My throne is not stable

Chapter 113 Entering the Temple

Chapter 113 Entering the Temple
The sky was cloudless and the sun was shining directly on the earth. At the foot of Shaoshi Mountain, Zhu Yu's carriage stopped slowly.

After the car came to a complete stop, Zhu Yu and Jiang Yuyan got out of the car one by one. In the huge Shaoshi mountain range, where the naked eye could see, there was only a group of them.

This kind of situation is rare. Shaolin Temple is not only a rare top sect in Jianghu, but also the most prestigious temple in the Central Plains. There are extremely many people who come to offer incense and fulfill their vows every day.

Of course, the ordinary places of worship and the places where monks practice and rest are not in the same place. It can be said that Shaolin Temple has done an excellent job in this regard, completely separating martial arts from ordinary people.

Some senior pilgrims of Shaolin Temple have traveled to Shaoshi Mountain for many years, and have never seen any martial arts practitioners except the Shaolin monks.

There are only two martial arts sects in the world who have done this kind of practice, and the other is Wudang.

It's not that only these two sects can do this, but that this requires a lot of manpower, material resources, and energy, as well as financial resources.

It's not that the rest of the martial arts sects don't do it, but it's not worth it.

Having said that, the current situation, needless to say, must have been caused by Cao Zhengchun. Although Zhu Yu couldn't see the surprise of ordinary people when they saw the emperor, Zhu Yu felt a little bit regretful in his heart, but Zhu Yu still felt sorry for Cao Zhengchun's actions. Appreciated.

When both feet touched the ground, Zhu Yu felt a strange feeling in his heart.

This was Zhu Yu's first time wearing a dragon robe to show his holiness in front of people, not counting the time he went to the Summer Resort, although he also went out of the palace wearing a dragon robe that time, he had never seen anyone face to face.

Suppressing this feeling, after Jiang Yuyan also got off the carriage, Zhu Yu ordered in a deep voice: "Go, go up the mountain."

Following Zhu Yu's order, this team of nearly 40 people slowly moved towards the mountain gate of Shaolin Temple.

Fang Zheng, a disciple of the Fang generation who was arranged to observe the situation on the mountainside, saw the crowds surging down the mountain, took a good look, and then turned back to the temple to inform without much hesitation.

Besides, at the mountain gate of Shaolin Temple, except for the old monks who have already retired, all the eminent monks of Shaolin Temple, led by the abbot Xuanci, have already set up battles to welcome them.

Seeing Fang Zheng who had been arranged to run towards the mountain gate, Xuanci asked before he got close, "How is Fang Zheng? Can you see clearly? Is it really the emperor's visit?"

"Returning to the abbot, I dare not lie, because I have never seen the face of the emperor, so I can't judge, but there are indeed people wearing dragon robes among the visitors, the rest are wearing imperial concubine costumes, and the rest are wearing full-body Dongchang." Official uniform.

And according to the technique of watching qi in this temple, the visitors are all elites, except for those who wear dragon robes, the rest are murderous, and two of them have abnormal auras, which the monks can't see through, and they are suspected of being martial arts masters. "

Hearing Fang Zheng's answer, Xuanci nodded, and said loudly: "There should be no doubt, all senior brothers, prepare to welcome the emperor."

"Amitabha, please obey the abbot's decree." All the monks in Shaolin Temple behind Xuanci replied in unison.

After a while, Xuanci and others standing on the mountain had already seen the Dongchang spies who were exploring the way ahead, and they stopped waiting. Under the leadership of Xuanci, the monks went up to meet them.

At the beginning of the journey, Zhu Yu knew that Shaolin was very strong, but he never realized how strong this 'strong' was.

Hearing Xuanci's introduction from Shaolin Temple, Zhu Yu's heart couldn't help sinking.

Xuannan, Xuanbei, Xuanji, Xuanyin, Xuanpain, Xuancheng, Kongwen, Emptiness, Emptiness, Wisdom of Suffering.
The Eight Parts of Heavenly Dragons, Yitian Tulongji, and some familiar dharma names but couldn't remember where they heard them, they all drilled into Zhu Yu's mind.

How could this be so strong, Zhu Yu's heart went cold.

It was also thanks to Zhu Yu who had been honing his acting skills all this time, he calmly exchanged greetings with the abbot Xuanci, and slowly recovered.

But there is another big mountain in Zhu Yu's heart, which is Shaolin Temple!
Later, Zhu Yu also went to Shaolin Temple to pay respects to the Buddha. Of course, the imperial power authorized him not to kneel when he saw the Buddha, so Zhu Yu also put on a show.

At Xuanci's invitation, Zhu Yu and others had an authentic vegetarian meal in Shaolin Temple.

After the meal, Xuanci got down to business.

"Your Majesty can come to our temple, and Shaolin is full of splendor. Although I have studied Buddhism for many years, I am actually a rough person. I have a doubt in my heart. I wonder if the Emperor can explain my doubts?"

"Abbot, please tell me."

Zhu Yu didn't beat around the bush, after all, this was the purpose of coming to Shaolin Temple.

Hearing this, Xuanci made a Buddhist ceremony, and asked: "Amitabha, the emperors of all dynasties have also come to our temple to worship the Buddha, but the process seems to be different from yours, the emperor. I want to ask, what is the emperor's visit this time? Is it just to pay homage to the Buddha?"

"of course not."

Zhu Yu's tone was a bit harsh, Xuan Ci said so much, it seemed to be euphemistic, but the problem was only focused on the last sentence.

How can this be euphemistic?This is called interrogation!

"I'm stupid, I don't know why the emperor came here?" Xuanci seemed not to have heard the change in Zhu Yu's tone, and continued to ask.

This time Zhu Yu ignored him, but turned to look at Cao Zhengchun and said, "Send everyone out and guard this place."

"Yes." Cao Zhengchun took the order to lead the people back.

In the house, after the people from Dongchang went out one after another, Zhu Yu turned to look at Xuanci, and said, "Abbot, I don't want too many people to know about this matter, just leave the eminent monks of the Kong and Xuan generations behind. .”

Seeing Zhu Yu's big fight, Xuanci's extremely calm heart also felt a little turbulent.

"Everyone, you can go back to your respective monasteries to practice Buddhism."

After Xuanci finished speaking, most of the monks in the room also left one after another, and the room suddenly became empty.

"Your Majesty, you can speak now." Xuanci performed a Buddha ceremony again.

"Want to know why I came in such a hurry?"

"Please enlighten the emperor."

"I'm here to inquire about crimes!" Zhu Yu stared into Xuanci's eyes and said word by word.

But it's a pity that Xuan Ci didn't move at all, even his eyes were calm.

Of course, this was only Abbot Xuanci, and the faces of the other eminent monks present all changed.

"Amitabha, our monastery does not kill or eat meat. The monks are always restrained, and the precepts are strict. I don't know the sins mentioned by the emperor. Where does the sin come from?"

After Xuanci finished speaking, the mood of the monks calmed down. Yes, we have never touched a single finger of the matter in the court. Although Shaolin Temple often disturbs the rivers and lakes, we don’t kill animals. What is the crime? have?
"Hmph, what's the crime? It's not a crime to harbor someone who intends to rebel? Do you want me to wait for you Shaolin eminent monks to come to my golden temple and punish me?"

"Amitabha, Shaolin Temple has never concealed anyone, please don't listen to villains' provocations."

This time someone couldn't sit still, before Xuan Ci could speak, Kong Wen couldn't help jumping out to argue.

 It’s embarrassing to make complaints about it. I’ve written this chapter for a long time, but I haven’t written the flavor I want, and I don’t know how to change it.

  Alas, it may be that I am not capable enough, I will continue to work hard, thank you for your great love for subscribing.

  Also, thank Beasts for their great rewards, thank you for your love.

  I have already thanked Hundred Beasts many times. I wonder if I already have loyal readers?Haha, I was a little excited.

  I will try my best to write better

(End of this chapter)

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