sword from heaven

Chapter 321 Punish God

Chapter 321 Punishing the God (fourth update)
Song Yuyan wore an emerald green blouse, stood in the night wind, brushed her hair on the sideburns lightly: "Should I call you Palace Master Song?"

Song Yunge looked at her beautiful face, which exuded a crystal luster under the moonlight, as if carved from flawless white jade.

Song Yuyan didn't care about his gaze, and looked at him calmly, her clear eyes collided with Song Yunge's probing eyes.

The air fell silent for a while, only the sound of silk and bamboo and curling singing came from downstairs, making the place even more quiet.

Song Yunge urged Yukong Palace to move, and finally shook his head.

After Yukong Palace urged, she couldn't see her heart clearly.

This is the first time, is it because she has a strange mind, or has she become a demon god with a high level of cultivation?
In the end, he was able to conclude that Song Yuyan was not a demon god, but that was because he was incapable of transforming into a god of freedom.

He said lightly: "Are you delivering the message for Yan Wutang?"

Song Yuyan snorted lightly: "How is that possible!"

"Don't say that the Martial Arts Hall doesn't have the share of your demon sect!" Song Yunge chuckled lightly, "I admire you for being tight-lipped!"

Song Yuyan waved his hand: "It's none of my business. At the beginning, Baodingdao and Yulundao colluded with Yanwutang, and the other four didn't pay attention to Yanwutang, but this Yanwutang is really amazing."

Song Yunge smiled.

Even if she didn't know it before, after becoming the Palace Master of the Great Heavenly Demon Palace, she should know it too.

As the owner of the Great Heavenly Demon Palace, she naturally has to take into account the interests of the Great Heavenly Demon Palace, so there is nothing wrong with not telling herself.

It's the same choice to be her.

Song Yuyan snorted and said, "You don't think you can really defend Da Luo City, do you? With the support of the six sects, it's as stable as a rock?"

"What advice does Palace Master Song have?"

"Teach but dare not."

"Just say anything, don't hesitate, are you here to remind me to withdraw?"

Song Yuyan pondered for a while, then shook his head and said, "Just to remind you, the six great sects support you so much, and they don't have any good intentions. They want to use you as a shield!"

Song Yunge smiled.

Of course he is well aware of this.

There is neither hatred nor love for no reason, and the Six Great Sects support themselves, of course, because of their interests.

He is now a thorn in the side of Yanwutang, of course he must be removed first, otherwise what is the momentum of Yanwutang?
"Since you know what's in your heart, then I won't talk too much." Song Yuyan turned around and was about to leave.

Song Yunge said: "Don't hesitate, what are you talking about?"

He didn't believe that Song Yuyan was really trying to remind her of this, and she underestimated herself too much, she didn't need to come to remind her of something that could be seen through at a glance.

"Okay." Song Yuyan snorted, "I do have some news to tell you."


"The Yanwu hall has a sword to kill the gods."

"Punishing Sword..."

"It is said that several sword gods and sword gods have been killed. As long as one sacrifices one's life, one can take the life of a sword god or sword god, without exception!"

Song Yunge's expression froze slightly.

"You can do it for yourself!" Song Yuyan said lightly, before disappearing into the night sky.

Song Yunge looked solemn, got up and paced with hands behind his back.

The feet step on the shining glazed tiles.

Even though the tiles were slanted and slippery, he didn't distract himself from performing lightness kung fu, and his feet naturally stuck to the glazed tiles, like walking on flat ground.

Song Yuyan came here on purpose, not to play with himself, and just to point out the Exorcism Sword.

Then this Exorcism Sword could really kill him.

Tianji deduced it, but it was blurred, at a loss, as if there was nothing.

His heart sank slightly.

This is very bad news.

If the Sword of Punishing God is not dangerous, Tianji Ce will definitely show it. If there is a certain danger, it can endanger your life. If you can avoid it if you pay attention to avoiding it, then there will be a bad omen.

With the situation in front of me, nothing can be deduced, and it is blurry, which shows that the Exorcism Sword can interfere with the operation of heaven.

It even showed that his life was in danger!

He thought about the way to solve the disaster.

Execution Sword...

He ran through many memories in his mind.

He has obtained too many souls, one soul and one memory, and gathering them together consumes a lot of his mental combing.

If it weren't for his strong will, he might have gone crazy.

He tried his best to search, and finally found a clue, which was about the vividness of Zhu Shenjian.

It is said that this Zhu Shenjian does not belong to this world, but comes from Jiuchongtian, and it is a sword of hatred.

When this sword saw the Sword God, it would burst out with killing intent, and directly unsheathed to kill the Sword God.

However, this sword is too murderous. Once the sword god is killed, it will also kill everyone around.

So this sword is also an ominous sword.

Fortunately, if it doesn't see the sword god, it won't get out of its sheath, and no one can pull out the sword.

Moreover, this sword is miraculous, it cannot be destroyed no matter how it is destroyed, it is invincible to everything, it is invincible to nothing, it cannot be broken.

It is said that there are at least eighteen sword gods, sword gods, and demon gods who died under its sword, and their whereabouts are still unknown.

Song Yunge stopped, and stood on the edge of the tile with his hands behind his back. If he took a small step, he would fall downstairs.

It has such power!
Song Yunge shook his head with a serious expression.

He already had the intention of retreating.

He would never think that if Zhu Shenjian could kill other sword gods, he would not be able to kill himself, and that he was no better than other sword gods.

If you encounter the Zhu Shenjian, you must die, so you must not touch the Zhu Shenjian, and you must destroy it in the distance.

Fortunately, I have magic eyes, and coupled with the Yukong Shenjian, I can kill people holding the Punishing Excalibur from a distance.

He searched for the appearance of Zhu Shenjian in his mind, and finally shook his head.

Among the many memories he got, there is only the legend of Zhu Shenjian, but there is no style of Zhu Shenjian.

Song Yunge thought for a while, then disappeared into the Zuixian building in a flash, and then came to a courtyard after a few more flashes.

Under the moonlight, Song Yuyan was standing in the back garden admiring the moon with his hands behind his back. Seeing him appear, Song Yuyan just glanced at him and didn't speak.

"Palace Master Song, I'm here to ask for help." Song Yunge said.

Song Yuyan sneered.

She obviously doesn't believe that Song Yunge is not the Song Yunge he used to be. He founded the Sword God Palace, and with the support of the Six Great Sects, his momentum is even stronger than that of the Great Heavenly Demon Palace, not to mention that he is the Sword God.

Song Yunge said: "I want you to pretend to be me."

"Huh—?" Song Yuyan frowned and said, "What are you doing?"

"Introduce the Execution Sword." Song Yunge said: "Introduce the Execution Sword, I have my own way to deal with it!"

"Use me as bait to lure Excalibur to come out?" Song Yuyan said, "Will I be killed by Excalibur?"

Song Yunge said: "The Zhushenjian only kills the sword god, not the sword god and the sword god. It doesn't come out of its sheath at all."

"Really?" Song Yuyan frowned.

Song Yunge said with a smile: "It seems that you don't understand Zhu Shenjian. As far as I know, it hates the sword god the most. Once it touches it, it will immediately get out of its sheath without being urged by others, and it will kill everyone around it."

"Then I will die too!"

"You're not a demon god, it doesn't matter."

"I am a demon god."

"You...you are a demon god?" Song Yunge was surprised.

Song Yuyan snorted proudly: "I am a demon god!"

Her breath suddenly released, she was no longer under control, and immediately stood under the night sky like a big demon.

Song Yunge shook his head and laughed: "It's really disrespectful!"

Song Yuyan proudly puffed up her chest: "Well, let Miaoyue pretend to be you."

PS: The update is complete.

(End of this chapter)

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