Chapter 30
"Hahahaha..." Meng Xuanyuan sat on the ground and laughed, anger and excitement mixed together.

The footprints on his chest are clear and vivid.

All my subordinates are sword masters, one or two can't deal with him, how about eight?The Eight Great Sword Masters are enough to destroy this kid!
Song Yunge's figure flashed, and he appeared in front of him with the wine jar, and kicked him on the mouth.

"Bang!" Meng Xuanyuan's head seemed to be hit by a galloping horse, and the back of his head slammed into the wall, making a dull sound.

"Smile!" Song Yunge sat back in his original seat in a blink of an eye, Dama sat upright, and raised the wine jar to drink again.

"Gudu Gudu..." He tilted his neck up, his Adam's apple kept rolling up and down, and half of the jar of wine had already entered his stomach.

He put down the jug and burped.

Everyone was stunned by Song Yunge's actions. They watched him kick Meng Xuanyuan unconscious and sat down to drink heavily, but they couldn't react.

It was really unbelievable, and I wondered if I was dazzled.

This is Meng Shizhang, the famous Xiong Pao Kuang Dao Meng Xuanyuan, he is the only one who bullies and punishes others, how could he be punished like this?Mouth full of blood and a footprint on the face?

Taking advantage of Song Yunge's attention to attract everyone's attention, Mei Rui came back to him and sat down lightly and silently, as if she had never touched her hands before, her heart was always raised, her body was tense, and she was ready to be cleaned up.

After Song Yunge wiped the wine stains from the corner of his mouth, he continued to raise the wine jar, treated everyone as nothing, poured down the wine, and then spouted "Poof!"

The aroma of wine overflows, and the white mist fills the air.

Everyone flicked their sleeves or waved their palms, and when the wine mist cleared, Song Yunge, Mei Rui and Lu Zheng had disappeared.

He picked up Mei Rui and Lu Zheng while everyone was driving away the drunken mist, and swept out of the window like a goshawk, slanted towards the gate, and at the same time shouted at Mei Rui: "Silver ticket!"

Mei Rui was taken aback.

Song Yunge shouted: "If you don't give money, do you want to eat the overlord's meal?"

"Oh," Mei Rui reacted, and took out two bank notes from his arms and threw them out.

With the banknote in his arms, Yuan Qi shot through the window like a sharp knife and pierced into the wall.

"Escaping, hurry up—!" A roar sounded.

"Haha..." Song Yunge laughed happily and galloped away, and rushed out of the Zuixian Tower in the blink of an eye, and got into the crowd.

With the strong wind blowing, Mei Rui laughed loudly: "Hahahaha... I'm so happy!"

When he thought of Meng Xuanyuan being kicked unconscious, his whole body felt happy, wishing he could dance with his arms and legs.

Lu Zheng shook his head helplessly.

He originally thought that there would be a fierce battle, and Song Yunge would fight with passion. After beating Meng Xuanyuan, he would beat Meng Xuanyuan's subordinates and knock down everyone.

As a companion, I can't stand by, and I can't stand by, and I will be beaten by them together.

But you didn't expect Song Yunge to run as soon as he said, and slip away first.

He suddenly turned his head and looked: "I'm chasing you!"

Nine people followed behind, and it was Meng Xuanyuan who took the lead.

Meng Xuanyuan's eyes were blood red, and his giant bear-like body was particularly eye-catching in the crowd, sweeping like a gust of wind.

Those who blocked in front were pushed away by an invisible force, like a boat sailing through water.

Meng Xuanyuan was followed by eight youths, the four were in front, and the other four had fallen some distance away.

"Hehe..." Song Yunge laughed loudly: "Meng Xuanyuan, you haven't had enough beatings, you still want to come together and be beaten?"

"Song Yunge—!" Meng Xuanyuan roared angrily.

What happened today is the shame and humiliation of his life, if he can't wash it off, he will be ashamed to see others.

Song Yunge shook his head and laughed, and slammed into a small alley, followed by Meng Xuanyuan and the others.

As soon as Meng Xuanyuan entered the alley, he found that there was a fork in the alley, and it was divided into two.

He jumped to the top of the wall and looked down with his eyes. His blood-red eyes swept around, but saw nothing.

The three of Song Yunge seemed to blend into the night.

He knew that he must have crawled under the shadow of the wall, shrinking his body to hide his breath, so he could only search for it himself.

He was really unwilling to let go like this. If Mei Ying missed tonight, if Mei Ying came forward, he would not be able to take revenge. He gritted his teeth and said coldly: "Chasing separately, four people!"

"How long..." A young man hesitated.

"Four people still can't take them down?"

"Wow, that is Mei Ying's confidant Lu Zheng, who is also the sword master. He and Song Yunge, the two are probably..."

They all knew how powerful Song Yunge was.

"Don't you just watch them escape?" Meng Xuanyuan shouted angrily.

The eight youths fell silent for a moment.

Meng Xuanyuan was beaten so embarrassingly, if news spread, Meng Xuanyuan was certainly ashamed, but his subordinates also had no honor and could not hold their heads up.

"It's so long, I can catch them!" A thin young man raised his hand.

Meng Xuanyuan's spirit lifted: "Xu Zhige, can you find it?"

Xu Zhige proudly said: "I have forgotten that my nose is the most sensitive? And he drank again!"

"Okay, okay!" Meng Xuanyuan's spirits lifted, he quickly grinned and said, "If you catch up with them, I will definitely be rewarded!"

"Yes!" Xu Zhige cupped his fists and went into the alley on the left, and everyone hurriedly followed.

Meng Xuanyuan gritted his teeth while running, thinking about how to make it after capturing Song Yunge, how to wash away his shame.

Xu Zhige ran for more than fifty meters and suddenly stopped, motionless.

Meng Xuanyuan glanced around like lightning, thinking he had found it, but there was no one in the alley!

Xu Zhige showed a wry smile: "I lost it!"

"You're a waste!" Meng Xuanyuan glared at him coldly: "It's not worth it at the critical moment!"

Xu Zhige scratched his head, and said embarrassingly: "It's really long, it's really weird, and suddenly it's tasteless!"

"Could it be that he took a bath, even after taking a bath, there would be a smell!" Meng Xuanyuan snorted, "Maybe he got into the water!"

His eyes lit up: "Which one of the houses around here has a back garden, and which one has a pool?"

"This..." Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

They were Xuanwu Guards and not Suzaku Guards, and they didn't know the surroundings at all. They couldn't even recognize which alley this was, let alone the houses around them.

"They're all trash!" Meng Xuanyuan snorted dissatisfiedly: "At the critical moment, none of them will be worth anything!"

Everyone laughed.

"Who?!" There was a sudden shout from afar.

Two young men in red clothes floated down from the sky in front of them.

Glancing at Meng Xuanyuan and the eight others, a young man dressed in red frowned: "Meng Shizhang, what are you doing at night? Don't disturb people's dreams!"

There are thousands of people in the Four Spirit Guards, and it is impossible to know all of them, and even some of them will not be widely known.

But Meng Xuanyuan's figure was abnormal and his appearance was strange, so almost everyone recognized him.

"Suzaku Guards!" Meng Xuanyuan Bingzi stared at the two Suzaku Guards with a gloomy face, "Why, we can't pee? You Suzaku Guards are too strict? You only play tricks on your own people!"

"Meng Shichang, you can't urinate here!" A Suzaku guard said calmly: "It is strictly forbidden to urinate, and you will be fined 100 taels of silver!"

He stretched out his hand: "Pay the money!"

Meng Xuanyuan disdains Suzaku Wei the most, he has scolded Suzaku Wei many times as a wimp.

Everyone in Zhuquewei didn't like Meng Xuanyuan, but he couldn't find a chance to attack him, and he was a disciple of Ziji Island, so he had a strong background.

This is an opportunity delivered to their door, if they miss it, they will be scolded by all the colleagues of Suzaku Guard.

"Bullshit!" Meng Xuanyuan's face became more and more gloomy: "Go away!"

The unprecedented humiliation made him extremely angry, and the fire in his stomach was burning, and the appearance of these two Suzaku guards added fuel to the fire.

Seeing their vermilion robes, Meng Xuanyuan was so angry that his temples thumped and his killing intent boiled.

"Oh, what a big temper!" Another young man in red robe sneered, "Meng Xuanyuan, this is the territory of our Zhuquewei, if you want to show your prestige, go back to your city to play!"

"What did you say?!" Meng Xuanyuan shouted.

This sound was like a thunderbolt, and the surrounding mansions were awakened, and people were sent out to investigate.

"Why, Chief Meng Shi still wants to beat us?"

"You are the head of the Xuanwu Guard, not our Suzaku Guard, it is not your turn to give orders here!"

"Bastard!" Meng Xuanyuan's eyes turned bloodshot, and he vented his humiliation tonight into infinite anger: "Destroy them for me!"

The eight sword masters looked at each other.

"This... how long..."

"Are you going to disobey?" Meng Xuanyuan turned his head and stared at them fiercely, his eyes blood red like a wolf.

Seeing this, the eight people secretly called it unlucky, so they could only bite the bullet and make a move. If they really wanted to disobey orders, a major demerit would be worth a year's worth of credit.

"Bang!" A ball of light exploded in the sky, and a gorgeous Suzaku appeared in the sky, condensing and not dispersing.

Immediately there was the sound of fluttering clothes, and one after another silhouettes flew over, gathering around the two young men in red robes, ten people in total.

Judging by the number of people, Suzakuwei is more dominant, but in terms of strength, it is Xuanwuwei who has the upper hand.

Meng Xuanyuan's subordinates are all sword masters, without a sword master's cultivation level, it is impossible to enter the Xuanwu Guard.

Eight sword masters had an overwhelming advantage over ten swordsmen.

"Hurry up and teach me a lesson, Suzaku Wei, hum!" Meng Xuanyuan roared angrily.

"Yes!" Seeing that he was serious, the eight of them made up their minds and started to attack.

They didn't kill each other, after all, they were all Four Spirit Guards, and they would be punished for killing each other and causing serious injuries.

"Haven't you had enough to eat?!" Meng Xuanyuan gritted his teeth and said, "It seems that your life is too comfortable! Hit me, hit me hard!"

"...Yes." The eight people nodded helplessly, and their hands became heavier, knowing that it would be impossible if they didn't kill these ten, it was hard to let out such a long breath.

"You are so majestic, Meng Xuanyuan!" Suddenly a sneer sounded.

Song Yunge appeared on a rooftop in the distance.

Meng Xuanyuan's eyes brightened sharply, and he roared angrily, "Grab him!"

Everyone cheered up immediately, and shot at Song Yunge regardless of their opponents.

Song Yunge chuckled: "With your abilities, you still want to arrest me? Haha!"

He picked up the wine jar, took another swig, and burped for a long time. The aroma of the wine could be smelled from a long distance away.

Seeing him staggering and his eyes hazy with drunkenness, everyone could tell that he was drunk.

The ten Suzaku guards also looked at each other suspiciously.

This is Song Yunge?
Zhou Canglan's song Yunge?
"Pfft!" Song Yunge spat out a mouthful of wine, which turned into white mist and greeted the eight Xuanwu guards.

Seeing him repeating his old tricks, they no longer evaded, their whole bodies were shaken, and they wanted to shake off the wine mist and stick on it.

"Bang bang bang bang..." With a series of muffled sounds, all eight people flew upside down, showing astonished expressions in the air.

They never expected that the wine mist contained such a powerful force, unimaginable and majestic, like the descending vitality of the heavens and heavens, it was irresistible.

Song Yunge flew past them like a crane, and came to Meng Xuanyuan, with a long laugh: "Meng Xuanyuan, this is the territory of Zhuquewei, and it's not your turn to be a Xuanwuwei!"

"Song-yun-song!" Meng Xuanyuan's voice was like thunder, filled with deep-seated hatred and viciousness: "Die!"

His giant bear-like body swelled in a circle, and the long knife at his waist turned into a purple lightning, which reached Song Yunge's head in a flash.

"What a ruthless cut!" The ten Suzaku guards looked at each other and found that they couldn't help.

This knife is simply not something they can handle.

A small Yiyi sword flashed between Song Yunge's eyebrows. The long sword at his waist jumped out of the scabbard and landed in his hand. The tip of the sword lightly drew an arc.

"Chi!" Meng Xuanyuan's wrist was scratched, and blood spurted out immediately.

"Ah!" Meng Xuanyuan was furious.

He found that his strength was so weak in front of Song Yunge, he looked extremely clumsy, and he had nowhere to use his strength.

Song Yunge shook his head: "It's embarrassing to show such a saber technique, the giant bear roars the saber, ha ha!"

Meng Xuanyuan's right wrist was scratched, his palm was limp and weak, his left hand grabbed the long knife and attacked again, the light of the knife formed a purple light ball.

The point of Song Yunge's sword passed straight through the ball of light, slashing Meng Xuanyuan's left wrist again, and the blood of "Chi" shot out.

"Ahhh!" Meng Xuanyuan roared, and the long knife flew out, but he ignored it and rushed towards Song Yunge with his bare hands.

At this moment, more than a dozen Vermillion Bird Guards rushed over and saw Meng Xuanyuan's face was as weak as a child's.

"How long!" The eight Xuanwu guards who were knocked away rushed up angrily and besieged Song Yunge together.

"Haha..." Song Yunge laughed loudly, and his figure spun lightly, like dancing, shuttling through the siege of nine people, but with ease.

The twenty or so Suzaku guards were stunned and looked at each other.

They turned to look at each other.

When did Song Yunge become so powerful?This is too unbelievable, nine sword masters besieged him, but they couldn't help him!
Song Yunge swung the sword in one hand and the wine jar in the other. He took another sip of wine and spewed out mist.

The eight Xuanwu guards flicked their sleeves and waved their palms in a hurry, and responded cautiously, so as not to suffer the big loss just now.

Their turmoil has not been completely subsided so far.

That blow was the Bichan Fishing Strength that Song Yunge had learned from Li Qingchi's memory. The strength of his whole body was concentrated in the lungs, and the power was astonishing.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi..." Amidst the whistling sound, Song Yunge's sword suddenly accelerated and was hidden in the mist of wine. The eight people were caught off guard by the sword one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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