sword from heaven

Chapter 162 Bihai

Chapter 162 Bihai (Part [-])
"Which acquaintance?" Yang Qian asked curiously.

Song Yunge smiled: "A person who misses you day and night."

"It turns out that you are interested in someone, no wonder you have to stay overnight, no wonder no wonder." Yang Qian suddenly realized.

Song Yunge shook his head and sighed: "It's a pity that she has already left. She left without saying goodbye and left quietly."

"Why are you leaving?" Yang Qian asked.

Song Yunge raised his head and looked out of the window, seemingly lost in confusion and memories, and shook his head after a while: "I guess I don't want to see me, there is tenderness in the sky, but it's for someone else."

"Haha... so it turns out that you are unrequited love!" Yang Qian slapped the table and laughed loudly: "It's interesting, interesting, it's interesting that a character like you is rejected by a woman!"

Song Yunge has outstanding martial arts skills and is handsome. Which woman can refuse such a man?

Song Yunge said: "Mr. Yang is so gloating, isn't he afraid of retribution?"

"What retribution do I have!" Yang Qian said with a nonchalant smile: "Then seeing this Ruyi girl, do you have complicated emotions and troubles from the past? Come, have a drink!"

Song Yunge took the silver cup, drank it down, looked at Miss Ruyi, smiled and said, "Won't Miss Ruyi have a drink?"

"Little girl gets drunk every time she drinks, it's better not to drink." Miss Ruyi pursed her lips and smiled apologetically.

She is indeed extremely beautiful, her appearance is not inferior to Zhuo Xiaowan Meiying and Song Yuyan, it is really rare to see her.

Song Yunge sighed: "That's fine, just do whatever you want."

He looked melancholy and lonely.

"Brother Song, come on, get drunk and relieve your worries, do it!" Yang Qian kept drinking, one cup after another.

Song Yunge also followed, drinking to soothe his sorrow.

After a while, Yang Qian became drunk first, muttering "I'm not drunk, I'm not drunk", and fell asleep.

The house became quiet, and the sounds of silk and bamboo and singing around were faint, as if they came from far away.

Song Yunge said: "Did the saint use Rumeng Dao's unique skill?"

He glanced at the sleepy Yang Qian.

With Yang Qian's drinking capacity and cultivation base, how could it be so easy to get drunk and unconscious?

"I really didn't expect that we would meet again here. It's not that friends don't get together, it's true!" Miss Ruyi chuckled, stretched out her hand to wipe her face, and transformed into a beautiful face that was either happy or angry. It was Song Yuyan.

He recognized Song Yuyan at the first sight.

The change of appearance is useless to him, what he sees are the three auras of vigor and spirit, the fourth aura and the fifth aura.

The moment the woman saw her, a white halo appeared instantly, so white that it was dazzling enough to make him vigilant.

He searched his memory carefully and found out that it was Song Yuyan.

He didn't expect to run into Song Yuyan here, and thought that it would be difficult for the two of them to meet again in the future.

Murderous intent surged in his heart, but his face was full of nostalgia and melancholy, as if he really fell in love with Song Yuyan.

Men are self-confessed, as long as a woman looks at him more, he will feel that he likes him.

So are beautiful women.

If you were an ordinary woman, you would often not believe it, but if you were a beautiful woman, you would probably believe it.

Because their looks are enough to make men fall in love at first sight, so they fall in love and cannot extricate themselves.

"You are not disturbed by Meng Linglong." Song Yuyan snorted, "You are indeed my opponent."

Song Yunge smiled: "Meeting an old acquaintance in a foreign land, how gratifying and congratulatory, why bother to fight and kill."

"I know?" Song Yuyan chuckled, "You hypocrite, you want to kill me!"

Song Yunge shook his head: "I have always admired you, the saint. It is the saint who wants to kill me, not I want to kill you!"

Even if Song Yuyan sensed danger and left, he could not conclude that he brought the danger.

So he won't admit that he wants to kill Song Yuyan, try to be paralyzed, reduce some risks, and increase his chances of winning.

"Oh—?" Song Yuyan said with a smile: "So I have misunderstood you?"

She smiled sweetly, and her radiance suppressed the lights in the room, making it dazzling.

Song Yunge was in a trance, and sighed: "Such a beauty, who would have the intention to kill her?"

Song Yuyan giggled coquettishly, and slapped open another jar of wine, which was rich in aroma and slightly green in color.

You can tell at a glance that it is an excellent wine.

She poured a glass of wine for Song Yunge: "Come on, it's rare to meet again, I propose a toast to you."

Song Yunge didn't lift the cup, but shook his head and said, "I'm almost drunk, forget it."

"Are you afraid that I will poison the wine?" Song Yuyan squinted at him, and said with a coquettish smile, "If you want to poison, you have already done it."

Song Yunge nodded and said: "It's true that drinking is too strong, and if you drink any more, you will do some gaffes."

"Tell me what you can do wrong?" Song Yuyan was full of interest.

It was not poisonous before, but now, does this guy really see it?

I made up my mind and just practiced this Bihaiqingxinjue.

But this tactic needs time to condense, and I was worried about what Song Yunge would see, so it has been running quietly and slowly, so it is only now that it has condensed into a blue sea love pill.

This elixir is the combination of mind, vitality and essence, mixed in the wine just makes the wine a little greener.

Mixed in this wine, there is no flaw, and it will never be recognized.

Once you drink it, you will be completely devoted to yourself, so you will be obedient to yourself and unable to extricate yourself.

It's really hateful when you think about it, with your own appearance, why use Bihai Qingxin Pill?
It was only because he missed Song Yunge that he practiced this ruthlessly, and he just finished it.

This is the first time to cast.

Song Yunge said with a smile: "Maybe I can't help myself, and I want to make some intimacy."

"Then I want to see how far you can do it." Song Yuyan said with a charming smile.

Song Yunge shook his head: "That wouldn't be beautiful, it would destroy our delicate relationship, wouldn't it?"

Song Yuyan cursed secretly in her heart, what a delicate relationship!

Song Yunge picked up a piece of melon and fruit, and slowly put it in his mouth to chew: "Why did the saint come here? Could it be that there is also the Great Heavenly Demon Orb here?"

"No." Song Yuyan shook her head.

Song Yunge said with a smile: "In such a desolate place, why did the saint come here to ask for trouble?"

Song Yuyan said: "Get to know Tianmei, see where they are strong, and see if they can find a flaw."

"The Demon Sect also wants to deal with Tianmei?" Song Yunge laughed.

Song Yuyan's face darkened: "Why can't we deal with Tianmei? Zhongtu is also Zhongtu of the Demon Sect, and Tianmei is also the enemy of the Demon Sect!"

Song Yunge pondered for a moment, then nodded slowly.

Actually speaking, for the Demon Sect, the martial arts masters of the Middle Earth are their food, and Tianmei is their natural enemy.

The devouring magic power has no effect on Tianmei.

And this point is the fundamental basis for the disciples of the Demon Sect to advance by leaps and bounds and not be afraid of encirclement.

Song Yunge said seriously: "Speaking of which, I'm curious whether these Tianmei belong to the Yuanfei Sect."

He was full of murderous intentions, but he knew that he couldn't kill Song Yuyan by himself, so he had better find her weak point.

Song Yuyan said: "As far as I know, Tianmei doesn't belong to the Yuanfei Sect these days."

Song Yunge frowned.

Song Yuyan said indifferently: "They are from Fu Zangyuan."

Song Yunge shook his head: "Impossible, the border area is the power of Yuan Feizong."

"This is the junction of Sarutobi Sect and Fuzangyuan. Sarutobi Sect has already withdrawn." Song Yuyan said.

Song Yunge frowned.

He didn't see this from the memory of the disciples of Sarutobi Sect.

"This is just the behavior of the upper class, and the disciples below don't know about it." Song Yuyan said proudly: "You don't know this, do you?"

"You demon masters can't enter Tianmei, right?" Song Yunge said: "The number of martial arts is different."

"It's hard for us." Song Yuyan said proudly: "In terms of understanding Tianmei, your six great sects are far behind!"

(End of this chapter)

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