laughing proudly

055 Ready to go to Japan

After the stock market hit a new low for a month today, it was suddenly pulled up by a force in the afternoon. As soon as the stock index rose, individual stocks cracked into red, and when individual stocks rose red, investors also became interested. It's not very developed, but in less than half an hour, the army of retail investors has poured in from all directions, and the trading hall is once again overcrowded.

"Brother, do you know that Hengshui shares are going to rise?"

"His second sister, do you know that the banker of Hengshui shares is going to do it?"

"Brother, quickly buy shares in Hengshui, the news is absolutely reliable!"


As soon as the army of retail investors entered the market, the market immediately heard various news about Hengshui shares. It can be summed up that this ticket has a banker to make, and this is a strong banker. It is said that the banker spent hundreds of millions of funds to prepare for him.

For a time, the wind was roaring.

Why did the stock rise?Because everyone is buying and no one is selling, it will naturally rise, just like today's Hengshui shares, before 02:30 in the afternoon, I saw a white line suddenly grabbed it, and the stock price abruptly rose to [-] cents There is a lot of money, and the retail investors in the hall look at it with blue eyes eagerly, the quick-handed monkeys buy the goods, and the slow ones chase after the high ones to buy, and the hesitant ones are also anxious, cursing and complaining about the money they have in their hands. Tickets are too fucking late.

In room 315, Yang Wei looked at his Beiman Special Steel quietly by himself. Today’s ticket did not go very well. Not active, as if at a crossroads, and as if no one is waiting to see, the stock price circles around and stagnates.

From a technical point of view, the slow and tepid climb of this stock is a typical bulldozer foodie method. It seems that the banker is really patient, and Yang Wei calculated carefully.

At this time, as soon as the door opened, Mi Lier came in quietly from the outside, and yelled as soon as she entered, "Hey, do you know the stock Hengshui shares?"

"What's wrong?" Yang Wei turned his head and looked at her puzzled.

"What's the matter?" Milier pouted, and said pretty, "People in the hall are rumoring that this stock is going to go up, don't you know?"

"Oh?" Yang Wei agreed softly, and then opened the chart of Hengshui shares. After seeing it, he was immediately stunned, because he really couldn't understand the trend of this stock. The stock index fell quite a lot, and there was no sign of any start-up in the past two days, but today it suddenly rose by several cents out of nowhere, which was very strange. What puzzled him most was that the ticket didn't sell much.

"Why?" Milly looked at Yang Wei anxiously, as if the answer was written on Yang Wei's face.

Yang Wei turned around quietly, took out the jade card and took a look, and saw that there was no sign of the beast on it. Recently, Yang Wei often used the jade card to predict the rise and fall of stocks, and the answers he got were basically correct. , Sometimes it is surprisingly accurate, so he believes that this Hengshui stock must not be a stock that is going to rise, otherwise, the beast will give an early warning with red eyes.

Yang Wei typed the chart on Beiman Special Steel again, looked at it for a while and asked, "Why did you come so late today?"

"There was an operation last night, so it's too late after sleeping in the morning." After Mi Lier finished speaking, she sat down next to Yang Wei, looked at it, and asked curiously, "Did the eldest sister come?"

"I'm going to Japan in a few days, and she's going to apply for a passport!"

Mi Lier's father is a shareholder of Heyue Jiahua. Of course she knows about the entertainment city's transformation, but she doesn't know how fast it is progressing, so she asked, "You guys are so fast, who is going to Japan?"

Yang Wei pulled out his chest and said with a smile, "How about me?"

"Cut," Miril said with a flick of her nose, "I wouldn't even go to that damned place if I was killed, so why would I think it's a good thing!"

In fact, Yang Wei really didn't want to go to Japan from the bottom of his heart. He always felt that that ghostly place was not a place for him to go alone. His country was so big that he couldn't go there enough. What would he do there?But this time, Big Sister Ouyang insisted on asking him to go to learn Buddhist scriptures together, so it's hard to say too much objection, so I just bite the bullet and go have a look.

While talking, Mi Lier typed the computer in front of her into the Hengshui shares, but she didn't pay attention for a while, the price of this ticket was close to the daily limit, Mi Lier was so angry that she stared at Yang Wei fiercely, her cheeks puffed up, Seeing that classmate Yang Wei of this family is going to be beaten again.

Sure enough, Mi Lier looked at it and suddenly raised her powder fist to get a fat beating, and she still yelled angrily in a low voice: "You still said that you can't go up, look at it, it's almost the limit, if I knew I would buy it!" It’s annoying to lie down and sleep with thousands of dollars in your hands after hundreds of shares!”

"I'll fall tomorrow!" Yang Wei protected her head with her left hand, and used her right hand to check her pockets. Mi Lier was tickled and giggled, and she was really trembling. Yang Wei's heart was swaying immediately when she saw it. Anyway, there are no outsiders in this room, and the door is still closed, so let's have some romance too!

Thinking in his heart, Yang Wei suddenly pulled Mi Lier with his hand, and Mi Lier fell into his arms, and Yang Wei gnawed at her little face as soon as he lowered his head.

"You're're'll bully people!" Mi Lier whispered in a baby voice, the more the beauty is like this, the more Yang Wei's hormones increase by a hundred times, at this moment he The sperm is already on the brain, so how can I care about public places!

Sliding his hand under the corner of her clothes, Milly moved, and two red clouds flew up from her cheeks. At this time, the beauty is the most beautiful, and Milly is like a blooming peony Also obediently leaning on Yang Wei's body, Yang Wei's heart is almost drunk....

"Hello, all investors!"

A sound came from the newly installed tweeter. This is a project recently launched by the securities company. The main purpose is to analyze and broadcast the early and late trading. Sometimes some important news is also interrupted. It is very close to the stockholders. It's a good thing, but in Yang Wei's opinion, the sound came at an inopportune time, because Mi Lier struggled out of his arms, and listened carefully to the closing stock from the tweeter.

"Dear investors, it can be seen from the recent market that the stock index has fallen a lot. However, this afternoon, driven by food and alcohol such as Hengshui shares, the stock index rebounded further. After careful analysis and consideration, I believe that listed companies represented by Hengshui shares have significantly improved their performance and are undervalued in terms of value. Therefore, I hope investors can actively pay attention and intervene at bargains when appropriate...!"

"Did you see that, other analysts have said to intervene at a low price!" Mi Lier raised her face and asked.

"Damn, this is a bastard, can't you hear it?"

"Why?" Milly looked bewildered.

Yang Wei gently held her little face, and explained: "What is high and what is low? You should add up the sum carefully. This is a fortune-telling rhetoric. It is completely fooling around!"

"Who do you think is a ghost!" Mi Lier swung her fist again and was about to hit her. Yang Wei shrank her head in fright. Just as she was about to harass her again, the mobile phone at her waist suddenly rang. It turned out that it was Sister Ouyang who called, and the general manager had to answer the call.

"Eldest sister... good, good."

Yang Wei put down the phone, put his arms around Mi Lier and said, "Tomorrow morning, it will take a while."

"Hmph, then I won't come tomorrow, and I won't buy or sell anyway!"

(The stock market has improved, my stock article is really lagging...)

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