laughing proudly

125 The Death of Jin Guangxia 1

Time is like running water, and a few days have passed in a flash.

This day has not yet reached the opening time in the morning. Room 315 of Tonghai Securities is ready, and it is Fan Jianqiang who is ready, because Jin Guangxia has fallen to a little over 14 yuan yesterday. If there is another limit today, it will be a little over 13 yuan. Yang Wei suggested that today should be a day of rebound. As for what the rebound will look like, Yang Wei also said a few words, but Fan Jianqiang didn't pay attention to it, mainly because he felt that his wings were a little stiff.

At [-]:[-], the transaction officially started.

Sure enough, as soon as Jin Guangxia opened, the price opened at a price limit of 13 yuan, and then a six-figure buy order appeared. Seeing that there were less than [-] orders on the price limit board, Fan Jianqiang turned to look at his neighbors and found that the seat was empty. Yes, he said to himself: "This kid, I've been chattering downstairs." As he spoke, he opened the account and gestured to rush in.

Ouyang turned around at this time, came behind him and said softly: "Yang Wei said yesterday, don't chase when the limit is opened on the first day, and when the limit is opened on the second day, it's time to buy and speculate. Why didn't you remember?"

"Did you say it?"

"I said it, I said it, I heard it all." Millie also said.

Fan Qiangqiang smiled, "Let me tell you, water is impermanent, soldiers are impermanent, and there are no dead rules for stocks. Therefore, I think I will rush in and have a look, the premise is to open the limit, hehe."

"Tch, just be stubborn!"

Ouyang and Mi Lier turned around in disgust, and went back to their seats to watch the excitement.

Fan Jianqiang really deserves to be a good old man. What he said was a screw that would never rust. He hesitated for a while, gritted his teeth and stomped his feet. Buy 13 shares directly.

This is one hundred thousand shares!A full 130 million!

After buying the stocks, Fan Jianqiang was like a smoker who just finished smoking a big cigarette, leaning limply on the chair, watching the changes on the board with a stern expression, his mind kept spinning, looking forward to it.

Mi Lier clapped her hands and laughed loudly, "Haha, look, Yi'an Technology is going straight to 70 yuan...Look, the daily limit has been reached."

Really hit the limit.

Just when everyone was paying attention to Jin Guangxia, Yi'an Technology quietly rose to the price of 70 yuan, and a series of big Yang lines appeared on the chart, just like the place where Taishan Eighteen Pans, every step has a body standing The beauties in red bikinis lined up from Zhongtianmen to Nantianmen. At a glance, they are too beautiful to behold.

Ouyang and Mi Lier are the happiest. Their cost price is a little more than ten yuan, which seems to be a seven-fold increase. It has only been a few months, and it is too fast. Robbing a bank is not as enjoyable as doing this .

"Millier, you should congratulate Yang Wei tonight." Ouyang said.

Milly nodded, "Let him treat you!"

Fang Xia turned her head, her big eyes flickering, and asked: "The stocks provided by the master, we should invite him."

"Wow~~~!" Ouyang and Mi Lier laughed immediately.

Ouyang covered his stomach, pointed at Fang Xia and said, "You little girl, when your master comes later, you can ask if we invite him or he invites us?"

"No way!"

Fan Jianqiang turned his head back, followed by a hey smile, and said, "Yes, I'm still treating you, I said, look at Jin Guangxia now."

Everyone, look at it, good guy, at this moment, a white line of Jin Guangxia has been pulled up, and the current price has risen to 14 yuan. In just over ten minutes, not only the stock price is rising, but the trading volume has also begun to increase. , and more importantly, a white star appeared on the disk.

Mi Lier knocked on Fan Jianqiang, "You open the news and read, what's going on?"

Fan Jianqiang understands that the white star is real-time news, which stock is the latest news of that stock, and he will read it without Milier reminding him. He has invested 130 million, how can he not read it?Playing big fun and relying on the tide?

Open the white star, and a piece of news appears.

"Hello, dear investors: After the financial and production problems of our Jinguangxia Co., Ltd. were exposed, the company's leadership attached great importance to it. The chairman himself also apologized to the majority of investors. The chairman expressed that he would Work hard, strive for the top, and contribute all your strength to socialist modernization..."

"Look below, there are comments." Miller said.

"After several days of stock price plummeting, the risks of Jin Guangxia Company have been fully released. We believe that the company's future is still bright and the future is still broad. Through this lesson, we believe that in the near future, the company will make great progress. Therefore, we give the company an overweight rating with a target price of 25 yuan...Hu Yanyu, a securities analyst."

After reading the company's top management's speech and the analyst's professional comments, Fan Qiangqiang's chubby face jumped, his eyes turned into crescent moons, and his eyebrows bent over with the smile.

"Let me tell you, there is no set formula in the stock market, so if you follow the old way, it's okay?" Fan Qiangqiang said solemnly.

Fan Qiangqiang is not the only one who has the idea of ​​finding the bottom line. The instigator of this active attack is the room 316 next door. Under the decision of Jia Kongtao and Xiong Erbi, the company used nearly [-] million yuan of the company's funds to deal with the It goes on the assault.

The current main trader is Xiong Erbi himself. The former main trader was kicked away because of his clumsy technique and being arrogant, so Xiong Erbi also served as the main trader.

"Brothers, we only need to get 14 yuan now, as long as we sell it, we will eat it!" Xiong Erbi and several other traders around him said.

"Manager, why do I feel that there is something wrong with the sell order?" A trader asked timidly.

Xiong Erbi rolled his eyes and scolded angrily: "Why are you stupid? Look at the f10 data, the cost price of the fund is 30 yuan, and the current price is 13 yuan. Let me ask you, how do they run? If they cut their flesh and get out It's half of the meat, do you understand?"

Hearing that, the man nodded repeatedly and raised his thumbs up, "Manager Xiong is right!"

Not only him, but several other traders also followed suit. Everyone is in the industry and understands that the cost of the fund is so high. What is the difference between cutting the meat and leaving the market now and committing suicide?Moreover, it can be seen from the data that the fund holds more than 70.00% of the outstanding shares. Judging from this point, there is absolutely no possibility of a decline.

Funds are self-insured.

In the retail hall on the first floor, Qian Bucha and Wu Quanshi controlled a trading machine, and Yang Wei, the stock god, stood in the middle. According to Yang Wei, the two should be out at 14 yuan.

However, Qian Bucha and Wu Quanshi were hesitant to see Jin Guangxia's rise. In any case, once the transaction is completed, it will be a real loss of more than half. For Qian Bucha, it is a loss of 150 million. silver!

"Can't it go up?" Qian Bucha asked in a low voice.


Wu Quanshi turned his head and saw Yang Wei's face was as frosty as iron. He knew the seriousness of the stock god's words and the urgency of the question. He gritted his teeth and stomped his feet. Things filled half the crotch.

With a sound of "I know", Wu Quanshi finished cutting the flesh.

"I have something to do," Wu Quanshi finished, holding his trouser pockets and running away like a little devil. Immediately after the sound of a car starting outside the exchange, Wu Quanshi went home to change his pants.

Qian Bucha is still trembling. He is different from Wu Quanshi. He is a personal asset, and he is a small treasury in the bureau. It is time to check the accounts, and he has lost 150 million yuan. How can the higher authorities account for it?Even if the top is not bad, the twelve deputy bureau chiefs will die, and the eyes of each of them are bigger than Goubuli Baozi.

My God!

Qian Bucha wailed in his heart, his hands were trembling, he really couldn't do it, Yang Wei who was standing aside had no choice but to be anxious, after all, this kind of thing could only be done by himself.

"Director Qian, cutting flesh is also a realm!"

When Qian Bucha turned around, he recognized the person who spoke, it was Pei Jingguang.

Qian Bucha murmured in his heart: It's unbelievable that I was recognized by people wearing such a big mask.

Pei Jingguang is the section chief of a certain organization, of course he knows Qian Bucha, not to mention that Yang Wei is by his side so he can be sure.

"Director Qian, people say that the phoenix is ​​reborn from the ashes, how can you enter the realm of high-end stock speculation without going through the stage of purgatory?" Pei Jingguang slowly advised from the side again, as if facing a prisoner who is about to be executed. It's the same as the enlightenment in my heart before the trip.

"It's up again, it's up again!"

Qian Bucha didn't wait for the transaction, and found that Jin Guangxia was already 14 yuan and twenty-three cents, and he was buying one wave high and one wave high. Seeing that he was going straight to the daily limit, he hesitated even more. He turned his head and looked at Yang Wei, "Xiao Yang, sell ?"


The biggest reason why stock masters can make long-term profits is that they have shares in their hands but have no shares in their hearts. The reason why most stockholders lose money is greed and fear, and they are unfounded and blind greed and fear.

Qianbucha is like this at the moment. Seeing Jin Guangxia's rise, his heart has changed, and he has more or less doubts about the stock gods around him, and even thinks that Yang Wei did it on purpose.

Pei Jingguang stopped talking sarcasticly at this time, he pushed Qian Bucha away, then logged out of his account, opened his own account with a "know it", and quickly entered the price, Yang Wei and Qian Bucha came together Look, this guy bought 14 shares of Jin Guangxia in one go, and the transaction price was [-] yuan and [-] cents.

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