Chapter 454
"Ming'er, why are you here?"

In the hall where the Protoss held a banquet, looking at Chen Ming approaching in front of him, Yuan Mozun's face turned livid instantly, and he couldn't help asking.

Of course, he didn't ask the question directly, but transmitted the sound through his own soul.

"I don't worry about my master, so I stopped by to have a look..."

Looking at Yuan Mozun in front of him, Chen Ming showed a smile on his face, and while walking at this moment, he opened his mouth and replied: "By the way, let's see what the banquet held here looks like."


Yuan Mozun shook his head: "The fact that the Protoss held a banquet this time is obviously because the visitor is not kind, and the arrester is a teacher, and it is also for the purpose of coercing you, so you have to come."

"Yi Minger, with your intelligence, you should be able to see this. Why did you come here?"

"Do not worry."

Hearing Yuan Mozun's words, Chen Ming also smiled, and said like this: "I have a sense of proportion."

He said so, but didn't explain too much.

Similarly, Yuan Mozun didn't say anything more, looking at Chen Ming who was already walking in front of him, but just sighed deeply.

No matter what, Chen Minglai has come. Could it be possible to leave at this moment?
Even if he is willing to leave, can the people of the Protoss let him go?

It is too late to mention this now, there is nothing to say at all.

Led by the stunning woman in front of him, Chen Ming came to Yuan Mozun and sat down in front of Yuan Mozun.

At this moment, he felt several eyes behind him looking at him in unison.

Those were the other holy land masters behind Chen Ming. At this moment, Chen Ming's eyes were all looking forward, and there was some gloating in their eyes.

However, Chen Ming didn't care about these things, he just waved his hand casually, and a little divine power spread out, immediately turning their faces ashen, and they didn't dare to look at Chen Ming anymore.

Sitting beside Yuan Mozun, Chen Ming sat there quietly, just looking at the surrounding scene.

The hall in front of me is very huge, and the people sitting in it are far more than the two forces of the demon sect and the buddhist sect.

In fact, among the people invited by the Protoss, there are not only demons and Buddhists, but besides these two top forces, there are also many emperors.

Those imperial clans are all descendants of the ancient emperors, and each of them inherits the luck of the ancient emperors. The strength of each imperial clan will not be weak, and they will not even appear in the slightest inferior to the Buddhist and demonic sects.

However, at this moment in front of them, under the threat of the gods, these imperial clans still honestly sent people to come here for the banquet.

It is inevitable to go to the banquet. After all, in this era, there are still several sages standing side by side among the Protoss, and no one can face it directly.

If these imperial clans don't want to suffer disaster, and don't want to be directly hit by the gods, they must send people in, and send people to this place to participate in this banquet.

After all, in the final analysis, it doesn't matter to them to send people to the banquet, even if the person who came to the banquet is killed.

Whether it is the imperial clan or the demon sect and the Buddhist sect, they are all deeply rooted in the entire mysterious world. Even if a large number of clan members die, there will still be another large group.

There is no fear of casualties at all.

However, it is obvious that among the imperial clan invited by the protoss, there is no figure of the Emperor Chen clan.

The Emperor Chen family has already disappeared in the mysterious world, and has disappeared in the mysterious world for many years. This is something that everyone knows.

If possible, the Protoss would certainly like to invite the Emperor and Chen clan to the banquet, but obviously, even if they wanted to invite them, they didn't have the ability.

Therefore, at this moment, in this hall, the Emperor Chen clan is destined to be absent.

Of course, it is not necessarily absent.

Chen Ming has pure Emperor Chen blood in his body, he is the emperor son of the Emperor Chen clan, and one person is enough to represent the entire Emperor Chen clan.

Therefore, in this place in front of him, the Emperor Chen clan is actually not absent.

It's just that the protoss above don't know it.

Time passed slowly, sitting in the place in front of me, and soon another two or three months passed.

Letting the guests sit in this place for a full two or three months without actually starting the banquet, if this kind of thing is placed among mortals, I am afraid it will be extremely inconceivable.

But for warriors, this is very common.

For real warriors, especially high-level warriors, it may take several months for one practice and one breath of celestial vitality.

The waiting time for a banquet like the Protoss in front of us is actually quite normal, and there is nothing strange about it.

And in the past few months, other forces around have also gradually arrived, and they sat on their own seats one by one, and they were not absent.

In it, Chen Ming also felt the true background in the mysterious world.

These forces in front of me are not a fuel-efficient lamp, and each of them has a terrifying power hidden.

The magic gate and buddhist gate alone are already extremely terrifying.

Buddhism has the No. 1 living Buddha King in the past.It is itself the reincarnation of a sage.

Not to mention Momen, there is a real sage like Chen Ming.

As for the other forces, each of them is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and the representatives they send are equally terrifying in strength.

In it, Chen Ming could even feel all kinds of strange aura rising from these people.

There is an aura that only belongs to the sages emerging, and with the arrival of these people, it permeates the place in front of us.

This kind of breath is extremely subtle, and most people can't detect it at all.

If Chen Ming hadn't held the imperial weapon, he would have been unable to discover the existence of this kind of aura through the unique induction of the imperial soldier.

"Is it the holy artifact of a sage? Or does it belong to a reincarnated sage like the Buddha king?"

In the same place, feeling the existence of that breath, Chen Ming muttered to himself, and this thought flashed through his mind at this moment.

The existence of sages at this level is extremely unique in itself.

If he didn't want to be discovered by others, even if Chen Ming himself was a sage and held an imperial weapon, it would be difficult to detect it.

The reason for King Buddha's situation before was because King Buddha himself was extremely easy-going and had a close relationship with Chen Ming, so he didn't mind being felt by him.

Because of this, Chen Ming was able to perceive the sage essence hidden in the Buddha King's body.

But if other sages were reincarnated, Chen Ming might not be able to detect them under the circumstances of deliberately hiding them.

But that's a good thing after all.

The existence of reincarnated sages came to the hall of the Protoss in front of him, which showed that the power of the Xuanjie side was actually far stronger than Chen Ming thought. Once there was a real competition, it was uncertain who would have the upper hand.

But that's no wonder.

Whether it is Buddhism, Momen or other imperial clans, they are all inherited to the existence of the ancient emperor-level figures, and this is where the orthodoxy of the ancient emperor-level figures lies.

As the orthodoxy of these levels of people, there must have been sages.

And sages exist, and they themselves are extremely difficult to fall. If there is no accident, most of them can survive from ancient times and live to the present era.

Because of this, among so many forces that exist in front of us, there must be some of them that hide sage-level figures, and there may even be more than one.

Once they are really united, the sages among the Protoss don't know whether they are opponents or not.

At this moment in front of us, with the last force also coming to this place, the feast in front of us finally really started.

Some songs and dances compiled by the goddesses of the protoss began to take place one by one, and they were staged in turn in this place in front of them.

In addition, there are also some unique programs of the Protoss, which are also staged in this place one by one, and they are constantly being performed in front of them, which looks extremely pleasing to the eye.

In addition, in addition to these programs, there are also delicacies that are constantly being served, and the materials used in them are extremely amazing.

Either the flesh and blood essence of some ancient ferocious beasts, or some divine herbs and medicines that have long been extinct, if they are made with these materials, the final result must be astonishing.

At this place in front of you, there are bursts of light constantly shining around at this moment, and bursts of fragrance cover everything, making this place in front of you look extremely sacred and beautiful.

It can be said that in order to entertain these people in front of them, the people of the Protoss are not stingy. Each of these delicacies served at this moment, taken out and released to the outside world, is the magic medicine that warriors dream of.

A mortal can prolong his life with just one bite, increase his lifespan, make his blood stronger, and even directly change his aptitude. In an instant, he can change from a mortal body to a physique suitable for practicing martial arts.

Every delicacy is hard to find in the outside world, not to mention some of the ingredients have already disappeared in the mysterious world at this moment, they have been completely extinct, and it is impossible to find them again.

But obviously, to the person sitting here in front of them, these are nothing more than ordinary things, even though they are rare to see, they are nothing.

Under the atmosphere in front of them, few people can still enjoy these singing, dancing and delicacies with peace of mind, and none of them pay attention to these things.

But if you want to see the real drama, you have to go through all these intermediate processes one by one.

Therefore, at this moment in front of you, the people present are still waiting very patiently, waiting for these processes to be completed slowly, just enjoying the delicious food, singing and dancing in this place, while waiting for the announcement of the final drama.

Soon, in this waiting, time slowly passed.

It took a full month before the singing, dancing and delicacies in front of them slowly left, and then an old man wearing a silver robe and looking very calm walked slowly to the center.

(End of this chapter)

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