Chapter 418

Accompanied by a flash of divine power, in front of Chen Ming, the bodies of Mozi Mu Yan and the two exploded directly, and their blood splashed out without leaving any traces.

Faint dark golden blood continued to splash out. At this moment, a pillar of blood rushed out of the bodies of Mozi Muyan and Tiantian Momen's guardian, and rushed straight into the sky, like an angry dragon roaring towards the sky .

The next moment, in front of Chen Ming's eyes, Mo Zi Mu Yan's bodies began to stagnate. At this moment, there seemed to be an inexplicable change in the sea of ​​consciousness. Cracks began to appear on their bodies, and at this moment they directly split open. The blood in his body spread to the area in front of him.

Faint blood energy soared into the sky, covering everything, and the majestic divine light was like two suns converging. At this moment, it illuminated the area with a radius of countless miles, and dyed countless areas in blood.

Looking at this scene, everyone around was stunned, not understanding what happened for a moment.

Chen Ming was also a little embarrassed, looking at the two people in front of him and frowned at this moment, a little inexplicable.

"The two of them have been restricted. As long as someone touches their sea of ​​consciousness and tries to peek at the memory in it, the restriction will be triggered immediately, and the means buried in their bodies will be activated, resulting in the current result... ..."

On the side, looking at the magnificent scene in front of him, looking at the tragic situation of Mo Zi Mu Yan and the two, Luan Mo also had a solemn face, and said at this moment.

Chen Ming frowned even tighter. Looking at the corpses of Mo Zi Mu Yan at this moment, he was puzzled.

Mozi Muyan and Tiantian Momen's protector are both the pinnacle powerhouses in the world.

According to what Luan Mo said, even in the ancient times, a legendary peak existence was also considered a top, and it was the top group of existences at that time.

And what kind of existence would a person who can bury restrictions in the bodies of these two legendary pinnacles be?
At least with Chen Ming's current ability, although he has surpassed the legendary level and reached a whole new level, but he still can't reach this level.

After all, those are not two pigs, nor are they two mortals, but two legendary warriors standing on top of the peak. It is too difficult to do something with these two legendary warriors.

Not to mention, the methods in the two people's bodies were still used in front of Chen Ming, and Chen Ming did not find any clues during the whole process, which undoubtedly greatly increased the difficulty.

To be able to achieve such means, the strength of this existence must be far above Chen Ming.

"At least the sages..."

On the side, Luan Mo's face was solemn, he carefully checked some traces left by the two of them, and was a little startled after realizing a little bit of power left in them, at this moment he said to Chen Ming: "I want to be in front of you and me. To reach this point, the person who used the means is at least a sage..."

"A sage put a trick on the two of them, and the two restrictions have been entrenched on them all the time. It seems that they are going to turn them into puppets to achieve a certain purpose..."

Luan Mo's face was livid, and he spoke at this moment.

In other words, Mu Yan, the devil in his eyes, looks mighty and mighty in the entire mysterious world, but in reality he is just a pawn in the hands of others.

It is even a puppet in the hands of others.

Thinking about it carefully, at this moment, Chen Ming recalled what Mozi Muyan had done in the past few decades, and he also felt a burst of doubt, and felt a burst of unimaginable behavior for him.

Since the devil Muyan was born, it has been nearly a hundred years now, and what he did and what he did in the end is nothing more than one thing.

Unify the entire magic gate.

Whether it is provoking within the entire mysterious world, stirring up bloody winds, challenging other holy places of the magic sect everywhere, or adjusting other holy masters, all they do is to unify the forces of the entire demon sect and bring the entire demon sect together. direct integration.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this matter seems very reasonable.

But in fact, in the eyes of martial artists of Chen Ming's level, this kind of behavior is full of strangeness.

To unify the entire Demon Sect, and unify the power of the entire Demon Sect, what effect does this have on a character at the level of Mozi Muyan?
Some people may say that the other party's doing this may be to collect the power of the entire Demon Sect and let the entire Demon Sect serve it to assist their own practice.

But in fact, for characters of this level, the assistance of external forces has already lost their effect on them.

Any natural treasures, any unique environment, can only play a supporting role for such characters, what is really needed is long-term comprehension and their own efforts.

Chen Ming asked himself, if he and my devil son Mu Yan were to switch positions, he might do something, but he would definitely not be so enthusiastic about unifying the magic sect.

Under the circumstances that he didn't know more things before, although Chen Ming felt a little surprised, he didn't have much doubt.

But at this moment, after the problems of Mozi Muyan and Tiantian Momen's guardian were exposed, suspicion suddenly arose in Chen Ming's heart.

In the past few decades, some things Mozi Muyan did were constantly remembered, and some surprising places were also constantly recalled. At this moment, Chen Ming couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

"Is there any deep meaning in unifying the entire Demon Sect..."

At the same place, Chen Ming lowered his head and expressed his doubts to the chaotic demon.

Hearing Chen Ming's doubts, Luan Mo also frowned, as if he had thought of something at this moment.

"What did you think of?"

Chen Ming asked.

"I'm not sure if that's the case..."

Luan Mo stood there, facing Chen Ming in front of him at this moment, and said with some uncertainty: "Back in the past, when I accidentally entered a secret place to search for ancient monuments, I accidentally heard a legend..."


Chen Ming was a little puzzled, looked at the chaotic demon in front of him, and motioned him to continue speaking.


Luan Mo nodded, trying to remember at this moment, began to recall the past deeds, and recalled in his eyes: "In the whole mysterious world, there was indeed a legend circulating..."

"It is said that when the whole world falls into silence and then starts to recover again, the ancient sages will be born one by one, and finally many successors of the ancient holy masters will also be born one by one..."

"The inheritor of the Demon Lord will also be born in this era, he will inherit the luck of the entire Demon Sect, and will become an invincible devil in the world, and will reach the realm beyond the sages..."

"If there is any purpose to Mozi Muyan's past actions, it is likely to be related to this rumor..."

"The devil..."

Standing there quietly, Chen Ming couldn't help but feel puzzled at this moment: "Luck..."

"The theory of luck is true. Although it is invisible and intangible, it does exist..."

Luanmo nodded, and said to Chen Ming in front of him: "The most typical example is nothing more than you at this moment..."

"Me?" Chen Ming laughed a little.


Luanmo continued to speak, and nodded at this moment: "You are also the emperor's blood, the Buddha's blood, the devil's body, and the spiritual fetus in one body. It can be said that you are the good fortune of the heaven and the earth, and you are born with great luck..."

"For you, these lucks are real but intangible. Although you can't usually see them, they can be turned into real forces during critical periods, and they really affect something... "

"It is precisely because of this luck that you were able to go to the ancient world and meet the Emperor Chen..."

"It is precisely because of this that you broke through here just now and tried to be promoted. You can also succeed in disaster and directly succeed, and take down the devil Muyan in one fell swoop..."

He said to Chen Ming, it was obvious that he had misunderstood something.

Chen Ming's face was calm, he didn't speak at this moment, but he felt helpless and even wanted to laugh.

The two examples given by Luan Mo are not quite correct.

Being able to go to Emperor Chen's cave, and to meet Emperor Chen's family in the ancient world is definitely not because of the influence of luck in the dark, and it is something that cannot be escaped at all.

That encounter with the Emperor Chen was clearly a trap set up by the Emperor Chen, who deliberately arranged various means to ensure that Chen Ming could go to the ancient world and reach the place where he was through the means set up by him. meet.

As for the so-called impromptu breakthrough, this is even more difficult to stand up to scrutiny.

Chen Ming was able to successfully break through and be promoted under the current situation, not because of the influence of some unknown luck, but because he himself could have been promoted a long time ago, but he deliberately suppressed it before.

In other words, he was able to do these two things regardless of whether the dark luck was affected or not, and it was not worth any surprise at all.

Of course, in the eyes of the chaotic demon in front of him, his situation is the treatment of an absolute lucky man.

However, Chen Ming didn't intend to correct this.

Because in fact, as Luanmo in front of him said, he is indeed a man of great luck.

It is clearly written on his source power interface, and his attributes are directly and neatly placed there.

However, it is a little different from other born lucky people.

Although Chen Ming's lucky man seems to be born in nature, he actually made it with his own money.

A lucky person who came out of krypton with force.

However, judging from the current situation, it seems that some people also want to use other methods to artificially create a lucky person.

"It should be like this..."

In front of his eyes, Luan Mo's face was solemn: "By unifying the entire Demon Sect, gathering all the forces of the Demon Sect, unifying all the orthodoxy passed down by the Demon Lord back then, and bringing them together in one place..."

"After doing all of this, and then taking the fortune of the world in a unique way, and gathering the future luck of the entire Demon Sect in one place, isn't it a born with great luck and a real devil?"

(End of this chapter)

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