East Factory Governor

Chapter 142 Death Battle

Chapter 142 Death Battle
Qin Shuhuai gasped heavily, and the hand holding the sword couldn't help but tremble slightly.

Blood dripped from the tip of the sword like beads.

"Tick tock, tick tock", as if something fell hard on the ground, crisp and shocking.

Sahalian sat upright on the horse, watching all this from a distance, his hand holding the rein trembled slightly.

Since joining the army at the age of 16, he has conquered Jurchen, pacified Mongolia, and fought against Liaodong. He has experienced more than a hundred battles, and has seen countless brave generals, but he has never seen such a powerful opponent!
Moreover, this titan is actually from the Ming Dynasty!

Five or six hundred golden warriors, plus five or six hundred soldiers, a total of more than 1000 people besieged just four people, but they couldn't move an inch? !
Since when did my Daikin army become so vulnerable?How have I, a big gold warrior, ever suffered such humiliation?

No, this is a disgrace to me, Sahalian, and the entire Aixinjueluo family!

Thinking of this, he went crazy, and shouted at the guards beside him, "Fire! Fire!"

All the guards were shocked, Master Belle meant to bombard him? !When the cannon hits, not to mention the big gold warriors at the side gate will be destroyed, even the side gate may be destroyed, and even if the side gate is captured, it will not be able to close it!
Sahalian glared fiercely at Yu's personal guards, and roared ferociously, "Fire the cannon! This is a military order!"

All the guards rushed to deliver the order.There are two Francine cannons in Luowenyu, which were originally equipped at the top of the city, but Li Sili deliberately dismantled the cannons and put them under the city to show his sincerity when he surrendered.And because the Guan Ning army's attack was too unexpected, the two cannons were not transported to the top of the city in a hurry, but they created convenience for him to bombard the side gate.You must know that if the cannon is at the head of the city, it will take at least half an hour to transport it down.

Sahalian now believes that the Guanning cavalry will enter the city soon, and Luowenyu will still fall if the fight continues.It's better to fight to the death, at least get rid of these four masters for Dajin before the city is broken, and it can be regarded as saving a little face, and the city is not lost in vain!

But this time he overestimated Qin Shuhuai and the others.

Because Qin Shuhuai's true energy was on the verge of being exhausted!
From opening the city gate to now, in less than half a quarter of an hour, counting those soldiers, he had killed at least more than 200 post-golden soldiers, no matter the frequency or strength of his attacks, he had reached the limit.Especially the strong explosion just now, which not only exhausted the Chilian Sword Qi, but also insufficient supply of Yi Jin Jing Zhen Qi!
Although Yi Jin Jing's true energy can run day and night, there is a certain limit to the replenishment of true energy per unit of time. If it is a one-on-one or even a pair of dozens of situations, no matter how he fights, it will be enough, but this time Facing hundreds of thousands of enemies, it is naturally not enough!
cavalry!Is it time for the cavalry to arrive?I bet that the cavalry will arrive soon, so I exhausted my energy and made a last-ditch effort!
Cavalry, but still not arrived!

Outside the side door, there are rolling stones, giant logs and horses everywhere, which have completely blocked the side door.The cavalry is now only three to forty meters away from the side gate, but they can't get in at all.Seeing this, the infantry at the back rushed up to clear the roadblock, so that a large number of Ming troops gathered near the side gate.

The Houjin soldiers at the top of the city immediately poured hot asphalt and boiling oil down. Although the Ming army below the city had several large shields, they could not protect many people. The asphalt and boiling oil were sprinkled on their heads, arms, and necks. At last, the small area with a radius of 50 meters outside the side gate suddenly became a purgatory on earth, and the wailing and screaming became one. Many soldiers of the Ming army had white, yellow, black, and red mixed together, and the smell of burnt, barbecued meat The smell of blood and asphalt intertwined, and the body and face were distorted and deformed by pain and despair. The miserable appearance was creepy.

Two hundred archers of the Ming army frantically rained arrows on the top of the city, but because there was no high platform, the threat to the Houjin soldiers on the top of the city was extremely limited.

At this moment, the Ming army showed an unprecedented will to fight.A wave of infantry fell, and another wave of infantry rushed up, especially those who surrendered bravely.These surrendered soldiers all considered themselves guilty, and desperately wanted to make meritorious service and atone for their sins, so that they could return to Daming and their homeland in an open and honest manner!

The roadblocks are being removed inch by inch, and the army is moving forward step by step, but every step forward requires blood and life to pave the way!
Fight to the death!

A few hundred meters away, Zhao Ratejiao looked down at the city with a livid face, clasping the ground with his hands.

He was not worried about whether the army could break through the roadblock and reach the side gate, but worried about whether Qin Shuhuai and the others could guard the side gate!The side gate is the only entrance for the army to enter the city. If it is closed, not only will the efforts of these fallen soldiers be in vain, but it will also make it impossible to capture Luowenyu.If you follow the normal siege method, you have to make siege tools yourself. After these are done, the gold reinforcements will also arrive. At that time, the army can only retreat, otherwise it will be surrounded and wiped out.

If Luo Wenyu cannot be conquered, and he disobeys the military order and changes his course without authorization, he is afraid that he will surely die!

Fighting to the death outside the city, Qin Shuhuai, Meng Wei, Meng Hu, and Li Jingting inside the city fought to the death even more!

The armors on the four of them were all ragged, and they had been hacked to pieces.Each person was wounded in more than ten places, blood flowed from the upper body to the feet, and even the pants were scraped to the legs, as if they had just been fished out of the bloody water.

Qin Shuhuai's eyes were blurred at this moment, because of the blood loss and lack of true energy, the toxin from the poisonous arrow had spread, making him dizzy and cold all over.Now his moves are completely instinctive.

I...are I going to die here?

Countless thoughts flashed through my mind.

His shit Guan Ning cavalry, such a small road for a long time? !

Or are you overestimating yourself?With four enemies and a thousand, is he really a wave...

Lao Tzu, is this about being loyal to the country?In this life, just be a man for the last time? !Going back to Earth after death, do you really want to be a "eunuch" for the rest of your life?It would be better to die again!
"Ding Dong, due to the hard work of the host, the hidden value has been increased, and the Chilian Sword Art has been upgraded to the third level."

"Ding dong, due to the hard work of the host, the hidden value has been increased, and the cultivation of true energy has been upgraded to the fifth level of Xiaocheng Realm!"

"Ding Dong, due to the hard work of the host, the hidden value has been increased, and the life-killing soul-chasing sword has been upgraded to the fifth floor!"

The system kept prompting, but in exchange for Qin Shuhuai's increasingly blurred consciousness!

"Second brother, protect Lord Qin and get out!" Seeing this, Meng Wei knew that the side gate could no longer be guarded, so he asked Meng Hu to take Qin Shuhuai and run first.Among the four of them, only Meng Hu had a lot of zhenqi left.

Meng Hu slashed a Houjin soldier with his knife and yelled ferociously, "If you don't leave, what will you do if you leave?"

Meng Wei roared, "After you leave, I will leave naturally, hurry up!"

Meng Hu's eyes suddenly became moist, he knew that his eldest brother and Li Jingting had exhausted their true energy, and they would have absolutely no chance of escaping once he left!

Glancing at Qin Shuhuai beside him, he gritted his back molars hard.Brother is right, this Master Qin is my hope of Ming Dynasty, even if my brother and I are loyal to the emperor today, it is all right, but this Master Qin cannot die!

So he shouted hoarsely, "Brother, I will take Mr. Qin out first, and then I will accompany you and be loyal to the emperor!"

After finishing speaking, he grabbed Qin Shuhuai's left shoulder suddenly, and was about to jump up and rush out of the side door, but suddenly heard a loud noise.


A cannonball whizzed over and fell into the dense crowd. Numerous pieces of broken shells and iron pieces exploded, and the surrounding Houjin soldiers immediately flew out in all directions!It was like a stone fell into the water, blasting a circular gap in the dense crowd!

Sahalian ordered Franji to fire!

(End of this chapter)

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