East Factory Governor

Chapter 723 Much Unhappy

Chapter 723 Much Unhappy (Two Chapters In One)

After arriving in Jinan Mansion, Qin Shuhuai went directly to the yamen of the Jinan prefect, and took out the imperial decree first.

The prefect of Jinan led a group of officials in fear and trepidation, saying that he would clean up the dust for the Duke of the country, and report the implementation of the new policy of Jinan government by the way.

Qin Shuhuai didn't want to dampen the enthusiasm of the officials, so he patiently had a light meal with them and listened to the report.Feeling that they did a good job, they praised a few words casually, which relieved all levels of officials in Jinan Prefecture.

In a daze, Qin Shuhuai felt that the officialdom of Ming Dynasty was more and more similar to the officialdom of the earth where he was, especially the official language of the officials. In the past, these officials spoke in a very polite way, and they couldn't understand them.Now it’s all right, let’s talk about "resolutely implement it", "make officials dare not be greedy", "separation of powers", "satisfy the people"...

Where did these words come from before?They were all his catchphrases, and as a result, they were passed on to ten or ten to a hundred, and now they have spread throughout the official circles of the Ming Dynasty. Everyone learns them as a brand new set of "official dialect". Mandarin" is too embarrassing to go out and say hello to people!

The so-called "upper and lower effect" is probably the case.

Qin Shuhuai couldn't help smiling in his heart, after all, Daming's officialdom culture is still an authoritative culture!
Now officials not only follow their own example, but also have to learn the way of speaking, and the "implementation" is thorough enough!

But then again, this culture is not necessarily bad.

The Chinese officialdom of the later generations also had this kind of culture, so the decisions of the elites could be executed extremely quickly, so that it created the economic miracle of the Chinese state for more than [-] years and shocked the world.

It's a form of meritocracy.

On the other hand, in some so-called "democratic" countries, because there is no authoritative culture, it takes several years to argue in the parliament to build a road or a bridge, which actually hinders development.

Of course, the biggest risk of elite governance lies in whether the "elites" are qualified to govern the country.Like the previous Donglin party members who didn't know how to govern the country at all, but were pushed into the circle of top elites, the result could only be chaos in the country, or even almost destroy the country.

After all, every system has flaws.

But the key point is that the current Ming Dynasty is rapidly implementing the New Deal, which requires this kind of governance method of unconditional obedience to the imperial court and effective actions from top to bottom.

After having dinner with the officials of Jinan Prefecture, Qin Shuhuai politely declined the invitation to stay overnight, and went to the street to look for the Jianghe gang's secret.

But after a few steps, a shopkeeper came up and asked if he was a relative from his hometown?

Qin Shuhuai knew that he belonged to the White Lotus Sect, and after a few words with him, the man was sure that the leader was right in front of him, so he immediately knelt down and saluted, saying that the envoy had been waiting for the leader at Yunsheng Inn for a long time.

Qin Shuhuai asked him to lead the way, and soon came to Yunsheng Inn.

Hua Chen and Li Jingting were there as expected.

Both of them were very happy to see Qin Shuhuai, especially Hua Shen. This guy was used to wandering freely in the Jianghu. It was all because of Qin Shuhuai that he went to take charge of the White Lotus Sect. He has been there for nearly two years. During these two years, he has to deal with various parties every day. From the massive amount of information coming from all directions, valuable information was extracted for Qin Shuhuai. At the same time, he had to cooperate with Qin Shuhuai's actions in various places, and even plan to implement the "big cause" of the White Lotus Sect to open brothels and restaurants in various places.

Going to Quanzhou with Qin Shuhuai this time was like a big vacation for him. On the day he received the news, he waved a whole lot of work to the old man, and the old man was so angry that he almost quit and followed.

The three of them hadn't seen each other for several months, and after reuniting after a long absence, they naturally wanted to have a few drinks happily.

After drinking for three rounds, Qin Shuhuai asked Hua Chen, "Old Hua, how did you spend the one million taels of silver I gave you?"

Hua Chen said, "Eight kilns and two restaurants have been opened, and the rest have been moved to other expenses."

Opening eight kilns and two restaurants naturally didn't cost 100 million taels of silver. Qin Shuhuai roughly calculated that at least 50 taels were embezzled by Hua Shen.If it was any other department, he would have to ask where the money went, but the matter of the White Lotus Sect was very complicated, so he didn't ask, after all, he could trust Hua Chen.

So he said, "Since it's all spent, why don't you tell me?"

Hua Chen said again, "The kilns and restaurants are already making profits, and the expenditure on helping the poor churchgoers has dropped by more than half this year, so it is enough to spend. Maybe next year, the church will be able to hand in some surplus. "

"Heh, can you see the money back so soon?"

"According to Elder Yue, the donations of the church members this year may be as much as five times that of last year. Now most of the church members have things to do and fields, and they will definitely donate when they have a harvest. Speaking of which, the donations of the church members now The enthusiasm for it is higher than ever, so I don’t need to say more about the reasons.”

Qin Shuhuai smiled slightly, "Very good, as long as everyone has something to eat."

At this time, Li Jingting said, "My lord, the White Lotus Sect has hundreds of thousands of followers, so what to do in the future is also a problem!"

In the imperial court, only Li Jingting, Meng Wei, and Meng Hu dared to tell Qin Shuhuai frankly that if it were someone else, he would not dare to raise this question in front of Qin Shuhuai even if he had ten guts.

why?Because now the White Lotus Sect belongs to him!
But Li Jingting is different. He and Qin Shuhuai have gone through many life and death moments along the way. They have given their lives to each other several times. What else can we not say?
Qin Shuhuai took a sip of wine and said meaningfully, "Jing Ting, I know what you are worried about. But I believe in a truth, that is, only when everyone has nothing to eat will they hug each other to keep warm. If everyone There is everything to do, everyone has food to eat, who wants to take the risk of losing his head to fight against the court?"

Hua Chen also said, "The leader is right. In fact, these church members did not say that they must change the dynasty. As far as I have been in charge of the leader for the past two years, whether it is the elders in the church or the rudder below Whether it is the master, the altar master, or even ordinary believers, they just want to have a peaceful world and live their lives well. Now that the world is initially settled and the court divides the land, don’t you think they are happily farming the land? "

Qin Shuhuai nodded and said, "That's right. The White Lotus Sect is different from the Demon Sect. They are very scattered, and most of their followers are poor people. If they were not forced into a hurry, they would not oppose the imperial court. Besides, since we control the White Lotus Sect, we can slightly Let’s change the teachings of the White Lotus Sect! Wouldn’t it be great to make him a group that saves all sentient beings and accumulates virtue and does good deeds?”

Hearing Qin Shuhuai's words, Li Jingting knew that he must have a plan in mind, and immediately raised his wine cup and said, "Hehe, the Duke of the State is far-sighted, so he has already made a plan, and his subordinates are worrying too much."

Qin Shuhuai smiled slightly, had a drink with him, and then said to Hua Chen, "By the way, Lao Hua, there is a man named Zheng Zhilong in Quanzhou, do you know him?"

Hua Shen immediately said, "Duke, did you say that Zheng Yiguan has more than a thousand warships under his command? This guy is a ruthless character! The king of the sea along the southeast coast, not to mention the officers and sailors, is the Japanese Japanese and Western Red None of the Maoyi sailors are his opponents."

Qin Shuhuai said with a smile, "There are more than a thousand warships! Old Hua, you said that if we can bring over all the warships under his command, wouldn't it be a shame for the Ming Navy?"

After hearing this, Hua Chen and Li Jingting's expressions changed, and then they looked at each other.

They all showed inexplicable smiles.

It turns out that the Duke of the State went to Quanzhou for this matter!Hehe, Zheng Zhilong is going to be in trouble now.

Li Jingting immediately said, "The idea of ​​the Duke is very good. Although Zheng Yiguan has surrendered to the court, he still supports his own troops. His private soldiers and warships cannot be mobilized by the court at all. Even the governor of Fujian will look at his face." Act. If we can take the navy from him, hehe, that would be great."

Hua Chen followed up and said, "That's right."

Qin Shuhuai laughed and scolded, "You two guys, don't ask me what method to use? Then Zheng Zhilong's soldiers and boats, you can get them if you get them?"

Li Jingting said, "The Duke must have a successful strategy."

"There is no strategy, but there is a direction, so you two have to use your brains." Qin Shuhuai said again, "Zheng Zhilong was recruited by the imperial court. First of all, we can't force it. Secondly, most of Zheng Zhilong's warships are overseas. Youyou, if we want to take over, we need his brothers not to disobey orders. You know, if his people don’t want to be under the control of the court, we just need to sail to Dongfan (the name for Taiwan in the late Ming Dynasty) and we will It's beyond the reach of the whip."

Hua Chen thought for a while and said, "Then our method this time is different from what we did on the third side. On the third side we capture the thief first and the king first, this time I'm afraid we have to get rid of his subordinates first."

Qin Shuhuai immediately said to Hua Chen, "Old Hua is on point! I heard that many of Zheng Zhilong's subordinates were once his opponents, and they were recruited after he defeated them. I need your help if there is any loophole here. I went to inquire."

Hua Shen said, "White Lotus Sect is quite prevalent in Fujian, so go ask them first."

"Okay, let's go tomorrow morning."

Early the next morning, Qin Shuhuai took Hua Chen, Li Jingting, and two thousand martial arts coalition troops to Liaocheng first.After arriving in Liaocheng, boarded more than [-] large ships arranged in advance by the magistrate of Liaocheng, and went south along the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal.

Travel day and night, and arrive in Hangzhou ten days later.

Afterwards, he continued to travel south, and along the way, in the name of making a tour on behalf of the South, he must stop in the big cities and counties he passed to ask about the implementation of the New Deal.The purpose of doing this is to let Zheng Zhilong not make too many associations, lest he run away.And Qin Shuhuai is now the imperial envoy responsible for the implementation of the new policy, and the new policy of the southern inspection inspector can't be more normal, and there is really nothing to doubt about it.

The officials along the way were all trembling. Everyone knew that every time the country's father-in-law made an inspection on behalf of the heavens, someone would lose his official position or even lose his head.Before he inspected the three sides and Jiangnan, which time was it not like this?

All of a sudden, officials in Zhejiang, Fujian, and even the farther southeast coast were devoting themselves to work day and night.What are they busy with?Are busy writing "work report" too!

Since Qin Shuhuai has come here, of course he must seriously assess the implementation of the New Deal by officials from all over the place.While listening to the report, he asked Li Jingting and Hua Chen to lead people to conduct an open and secret investigation, and the investigation was extremely detailed.

But this way, he is generally satisfied with the situation.Although officials at all levels were more or less false and exaggerated, they were basically passable, and there were only two or three officials who did not do much practical work, and Qin Shuhuai took off the black hat on the spot.

Just stop and go all the way, it took a full month to reach Xianyou County in Fujian, which is only a hundred miles away from Quanzhou.

In the name of repairs, Qin Shuhuai let the army station here.

Afterwards, he asked Hua Chen to go to Quanzhou first to inquire about the news.

Three days later, Hua Chen returned to Xianyou with the information obtained from the disciples of the White Lotus Sect hidden in Zheng Zhilong's troops.

It turned out that Zheng Zhilong's more than a thousand warships were mainly commanded by three generals.

The three are Zheng Zhilong's second brother Zheng Zhihu, fifth brother Zheng Zhibao, and his elder brother Zheng Cai.

Among them, Zheng Zhihu and Zheng Zhibao commanded a total of [-] warships, while Zheng Cai commanded [-] ships.

Before surrendering to the army, Zheng Cai commanded at least half of Zheng Zhilong's warships. It is said that Zheng Cai had mixed with Zheng Zhilong's former opponent Xu Xinsu, so after Zheng Zhibao grew up, Zheng Zhilong wanted to marginalize the heroic Zheng Cai.

Of course Zheng Cai was not happy!
And there are many people who are as unhappy as Zheng Cai!
Qin Shuhuai's guess is correct. Zheng Zhilong's troops come from a variety of sources, not only recruited by himself, but also inherited from the former great pirate Yan Siqi, recruited after defeating competitors, etc. The source of troops includes the Japanese kingdom Chinese, Dutch, Koreans, Southeast Asians and even blacks, can such an army have no contradictions?
Although these contradictions are not prominent at the moment, they were very obvious in history when Nanming was on the verge of collapse.For example, many of his generals fled overseas with his fleet, and even his own son resolutely cut off his robes and went to Taiwan with a large number of soldiers and warships after hearing that he had surrendered to the Qing Dynasty.

What Qin Shuhuai had to do, of course, was to make the conflict break out earlier.

After detailed planning, Qin Shuhuai decided to arrive in Quanzhou in five days.

Five days later, on the 20th birthday of Zheng Zhilong's fifth younger brother, Zheng Zhibao, he should receive a weak crown as usual.

Qin Shuhuai is going to show his face!

 I won’t be eunuchs in this book, but I’m too busy recently, sorry everyone!By the way, I wish you all a happy Chinese New Year in advance and all the best!
(End of this chapter)

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