sword from heaven

Chapter 329 Princess

Chapter 329 Princess (fourth update)
At the same time as the four girls flew out, Song Yunge also flew out, like a flower petal blooming.

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound, and a huge deep pit appeared where they were just now.

Song Yunge flashed to another mountain peak, and saw two young men standing on the top of the mountain one mile away, both wearing dark green gowns.

Song Yunge's eyes were as bright as a torch, and he saw at a glance that a man was a woman disguised as a man, with a beautiful appearance.

The other young man in the green shirt had an ordinary appearance, but a strong figure, standing there like a stone, with a majestic posture.

He held a cylinder in his hand, aiming at this side.

When Song Yunge saw the cylinder, his whole body felt cold, and felt that his life was in danger at any moment, so he had the urge to run away.

"What's going on?" Mei Ying stared at the black hole.

A quick glance shows that it is ten meters deep and two meters in diameter, so if you hit your body like this, your life may be in danger.

She looked at the two people in the distance, and also had the urge to run away.

Song Yunge said in a deep voice, "You go first!"

"...Let's go!" Zhuo Xiaowan said softly but firmly.

She picked up Sun Xiyue and left.

Yang Yunyan and Mei Ying followed closely behind, went around to the other side of the mountain in the blink of an eye, and then disappeared.

They all understand that Song Yunge is facing danger, what they have to do is not to help, but to escape without becoming a burden.

As long as they escape, with his lightness kung fu, it will be difficult for any master to escape him.

After the four girls disappeared, Song Yunge's figure flickered, and he came to this mountain peak and stood in front of those two people.

The beautiful woman chuckled softly, "Pity the fragrance and cherish the jade, and the hero is sad about the beauty?"

Song Yunge remained silent, staring at the cylinder.

The beautiful woman said indifferently: "It seems that you are a person who values ​​affection, but which one is the woman you like, or do you like them all?"

Song Yunge frowned and looked at her.

The beautiful woman smiled and said, "I, Xie Ziying, is the sixth princess. Are you the sword god Song Yunge?"

Song Yunge's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said slowly: "So it's the sixth princess, I'm sorry."

He also worked hard to understand the imperial court, not to mention that most of the memories he extracted were about the imperial court.

The current emperor of Tianyou Dynasty has nine sons and one daughter, and the sixth princess is the only one.

Nine sons and one daughter, one would know how much she was favored without thinking about it. She was the jewel in the emperor's palm and was extremely spoiled.

It is said that this sixth son is very powerful, and the nine princes are obedient and obedient in front of her.

"Song Yunge, you haven't told me which woman you like." Xie Ziying put her hands behind her back, her chest puffed out, and she smiled proudly.

Song Yunge said: "What does the sixth princess want?"

"I know which woman you love, so I can keep her here, so that killing her won't drive you crazy." Xie Ziying said with a smile: "If you kill her, you must go crazy, right?"

Song Yunge's expression remained unchanged, and he said calmly: "The princess knows which one I like, so she wants to capture her so that she can blackmail me?"

"Will you be blackmailed?"

"will not."

"Then it's over?" Xie Ziying said, "Since you know you won't be threatened, why bother wasting your time?"

Song Yunge narrowed his eyes and looked at her.

He could hear that these were all ironies, if he knew which one he loved, he would kill that one naturally, if he knew that he would not be threatened, he would not waste his time catching people, just kill the woman he loved directly.

Xie Ziying smiled and said, "Song Yunge, do you think what I said was ironic?"

Song Yunge nodded.

Xie Ziying smiled and said: "Why should I lie? You can swear to God, it is absolutely true, if you know which one you like, just save her life and kill the rest."

Song Yunge's face darkened.

Xie Ziying said: "Do you think I can kill them?"

She looked at the cylinder held by the burly young man with bright eyes.

At this time, the burly young man lowered his hands, and the cylinder was not facing him, making the hairs all over his body fall down.

Song Yunge hummed: "Yes!"

"That's it." Xie Ziying said with a smile: "This thing is a flame arrow, how powerful is it?"

"The power is amazing." Song Yunge said in a deep voice.

"Let me tell you the truth, this flaming arrow is not the only one." Xie Ziying said: "You can guess how many there are, even if you snatch this one, there will be others to deal with your confidantes .”

Song Yunge said: "What does the sixth princess intend to do?"

"You should know." Xie Ziying said with a smile: "Give up Daluo City."

Song Yunge snorted, "Only this?"

"I respect you as the sword god, proud and upright, and disdain to submit to the imperial court. This condition can be regarded as lenient?" Xie Ziying lightly brushed her hair on the sideburns, her posture was elegant and gentle.

Song Yunge didn't have any sense of gentleness at all, seeing her smiling expression, he said slowly, "Give up Daluo City, and then?"

"As you wish." Xie Ziying said: "As long as you don't fight against us, your confidantes can save their lives, otherwise, I just need to send two flaming arrows, and they will die."

As she spoke, she clapped her hands lightly twice.

A person appeared on each mountain peak in the distance. There were two youths standing on the top of the mountain, holding cylinders in their hands and pointing at them.

"Papa papa!" Xie Ziying clapped her hands four times.

Song Yunge's figure flickered.

"Bang bang bang!" Four rays of light shot at his position, and four deep pits appeared on the ground.

Song Yunge moved extremely fast, drawing an afterimage in the air, and the four rays of light followed him closely, almost hitting him.

Song Yunge stopped, and the two people in the distance had already retracted, and they were nowhere to be seen.

Can see them through the magic eye, Song Yunge snorted softly, disappeared in a flash, and appeared behind a young man in the next moment, snatching the flame arrow.

The next moment, he appeared behind another young man, grabbed the flame arrow, and appeared in front of Xie Ziying again.

"Good posture!" Xie Ziying exclaimed, with a smile on her face, not at all intimidated by the cylinder that Song Yun was holding.

Song Yunge pointed the cylinder at Xie Ziying.

Xie Ziying was calm, and said with a smile: "The two of them only have one fire arrow, and it's just for demonstration. It's useless for you to hold it."

She pointed to the burly young man beside her, and said with a smile, "His flaming arrows only shoot multiple times."

The cylinder of the burly young man was already pointing at Song Yunge.

Song Yunge's hairs stood on end, feeling the urge to run away.

His heart is slightly cold.

Xie Ziying, who has deep calculations, has already figured out her own approach, and is ahead of each other at every step.

He looked down at the cylinder, the material was strange, light as wood, harder than iron, a material he had never seen before.

"How about it, Song Yunge, have you thought it through?" Xie Ziying smiled and said, "Is this easy for you? I've already made a big concession, so what's the use of you occupying Da Luo City?"

"Why do you insist on occupying Da Luo City?" Song Yunge narrowed his eyes slightly: "Occupy all the other eleven cities, leaving only Da Luo City..."

Xie Ziying snorted, "Because this borders a foreign land, you must not be allowed to collude with a foreign land!"

Song Yunge looked at her thoughtfully.

His Yukong Temple failed again, and he couldn't see what she was thinking.

PS: The update is complete.

(End of this chapter)

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