Sweeping the world

Chapter 451 Feast

Chapter 451 Feast
Inside the Arctic Glacier, Chen Ming listened quietly to Feng Wu's story.

In the past few decades, the surrounding world has been changing. Apart from the birth of the Protoss, various small events are constantly happening.

At this moment in front of him, Chen Ming was listening to Feng Wu's narration, listening to what happened after each incident.

Under Feng Wu's narration, Chen Ming slowly fell silent, the more he listened, the more shocking he felt.

As a sage, his vision is far above that of ordinary people. To ordinary people, it may be a very ordinary trivial matter, but in his eyes, he can see some clues.

Because of this, he was able to see some things that happened in the mysterious world recently, and some things hidden behind them.

"This world is really changing fast enough..."

Chen Ming shook his head, at this moment in front of him, he didn't know what to say.

The situation in the mysterious world was changing too fast, and for Chen Ming at the moment, he didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing.

But at this moment in front of him, Chen Ming didn't want to think about these things. He just took Feng Wu and the others in front of him and quickly left this northern ice field.

After leaving the Northland, as Chen Ming and the others entered the Central Plains area, the surrounding changes became more and more obvious.

In various areas in the mysterious world, there are obviously bursts of blood energy continuously rising into the sky, and bursts of voices are resounding in the surrounding world.

Occasionally, one can still see the slaughtered cities, the blood in them soaring to the sky, and the grievances in them are constantly wailing.

Looking at all this, Chen Ming frowned, and looked at Feng Wu at the side.

Sensing Chen Ming's vision, Feng Wu's face turned livid. Looking at the slaughtered city in front of her at this moment, she could only shake her head blankly, not knowing what happened.

Although she is in the mysterious world, Feng Wu's news is far more informed than Chen Ming's, but she is located in the Arctic Glacier and has no close connection with the Central Plains.

Therefore, Feng Wu is not clear about some things that happened in the Central Plains area at the moment, and cannot receive answers in time, and there is a period of delay.

So at this moment in front of him, looking at the city that was slaughtered in front of him, Feng Wu was also a little at a loss, not knowing what happened.

Seeing the appearance of Feng Wu in front of him, Chen Ming remained silent and just silently displayed his supernatural powers.

With the power of his own sage, he reversed the time and space of this area, and reproduced the scene that once happened.

Afterwards, as his power surged in this place, the scenes that happened once were displayed again at this moment in front of him.

A huge city stood quietly in front of it, and there were countless shouts in it.

In the scene that emerged in front of my eyes, those voices kept wailing in it, as if they were screaming miserably, and there seemed to be someone chasing them behind them, making them howl in despair .

Afterwards, figures appeared at the end of the city, in front of Chen Ming and the others.

Those are a few stalwart and tall figures. They look no different from ordinary people, but they are taller and more handsome. The gods are generally holy.

But at this moment in front of them, what these beings are doing has nothing to do with gods.

His face was indifferent, and he was waving a weapon in the scene. With such an indifferent expression, a massacre was unfolding in the city.

They slaughtered the living beings in this city, ignoring the wailing of the weak lives, and directly slaughtered the living beings in the entire city without leaving any room.

Afterwards, with the operation of a magic circle, the corpses in the entire city melted directly, turning into real blood-colored vitality, which gathered directly towards the center of the city, condensing into a blood-colored crystal.

The blood-colored crystal looks crystal clear and incomparably beautiful, like the most precious gem, shining with intoxicating brilliance.

But even though this blood-colored crystal looks so beautiful, it cannot change its cruel nature, and it was only obtained by sacrificing the souls of the entire city.

At the end of the scene, the protoss took away Nami's blood-colored crystal, then turned around and put away the magic circle, and walked to the next place.

At this moment in front of him, the scene recalled by Chen Ming also slowly disappeared, and it ended here.

In the same place, looking at the scene in front of him, behind Chen Ming, Feng Wu's face was ashen. At this moment, his arms were tightly grasped, not knowing what to say.


Standing in front of Chen Ming, Chen Qingling looked at the scenes that emerged in front of her, and a burst of anger kept rising in her heart: "What do they want to do?"

Beside Chen Qingling, the old patriarch's expression was also very ugly, watching the scenes of massacres before him in silence.

At the same place, Chen Ming also fell silent, and waited for a long time before speaking again, looking up in one direction.

"If you want to know what they are going to do, just ask them and you will know..."

Chen Ming turned around alone, looking at a certain direction in the distance at this moment, with a calm face, he just spoke so lightly.

The voice fell, and then the figures of the few of them disappeared in place, and the huge divine power tore apart the space in an instant, and was directly transmitted to a certain area in the distance in an instant.

Just in the blink of an eye, they came to another city, standing above that city.

In the city in front of him, a fight was also going on, and there were bursts of wailing in it, which sounded particularly frightening.

Looking at this scene, Chen Ming looked at it quietly.

It can be seen that these protoss are well prepared. At this moment, the surrounding area of ​​the city is covered with blood-colored formations, making it impossible for the creatures in the entire city to escape. Struggling quietly in the city, but unable to leave.

Observing the large formation covering the city, Chen Ming could also see that that large formation not only served the purpose of restraint, but also served a series of functions such as refining.

The reason for this is probably so that after all the creatures in the city are wiped out, the flesh and blood of the creatures in the whole city can be directly refined into the blood crystals like before.

Thinking of this, Chen Ming shook his head, and immediately stretched out his hand.

As soon as he dropped his palm, he directly slapped the city in front of him, his prestige was extremely terrifying, it seemed like he was going to smash the whole city with one palm.

In the city below, feeling this extremely terrifying threat, the few protoss who were massacring in the city immediately stopped, there was no time to react under this mighty crisis, and then directly was caught up.

boom! !

Accompanied by a clear sound, around the city in front of him, the blood-colored magic circles shattered and were directly crushed by Chen Ming's palm, leaving no room for them.

Feeling this and looking at the situation in front of them, the faces of the few remaining protoss were ugly, and they didn't know what happened.

Afterwards, they felt a flash in front of their eyes, and they arrived in front of Chen Ming and the others in an instant.

"You are!!"

Looking at Chen Ming and the others in front of them, they were taken aback for a moment, and were about to say something.

A slender hand fell down instantly, grabbed these protoss in an instant, and smashed them into pieces.

Afterwards, a bit of true spirit was directly extracted by Chen Ming, extracting their memories to understand the situation around here.

Through the memories of these protoss, Chen Ming also understood something.

"Collecting the essence of raw meat is for holding a sacrifice?"

Sensing the memories left in the minds of these protoss, Chen Ming frowned, feeling a little puzzled at this moment.

Obviously, the few Protoss who are massacring in this place are not high-level figures among the Protoss, and they don't know too much.

All they know is that a sacrifice will be held among the Protoss, so blood crystals are needed as sacrifices.

As executives, they were dispatched to cities to carry out massacres in the cities to collect the blood crystals.

As for more things, a few of them don't know.

In their minds, Chen Ming also received a message.

In a certain area of ​​the Central Plains, a gathering point of demon gates has been discovered at this moment, and it is said that there are master gates of contemporary demons in it.

At this moment, the strong among the gods have entered it, and they want to go to that area to invite the masters of the contemporary devils to be guests in the gods.

Accompanied by a crisp sound, the space in place instantly shattered.

Behind Chen Ming, Feng Wu looked at Chen Ming in front of him with some doubts, not understanding what happened.

Standing in mid-air, facing their gaze, Chen Ming didn't explain anything, but spoke calmly with a calm face.

"We leave."

"Go and meet those protoss..."

He said so lightly, and then directly tore the space in front of him, and left this place with Feng Wu and the others behind him, walking towards a more distant area.

Time passed slowly, and soon it was a few days later.

A few days later, in the Central Plains, Chen Ming and the others also inquired about a piece of news.

A feast is being prepared among the Protoss, and the Holy Land of the World is being invited to it at this moment.

And among the lists invited by the Protoss, the Buddhist and Demonic Sects, as well as some other Imperial Clans are impressively listed.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately caused turmoil in the world.

The grand feast held by the Protoss this time was obviously not a good one, and the list of invitations included all the top forces in the world in one fell swoop.

(End of this chapter)

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