sword from heaven

Chapter 303 Sit tight

Chapter 303 Sit tight (one more)
"They won't recognize you as the suzerain." Zhou Huafei snorted, "It's not that simple. You don't become the island master and palace master just by getting the sword amulet!"

"I believe it is possible." Song Yunge smiled.

"You think you can do whatever you want as a sword god, don't you?" Zhou Huafei said disapprovingly, "Everyone else will listen to you and be afraid of you?"

Song Yunge said: "Is there anyone who is not afraid of death?"

"Many people are not afraid of death." Zhou Huafei said coldly: "In many people's hearts, the sect is more important than their lives. In order to maintain the purity and inheritance of the sect, they will not hesitate to die."

"Then there aren't many people like this?" Song Yunge said.

Zhou Huafei said: "Even if it's not much, it's enough to gather people's hearts."

"Not many are good." Song Yunge said: "Just kill them all."

"...Okay, you're ruthless!" Zhou Huafei gaped, and looked at Wang Shichuan: "It's really a new generation replacing the old one."

He definitely would never have the idea of ​​killing people like a child's play. Just one sentence makes people feel chills.

Especially now that Song Yunge is the God of Swords, once he has this thought, he doesn't know how many people he will kill.

Song Yunge smiled and said, "Master Zhou Ya, I'm just kidding."

Zhou Huafei shook his head.

He didn't think it was a joke at all, it was Song Yunge's real thoughts, and the joke was just a cover-up.

Wang Shichuan frowned, he didn't think Song Yunge was joking, it sounded creepy.

Which disciple of Tianyue Mountain is so bloodthirsty?

But the current Song Yunge is not the Song Yunge of the past. He cannot meet the standards of ordinary disciples, nor can he scold them like ordinary disciples.

He shook his head and said slowly: "Yun Ge, don't act foolishly, killing too many people will hurt the peace of heaven after all."

Song Yunge said: "If you can't kill people, don't kill people, but if someone wants to die, that can only fulfill them."

Wang Shichuan shook his head, this kid showed his true nature, he was indeed a bloodthirsty guy.

Zhou Huafei snorted, "As a sword god, it's easy to kill people, but it's even easier not to kill people!"

Song Yunge nodded with a smile: "What Cliff Master said is reasonable, then I will take my leave."

"Wait!" Wang Shichuan said hurriedly.

Song Yunge looked over.

Wang Shichuan said: "Do you want to go to Ziji Island and Yuntian Palace?"

Song Yunge smiled and shook his head.

Wang Shichuan frowned: "Then what do you do?"

Song Yunge said: "Me, go back to Da Luo City."

Wang Shichuan and Zhou Huafei looked at him suspiciously.

Song Yunge said: "Mountain Master, Cliff Master, they should be the ones who are anxious now, not me. I am not begging to be their Palace Master and Island Master. Anyway, the inheritance is in my hands. Why should I be anxious?"

The two suddenly realized and smiled.

They thought it wrong just now, they were too eager for quick success, thinking that Song Yunge would rush into Ziji Island and Yuntian Palace impatiently, and grab the position of the island owner and palace owner.

Now that I think about it, he actually doesn't need to grab it at all. As long as the inheritance is in hand, why worry about Ziji Island and Yuntian Palace not yielding!
Otherwise, wait for the inheritance to be cut off, or let Song Yunge become the owner of the island and the palace.

It is impossible to force Song Yunge to hand over the inheritance.

"Hehe..." Zhou Huafei smiled and shook his head: "You cunning, this is enough for them to suffer!"

He could imagine what the disciples of Yuntian Palace and Ziji Island felt like. It was more painful than killing them.

He turned his head and said to Wang Shichuan: "In terms of shame, we are still one step behind this kid."

Wang Shichuan smiled.

Zhou Huafei said: "Now that they belong to this kid, do you still want revenge?"

"Forget it." Wang Shichuan shook his head and said, "Forgive them again, the overall situation is the most important."

"Hey!" Zhou Huafei snorted.

Wang Shichuan looked at Song Yunge.

Song Yunge said: "Mountain lord, cliff lord, it's still too early for this matter to happen. Besides, even if they become their island lord and palace lord, it's impossible for them to focus on Tianyue Mountain."

"Understood." Zhou Huafei nodded: "After all, you still need to be majestic, otherwise the disciples will be renounced, and the sect will almost be destroyed."

Song Yunge clasped his fists together: "Then I will leave."

He didn't wait for the two to talk again, and dissipated like light smoke.

"This kid!" Zhou Huafei shook his head and said, "It's not a fuel-efficient lamp!"

Wang Shichuan said: "This is very good, isn't it what you want, Yazhu? You don't need to fight anymore."

"It's good, but it doesn't feel right anyway." Zhou Huafei frowned: "He has mastered two sects at once..., plus your Tianyue Mountain, Brother Wang, we all have to look up to your Tianyue Mountain!"

Wang Shichuan said with a smile: "What's the matter, no matter how you say it, it's your Fenghuangya who are the masters."

Zhou Huafei shook his head.

Wang Shichuan said: "However, there is no clue about this matter at all. How could he easily control one island and one palace? Even if he becomes the owner of the island, it is not so easy to control people's hearts. How can the elders of Ziji Island and Yuntian Palace Can you give up? He will never be allowed to mess around."

"That's true." Zhou Huafei nodded lightly: "Those old guys are treacherous and slippery. That bastard boy has high martial arts skills, but he can't use his tricks to play tricks, and he can't kill wantonly. If he kills too much, he will definitely cause a backlash. It's over when the heart is gone."

Wang Shichuan pondered.

Zhou Huafei said: "Looks like he needs to find someone to give him advice and persuade him, so as not to kill people indiscriminately due to his temper."

"Hmph, you want Zhou Lingshu to go?!" Wang Shichuan immediately saw through his thoughts, and said angrily, "No need, I'll let Xiaowan go."

Zhou Huafei shook his head: "Miss Zhuo is a girl of the heart, but after all, she has too little experience to deal with the methods of those treacherous people, but Lingshu is different, she was also killed by the four spirit guards of Da Luo City. "

Wang Shichuan was speechless.

Zhuo Xiaowan is intelligent and can penetrate people's hearts, but in terms of means, she is indeed far inferior to Zhou Lingshu.

What Zhou Lingshu is good at is not only martial arts, but also means, otherwise he would not be able to become the leader of a city.

This made him even more worried. If Song Yunge fell into Zhou Lingshu's gentle hometown and married Zhou Lingshu, then...

He glanced at Zhou Huafei who was smiling, and cursed secretly.

Once he really married Zhou Lingshu, even if Song Yunge was still a disciple of Tianyue Mountain, he would also be Fenghuangya's son-in-law.

At that time, it will be hard to say whether to listen to Tianyue Mountain or Fenghuangya. I am afraid that I will listen to Fenghuangya.

Zhou Huafei said: "This matter can't be rushed, it shouldn't be something that can be done in a few moments, but no matter how you say it, it's still a fight."


Song Yunge returned to Shichang's Mansion in Daluo City, and saw Lu Zhaoye waiting there, standing on the training ground to watch the girls practice swords.

The female swords were soft and lazily coping, but they didn't come up to talk to Lu Zhaoye.

Only Mei Rui was chatting with him.

Lu Zhaoye looked calm, without any sign of anger.

Seeing Song Yunge appear, he hurriedly strode forward and said with a smile: "Brother Song, you are finally back!"

Song Yunge said with a smile: "Is the military leader going to start attacking Yueyun City?"

Lu Zhaoye smiled helplessly: "This matter is inappropriate, I have already given up."

Song Yunge showed a look of surprise.

Lu Zhaoye sighed: "Being discovered by the sect, it has been stopped, alas..., I understand Junior Sister Zhou, it's too difficult to do something."

Song Yunge smiled.

Lu Zhaoye stretched out his hand: "Go in and talk."

The two entered the hall.

Mei Rui wisely didn't follow.

Song Yunge nodded at him, he smiled understandingly, but he was inevitably disappointed.

"Brother Song, I discovered a great secret." Lu Zhaoye said in a deep voice.

Song Yunge looked at him.

"The Zuixian Tower has something to do with the Demon Sect!" Lu Zhaoye said.

(End of this chapter)

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