Chapter 456
"The one who came was not kind, the one who came was not kind..."

In the quiet hall, listening to the words of the old man in front, everyone present fell silent.

Those who can serve as representatives of many forces and go to the Protoss to have a banquet are naturally not fools.

What Chen Ming could think of, other people present could also think of, and they all reacted at this moment.

But it's no use thinking about it.

This is an aboveboard conspiracy.

At this moment in front of him, the protoss was born, and its strength surpassed the entire mysterious world. Could what he said and what he did be ignored by these people present?

If you dare to ignore it, you may not be able to see the sun alive the next day.

Because of this, they had to listen to what the old man said.

In other words, even if they don't listen, someone will always listen.

For any force, its power must not be monolithic, but has gaps.

Even if one is an imperial clan, as a descendant of the ancient emperor, there must be some members of the clan who are dissatisfied with the status quo.

Under the coercion and temptation of the people of the Protoss, there will always be some tribesmen who will be won over by the Protoss, and thus be confused by the various conditions offered by the Protoss, and finally fall into the embrace of the Protoss.

And once these people fall into the arms of the Protoss, marry the goddess of the Protoss according to the wishes of the Protoss, and join the Protoss in name, then the goal of the Protoss will be achieved.

The purpose of the Protoss at this moment is not to destroy the power of the Imperial Clan openly, but to continue to divide the Imperial Clan in this way, to divide the power possessed by the Imperial Clan, and to divert their own luck.

Therefore, it is not necessary for the entire Imperial Clan to fall to the Protoss, it is only necessary for some of the Imperial Clan to be dissatisfied with the status quo, so that the blood of the ancient emperors can flow into the Protoss, then that is enough.

As long as the blood of the ancient emperor flows into the gods, it means that the descendants of the ancient emperors are no longer the only ones, and their fortunes will be divided, and they will no longer protect the original emperors like in the past.

And until that time, when the blood of these ancient great emperors multiplies and grows among the Protoss, that is when the Protoss attacks them, the external imperial families.

As long as the blood of the ancient emperor still exists, even if it exists in the god clan, the luck of the ancient emperor will not be bad, which makes it possible for the emperor clan to be destroyed.

After all, even if it is the luck left by the ancient emperor, it can only guarantee that his descendants will not be cut off, and one day he will be able to recover again.

But if the descendants of the ancient emperor themselves existed among the gods, and there was a slight possibility of reproduction and growth, then other descendants would naturally not be so important.

This is the purpose of the Protoss, and it is also the most aboveboard conspiracy.

Moreover, this method does not harm the contemporary people, but the descendants of future generations.

Since the Protoss chose this way, they will definitely not attack their Imperial Clan in this era. They must wait until the descendants of the Protoss who have the blood of the ancient emperor grow up before starting to attack them.

And by that time, this group of imperial clans in this era may have already been replaced, and I don't know how many years have passed.

Therefore, for the many imperial families that exist in this era, the resistance to this plan may not be strong.

After all, it is not them who are going to harm, but the younger generations.

People are always like this. Although they know that some things are not good, as long as the knife does not fall on them for a day, they will not feel the pain.

In an instant, these people in front of them instantly understood these principles.

"High! It's really high..."

Sitting beside Chen Ming, Yuan Mozun sighed softly, raised his head at this moment, and looked at the old man of the Protoss in front of him, feeling a burst of admiration.

Naturally, these people present could clearly see the plan of the Protoss, but at this moment, none of them made a sound.

No one among them spoke until a faint Buddha's light bloomed on the spot.


The Buddha king showed a smile on his face, and at this moment he chanted the Buddha's name lightly, and there was a faint light of Buddha flickering all over his body, looking extremely sacred.

He stood up from his seat. Although he didn't say much, he also expressed his attitude silently at this moment.

"Buddhist disciples have eighteen major precepts, and female sex is still the first."

"How can anyone who is a monk marry a wife and have children?"

There was a faint smile on his face. At this moment, the Buddha's light was blooming all over his body. He looked extremely sacred, with a kind of majesty, and looked like a real Buddha at a glance, with incomparable stalwart and sacredness.

"The kindness of the benefactor, I will not accept it."

He said lightly, just standing on his seat, looking at the old man in the distance, and said so.

Standing in the center of the hall, the smile on the old man's face stagnated, and his face gradually became indifferent at this moment, just looking at the Buddha King.

"Master, what you mean is that you don't want to drink a toast, so you're fined wine?"

"I don't know if I'm fined wine, but I'm one of them..."

Another voice came from not far away, and it sounded right here at this moment.

Looking at the Buddha King walking out in front of him, Chen Ming showed a smile on his face. Under the astonished eyes of Yuan Mozun, he just got up calmly and walked to the Buddha King silently.

"Senior's kindness, I am sorry that I cannot accept it."

Chen Ming stood quietly in front of the Buddha King. At this moment, there was also a faint Buddha light flowing all over his body, which faintly echoed the Buddha light blooming from the Buddha King beside him. He just stood there and looked at the old man of the God Race in front of him and spoke. Said.

"The devil..."

In the center of the hall, the old man of the Protoss race in front of him frowned. He was looking at Chen Ming who was walking out in front of him at this moment, and was about to say something.

But at this time, as King Buddha and Chen Ming stepped out of their seats, there was also a burst of voices around them.

"Senior's kindness, forgive me for not being able to accept it..."

Representatives of the imperial clan stood up from their seats, their faces were stern at this moment, and they just looked at the elders of the divine clan in front of them.

"There is a commandment passed down in my clan, all members of my clan are not allowed to marry outsiders."

"Senior's kindness, please forgive me for not being blessed."

They stood on their seats, looked at the old man of the Protoss in front of them at this moment, and said so lightly.

However, most of the imperial clans have been able to reproduce until now because most of them have similar clan rules, which do not allow their clansmen to intermarry with other clans, so as to ensure the purity of their clansman's blood.

On the other hand, this is also to prevent schemes like the God Clan, to prevent the fate of the ancient emperor from being divided, causing the entire family to decline.

Therefore, facing the proposal of the old man of the Protoss before them, they finally stood up and expressed their opposition.

Standing in the center of the golden hall, the old man of the God Clan stood there, looking at the representatives of the Emperor Clan who were almost standing up around him at this moment, he didn't know what to say at this moment.

For the reactions of these people in front of him, he had already expected it in his heart.

As the blood of the ancient gods, they also have similar precepts among the gods, and intermarriage between the gods and foreign races is not allowed.

Therefore, they are also one of the divine veins, so they naturally understand what kind of reaction these imperial clans in front of them will have.

It's just that even though they knew that they would have such a reaction, at this moment, they still underestimated the reaction of these representatives in front of them.

Judging from the reactions of these people in front of them, it may be far more difficult for them to achieve their goals than they imagined.

Standing there calmly, the old man shook his head slightly, feeling a little helpless at this moment.

"Can't we discuss it together? Why did you have to come to this point?"

He sighed softly, and his face gradually became grim at this moment.

The smile on his face gradually faded away, and at this moment a cold look appeared on the old man's face, he just stood quietly in the hall, looking coldly at the people standing in front of him.

He stood there, and at this moment in front of him, the aura from all over his body began to overflow, filled the entire hall, and echoed in this place.

boom! !

Faintly, one could hear bursts of space breaking sounds continuously.

The surrounding space began to shatter spontaneously. At this moment, the unrivaled majesty from the sages continued to erupt, covering the surroundings. In an instant, countless weak points in the space were broken, and a storm blew up in the place in front of him.

A burst of dense space fragments spread forward, looking like this, it seemed to directly cover up everyone in front of them, submerging them in this place in front of them.

Then at the moment in front of him, everyone's vision became hazy.

Everything was covered by the dense space debris, the surroundings were quiet, and nothing could be seen.

Faced with the majesty that originated from the sages, at this moment, the representatives of the imperial clan couldn't help but feel a little palpitated, feeling a great terror rising at this moment.

The essence that belongs to the sage is fully revealed at this moment, and the majesty of terror erupts, permeating the place in front of him.

Terrifying, deadly storms began to blow here, as if they were going to destroy everyone, freezing this place directly.

Of course, this is just an illusion.

At this moment in front of him, the old man of the Protoss didn't want to kill these people in front of him, otherwise, he wouldn't let them feel everything in front of him, and the moment his breath overflowed, it would be enough to wipe them out.

All he wanted was to show his majesty, so as to frighten the people in front of him.

In such a way, to force them to agree.

But obviously, at this moment in front of him, his plan was doomed to fail.

Because in front, a terrifying breath is slowly rising.

(End of this chapter)

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