My throne is not stable

Chapter 126 Details

Chapter 126 Details
Murong Fu was taken aback by Zhu Yu's sudden anger, and couldn't help asking: "Brother Zhu, what do you mean?"

"You said that you are a survivor of Dayan and want to restore the country, I can understand, but please explain, the original border of your Dayan was three-quarters occupied by Mongolia and Khitan, and the quarter occupied by the Jing Dynasty One, not only small but also large forests, are not suitable for living at all.

You put all your plans for the restoration of the country on the border of the Jing Dynasty. Do you think that the Jing Dynasty is easy to bully? "

"Brother Zhu, there is no reason for you to be so angry, yes, most of my Dayan's land is occupied by Mongolia and Khitan.

But the land resources of the Jing Dynasty are better, and my foundation and the long-term layout of the Murong family are all in the Central Plains. Isn't it reasonable to plot the Jing Dynasty? "

Seeing Zhu Yu's inexplicable anger, although Murong Fu was a little puzzled, he still gave an answer, for fear that the Buddha who was about to enter the urn would be shocked away by some trivial matter.

"Okay, what you said is reasonable, but I'm sorry, I can't participate in your big event, and thank you Mr. Murong for your trust. Please rest assured that Zhu will keep his mouth shut about today's matter."

When he heard that Murong Fu treated Jing Chao like a soft persimmon, Zhu Yu would not have thought to spend time with Murong Fu, if it wasn't for Wang Yuyan's face, Zhu Yu would have jumped up and killed Murong Fu.

After finishing speaking, Zhu Yu didn't look at Murong Fu, and got up to leave, but with a flick of his eyes, Murong Fu stood in front of Zhu Yu directly, not letting him leave.

Zhu Yuqi laughed back, secretly thought it was interesting, before he could speak, there was another person beside him.

It was Jiang Yuyan who had always put her mind on Zhu Yu.

Seeing Murong Fu ready to attack, Jiang Yuyan was very happy.

She had already thought about it, after Murong Fu made a move, she would kill him as soon as possible, and then send his beautiful cousin down to accompany him as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, things didn't go according to her script.

Seeing that Jiang Yuyan appeared in time because her actions were a little out of line, Murong Fu was extremely jealous.

Thoughts were spinning a thousand times, but it was only a moment on the face, and Murong Fu clasped his fists and said with a smile.

"Miss, what do you mean by this? Have you misunderstood? I haven't finished the wine yet, I just want to keep Brother Zhu for a few more drinks."

Hearing this, Jiang Yuyan turned to ask Zhu Yu's meaning with regret that others could not see.

Zhu Yu smiled and said: "Yuyan, you take a few steps back, no matter what happens later, you are not allowed to make a move."

Although she didn't understand Zhu Yu's meaning, what Zhu Yu said was heaven to Jiang Yuyan, and the destiny cannot be violated. Jiang Yuyan obediently retreated to the side, but kept looking at Murong Fu, expecting him to do something wrong It's about grid.

Murong Fu also sensed something was wrong from Zhu Yu's words, and asked: "Brother Zhu, what do you mean by that?"

"What do I mean? Doesn't it depend on you, Mr. Murong? What do you want to do when you block my way?"

Zhu Yu didn't answer Murong Fu's words, but asked instead.

But it's a pity that Murong Fu was wrong. In his eyes, Zhu Yu's words were an explanation.

Hearing this, Murong Fu smiled and said: "Brother Zhu misunderstood, how could I block your way, but it's better to explain things clearly."

"Things? Could it be that what I just said is not clear enough? Then let me say it again, forgive me for being helpless."

"No, Brother Zhu, wait a minute, I have told you so much with my heart and soul just now, did Brother Zhu send me away just because he couldn't help you?
Or brother Zhu really thinks that I, Murong Fu, have no temper? "

Murong Fu said something harsh, then his tone became slower, and he said: "Of course, I can't force Brother Zhu to make a decision, but I wonder if Brother Zhu can give me a reason?
Also, doesn't brother Zhu care about my cousin?In fact, to be honest, my cousin was also interested in you after meeting you yesterday, otherwise I wouldn't have said that. "

"You said Miss Wang is interested in me?"

Zhu Yu showed interest on the surface, but he couldn't help spurning Murong Fu in his heart.

For something that is illusory and will definitely not succeed, do you have to give away your cousin who has loved you for many years and has been devoted to you?Or is it still called an individual without consent?
Hearing Zhu Yu's question, Murong Fu said with a smile on his face: "That's natural, how could I lie to Brother Zhu about this matter, then look at the restoration of the country, Brother Zhu, no, is my brother-in-law going to help?" Come on, cousin."

Seeing Murong Fu climbing up the pole, Zhu Yu couldn't help laughing, seeing Murong Fu's appearance as a villain, Zhu Yu was ready for a showdown.

After thinking about it, Zhu Yu returned to his seat, Jiang Yuyan next to him took the opportunity to pour wine, and Murong Fu sat down with him determinedly.

"I said Biao, bah, Mr. Murong, I understand that you have dreams. Everyone has dreams, but he is different from ideals. If you want to realize your dreams, unless you are the one-in-a-million child of destiny, you Isn't it just a joke.

You want to ask me the reason for my refusal?Well, let me tell you right now, just two points. "

Hearing Zhu Yu's words, Murong Fu, who thought the matter had been settled at first, looked a bit ugly, but he still wanted to know the reason for Zhu Yu's refusal, so he could only speak patiently: "Please tell me."

"The first point is that there is a problem with your hoarded strength and deployment. Although you must have hidden cards that you haven't revealed, it's not that big of a deal.

Let me just say it straight, based on all the preparations you just said, if Jingchao is unprepared, it is true that you can get the land of a state, but then what?

The rations, military pay, weapons, etc. you prepared, in your opinion, can last for three to five years, but in my opinion, they can't last for a month.

Could it be that when you were making plans, you imagined that all the soldiers under your command were masters of martial arts?Two hundred people were killed in a one-year battle?

This is still in the absence of other people intervening. If when you are in trouble, some people under your hands are not clean, and they do something like robbing civilian women,
At that time, it is normal for a few decent sects to eliminate evil and promote good, right?If these words become a reality, let alone stick to the land of a state, I admire you if you can keep people from breaking into Swallow Pier in a month. "

Seeing Murong Fu's increasingly ugly face, Zhu Yu sneered and continued.

"As for the second point, it's very simple, that is, the matter of dividing the world equally, I disagree!"

What Zhu Yu said at the beginning really shocked Murong Fu a lot. In fact, Deng Baichuan and Gongye Gan had told him about what Zhu Yu said, but he just couldn't listen to it.

In fact, it's not that he doesn't listen to it. To be honest, he just looks down on Jingchao. He thinks that Jingchao's martial arts and court itself are very chaotic.

Now Zhu Yu, an outsider, said these words, but Murong Fu couldn't help but reflect.

But before he had time to explain, he heard Zhu Yu say his second point. Hearing this, Murong Fu stopped what he wanted to explain, and felt that everything was clear in his heart, as if there was nothing in this world that could stop him His wise eyes were gone.

Yes, what Zhu Yu said in the first point is correct, but this is because Murong Fu acted on his own, Zhu Yu is implying that if he wants to join, these weaknesses are not weaknesses.

The next second point is the highlight, he does not agree with the proposal of dividing the country equally, he wants more!

(End of this chapter)

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