Chapter 447 The Return
Under an abyss, Chen Ming stood quietly in the abyss, observing the scene in front of him.

In this abyss, waves of turmoil are slowly being produced at this moment, and the strange atmosphere in it is constantly circulating in it. At this moment in front of you, it is almost permeating the entire world.

Those strange breaths rose from this abyss, and finally spread to the whole world, and combined with the undead in that world, they formed the strange lives seen before.

Those strange beings rushed into the world, they would instinctively attack those living beings, instinctively target them, and start a burst of killing in the world.

And after the killing and destruction, a new life is born again.

For all this in front of him, Chen Ming had already seen it very clearly.

Observing everything in front of him, Chen Ming didn't intend to interfere in any way, he just stood here and watched the scene in front of him quietly.

He quietly looked at the scene in front of him, felt the changes around him, and didn't try to do anything, but just stood there quietly, sensing the changes around him.

When he came to the place in front of him, Chen Ming didn't want to do anything, but just wanted to use the special environment in front of him to deepen his understanding of the principles of the world.

The world in front of me is in an extremely unique transformation period, and the basic rules in the entire world are undergoing drastic changes, resulting in unprecedented changes.

And in this kind of transformation, it is also the easiest time to understand something.

It is precisely because of this that at this moment in front of him, Chen Ming did not leave immediately, but just quietly settled in this place, trying to perceive everything in the surrounding world, trying to comprehend something from this change .

In this case, time passed slowly.

Under Chen Ming's induction, the environment of the external world began to change continuously.

Along with the continuous release of the strange aura, in this world, an inexplicable fog began to cover the whole world.

Various strange existences began to appear in every corner of the world. At this moment, they spread to all corners of the world, covering almost all regions, without leaving a single place.

Large swathes of living beings are withering, and at this moment, under the cover of these strange lives, they all begin to wither, and blood flowers bloom.

A large number of creatures were killed by these strange existences, and what followed were even more terrifying changes.

Under the gestation of endless corpses, more terrifying and strange existences began to be born, crawled out of these corpses, and then, driven by that inexplicable force, rushed towards other intact creatures.

The situation in the world has begun to intensify, and it looks even more terrifying at this moment. At first glance, it seems that there is no end, as if the end of the world is coming.

But in this doomsday scene, there are various inexplicable changes taking place.

In some places suffering from strange erosion, among some newborn lives, some unique creatures began to appear.

The potential of these creatures is unique, it seems that they are born with some kind of unique power, and can feel all kinds of incredible things.

At the same time, these people are often born with all kinds of incredible powers, and can do things that ordinary people cannot do.

And with the growth of these people, the transformation of a new generation of creatures began.

Only a hundred years have passed, and within the world, legions composed of brand-new creatures began to rush outward, rushing towards the areas where those strange existences were located, and driving these strange existences away.

These newborn creatures are all infected by the strange aura, so they are born brand new existences. They are born with various supernatural powers and can fight against strange forces.

This confrontation was very weak at first.

Facing the extremely powerful and strange existence, these newly awakened awakened people are very weak in their own strength, and there is no way to do too many things at all.

But then, under the intervention of a new force, the situation quickly reversed.

I don't know when, in the whole world, a force called warriors began to appear, appearing in the corners of the world, and began to deal with the strange erosion with their own unique power.

These warriors are powerful, and different from the awakened ones who can only be awakened purely by luck, these warriors only need to have enough qualifications and time to make steady progress and reach a higher level.

Therefore, at this moment, compared to the awakened ones who have not yet reached their peak at this moment, the strength of warriors is even stronger, and they are an indispensable part of the whole world.

And the leaders of these warriors are none other than Fan Jue and Yu Jingjing who were passed on by Chen Ming back then.

In just a hundred years, these two people are no longer what they used to be. Their strength far exceeds that of other awakened people. They are the top level of this world, even if compared with the top weirdness.

Even from Chen Ming's point of view, the strength of these two people is quite good, and they are equivalent to two heavenly beings in the mysterious world.

To be promoted to heaven and man in just a hundred years, and to reach such a state, even if this level is placed in the mysterious world, it is inconceivable, and it is an incomparably fast speed.

But in Chen Ming's view, this speed is quite normal for them.

After all, the qualifications of the two people in front of them are still unknown, but their luck is top-notch.

With that terrifying luck shrouded, and under the circumstances of God's will, the practice of these two people is bound to be like a broken bamboo. Although it is surprising that they have come to this point in just half a year, it is not an exaggeration .

Soon, under the leadership of this group of warriors, the weirdness in the world was suppressed one after another, and the situation began to reverse.

According to the original process, this process is of course extremely fast.

Because according to Chen Ming's original prediction, the current period of change may last at least a thousand years.

But at this moment, such a change has already occurred in just a hundred years, and even looking at it like this, I am afraid that it will be resolved within two to three hundred years.

Compared with the original level, this level is undoubtedly greatly accelerated.

The recovery of the world began to continue.

With the efforts of everyone, the warriors and the awakened ones worked together to fight against the waves of weirdness, just fighting in the world.

They fought hard in the world, and they fought one after another in the world. Just like this, generation after generation, they created incomparably huge results.

With the efforts of generations of warriors and awakeners, in just 200 years, the strange existences that filled the world began to gradually disappear, and in the end, only sporadic existences remained.

At the same time, as the awakening period gradually passed, in the world, the weird events that would have happened from time to time also began to gradually disappear.

The rules of the world seem to have become normal. At this moment, there will no longer be such inexplicable and weird events, but it has become extremely normal, gradually moving closer to the normal world.

Under such circumstances, Chen Ming also gradually left the original abyss and returned to his original world.

A faint purple radiance began to flicker, gradually permeating the entire abyss at this moment.

In the blocked land, among the main force of the Emperor Chen clan, a faint radiance began to flicker, and then the terrifying power began to spill out, covering the entire blocked land at this moment.

The terrifying majesty of the sages began to gradually spread out. At this moment, it directly covered the area with a radius of countless thousands of miles, including the entire blockade, so that the entire blockade could feel the majesty of the majesty at this moment. .

No matter who it is at this moment, all warriors who have achieved success in cultivation can't help but raise their heads. At this moment, they look at the place where the Emperor Chen clan is with horrified faces, staring there blankly, feeling this strange sage aura, do not understand In the end what happened.

"Unfamiliar sage breath..."

"In the end what happened?"

Many forces were shocked by this, and they all looked at the residence of the Emperor Chen Clan at this moment, a little surprised, not understanding what happened.

In the residence of the Emperor Chen clan, this majestic majesty of the sages continued to emerge, and it lasted for three days and three nights before finally slowly disappearing.

Containing his aura, Chen Ming calmly walked out from the ancestral land of the Emperor Chen clan, and met Chen Qingling and the others.

"Master, you..."

Looking at Chen Ming in front of them, both the old patriarch and Chen Qingling looked extremely excited. They were definitely looking at Chen Ming in front of them at this moment, as if they wanted to ask something.

"Have you already..."

Their faces were a little excited and nervous. At this moment, they just looked at Chen Ming in front of them and asked.

Standing in place, facing their sight and gaze, Chen Ming's face was calm, and he just nodded lightly at this moment.

"I have been promoted to a sage..."

The faint words fell, and at this moment, in conjunction with the golden emperor soldier in his hand, it sounded like this.

Afterwards, the two old patriarchs in front of them were stunned. At this moment, they looked at Chen Ming in front of them with some excitement, not knowing what to say.

A sage, even in ancient times, in the era of the ancient emperor, is the top group of people, the group of people who are enough to leave their names in history and leave their names on the history books.

And in this current era, among the Emperor Chen clan that has long since declined, has such a figure finally appeared...

(End of this chapter)

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