Chapter 445

In the magnificent hall, Fan Jue's entire body froze.

He stared blankly at the young man standing in front of him, felt the sight of the young man in front of him at this moment, stood there in a daze, at this moment the corners of his mouth opened and closed again, he didn't know what to say something to do.

"you you……"

He stared blankly at the young man in front of him, as if he had seen a ghost at this moment.

In the past, he tried countless times to wake up the boy in front of him in various ways.

But at this moment in front of him, when the boy in front of him really woke up from his deep sleep and stood in front of him, he didn't know what to say.

The whole hall became calm at this time, and the people around were staring forward blankly, looking at the young man's figure, all fell silent at this moment, not knowing what to say.

In fact, at this moment they dare not speak at all.

At this moment when the disaster is approaching, anyone who can walk to this golden hall and try to use the boy in front of him to protect him is basically someone who knows the identity of the boy in front of him.

Even among them, many people still remember what Fan Jue and others did to the boy in front of them during the previous period.

That was really wonderful.

Slashed with a knife, shot with a laser, burned with fire, soaked in water, all kinds of methods were staged again. It can be described as [-] kinds of torture.

When the young man was still asleep, they didn't care.

But after the young man in front of him woke up, they couldn't help but feel guilty for a while when they saw the young man in front of him. By this time, they no longer knew what to say.

So in front of his eyes, the whole hall suddenly fell silent, and the surroundings seemed quiet, not even a single sound.

Standing quietly on the spot, Chen Ming looked calm, looking at the people in front of him, looking at the tension on their faces, he was a little inexplicable.

Before that, in order to better block the oppression of God's will, he completely sealed himself up, so he couldn't sense anything from the outside world at all.

Because of this, he actually didn't know what these people in front of him had done to him before.

So at this moment in front of him, he felt a little baffled by the tension of these people in front of him, and he didn't know what happened.

At the same time, he also felt a burst of doubts.

"Can someone explain it to me?"

Standing where he was, Chen Ming looked calm, looked at the people in front of him, and said lightly, "Why am I here?"

After the words fell, there was a sudden silence on the spot, and the surroundings seemed quiet, and no one dared to speak at all.

But at this moment, listening to Chen Ming's words in front of them, everyone's eyes couldn't help looking at Fan Jue and Yu Jingjing who were in front of them.

This unique reaction was naturally noticed by Chen Ming.

So, he also turned around and looked at Fan Jue and the two in front of him.

At this moment in front of him, looking at the golden coffin in front of him, and watching the reactions of the people around him, Chen Ming could probably guess what was going on at this moment.

Most likely, the mountain where he was sleeping was dug through, directly dug out.

Thinking of this, Chen Ming shook his head, feeling a little helpless.

However, he didn't care about it.

At the beginning, he chose to bury himself on that mountain, not for any purpose, but just to find a quiet place to sleep well, and there was no other meaning.

So he was dug out as he was dug out, no big deal, that's all.

"Aren't you talking?"

Looking at Fan Jue and Yu Jingjing in front of him, Chen Ming shook his head, then turned around and walked towards the outside world.

Soon, he came outside the hall and into the streets of the city.

Compared with before he fell asleep, the world in front of him has changed tremendously at this moment.

The surroundings seemed peaceful, but amidst this tranquility, a new crisis was brewing.

At this moment in front of him, Chen Ming could feel that in the surrounding world, there were bursts of strange aura rising directly from all directions.

This aura is exactly the same as the weird aura he felt before he fell into a deep sleep, but compared to that time, it is many times stronger.

If the weird aura at that time was still extremely weak and could not affect anything at all, at this moment, the weird aura existing in the world in front of him has become extremely terrifying.

It has almost affected the basic operation of the world, causing some problems in the operation of the entire world, causing various incredible phenomena to continue to occur.

At this moment, it is an extremely obvious critical point.

Standing where he was, Chen Ming raised his head and looked at the sky.

Above the sky, that round of blood moon was still hanging high. Now that Chen Ming appeared, the aura in it had become a bit dim from now on, but it was still hanging high above the sky.

And among the surrounding land, under the land, there are also bursts of strange aura rising, as if a volcano that has been brewing for countless years is erupting at this moment, erupting with incomparably violent prestige.

Within the sea, there are also bursts of strange auras gradually rising, and it seems that there are various strange lives that are attacking, rushing out of the sea, threatening all life in the entire world.

"It's really a mess..."

Feeling the situation in the whole world, Chen Ming couldn't help shaking his head, feeling a little helpless at this moment.

When I woke up, it seemed that the whole world began to change.

The world around him has completely changed its appearance. At this moment, it is completely different from the impression he once remembered, and it has deviated to another level.

For this result, Chen Ming felt a little helpless, but he was not surprised.

As early as when he was asleep, he felt the strange aura that existed in this world.

In this world back then, there were extraordinary seeds. Now, after thousands of years of brewing in the world, it finally exploded at this time.

"From brewing to eruption, and then to bear even brighter fruits..."

Standing in place, Chen Ming's face was calm, and he began to deduce continuously in his mind.

Scenes of scenes began to flicker in his mind, and began to progress along his deduction.

Just in the blink of an eye, scenes of the world in front of him began to appear in his mind, and he deduced all of this moment.

The strange eruption in front of me looks extremely terrifying, but it is actually a spontaneous change in the world.

After the extraordinary seeds appeared in the world, after thousands of years of brewing, they began to burst out.

There is no doubt that this is a terrible disaster, but it is also an unspeakable opportunity.

For the lives in the world, after experiencing this eruption of strange aura, they will truly activate their extraordinary power. From then on, as long as they can survive this eruption of weird aura, the last remaining A group of creatures will have the potential to unlock extraordinary power.

The various variables in this process may be different, but the ending is the same.

As long as they can survive this outbreak, there is no doubt that the whole world will usher in a transformation, and it will truly have extraordinary soil, and it will leap forward and become stronger from then on.

However, in this process, there is no doubt that a large number of living beings will die directly, fall under this disaster, and become cold corpses.

This is the nature of this catastrophic outbreak and its real reason.

At the current level, Chen Ming has seen everything in front of him very clearly.

After thousands of years had passed, Chen Ming was finally able to take a further step in the moment-to-moment struggle with the will of the world, and took the final step with the Emperor Weapon in his hand.

He has comprehended the Sacred Heart, comprehended the principles necessary to become a sage, and has truly transformed at this moment, becoming a sage.

And at this moment, he can feel the changes in the world at a glance, and can easily deduce various possibilities in the world.

This is the result of mastering the fundamental truth.

Mastering the fundamental truth means mastering the basic rules of the world's operation.

To a certain extent, as long as he wants to, he can use his own power to deduce and change the whole world at any time, and even change the basic rules of the world in a small range, so as to achieve everything he wants to do.

This is the power of the sage, and it is also the most critical terrifying essence of the sage.

Of course, even after comprehending the essence and being truly promoted to a sage, Chen Ming still has no way to completely eliminate the repulsive force from the world at this moment.

Even, because he has been promoted to a sage at this moment, his strength has become even more terrifying, and his threat to the world has become stronger. Therefore, at this time, the suppression of God's will not only has not been reduced in the slightest, but has become even more terrifying.

At the moment in front of him, with Chen Ming waking up from a deep sleep, there seemed to be a variety of silent forces in the surrounding world that began to oppress, and were pressing towards Chen Ming's body, as if they wanted to crush his body. The whole body collapsed directly, completely leaving him in this world, unable to break free.

For all of this, Chen Ming felt very clearly, but he didn't care.

At this moment, the whole world is in a critical period of transformation. In this period, the power of God's will in this world has become extremely weak. Even if Chen Ming is still repelled and suppressed, he can't do much after all.

(End of this chapter)

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