My throne is not stable

Chapter 185 Anger

Chapter 185 Anger
"Convicted? I want to see how you were convicted?"

Cao Zhengchun admitted his mistakes quickly, but Zhu Yu's anger had not yet been vented, how could he be spared so easily?

"Don't worry, your majesty, this servant will order a thorough investigation of Dongchang, and will never give the thief a chance to escape."


"This? This? Please let the emperor express it."

"Did you hear just now that I entrusted this matter to the six doors?"

"Yes, the servant heard it."

"When it comes to solving cases and searching for clues, the six doors are second to none in the world, but in other aspects, the six doors are weaker."

"Your Majesty, do you mean you need slaves?"

"Yes, Dongchang fully assisted in this matter. From Liang Qing's short description, we can know that the people behind the flower shooting definitely have a lot of background and power in the court.

Although the six doors have the determination to bend rather than bend, but relying on the six doors alone may not be able to survive. "

"Your servant understands, please rest assured that the emperor will fully assist the six doors in this matter."

"No, you don't understand. Assistance is absolutely necessary, but no matter what the outcome of this matter is, Dongchang will not get any credit."

"Don't worry, your majesty, this slave doesn't dare to expect extra credit. If your majesty gives me a chance to make up for my mistakes, I will be grateful."

"That's what you said. The flower auction is jointly handled by Liufanmen and Dongchang. There is also the matter of Japanese pirates invading the country. Dongchang also needs to settle with me.

The current Dongchang is like a sieve. Anything can happen in Dongchang.
If things are done well, this matter will be over like this, but if things can't come to a result, don't blame me, either Dongchang will change to a supervisor, or Dongchang will no longer need to exist! "

"Don't worry, your majesty, this slave will investigate this matter personally and will definitely give you a satisfactory answer."

"It's nice to say, I'll see what you do, and about the Japanese pirates, I'll send someone there again, if you dare to make a false report, hmph, you won't want to know the consequences!"

"The slave dare not, the slave dare not."

"get out."

"Yes, the slave will leave."

Looking at the back of Cao Zhengchun retreating in embarrassment, what Zhu Yu thought of was another eunuch, Liu Xi!

Is he dead or alive now?If he is still alive, what role will he play in this Japanese pirate invasion?

At this time, Liu Xi, whom Zhu Yu was thinking of, had just left the coast of Dongying by boat. In addition to Liu Xi's personal factory guard, there were also a few Dongying people on board.

Having said that, as soon as Cao Zhengchun returned to the East Factory, a young eunuch rushed up to greet him, flattering him.

"Supervisor, you are back. The emperor summoned you as soon as he returned to the palace. It can be seen that you are an indispensable person in front of the emperor. Unlike Xichang's Governor Yu, the emperor has returned, and he is still there."

If this sentence was normal, it would definitely make Cao Zhengchun's heart burst into flames, but now the more he heard it, the more harsh it became. Cao Zhengchun stretched out his hand and grabbed the young eunuch's neck, and said in a dark voice.

"Are you mocking our family?"

As for the eunuch whose neck was strangled by Cao Zhengchun, how could he speak at this moment?Not long after, he was strangled to death by Cao Zhengchun.

At this time, it happened at the gate of the East Factory, and the news spread like the wind. After a while, Tie Ying, the second-stage head of the East Factory, came out and asked.

"Supervisor, what is this? What happened to the emperor?"

"Don't ask if you shouldn't."

"Yes, Lord."

"Pass down the order, except for the manpower that must be kept in various places, all of them will be rushed back to the capital for our family!"

"This? Governor, is it all?"

"What? Did I not speak clearly enough, or is there something wrong with you?"

The current Cao Zhengchun doesn't look like a good person.

"The subordinates dare not, and the subordinates will pass on the order."

Half a month later, nearly 2 people returned to the capital city of Dongchang one after another. There are still a large number of people who did not come back because of the distance.

Dongchang's move shocked not only the court, but also the whole world. No one knew why Dongchang made such a sudden move and who was the target?

But it was also because the action was so big that it made some insignificant people feel at ease. Now the people who are worried are not the ministers of the court, the powerful officials and generals guarding one side, and the larger sects in the world.

But what everyone didn't expect was that Dongchang was going to use the knife, but it was on himself.

The East Factory, the West Factory, the six doors, and the three prisons are almost not enough. With so many fine works caught, Cao Zhengchun should be relieved logically.

But it was not the case. Although there were many detailed works captured, none of them had anything to do with shooting flowers. Cao Zhengchun originally wanted to go over all the people in the East Factory from beginning to end, but there was no time.

On the side of the six doors, I heard that some useful things have been found, but I haven't been able to help at all. If this matter reaches the emperor's ears, it will be another crime.

Not to mention, the Japanese pirates incident, if this matter continues, it will really kill people.

Immediately, the entire staff of the East Factory was divided into two, half of the people went to the six gates to report and obeyed Zhuge Zhengwo's command, and the half of the people, led by Cao Zhengchun, rushed to the coastal border to bring the Japanese pirates who frequently violated the border. I got a big gift.

Let's go back to Zhu Yu, although this incident is annoying, but Zhu Yu has no way to end it personally, let's not say that this matter is not in line with etiquette, just discuss the matter, Zhu Yu has no such ability.

After struggling for several days, Zhu Yu still didn't care about him anymore. Since he had already handed over the matter to a professional person, he just waited for the result.

Although Zhu Yu has put aside Liang Qing's matter for now, it doesn't mean that Zhu Yu will be fine.

Because there was another trouble, Xuan Ci, the abbot of Shaolin Temple, asked someone to hand over a letter of worship, saying that Murong Bo and Xiao Yuanshan had been captured, and they would arrive in the capital in a few days.

It was hard for him to make up the nonsense so perfectly, when Xuanci and Xiao Yuanshan came, wouldn't the thunder explode.

Zhu Yu thought about this all night and couldn't come up with any good solution. In the end, he could only think of a stupid idea to send Qiao Feng away.

Zhu Yu first passed Qiao Feng into the palace and described what happened with Liang Qing to him, arousing Qiao Feng's sympathy, and then asked Qiao Feng to go to the coast to investigate the origin and purpose of the Japanese pirates.

It might be that Zhu Yu told the story too well, Qiao Feng was a little dissatisfied with Zhu Yu's order, and asked why he was not allowed to investigate the flower festival together, but to investigate the Japanese pirates?

Zhu Yu's real thought was that with the power of the Flower Festival, if the six doors could really find out something, he would definitely return to the capital in the end, and his purpose was to keep Qiao Feng away from the capital, so how could he arrange such an errand for him?

Of course, Zhu Yu would never tell the truth, but Zhu Yu said it for Qiao Feng's good.

"You are just a white body now. This matter happens to be a step for you to step into the court, and there are more things involved in the flower shooting party. With your current status as a white body, it is not easy to intervene."

(End of this chapter)

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