My throne is not stable

Chapter 252 Chapter Palace

Chapter 252 Returning to the Palace
After receiving urgent letters from the four major agencies, the Ministry of War and Heishi, even Zhu Yu did not dare to neglect him in the slightest. He didn't even have time for breakfast, so Zhu Yu borrowed a few fast horses from the King of Zhennan in Dali , took a group of masters and left in a hurry.

Due to the urgency of the situation, Zhu Yu, who had always been lazy in managing it, could be said to be desperate.

The horses specially bred by the Duan family in Dali are naturally good horses for thousands of miles, but no matter how good they are, they are still living creatures. When the horse under the crotch is exhausted to the extreme, Zhu Yu and others will abandon the horse without hesitation and run with all their strength. Using zhenqi and using lightness kung fu to drive on the road, the speed is faster than Liangju.

In this way, they abandoned their horses and walked to the post station to change trains, and then abandoned again, so repeatedly, Zhu Yu and others returned to the capital in less than seven days after the original journey of more than half a month.

By the way, is it because Zhu Yu is so anxious because he is patriotic?I'm afraid it's not necessarily true, but what can be confirmed is that the position of emperor is indeed enjoyed to the fullest, and Zhu Yu hasn't enjoyed enough yet.

What's more, at the beginning of the crossing, Zhu Yu was wandering endlessly on the edge of life and death, and only saved Jing Chao from corruption. Now, although Jing Chao can't be said to be good, at least Jing Chao now has the confidence to rejuvenate.

Now that someone wants to pick peaches, how can Zhu Yu be in a hurry?How can you not be angry?

Now the Jing Dynasty is under Zhu Yu's control, anyone who dares to stretch out his hands will chop off his hands, and anyone who dares to stretch out his feet will stamp his feet!Not even Xiongba!Zhu Yu said it!

After many days of dust and sleeplessness, even the few people who are the masters looked sluggish and exhausted. Seeing everyone in this situation, Zhu Yu encouraged them a few words, and let them go back to rest.

After everyone left, Zhu Yu patted his swollen head vigorously, pulled himself together, and walked towards the central building of the Jing Dynasty, the imperial palace.

Back in the palace, Zhu Yu's first words were to ask the maids to boil water, and he wanted to bathe and change clothes. At this time, cleaning up the dirt for many days was still the second priority. The main thing was that Zhu Yu wanted to refresh his spirits through washing, otherwise he would With his current chaotic mind, there is no room for operation at all.

The second sentence is very concise and clear. Minister Xuan Bingbu, Cao Zhengchun, and Wei Zhongxian came to see him.

After being skillfully handled by a professional court lady, Zhu Yu's condition did improve a lot, but when Zhu Yu moved to the imperial study room, his face became gloomy unconsciously.

This is not to say that there are people in the imperial study room who should not be here, but that the person who should be there is the Minister of the Ministry of War!
Zhu Yu was very clear that his oral order was sent by three people, but now there is only one Minister of the Ministry of War. At this precarious time, according to the attributes of Cao Zhengchun and Wei Zhongxian, Zhu Yu had to think more.

The moment Zhu Yu showed up in the imperial study room, the people in the room immediately knelt down and saluted, but they didn't see Zhu Yu announce his dismissal ceremony for a long time, and the two people in the room were full of doubts.

That's right, besides Zhu Yu, there are two people in the imperial study room now, one is the Shangshu of the Ministry of War mentioned above, and the other is naturally the ubiquitous Eunuch Wu.

Eunuch Wu is different from the Shangshu of the Ministry of War. He glanced at Zhu Yu's gloomy face and knew what Zhu Yu was thinking.

"My Majesty, because some people have violated the border, and they are all from the Wu Dynasty martial arts, so Governor Cao, Lord Zhuge and Lord Wei have already gone to the border with everyone.

Accompanying them are the elite Xichang dispatched urgently by Director Cao, and some personnel led by Wang Zhi. "

Eunuch Wu's words interrupted Zhu Yu's imagination and also answered Zhu Yu's question.

Hearing that this happened, Zhu Yu's complexion also improved a lot. Only then did Zhu Yu realize that the two people in front of him were still kneeling on the ground.

"Excuse me, get up."

Zhu Yu said something casually and sat on the main seat, then looked at the Minister of the Ministry of War with burning eyes, and asked: "Tell me, what is the specific situation? How is the situation at the border now?"

The Secretary of the Ministry of War had nothing to add to the story, so he just told the story of what happened, that is, one day there were a lot of martial arts people in Lieyang City on the border.

Then in that night, these martial arts people attacked the border barracks at night. Because the night was already deep, the commander of the camp was afraid of bombing the camp, so he ordered the soldiers to retreat completely.

On the next day, the main general Wang Wei had already organized soldiers to recapture Lieyang City. A group of martial arts people could not compare to our Jing Dynasty's in terms of formation, but the opponent had many masters, and every night attack could be successful. There was no way, the main general Wang Weicai sent an urgent military letter to the court for help.

At the beginning, I heard that the difficulty lies in the opponent's masters, and the envoy of Wei Huangcheng has already dispatched to propose to suppress it. Governor Cao and Lord Zhuge agreed one after another. It has been more than five days since your lords left Beijing.

What Minister of the Ministry of War said was clear and well-organized, but Zhu Yu always felt that something was wrong.

In the Wu Dynasty, it was Fengyun, and it was normal to have masters. The top second-rate masters over there would probably have to be grand masters when they came to the Central Plains.

But the problem lies in this, the masters over there are about to go to the sky, what the hell is this side general Wang Wei?Can one person block the entire world?

Thinking of this, Zhu Yu hurriedly asked for details: "Who are the people in the world who will come to violate the border? Do you ever know?"

"My Majesty, during the first night of the night attack, the visitors had already reported their lives. They were Qin Shuang, the head of the Tianshuang Hall of the Tianxiahui, and Nie Feng, the head of the Shenfeng Hall."

Hearing this, Zhu Yu was startled with question marks on his face, Qin Shuang and Nie Feng?Judging from the special effects, even in the early stage of Fengyun, these two guys can be regarded as masters in other plots, right?

What the hell is this Wang Wei?The missing pearl in the sea?Is it a senior master or a great master in the game world?

But unfortunately, Zhu Yu's question, the person in front of him will not give him an answer.

"Okay, I see, what battle reports have come from the border gate recently?"

"Report to the emperor, there is no new battle report yet."

"Okay, then you go back first, if there is a new battle report from the border, let the post soldiers enter the palace directly, I want to get the first-hand news."

"Yes, I obey the order, I will retire first."

After seeing the Minister of the Ministry of War withdrawing, Zhu Yu's spirit was almost at the limit, and now his eyelids have begun to feel astringent and gradually become heavy.

Eunuch Wu has observed Zhu Yu's various states from entering the imperial study to now, seeing that Zhu Yu's eyelids have started to fight, Eunuch Wu said with a hint of distress in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, although state affairs are important, your dragon body is even more important. Don't worry, Wu Chao's territory does not support people, and they can't get out."

If Zhu Yu is sober at this moment, he will definitely pick out Eunuch Wu's language problem. If you call it out, shouldn't you call it in?

But now Zhu Yu didn't have such thoughts. In the chaos, he felt that what Eunuch Wu said was right, and he should take a good rest.

Accompanied by Eunuch Wu, Zhu Yu returned to the bedroom and went to sleep. The moment he touched the pillow, Zhu Yu's eyelids closed. The moment he closed his eyes, Zhu Yu's eyes were full of Eunuch Wu's leaving back.

At the second before going to bed, Zhu Yu had a ridiculous idea, Eunuch Wu's temperament is fine, is it true that everyone is the same regardless of realm?How to look at him is like looking at Zhang Sanfeng.

 That. First of all, I would like to say sorry for the interruptions in the past few days, but let me explain in advance that this book is not cut. After all, it is also the first book I wrote, and it has already been written here.

  Then it is to explain the situation during this period, and to predict in advance that this month's update may not be stable, and it may be interrupted several times.

  It happened for a reason, I was resigning recently, and I have to go back to my hometown this month and withdraw from Beijing, so there are a lot of daily necessities, salutes, and other things that need to be taken care of, and then I have to deal with rent cancellation and some interpersonal relationships.

  All in all, there are a lot of things this month, and I really don’t have enough energy. Friends who are following the reading should also know that I am rushing to update every day, and I really can’t catch up now, so my focus this month will be on other things. .

  What's more, to be honest, I was very impulsive when I wrote this book. According to what I thought when I started the book, I have almost finished it, so the book should be finished either this month or next month.

  I will carefully conceive the next book, strive for a good result, and the most important thing is to have a manuscript.
  PS: There is only one chapter today, don’t wait for the next chapter, tomorrow. I can’t guarantee it, and I will try to update it on time. Finally, thank you all for your support for this book. To be honest, the results of this book are very bad. , but because of you this book has come to the present, thank you again.

(End of this chapter)

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