sword from heaven

Chapter 137 Excuses

Chapter 137 Excuse (fourth update)
Zhuo Xiaowan's bright eyes lit up, sheathed her long sword slowly, came to the stone table and sat down, and poured a cup of tea for Song Yunge.

Song Yunge smiled and said, "Junior Sister, don't you wonder how I suppressed it?"

"It must be that the senior brother has some adventures, Tianyue Mountain martial arts can't suppress Rumeng Ling." Zhuo Xiaowan offered the teacup.

Not only Tianyue Mountain, but the entire six sects have no choice but to take the Rumeng Token, otherwise it would not be a miraculous achievement for everyone to hear about it.

Song Yunge took the teacup and nodded lightly: "It's a miraculous skill obtained by accident. It can temporarily suppress Rumengling, but it's hard to say whether it can be suppressed in front of Song Yuyan."

He didn't want to run into Song Yuyan again now. With Song Yuyan's cultivation, he killed himself and escaped. Tianyue Mountain had nothing to do with her.

Zhuo Xiaowan said: "It's better not to try,...she won't come to you for no reason."

Although Senior Brother Song has killed many masters of the Demon Sect, Song Yuyan will not move out easily.

Her status in Rumeng Dao is similar to that of a military leader in Da Luo City. She will not do anything ordinary, and has her own subordinates to help.

Moreover, Rumengling can manipulate others. Her subordinates include not only demon sects, but also masters from other sects. No one knows how many there are. This is the horror of Rumengling.

"It's for the Great Sky Demon Orb." Song Yunge sighed.

After he got the seal of the gods, he also had ambitions. He wanted to try to practice the magic method, and maybe he could find a way to break the barrier.

If you can't find a way to break through the three mental methods, then you can only give up and grind slowly bit by bit.

The current situation forced him to make wishful thinking impossible.

Therefore, plans are not as good as changes, and situations are worse than people.

"That's it, let's find the military master." Zhuo Xiaowan pondered: "Only the military master can deal with him!"

"Good idea!" Song Yunge nodded: "Unfortunately..."

The military master's mansion is not something they can enter if they want to, and the military master spends most of his time in retreat, ignoring common things, almost everything can be handled by the guard master of the four guards.

He is an ordinary sergeant, if he can bother the military leader, then the military leader's time is too worthless!
Zhuo Xiaowan pondered: "I can go in."

Song Yunge was refreshed.

Zhuo Xiaowan said: "Let's go."

She turned around and entered the room, and changed into a snow-white blouse, her whole body was spotless, and she looked more and more like a beautiful portrait carved from a piece of suet jade.

The two walked out of her small courtyard, and saw several people standing outside, staring at them with wide eyes.

Song Yunge smiled and cupped his fists.

Zhuo Xiaowan frowned, her bright eyes swept slowly, not letting go of everyone's eyes, and said lightly: "Senior brothers, what's the matter?"

"Oh, no."

"that is……"

"Excuse me..."

Everyone was talking in a hurry, answering in a hurry.

It was a mess, causing Zhuo Xiaowan to frown even tighter, and hummed softly: "Then please go ahead!"

"Okay, let's go now!"

Everyone turned around in a hurry.

Lang Kun was the most courageous, summoned up his courage and asked, "Junior Sister Zhuo, Junior Brother Song...?"

Zhuo Xiaowan looked at him indifferently, without saying a word.

Lang Kun was defeated, turned around and left in embarrassment.

Not far away, everyone burst into laughter, obviously laughing at each other for their timidity.

Zhuo Xiaowan shook her head lightly, then turned to look at Song Yunge.

Song Yunge was smiling.

"What are you laughing at?" Zhuo Xiaowan snorted.

Song Yunge laughed and said, "I didn't expect Junior Sister Zhuo to be so majestic!"

"It's not my majesty, it's because they have ghosts in their hearts, and if they lack energy, they will be weak."

"Under the radiance of your junior sister, there are not many men who can calm down."

Zhuo Xiaowan glanced at him and said nothing more.

Song Yunge was refreshed, and finally saw Zhuo Xiaowan's human side, no longer so cold.

The two walked out of the Tianyue Bieyuan side by side, slipped into the crowd like swimming fish, and soon turned into an alley, through which there was no need to take a detour to reach the Military Lord's Mansion.

When they turned the second alley, the two stopped suddenly.

Song Yunge's heartstrings suddenly tensed, but his body relaxed, his vitality accelerated, and he sighed: "It's really..."

Standing more than ten meters away in the alley, there is a graceful, graceful and beautiful woman, it is Song Yuyan.

Song Yuyan wore a black blouse, which made her face look like white jade, with a radiant glow under her skin, and a pair of eyes shone brightly, making her soul-stirring.

She let out a chuckle: "Young Master Song, where are you going? It's really fun to be accompanied by a beautiful woman!"

Song Yunge sighed: "The holy lady is busy with her affairs, so why bother with a little person like me."

"You are not a small person." Song Yuyan took a light step forward, and he was three meters in front of him in an instant.

"I'm ashamed." Song Yunge cupped his fists.

He has been feeling the changes like a dream order.

Ru Mengling was rapidly devouring the strange aura of the seal of the gods, and he had already devoured most of it in a short while.

Song Yunge felt that it was not good. If it went on like this, the seal of the gods would soon be swallowed up, and the only way to resist it was to keep fighting.

But even so, there was still no way to prevent the demise of the seal of the gods. Rumeng made the aura stronger and stronger, and the speed of devouring it became faster and faster.

He reckoned that if he needed another twenty breaths, Rumeng Ling would break the seal, and at that time, he would not be able to control himself.

The best thing to do now is to escape.

It's a pity that Song Yuyan won't let herself escape.

He looked up at the sky.

"You want to call for help?" Song Yuyan chuckled, "Can I kill you before the help arrives?"

Song Yunge said: "Miss Song, this is what you want."

He took out the Great Heavenly Demon Orb from his pocket and threw it over.

Song Yuyan stretched out his hand and made a move.

The Great Heavenly Demon Bead stopped one meter away from her eyes and slowly rotated, as if held and rotated by an invisible hand.

The Great Sky Demon Bead is pitch black, with only a small spot of white, like the pupils of the eyes, lifelike and exuding a sense of serenity.

She frowned and stared at the big sky magic bead.

Song Yunge said: "Is it okay now?"

"You're smart." Song Yuyan said lightly, "But you're not real!"

Song Yunge said: "Fake? It's also possible... I can't tell the truth from the fake, I've never seen this big sky magic bead before."

Song Yuyan stared at him, smiled lightly and said, "You made the fake!"

Song Yunge's face darkened: "Miss Song wanted to kill me on purpose, she would kill me if she wanted to, why make such an excuse!"

"Well said, I want to kill you, why make excuses?" Song Yuyan chuckled and said, "You can't blame me for looking for death!"

Song Yunge frowned: "Miss Song, this is the bead I got. I don't know if it's true or not. Are you going to kill me just because I got a fake bead?"

"Hehe..." Song Yuyan let out a coquettish smile: "Go ahead!"

Seeing her like this, Song Yunge couldn't listen to himself at all, and said in a deep voice, "Miss Song, you should think about it, I won't stand still!"

"Hey, the tone is not small, then try it!" Song Yuyan smiled in a half-smile, the corners of her delicate snow-white mouth turned up slightly, and her red lips were like flames.

Song Yunge turned his head and said, "Junior Sister Zhuo, you go first, I'll teach Miss Song what she can do!"

Song Yuyan smiled lightly: "Don't worry, I won't do anything to her... Such a beauty, it's a pity to kill her, she should live well."

Song Yunge slowly drew his sword out of its sheath.

Song Yuyan could only display the strength of a sword master in Da Luo City, so he made a quick move before Rumengling completely devoured the seal of the gods, and he could still struggle a bit, otherwise, if the seal of the gods was broken, he would not even have to fight himself.

(End of this chapter)

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