me, it's nothing at all.

Thinking of this, Chen Ming couldn't help shaking his head, feeling a little inexplicable at this moment.

"Any last words?"

Mozi Mu Yan had a smile on his face, and walked up to Chen Ming together with the old man at this moment: "In addition, I will return everything you just said to me verbatim..."


In front of him, listening to Mozi Muyan's words, Chen Ming's face was calm. At this moment, he sighed deeply, and said softly there: "Why, you forced me..."


Mozi Muyan was stunned for a moment, his expression was a little inexplicable at this moment, and he didn't understand what Chen Ming meant.

But the next moment, a drastic change began to take place in Chen Ming's body in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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