Chapter 171
Three days later, the sun was high and the breeze was blowing. It was still the best weather.

If ordinary people are affected by such weather, they will feel much more comfortable, but this is only limited to 'ordinary people'.

Boss Wu has been in a very irritable mood for the past few days, because he was worried that the girl would report to the Vulture Palace. The girl was captured.

But it is a pity that after searching all over the mountains and plains, they have not been able to find their whereabouts. Today is the last day. If they can't be found today, even if they bite the bullet, they will have to go to the Vulture Palace.

There is another thing that makes people angry, that is, after Wei Zhongxian escaped, Wu Boss brought people to Sang Tugong to ask for an explanation.

But who would have imagined that Mr. Sangtu denied the existence of this person in Bilin Cave, and this immediately provoked the fire of Wu Boss.

But the matter would not stop there. Boss Wu confirmed that Wei Zhongxian was from Biphos Cave, and immediately called a few people who were familiar with Wei Zhongxian to testify.

An eye-popping incident happened. Nine out of ten people said that Wei Zhongxian's background was different. Surprised, Boss Wu was completely focused on this matter in the past two days.

After visiting all the people in Cave 36 and Island 72, I came to the conclusion that Wei Zhongxian is not one of them at all, he got in here!

This news fueled Boss Wu's already angry mood. He was supposed to attack the Vulture Palace today, but Boss Wu dragged it out for a day, and Boss Wu personally led his men to search.

Besides Tianshan Child Elder and Wei Zhongxian, at first they were a little scared, afraid of being discovered, but after a day, they realized that Boss Wu and others were very attentive, but none of the people below cared.

Except for the fact that the first search was a little more careful, the subsequent searches were just for show, and the places where the two were hiding were only searched twice a day.

It can't be called a search, it's just passing by in the morning and returning home in the evening, which is extremely perfunctory.

And this also gave Wei Zhongxian and Tianshan Child Elder more room to operate, not only Tianshan Child Elder had no shortage of blood and food at noon every day, Wei Zhongxian also had a lot of time to practice martial arts every day.

This went on for two days, and until today, the third day, the people who searched in the past did not come to check in on time, which made both of them relieved, and they could be regarded as giving up.

But within two hours, it was approaching noon, when Wei Zhongxian was about to set off to find blood food for Tianshan Child Elder, Wei Zhongxian, whose hearing had already become much more sensitive, heard the belated search sound, not only that, he also heard a familiar voice .

"Don't search so fast, search carefully, inch by inch, I know why there is no movement after searching for two days, if you search like this, you will never find anyone in your life!
waste!Hurry up, today is the last day, and tomorrow there will be no such nonsense. "

Not surprisingly, the voice was Boss Wu.

After Boss Wu's reprimand, there were dozens of scattered responses from around.

Listening to the number of people who answered, Wei Zhongxian and Tianshan Child Elder hid in a corner again.

This time there was no accident, the hiding place of the two of them was still not found, but Boss Wu and his group searched too slowly, seeing that it was almost noon, they sent a distance to search the top of their heads.

Wei Zhongxian anxiously listened to the footsteps above, and looked at Tianshan Child Elder whose body was already flushed from time to time.

Before Tianshan Child Elder had already explained the shortcomings of the only self-respecting magic skill in the world, when the power is released, if it does not recover the power with blood and food, it will still be delayed for a few days.

But once he started to recover his skills with blood food, he couldn't stop, and the consequence of stopping would be to explode and die.

But now how can there be time for Wei Zhongxian to look for blood food?

Or just let her die?After she died, the Duanjinyuguwan in her body would not flare up for the rest of her life.

This thought was suppressed by Wei Zhongxian at the very beginning, not to mention whether Tianshan Child Elder is alive or not, there will definitely be a movement when she explodes to death.

At that time, Wei Zhongxian, who was so close to her, would be found by Boss Wu, not to mention being killed. According to Tianshan Child Elder, he only had four years of her skills, and he couldn't even protect himself in front of Boss Wu. , not to mention he has so many subordinates.

Tianshan Child Elder can't have any accidents!

This is the answer that Wei Zhongxian got after deliberation, but seeing that the sun will be noon soon, even if Boss Wu and others above his head leave immediately, he will not be able to change the blood food.

Wei Zhongxian pondered for a moment, then made a cruel decision, rolled up his sleeves, and put his arm to Tianshan Child Elder's mouth.

Wei Zhongxian's actions also surprised Tianshan Child Elder. In the long years, she has not felt the emotion of being moved for a long time. You must know that passivity and initiative are completely two concepts.

Anyway, she won't admit it, before Wei Zhongxian did this move, Tianshan Child Elder already had murderous intentions in her heart.

Although in fact, Wei Zhongxian's force is higher than Tianshan Child Elder's now, but Wei Zhongxian can't stand Wei Zhongxian after taking the Broken Tendon Rotten Pill.

Now, of course, these things will be buried in the heart.

At this time, Boss Wu and the others were right above the head, and Tianshan Child Elder couldn't speak, and coupled with the counterattack of internal energy, Tianshan Child Elder didn't care too much, and tried her best to bite Wei Zhongxian's arm silently.

Wei Zhongxian was naturally tortured, but fortunately his willpower was firm and he didn't make a sound, so I won't mention it this time.

After a long time, Tianshan Child Elder received her merits, Wu Boss and others had already left, Tianshan Child Elder opened her eyes, looked at Wei Zhongxian with an unknown meaning, and said.

"Not bad, you have a heart."

"Grandma taught me such profound martial arts, these are what I should do."

Hearing this, Tianshan Child Elder was three points more satisfied, and confirmed her thoughts, without hesitation, she spoke.

"Grandma, I haven't been touched a few times in my life. Today, grandma, I am in a good mood. I want to accept you as my personal disciple. Are you willing?"

"Well, of course I'm willing to do so. Master, please be respected by my apprentice."

How could Wei Zhongxian miss such a good opportunity?Immediately, he saluted Tianshan Child Elder.

At the same time, I was still thinking, I have never heard that Tianshan Child Elder had a direct disciple, so I seem to be the first one?
That is to say, I am now the Young Palace Master of Vulture Palace?Then do I count as fulfilling the task assigned by the emperor in disguise?

Before Wei Zhongxian finished thinking, he was ordered by Tianshan Child Elder to get up, and then taught him the Tianshan Zhemei hand again.

Originally, Wei Zhongxian wanted to say that he had already memorized the Tianshan Zhemei hand, and it was only a matter of practice and comprehension, but this teaching made Wei Zhongxian break out in a cold sweat!
(End of this chapter)

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