Sweeping the world

Chapter 449 King of the Blocked Land

Chapter 449 King of the Blocked Land
The situation in the blocked land began to change. At this moment, with Chen Ming's continuous shots, it began to vibrate continuously.

At this moment in front of him, in order to lay the foundation for the future of the Emperor Chen Clan, and to completely knock down those resistance forces, Chen Ming did not hesitate at all, and directly made a strong move.

He shot forcefully, and at this moment in front of him, he shot one after another, destroying many forces in the entire blocked land, causing almost unimaginable killing and destruction.

In just a few short months, during this period of time, the entire blocked land was bleeding continuously, and bursts of bloody aura continued to rise almost every moment, making everyone who felt it tremble in their hearts, feeling A burst of terror.

In the face of this bloody conquest, not only those forces that were hostile to the Dichen clan, but even those who had been waiting and watching became afraid, and began to send people from their own clan to go towards the Dichen clan.

The final result is that the entire Emperor Chen clan has been extremely lively during this period of time.

Almost every moment, a large number of outsiders poured into the territory of the Emperor Chen clan. In a short period of time, this remote place in the city and countryside seemed extremely lively.

Among the Emperor Chen clan, the smiles on the faces of the old patriarch and Chen Qingling have never stopped during this period of time.

There is no doubt that the scene before them is what they once dreamed of.

Everyone once had a dream in their hearts, and in the hearts of the old patriarch and Chen Qingling, their biggest dream was undoubtedly to revitalize the entire Dichen clan and make the entire Dichen clan stand in the blocked place again to regain the glory of the former Emperor Chen.

In the past, this dream could only be deeply buried in their hearts, but at this moment in front of them, it has truly come true.

For this, they certainly felt incomparably joyful and incomparably excited.

The killing in the blocked land is still going on.

When Chen Ming had just returned to the blocked land from another world, Chen Ming had confirmed it.

He stayed in another world for thousands of years, but in the blocked land, only three short years passed.

In three years, even including the time Chen Ming came to and stayed in the blocked land before, it would not exceed ten years in total.

Ten years, this period of time is nothing to the outside world, even though the changes in the mysterious world are very fast at this moment, and there are new major events happening every moment, but ten years is not enough to make The changes in the entire mysterious world were too rapid.

Because of this, Chen Ming still has plenty of time at the moment, so he doesn't need to be too nervous for the time being.

Therefore, at this moment in front of him, he did not act in a hurry, but just stayed in this blocked land, and did not immediately bring the entire Emperor Chen family back to the mysterious world.

And in this case, time slowly passed.

Soon, ten years passed slowly.

In ten years, a great change has taken place in the entire blocked land.

A large number of forces have been directly eliminated in the past ten years. With Chen Ming replacing the former Great Scarlet King and becoming the new king of the blocked land, the evil energy that used to surround the entire blocked land began to fade.

Compared with the Great Scarlet King in the past, Chen Ming didn't hold back the slightest bit from the extraterritorial demons that existed in the blocked lands. He slaughtered wantonly in the past ten years, and started to slaughter them continuously.

The blocked land is the place left by the Emperor Chen's back then. There are many creatures guarding it, and most of them have the blood of extraterrestrial demons.

Back then, these races with the blood of the heavenly demons outside the territory were just existences that could not be put on the table, but now, after countless years have passed, these races have multiplied again in the blocked land. This one moment comes back strong.

For countless years in the past, in this blocked land, these races originating from extraterrestrial demons have often oppressed the Emperor Chen clan, causing incomparably huge damage to the Emperor Chen clan during this long period of time.

Therefore, after Chen Ming came to power at this moment, Chen Ming didn't hold back the slightest bit from these races with the blood of extraterrestrial demons in their bodies, and started to attack directly.

He directly started to attack, killing wantonly in this short period of more than ten years, killing all the way, making the whole blocked land boil.

Blood was flowing on the ground. At this moment in front of him, bursts of blood were erupting in the entire blocked area. This moment was extremely bloody, which made people feel a burst of fear.

A large number of creatures with the blood of the extraterrestrial demons died directly, and fell into Chen Ming's hands.

And with all this happening, large tracts of land were directly vacated, and then occupied by the Emperor Chen clan.

In the past, because the strength of the clan had already declined, the territories occupied by the Emperor Chen clan were all in the wilderness.

But at the moment in front of us, with Chen Ming's climb to the top, the emperor Chen clan also began to grow stronger with Chen Ming's actions, devouring the territory and power of other races, and began to expand continuously.

At the same time, through the urging of the emperor's soldiers, in this short period of ten years, the number of descendants of the emperor Chen's lineage in the entire Emperor Chen family has also continued to increase. According to the current situation, there is a constant trend. Eruption tendency.

According to the current trend, after a period of time, the strength of the Emperor Chen clan will probably continue to expand, and will eventually reach a peak.

After all, this is a descendant left by an ancient emperor. His own talent potential is extremely powerful, and it was just a temporary decline before.

Now that the opportunity has just been obtained, the entire Emperor Chen clan immediately has a tendency to explode. At this moment before them, the explosive gesture is unparalleled and shocked countless people.

But at this moment in front of him, all the things that should be done in the entire blocked land have been completed.

At the place in front of him, Chen Ming also stopped his conquest, and began to look away from the blocked land, gradually looking outside.

With his actions over the years, the entire blockade has gradually calmed down. At this moment, he began to try to get out of the blockade and return to the mysterious world with some power in the blockade.


A faint golden light flickered in place.

As the power of the teleportation circle continued to vibrate, several figures began to appear on the spot.

With the old patriarch, Chen Qingling and others, Chen Ming came to the glacier in the north and returned to the previous ruins.

Afterwards, he raised his head, and felt a strange aura not far away in an instant, rushing towards his direction.

Feeling this aura, Chen Ming didn't feel the slightest fluctuation in his heart, his face was calm, and he just stood there quietly, waiting there.

After a while, a figure appeared in front of him, none other than the former Feng Wu.

Feng Wu appeared in Chen Ming's eyes. At this moment, she stared at Chen Ming in a daze, with some surprise in her eyes.

"Master, you are back!"

Feng Wu looked at Chen Ming in front of her. At this moment, her face was filled with joy, and the worries that had surfaced in her heart were completely let go.

"sorry to keep you waiting……"

Chen Ming looked at Feng Wu in front of him, smiled and stretched out his hand, touched her head, and then said so.

In his heart, looking at Feng Wu in front of him at this moment, he couldn't help but feel a sense of trance constantly rising.

For Feng Wu in front of her, the difference this time may only be a year or two.

But for Chen Ming, the time interval between this meeting after parting was thousands of years.

Although Chen Ming spent most of these thousands of years in a deep sleep, the period of time when he just woke up was considered extremely long.

After such a long time, the impression in his mind of Feng Wu in front of him has been a little blurred. Seeing Feng Wu in front of him again at this moment, he can't help but feel a little dazed, and an extremely unique feeling arises.

So, he just touched Feng Wu's head like this, and gradually became familiar with this feeling.

After a while, Feng Wu broke free from Chen Ming's hand, then looked behind Chen Ming, looked at the voices of the old patriarch and Chen Qingling, and asked curiously.

"Who are these two?"

"It's my clan..."

Chen Ming turned around and looked at the old patriarch and Chen Qingling at the side, with a faint smile on his face at this moment: "I will be your partner from now on."

Listening to Chen Ming's words, Feng Wu nodded obediently, and didn't ask any more questions, but her heart moved as well.

After following Chen Ming for so many years, she is naturally very clear about Chen Ming's identity, he is a descendant of the Emperor Chen clan.

Since the two people in front of them are members of Chen Ming's clan, their identities are obviously also from the Emperor Chen clan.

This friend made him already have a lot of guesses in his heart.

"Has the outside world changed in the years since I left?"

Looking at Feng Wu in front of him, Chen Ming asked calmly.

Before he left, he had arranged some manpower for Feng Wu to ensure that even though it was located in the Arctic ice, it could still continuously receive news from the Central Plains area.

At the beginning, the reason why he arranged it like this was not for anything else, but that when he returned, he could understand the news in the entire mysterious world at the first time, so that his eyes would not be dimmed and he would not know anything .


Listening to Chen Ming's words in front of her, Feng Wu's face suddenly became a little ugly, as if she remembered something at this moment.

Then she began to tell Chen Ming, explaining some things that happened in the mysterious world in the past few decades.

During her explanation, Chen Ming also gradually understood some things that had happened in the past few decades.

After Chen Ming left from the mysterious world, there was not much change in the whole mysterious world at the beginning.

But slowly, the situation in the mysterious world gradually changed.

Many ancient forces were born together, making the atmosphere of the whole mysterious world messy.

That's all.

Although all the ancient forces were born in this era, but under the prestige of Chen Ming before, at least nothing happened in the Yuan Demon Sect, and not many people dared to provoke them.

Of course, this is also related to Yuan Mozong's low profile over the years.

When Chen Ming left before, he had explained that he asked Yuan Mozun and others to directly block the mountain gate after he left, and even move the entire Yuan Mozong directly to other places if necessary.

At present, after Chen Ming left, his original explanation was well implemented.

Because of this, during the first ten years after Chen Ming left, nothing major happened to the Yuan Demon Sect.

After all, Yuan Mozong's strength is actually not weak at this moment.

Even if Chen Ming, the top powerhouse in the world, leaves, there are still three powerhouses with magic weapons guarding the Yuan Demon Sect.

The three of Yang Ye did not leave, but at the request of Chen Ming, they have been sitting in the Yuanmo Sect.

These three are all top masters in the world. It can be said that they can rule the roost only by virtue of their own strength, and they cooperate with Kuaishou and Shenbing.

With the cooperation of the magic weapon in hand, as the master of the magic weapon to draw the blessing of the power of the magic weapon, its power is absolutely amazing.

With these three people helping to guard, ordinary people are really not qualified to do anything.

Even those forces that have returned from ancient times are the same.

In the same place, Chen Ming's face was calm, and he continued to listen to Feng Wu's story.

As he expected, Feng Wu's words changed again afterwards.

"However, in the past ten years, the situation has changed."

Feng Wu sighed deeply, and said so to Chen Ming at this moment.

In front of Chen Ming and the others, she began to talk about what happened in the past ten years.

For decades, the vitality in the mysterious world has been continuously recovering, and now there are new changes almost every day.

And with the continuous recovery of the vitality of the world, powerful forces are also constantly appearing in the entire world.

Just over ten years ago, a terrifying force was born out of nowhere.

It does not appear in the form of sects like other forces, but a huge race.

"Those warriors look similar to the human race, but they are completely different from the human race inside. Every member of the clan has terrifying and powerful talents, comparable to geniuses among the human race."

Feng Wu's face was solemn, and when talking about this unique race at this moment, her face couldn't help but change a little: "This race claims to be a god race, and it is said that it is the descendant of the ancient gods."

Two abnormal sounds suddenly sounded.

Listening to Feng Wu's words, the corners of the mouths of the old patriarch and Chen Qingyu twitched, and they almost lost their breath at this moment.

The corner of Chen Ming's mouth couldn't help but twitch, he didn't know what to say at this moment.

Protoss, a very familiar name.

During these years in the blocked land, Chen Ming was extremely familiar with this name.

(End of this chapter)

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