Chapter 228
Ever since he knew that the plot of Yitian Tulongji had officially started, Zhu Yu started to select the entourage of the palace.

Originally, Zhu Yu's idea was to bring experts, the more the better, so as not to be surrounded by the army and unable to escape in case of waves in Mongolia, but after thinking about it, if mobility is considered, it should be as few people as possible.

So Zhu Yu lost the intention of bringing all the masters with him, and the preliminary candidates were Jiang Yuyan, Hua Wuque, Qiao Feng, and Yuhuatian.

Including Zhu Yu, there are five people in total, and each of them has a combat power that is close to that of a senior grandmaster. And if there are only these five people, Zhu Yu can say big things, even though the world is big, they can all go there.

But this trip is different, if it's just for sightseeing and experiencing exotic customs, these few people are more than enough, but this trip is not just for fun, Zhu Yu's ultimate goal is to find opportunities to make trouble.

If it is a small matter, one or two people is enough, but there is no guarantee that this trip will have the opportunity to do big things. This is a big thing with the goal of a country, so a small number of people is not enough.

It just so happened that among the personnel that Zhu Yu had selected included people from Xichang and Huangchengsi, Zhu Yu simply ordered Yuhuatian and Hua Wuque to select elites to accompany them.

In the winter without incident, the four major institutions of the Jing Dynasty, except for the six doors that are not idle for a moment, the other three major institutions have been resting for a long time. Of course, this rest is a busy time compared to the past, and it is impossible to have a holiday.

Following Zhu Yu's order, Xichang and Huangchengsi, who were already on standby, showed their efficiency as top intelligence agencies in an instant.

In less than two days, the accompanying elites have been selected, and all the necessary equipment for leaving the palace have been prepared.

The two organizations selected more than a dozen elites, plus Zhu Yu and others, a total of 31 people. With such a large number of people, in Jianghu, unless something big happened, it is generally not seen so many people.

After all the men and horses were ready, Zhu Yu went out of Beijing in a low-key manner as unassumingly as possible.

Although it is low-key, but this also needs to be compared. Compared with Zhu Yu's previous trips, it is naturally very low-key, but if it is compared with ordinary Jianghu organizations, it is still a bit eye-catching.

But fortunately, the only thing that caught the eye was the number of carriages accompanying them. Although this trip had serious business intentions in it, comfort was also a point that Zhu Yu cared about, after all, there were female relatives in the carriage.

This female family member is not only talking about Jiang Yuyan, but also Ah Zi and Tie Xinlan.

Hearing that Qiao Feng was going to go out to Beijing with the emperor on business, the place was still in Mongolia, Ah Zi, who had already been bored in the capital, suddenly became excited, her eyes were shining brightly, and she clamored to go with her.

After grinding for several days, Qiao Feng had no choice but to ask Zhu Yu if he could bring Ah Zi along.

Because Ah Zi still has the ability to protect herself, and she also brought one, Zhu Yu hesitated and agreed. The only thing to worry about is Ah Zi's ability to make trouble.

Whether it should be said or not, when it comes to making troubles, compared with Ah Zi, Zhu Yu is willing to bow down, and it is precisely because of this that Zhu Yu is relieved.

At the same time, Zhu Yu was also looking forward to it, wondering if he could run into Zhao Min on this trip, Zhu Yu really wanted to see what kind of sparks would be produced when the two female devils, Zhao Min and A Zi, met.

Hearing that Zhu Yu let go and agreed with his family members to go with him, A'Zhu was also a little moved.

But A Zhu was rejected by Zhu Yu's stern words. It's not that Zhu Yu doesn't like A Zhu, but compared to A Zi, whether it's martial arts or scheming, or foreign objects, hidden weapons, poisons, etc. Comparing these, Ah Zhu is indeed weaker than Ah Zi.

Bringing Ah Zi is just a few people in the accompanying team, except for Qiao Feng's occasional care, there is no need to waste manpower, and if A Zhu also wants to go with her, it is absolutely necessary to spread manpower to protect her.

If there was no one to protect him, let alone Qiao Feng, even Zhu Yu would be worried.

The same goes for Tie Xinlan. I don't know where I learned that this trip is dangerous. Because I am worried about Hua Wuque's safety, I don't even want a child. If I am determined, I will go with her and take care of Hua Wuque.

Unlike Qiao Feng, Hua Wuque refused directly with a cold face, but after so many years, Tie Xinlan had already figured out Hua Wuque's temperament, not only did not give in to weakness, but also claimed that if she was not taken with her, she would go secretly by herself.

Now that everything has been said, Hua Wuque has nothing to say. When the request came to Zhu Yu, Zhu Yu didn't hesitate too much, and quickly agreed.

After all, Ah Zi has brought them all, so Tie Xinlan is not missing, and Tie Xinlan and Ah Zi are different.

In Zhu Yu's eyes, Ah Zi can only be regarded as self-protection, while Tie Xinlan is now a genuine second-rate high-grade master.

Therefore, Tie Xinlan not only does not need to expend extra energy and attention, but she can also be used as a firefighter when necessary.

To be honest, Tie Xinlan's family education is not weak. In real comparison, most of the fighters of the same realm in the four major institutions are not Tie Xinlan's opponents.

Regarding the team configuration, it was officially finalized at this moment. The atmosphere in the team was still very cheerful just after leaving the city for a few days. It was not until the team reached the border of Jing Dynasty that the cheerful atmosphere in the team dissipated.

But it's not a big problem. Such a change is just a matter of everyone's correct attitude. If we talk about self-confidence, what will happen in the future is not certain, but now we are full of confidence.

Just think about it, the team has a total of 31 people, five grandmasters, two first-rate upper-rank masters, three first-rate middle-rank masters, three first-rate lower-rank masters, seven second-rate upper-rank masters (including Tie Xinlan), and one third-rate upper-rank master. Environment (Azi).

Such a team, as long as they are not stupid enough to break into the palace or barracks, there are very few things that can scare them.

One more point worth mentioning is that the two top-ranking masters who came out this time are all acquaintances.

On the part of Huangcheng Division, Guihai Yidao is the one, and on the side of Xichang, it is the second-rank leader of Xichang, Ma Jinliang, who once followed Hua Wuque to investigate the incident of Xixia's violation of the border.

Now Zhu Yu and the others are standing on the edge of the territory of the Jing Dynasty to judge the direction. There are two roads in total. One is directly leading to Mongolia, but it leads to the hinterland of Mongolia, which is far from Zhu Yu's destination.

The other road leads to Dali. Although the direction is different, if you walk along this road, you will not be far from Zhu Yu's destination if you pass through Dali Kingdom.

Because the national conditions of Mongolia and Dali are different, and the difficulty of obtaining information is also different, so, following Zhu Yu's principle of keeping a low profile, people from serious intelligence organizations headed by Yu Huatian told them that it is safe to choose Mongolia.

Zhu Yu, on the other hand, looked at the fork in front of him and began to meditate. There was no other reason for this contemplation, but he was wondering if Dali could make a move by the way.

(End of this chapter)

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