Chapter 190

Shi Shiming, as the great elder of the Huashan School, naturally did not doubt what he said, Ma Sansao and Zhang Taicheng, so he immediately attacked Qin Shuhuai's right.

The three of them gathered on the right side, just in time for Qin Shuhuai to perform the battle.One is that the three of them are close and convenient, and the other is that Qin Shuhuai does not have the troubles of the left and the middle, so he can use all his strength to attack.

Clinking, the Qingtan sword intersected with the weapons of the three of them at high speed, and the shadows of the swords intertwined into a silver-white iron curtain, firmly protecting the right path.At the same time, Qin Shuhuai fought and retreated, as if he was invincible.

Seeing this, the three of them attacked more and more fiercely.

Qin Shuhuai saw that the three of them had already been fooled, and was about to turn to the stars, but Zhang Taicheng suddenly floated and moved to his left unexpectedly, and then the two judge pens spun sharply. It was impossible to see where his pen was.

I couldn't help feeling cold in my heart, and secretly called "No", and then moved back a few meters obliquely, but at this moment, I saw a judge's pen flying over, Qin Shuhuai kicked his right heel, and then moved to the right Panning for one meter, I used Xing Xing Luan Ying to barely avoid it. At this time, cold sweat was breaking out on my back.

There was a burst of exclamation from the bottom, panning without raising the legs, this kind of light work is unheard of.Someone couldn't help but asked loudly, "Master Qin, what kind of martial art is this?"

Qin Shuhuai made a wrong step again, dodged Ma Sansao's knife, then jumped up and dodged to the side, and then said, "This is called 'dodging the dog'. You need to turn your true energy and use your heels to avoid being bitten by the dog!"

The people below memorized it again, their true energy turned, and their heels exerted force.Qin Shuhuai didn't talk nonsense, the principle of Apparatus and Shadow is indeed the principle.But how exquisite is the stepping snow Wuhen lightness kung fu?To make good use of this move of "Transferring Shapes and Shadows", the route of true qi turning is extremely complicated, even if they try their best, they can't figure it out.

Qin Shuhuai returned his attention to the field.At this time Ma Sansao and Shi Shiming attacked again, Qin Shuhuai deliberately held the sword in both hands, resisted for a few rounds, and then retreated again.

Seeing this, Shi Shiming sneered again, "Hmph, Chief Qin, are you unable to hold your sword firmly?"

Qin Shuhuai shouted, "Stop talking nonsense, let's fight!"

Shi Shiming chuckled and said in his heart, now that this kid is useless, I can take him down by myself!The first achievement in killing this evildoer today is mine, Huashan!
So he walked around Qin Shuhuai with a sword, looking for a fighter.Qin Shuhuai held the sword in both hands, and after a round of "struggling" with Ma Sansao and Zhang Taicheng, he dodged to the side again.

At this time, Shi Shiming saw the timing, kicked his legs suddenly, raised his long sword to draw a perfect straight line, and stabbed Qin Shuhuai's chest forcefully!

Qin Shuhuai sneered in his heart, it's now!

With a shake of the long sword, the true energy suddenly condensed, and when it touched Shi Shiming's sword, it first turned around along the opponent's sword, and after exhausting the internal and external forces of the opponent's sword, there was a bang on the wrist, and then Bounced back that huge force through the long sword!

The mystery of Dou Zhuan Xing Yi lies in that the higher the internal force of the opponent, the greater the power to bounce back (of course, the premise is that his own internal force is also strong enough). He wanted to finish the sword with one blow, so he used all his strength, so the rebounding force not only made his arm numb, but also part of it directly entered his tendons, causing his internal strength to shake violently.

At the same time, his long sword was firmly glued to Qin Shuhuai's long sword like brown sugar.

At this time, Ma Sansao was the first to kill, and Zhang Taicheng followed closely behind.

With a flick of Qin Shuhuai's long sword, he guided Shi Shiming's sword to stab Mrs. Ma Sansao's abdomen, while his own long sword suddenly raised and slashed towards Zhang Taicheng!
With a loud roar, "The battle turns and the stars move!"

"Puff!" Ma Sanniang suddenly felt a chill in her abdomen, and her face was filled with horror and bewilderment!
Obviously this kid's sword was aimed at Zhang Taicheng, how could he stab himself in the abdomen?
Looking down, he was shocked to see that the sword belonged to Shi Shiming!
He couldn't help shouting angrily, "Elder Shi, how can you turn against me?"

Shi Shiming was also stunned, and said, "I, how could I?"

Just when he was startled, he suddenly saw Zhang Taicheng's judge pen brushing towards his neck again, his whole body felt cold, and before he had time to think about it, he leaned back, and the judge pen swiped across his chin , Suddenly the skin was ripped apart, and blood gushed out.

Undoubtedly, Zhang Taicheng was also hit by Qin Shuhuai's "Dou Zhuan Xing Yi", at this time his arms were numb and his internal strength was also shaken.

Qin Shuhuai immediately used his life-killing soul-chasing sword to attack Zhang Taicheng with all his strength, but he was powerless to resist after only using the fourth sword, and he staggered and fell to the ground.

Qin Shuhuai rushed out with a sword, straight to his throat.

Zhang Taicheng's eyes were bloodshot, his pupils shrank, and he stared at Lai Jian dumbfounded.


The long sword stopped suddenly half a centimeter from his throat, and the extremely powerful sword energy instantly blew him out of his hair.

Zhang Taicheng was stunned.

Ma Sansao covered her stomach and fell to the ground.

Shi Shiming holds a long sword, which looks like a sculpture.

Off the court, there was a dead silence at first.After a while, everyone murmured those words.

"Fighting to the stars!"

"Fighting to the stars!"

It turns out that Xiao Buchen and the "Two Sages of Kongtong" were all defeated by this "Dou Zhuan Xing Yi" move!This kung fu is so powerful and weird, but I don't know which school or school it is. Why have I never heard of it for so many years?
Use the way of the other, and return it to the other.As the battle turns and the stars move, Megatron martial arts!

Qin Shuhuai finally achieved his goal.The star shift made him famous in the first battle. From then on, Qin Shuhuai who "returned the way of the other to the other" was known to everyone in the martial arts world.

Putting away the long sword, Qin Shuhuai calmed down his anger, clasped his fists at the three of them, and said, "You three, let me go!"

The three of them looked at him dully for a long time.

Zhang Taicheng got up slowly, bowed deeply to Qin Shuhuai, and said, "Master Qin, old man... I have surrendered!"

He has been arrogant and conceited all his life, but this time he was convinced.He didn't feel ashamed to lose to such a magical skill.

Shi Shiming put away the long sword, and cupped his fists to bow, "Master Qin, I admire you!"

Although Ma Sansao was resentful in her heart, she also knew that it was her kindness that saved her life.Thinking of how easily the Jianghe Gang defeated the nearly [-] coalition troops of the Cao Gang and the Beibei a few days ago, he felt even more tormented.The rise of the Jianghe Gang is unstoppable. As the former leader of water transportation, how should the Cao Gang deal with it?

Fight to the end?Now that he is so tyrannical, he has the Emei, Tangmen and other factions allied with him, and it seems that Shaolin and Wudang also have a good impression of him, and with the help of the Demon Cult, the power behind him is not small.Although the Cao Gang is backed by the Beibei, Huashan, Kongtong and other mountains, are they willing to fight to the death with the Jianghe Gang, Emei and other factions?

But what if he was allowed to develop?This person deliberately showed his grandeur at the martial arts conference, and his ambitions were clearly revealed. I am afraid that he will never stop unless he dominates the Daming Water Transport.At that time, the Cao Gang may even become a problem for their livelihood, so it might as well just disband it!
This Daming... how did such a monstrosity appear?
(End of this chapter)

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