My throne is not stable

Chapter 151 Offending Yuhuatian

Chapter 151 Offending Yuhuatian ([-] in [-])

Hearing that voice that was neither male nor female, one could only know that there was a dead eunuch standing outside the door. Mrs. Wang herself was a very arrogant person, and now that her daughter had entered the palace as a concubine, this made her His arrogance added three points.

Of course, this is also under the condition that Mrs. Wang does not know the identity of the visitor.

But this is not surprising, ever since Murong Fu learned about Wang Yuyan's entry into the palace as a concubine, although Mrs. Wang didn't say anything, she treated her servants more and more harshly, and became defiant.

This also led to the fact that among Zhu Yu's group, Mrs. Wang knew nothing about Zhu Yu's identity except that Zhu Yu was the emperor.

In her opinion, with her current status, others should be rushing to introduce herself. As the emperor's favorite concubine's mother, how could she be rushing to be courteous to others?
She would not do such a self-degrading thing.

If this matter is seen by outsiders, it will definitely be said that Mrs. Wang is sick, but if it is really brought into the role of Mrs. Wang, it is actually not difficult to understand.

Think about it, a person has stayed in Mantuo Villa for decades, and this person is also the owner of this villa. He has been flattered and flattered every day, and he can get whatever he wants, and someone will risk his life to carry out the order given .

This is simply more at ease than the emperor. In such an environment, he has been cultivated for decades, and now he can still maintain a heart of awe for the emperor, which already shows that this person has something.

This is also thanks to Madam Wang's childhood education and her experience, as well as her experience in the world when she was young.

Otherwise, if the temperament remains the same, let Mrs. Wang grow up in Mantuo Villa and enjoy such a life, believe it or not, Mrs. Wang dares to shout in front of Zhu Yu, princes and generals, would you rather be kind?
Although her operation now is domineering, it is actually understandable if she really thinks differently.

In Mrs. Wang's mind, after she scolded, the eunuch outside the door, not to mention kowtow to apologize, at least had to beg for mercy in fear.

But the reply from outside the door surprised Mrs. Wang, she is just a eunuch, why is she so stubborn?

According to her past actions, the people outside the door are already fat, but the unmasculine and forceful voice outside the door reminded her that she is just the owner of a small villa, and those who look down on her, everyone someone here.

Immediately, Mrs. Wang suppressed her anger, gave Wang Yuyan a bitter look, and then slammed the door and left.

When Mrs. Wang opened the door, Wang Yuyan and Yu Huatian also saw each other, Yuhuatian didn't say much, nodded and left with Mrs. Wang.

Mrs. Wang walked a few steps in the dark, and found that the handsome eunuch who was at the door just now had been following her. This made Mrs. Wang, who was already angry in her heart, even more angry, and couldn't help venting a little.

"Didn't it be late at night as you said? Why are you following me? Why don't you hurry back and serve your master?
how?Follow me all the time, don't you have thoughts about me?
Logically speaking, with your handsome appearance, it's nothing to make you happy for a night. In fact, I'm the one who took advantage of it, right?
What a pity, you are a eunuch, tsk tsk, trash!Hahaha"

After letting out a sigh of relief, Mrs. Wang's mood improved a lot, and she laughed and walked to her room.

Standing in the dark, Yuhuatian was dumbfounded by Mrs. Wang's insults. How many years has it been?Who dares to talk to him like that?
Of course, Yuhuatian's words subconsciously blocked the emperor and the concubines in the harem.

Originally, Yuhuatian just wanted to follow and warn Mrs. Wang, but now, Yuhuatian's expression turned completely gloomy.

Mrs. Wang, who was walking back to her room quickly, stepped into the range of the lantern at the door, and then looked back again with a feeling, and then found Yuhuatian not far from her.

Unprepared, Mrs. Wang saw Yuhuatian suddenly, she was startled, and subconsciously cursed.

"You are sick, why are you following me so late? You dead eunuch, do you really want to eat some meat?"

Hearing Mrs. Wang's harsh words, Yu Huatian's expression did not change at all, and he said calmly, "It's nothing, our family just came to see the way."

"Know the way? Why do you know the way?"

Mrs. Wang, who was calming down, heard Yuhuatian's words and subconsciously replied.

"It's useful anyway." Yu Huatian took a deep look at Mrs. Wang, then turned and walked into the night.

Mrs. Wang was a little scared by Yu Huatian's last look. Looking at the back that was almost invisible, Mrs. Wang asked loudly.

"You are so bold, are you threatening me? What is your name? I will have a good talk with the emperor tomorrow."

For some reason, Mrs. Wang inexplicably moved the emperor out to increase her confidence.

After waiting for a long time, a distant and clear voice came from the depths of the night: "Our Yuhuatian!"

After waiting for a while, seeing that Yuhuatian had really left, Mrs. Wang turned around and entered the room while chanting Yuhuatian's name.

"Yuhuatian? The name is so familiar, it's on the lips, why did I forget it?"

After entering the house, Mrs. Wang lit up the lights in the house, and at the same time her not-so-bright brain was also lit up.

There was a 'click', and there was a crisp sound from Mrs. Wang's room. I don't know what was broken inside.

But then, if someone was outside the door, Mrs. Wang's trembling words would definitely be heard clearly.

"Xi, the governor of the West Factory? Yu, Yu Huatian?"

The next day, at dawn, Madam Wang knocked on the door of Zhu Yu's room with breakfast in hand.

Zhu Yu and Jiang Yuyan who had their lucid dreams disturbed were naturally not happy, but after opening the door, Mrs. Wang's operation stunned them both, making them both think that they hadn't woken up from the dream.

After confirming that what happened was not a dream, Zhu Yu still had an unreal feeling, is this a change of soul?Or does Mrs. Wang have a twin sister?
This morning, Mrs. Wang took care of Zhu Yu and Jiang Yuyan comfortably. She couldn't find any faults. It was more comfortable than sleeping.

After busy work, Zhu Yu saw Mrs. Wang's faltering expression, and she knew it in her heart.

"What's the matter with you? Just say it."

Hearing Zhu Yu's words, Mrs. Wang disregarded Jiang Yuyan's curious eyes, and briefly talked about what happened last night.

Although Mrs. Wang didn't explain clearly what happened last night, Zhu Yu still caught the central idea.

After further questioning about the ambiguous details, Zhu Yu looked at Mrs. Wang and asked in surprise.

"You mean, you offended Yuhuatian yesterday? Called him a dead eunuch? And mocked him for being inhumane?"

After getting Madam Wang's confirmation, Zhu Yu couldn't help feeling admiration for her.

Mrs. Wang didn't understand Zhu Yu's face, and asked with some worry.

"Your Majesty, I was also unintentional last night. I didn't know he was Yu Huatian. You said that a person like Lord Yu would not care about a weak woman like me?"

"Hey, how should I put it, the words you scolded last night, it's not like no one has scolded Yuhuatian like that before."

Hearing this, Madam Wang's eyes lit up, and she asked anxiously, "And then? What happened to those people?"

"Except for me, everyone else died long ago. As for whether to use punishment when they die. This is too long ago, I don't remember."

Hearing this, Mrs. Wang's face turned pale for a moment, then quickly recovered, and spoke.

"Your Majesty, for Yu Yan's sake, please save Minnv, Minnv really didn't care last night."

Looking at Mrs. Wang in front of her, and thinking about Mrs. Wang when she met yesterday, Zhu Yu felt a sense of joy inexplicably.

"Clang, clang, clang."

Before Zhu Yu had time to comfort Mrs. Wang, she heard a knock on the door.

Following the sound, the one standing at the door was Yuhuatian!

"Hey, Mrs. Wang, you really disturbed the emperor with this little matter between us?"

It seems that what Yuhuatian said was teasing, but if you look closely, Yuhuatian is obviously smiling, and his eyes can chill a person to death.

"This, this, I, last night, the civilian girl couldn't see Mount Tai, and the Lord of Wanwangyu Haihan."

Mrs. Wang was naturally aware of this, and she apologized.

But Yu Huatian didn't respond at all to this, instead he said seriously: "Madam Wang, our family has something to report to the emperor. If you have nothing else to do, please avoid it."

Originally, Mrs. Wang felt that, in her capacity, she had already talked about this point. Even if Yu Huatian was still angry in her heart, she should relax verbally.

But she never expected that Yuhuatian would reply her like this, regardless of Zhu Yu being by his side, Mrs. Wang's expression could not be maintained and became ugly.

"Well, that's the important thing, you guys talk first, I'll go and see if Yu Yan is up or not."

After talking about the scene, Mrs. Wang fled in despair.

Seeing the back of Mrs. Wang leaving, Zhu Yu smiled and said to Yu Huatian: "It's Yu Yan's mother after all, your attitude is not quite right."

Hearing this, Yu Huatian bowed his head and remained silent, seemingly admitting his mistake, but actually he was resisting in his own way.

Yu Huatian didn't care what Zhu Yu was thinking, anyway, he knew that after he told what happened last night, the emperor would never remember what he did just now.

Zhu Yu also knew what it meant for Yuhuatian to lower his head, he frowned slightly, and asked, "Tell me, what happened when you came to see me?"

Seeing that the emperor asked about the timing, Yu Huatian immediately repeated the conversation between Wang Yuyan and Mrs. Wang exactly. As for what Mrs. Wang insulted him later, Yu Huatian hid it.

After listening to Yuhuatian's narration, Zhu Yu lost the comfort he felt when he woke up in the morning.

When he heard half of the words, Zhu Yu's reaction was, what can happen to a mere Mantuo Villa, you have to find yourself to solve it?
After listening to Yu Huatian's description, and knowing Wang Yuyan's stubbornness and Mrs. Wang's plan to do something, Zhu Yu's face turned cold according to Yu Huatian's expectation.

After being silent for a while, Zhu Yu didn't ask about Wang Yuyan, but asked: "Did Mrs. Wang insult you last night?"


"What are you going to do?"

"This slave hasn't figured it out yet."

"Fart, how could you not think about it, you can't have anything else in your head except killing, even killing."

"The emperor's lesson is that the slave is stupid."

"Don't even think about killing people, just based on what Yuyan said last night, I won't make her sad, stagger the time of Yuyan's family visit every year, you can do whatever you want.

The only thing is, no matter what you want to do, don't implicate Yuyan, and don't let her know, otherwise you know what will happen to you. "

"The servant understands, thank the emperor for his sympathy."

"By the way, we won't be able to stay here for a few days. Since Mrs. Wang didn't say what she wanted to say last night, don't let her say it. I'll leave it to you. That's the same sentence, don't die Just do it."

"Yes, slaves follow the order."

In the next few days, whenever Mrs. Wang asked Wang Yuyan to talk about what happened last night, strange things happened. Either she was interrupted at a critical moment, or something happened in the villa, and Mrs. Wang was urgently needed. The idea kind.

It was even worse on the last day. After dinner, Mrs. Wang just wanted to go to see Wang Yuyan, but her mind became confused, and she lay down for several days. When Zhu Yu and others were about to leave, Mrs. Wang couldn't even get out of bed.

After Mrs. Wang recovered, she traced back to the source and found that the cause was food poisoning.

Going further, the entire Manduo Villa will have a hard time in the future.

The external business of Mantuo Mountain Villa was either inexplicably yellow, or it was robbed by thieves who came from nowhere.

The most important thing is that shortly after Zhu Yu and the others left, a group of masked men stole all of Mantuo Villa's property.

In fact, it can't be called stealing, it's clear robbery!
Therefore, once there is no income, the people in the entire villa can only eat bran swallowed vegetables, and life is difficult.

During the period, it was not that Mrs. Wang did not seek help, but it was surprising that no one lent her a tael of silver from her good friends and business partners who had cooperated with her for many years.

But what's interesting is that every year when Wang Yuyan was about to go home to visit her relatives, Mrs. Wang didn't come to worry about it. During that time, it was no exaggeration to say that she could pick up money with just two steps.

But once Wang Yuyan left, this good thing was gone.

After experiencing it once, Mrs. Wang knew that revenge for offending Yuhuatian was coming, but she didn't hold any resentment. Mrs. Wang knew that Yuhuatian didn't kill anyone because of Wang Yuyan's face.

But what Mrs. Wang never expected was that she lived this kind of poor life for five whole years!
Many years later, Mrs. Wang found out the cause of the incident by chance, and then she almost went blind from crying.

What's the matter, you treat me like this?Didn't I just want to ask for a marriage?
Dali is a subsidiary state of the Jing Dynasty, once Zhu Yujin opened his mouth, didn't Duan Zhengchun obediently welcome her into the house with eight big sedan chairs?

Just such a small thing, ruined her for five years?
Speaking of which, there is another thing worth mentioning during this period, that is, during these five years, Duan Zhengchun visited Mantuo Villa once.

But after seeing the old and haggard Mrs. Wang, Duan Zhengchun was so frightened that he didn't even need a boat. Saved.

Then Duan Zhengchun got another peach blossom when he was old, and gave Duan Yu a younger sister.
 Thank you for reading, you have to spend money to reward with the old bookworm, thank you for your support, thank you for your love! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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