My throne is not stable

Chapter 163 Distorting the Truth

Chapter 163 Distorting the Truth
Seeing that Qiao Feng was attracted by his own words, Zhu Yu continued to talk nonsense calmly.

"The perpetrator didn't directly look for an opportunity to kill you, nor did he kill those insiders in advance under the premise of safety, but he just killed people before you and put the blame on you. Isn't it weird?"

"You mean that person did it on purpose!"

Before Qiao Feng could answer, Ah Zi spoke up ahead of time, and Zhu Yu nodded in affirmation.

Before Zhu Yu continued to edit, Ah Zi turned on the detective mode.

"Why did that person do this? What is his purpose?" Ah Zi thought for a while, and then said suddenly.

"Judging from the real development of the matter, the more he does this, the more hatred my brother-in-law will have towards Xuan Ci, and now, after knowing the truth, my brother-in-law will ignore everything and go to Shaolin alone.

From this point of view, the murderer's goal is neither to protect Xuanci nor to frame his brother-in-law, his goal is Xuanci!Or the whole Shaolin! "

Hearing A Zi's words, Zhu Yu wished to applaud her. At first, Zhu Yu was almost at the end of the story, but now after hearing A Zi's words, Zhu Yu had a lot of thoughts.

"That's right, that's what I think too. If you really fight Shaolin, the big enemy you've been thinking of probably won't show up at all, or when you fight in Shaolin, he will reach a certain place in Shaolin. known purpose.

Anyway, he won't show up when you're fighting Shaolin. "

"But even so, Shaolin, Qiao Feng still has to go. Xuanci harmed my biological parents. As a son of man, how can I not avenge this revenge?"

Seeing Qiao Feng's stubbornness, Ah Zi was in a hurry, but A Zhu sat beside Qiao Feng with a smile on her face, making up her mind that no matter where Qiao Feng went, she would follow him. go.

Hearing Qiao Feng's words, Zhu Yu was going to try again, if it still didn't work, then let him go, in fact, Zhu Yu just thought it was troublesome, if trouble was destined to come, then he could only accept it calmly.

"Qiao Feng, if you want to seek revenge from Xuanci, I will not stop you, and I have no position to stop you. Let me ask you a question. You just said that the murderer who killed your mentor and adoptive parents is your big enemy, Xuanci. Can only be ranked second, is this true?"

"Of course, I, Qiao Feng, have never lied to anyone in my life."

Hearing Zhu Yu's question, Qiao Feng answered frankly.

"Well, let me ask you again, are you sure you are going to Shaolin Temple to seek revenge from the abbot? Or, can you come back alive?"

"I'm not sure about that."

"If you die in Shaolin Temple, what about your real enemy? Let's forget about it? Or do you want to leave your hatred to others?
to whom?Ah Zhu or Ah Zi?Do you think they can?Besides, if you are really dead, I think the one they most want to take revenge on is not your enemy, but the Shaolin Temple. "

Zhu Yu's words reached the hearts of A'Zhu and A'Zi. Although they didn't say anything, they looked at Qiao Feng with a look of approval.

After these conversations, Qiao Feng was not only confused, but also confused. At this moment, he couldn't make up his mind, let out a sigh of relief, and said to himself: "Oh, is it possible that I, Qiao Feng, have no hope of revenge in my life?"

"Of course not. What you need to do most now is to avenge your vengeance first, and then consider whether to go to Xuanci."

"But the murderer, I haven't found any clues so far, when can I take revenge?"

"Brother-in-law, why are you so impatient? People have to take revenge for more than ten or twenty years, and some even take revenge for a lifetime. When it comes to you, why did you become like this in a few days?"

"That's right, Brother Qiao, there's no rush for revenge."

Not only AhZi, but also AhZhu, who saw hope, persuaded her.

In this way, Qiao Feng had nothing to say here, and A'Zhu also took the opportunity to change the subject and asked Zhu Yu.

"My lord, just now you mentioned that you are going back to Beijing, when will you leave?"

"According to the plan, I should leave today, but two people from my side have not come back, so I have to wait for a few more days."

"Well, we can't answer you now whether we are walking with you, how about giving us a few more days?"

"It's easy to say, just give an answer before we leave. Besides, even if you don't come with us, the capital welcomes you."

"That's good, then thank you son."

"You're welcome, you're welcome."

With this passage as the end, everyone went back to their rooms to rest.

Zhu Yu and the others are really resting, but Ah Zhu's plan has just begun.

A'Zhu is really virtuous and smart, unless it is necessary, A'Zhu never contradicts Qiao Feng in front of outsiders.

When he returned to the room and there was no outsider in the room, Arjuna's watery offensive had just begun.

First, A'Zhu and Qiao Feng analyzed Zhu Yu's words from the shallower to the deeper. Of course, A'Zhu was on Zhu Yu's side.

Then A Zhu also began to persuade Qiao Feng to find clues and avenge the murderer of his adoptive parents before going to Shaolin Temple.

Qiao Feng's reply was the same as in the lobby, how can I find any clues now?
But A Zhu rolled his eyes and gave Qiao Feng two ideas, which made Qiao Feng overjoyed and told A Zhu to speak out quickly.

These two ideas are not fantastic ideas. The first one is that the current situation of the beggar gang is getting more and more difficult after leaving Qiao Feng. If he is willing to work hard and Zhu Yu endorses, Qiao Feng will return It's easy to be a helper.

With the efforts of many disciples of the beggar gang, it will be much easier to find clues to the murderer.

Hearing this, Qiao Feng immediately rejected A'Zhu's first idea, and made it clear that it was impossible for him to return to the Beggar Gang.

Hearing this, A'Zhu smiled slightly, as if she knew the answer a long time ago, and then continued with her second idea.

That is to go to the capital with Zhu Yu, and after getting the credit, it is not easy to find a clue with Jingchao's ability?Even if the murderer really dealt with it from beginning to end, without leaving any clues.

There are many criminal investigators at Six Doors, the famous four famous arresters, which one is incompetent?
A'Zhu's last words moved Qiao Feng, he already had a heart of attachment, and what A'Zhu said in terms of benefits, Qiao Feng immediately made up his mind to go back to Beijing with Zhu Yu.

And Ah Zi, who was listening in a daze, voiced her question at this moment.

"Who is that Zhu Yu? What does it have to do with Jing Dynasty? There are six doors? Could it be?"

As she spoke, Ah Zi opened her eyes wide, and looked at Qiao Feng and A Zhu in disbelief, and the two nodded in affirmation.

"So? I assassinated the emperor yesterday? I almost succeeded?"

AhZi spoke excitedly, completely ignoring Qiao Feng and AZhu whose faces were as dark as the bottom of a pot.

On the other side, before evening, Yuhuatian and Hua Wuque returned.

Both of them were not injured, but their expressions were sluggish. Seeing this, Zhu Yu asked in surprise.

"Ding Chunqiu is so powerful? He hurt both of you? Didn't you see the wound? Is it an internal injury?"

"Back to the emperor, the servant and Hua Shaoxia did not suffer internal injuries, but they were accidentally poisoned by Ding Chunqiu."

"How is it? Is it important? Also, how is Ding Chunqiu?"

"Back to the emperor, I'll wait for nothing. The poison has been forced out. You can just rest up for a few days. As for Ding Chunqiu, that servant was seriously injured, but during the fight, he accidentally fell off the cliff. He must have died, but the servant did not." Go down and check the corpse, and ask the emperor to forgive me."

"It's nothing, I think it's impossible for Ding Chunqiu to be so dead, even if he's still alive, just kill him again."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your forgiveness."

"At this time, there is no need to flatter, just take good care of it. I am going to leave for the palace in three days. Hua Wuque will go back with me. What should you do? Do you follow me, or go directly to Xixia?"

"I'm afraid it's too late for this time, so the servant will dare not escort the emperor. If you want to come with the skill of Hua Shaoxia, the emperor will be fine."

This time Zhu Yu didn't pay any attention to Yu Huatian, but the tone had already been set, and he would return to the palace in three days.

What Zhu Yu didn't know was that at Shaoshi Mountain, a team composed entirely of eminent monks of the Xuan and Kong generations had formed, and was escorting two masked men to the capital.

(End of this chapter)

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