sword from heaven

Chapter 331 Spirit Pot

Chapter 331 Spirit Pot (Part [-])
"Okay, then I'll let someone withdraw it." Xie Ziying nodded in satisfaction: "Actually, you should enter the martial arts hall. There are countless extraordinary skills in the martial arts hall. It's a pity that many people are not qualified enough to practice. With your aptitude, Most miraculous skills can be practiced."

Song Yunge said: "There is no blessing to endure."

"Even if a disciple of the Yanwu Hall dies, his soul will still belong to the Yanwu Hall, immortal."

"The soul is immortal, so what's the taste?" Song Yunge shook his head and said, "Without this body, you can't enjoy the five senses. What's the fun of living? It's better to die!"

"Alas..." Xie Ziying shook her head and said, "When you are about to die, you will know that the immortality of your soul is also a matter of happiness. The physical body is actually a burden, a bondage, and a source of pain and a place of trouble!"

Song Yunge smiled and shook his head.

Xie Ziying said: "I will send one of my maids. She has unparalleled aptitude and is already the Sword Emperor. You can help her become the Sword God."

Song Yunge murmured: "I'm developing a mental method. After practicing this mental method, you can become a sword god. It takes a month to retreat."

"One month..." Xie Ziying frowned.

Song Yunge said: "Can't wait for a month?"

Xie Ziying sighed and said: "For this alliance this time, I have to face the anger of my father and the criticism of my brothers. I am afraid that the position of the hall master will not be secure."

Song Yunge snorted, "Do you want to go back on your word?"

"As the hall master, I will naturally not regret it. We all made an oath." Xie Ziying said: "But if I don't become the hall master, the Martial Arts Hall will not belong to me."

Song Yunge narrowed his eyes to look at her.

These six princesses are really cunning. They forced themselves to support her so that they could fulfill their vows and prevent Yanwutang from going back on their word.

Xie Ziying lightly brushed her hair from her sideburns, and said with a sweet smile: "Of course, I will try my best to keep my position, but there are always accidents in the world, and if I really lose the position of Hall Master, there is nothing I can do about it."

Song Yunge said slowly, "It's okay."

"Oh—?" Xie Ziying looked at him in surprise.

Song Yunge said: "It's a big deal, both sides will suffer."

Xie Ziying smiled lightly and said, "That's true, then I'll leave and let her come to you in a month."

Song Yunge nodded slowly.

The burly young man kept pointing flaming arrows at him, causing his hairs to stand on end, and he was always on guard.

"Let's go." Xie Ziying said lightly, turned around and drifted away.

The burly young man kept pointing the cylinder at Song Yunge, stepped back, and followed Xie Ziying.

When they walked a mile away, the burly young man still did not let go, and the cylinder kept pointing in the direction of Song Yunge.

Even though Song Yunge had hidden behind a mountain, he still didn't let go.

"Let's put it down." Xie Ziying said.

"Princess, you have to guard against it."

"Has made an oath, can he still break the oath?"

"If he has the will to die, he will drag the princess to be buried with him. These people in the martial arts have different ideas from ordinary people, so we have to guard against it."

"You are the only one to be cautious!" Xie Ziying chuckled lightly, "Gu Xian, Brother Wuhuang..."

"The fifth prince has indeed invited a great celestial master." Gu Xian said in a deep voice, "I didn't dare to do it rashly!"

"The great celestial master..." Xie Ziying shook her head slightly: "If it wasn't for the great celestial master, Song Yunge must not be let go this time!"

She saw that Song Yunge had a firm will and would never give in, and could not obey her own orders, so she could only come next.

If you can get a sword god, you can deal with that great celestial master.

The Sword God forms the world by itself, transcends the world, and cannot be deduced by the great celestial master.

Gu Xian said in a deep voice: "Princess, this person is a scourge and should not be kept. After he makes Miss Bi Ling a sword god, he should be removed."

"I've made a heavy oath." Xie Ziying said: "You can't break the oath, the order of praying to heaven is not fake."

Gu Xiandao: "Princess can find a reason to drive me to act in the martial arts hall, drive me out of the princess mansion, and then I will lead someone to kill him!"

Xie Ziying smiled: "Then we have to wait until Bi Ling comes back and figure out his reality, and then we'll see. If you're not sure, don't do it, otherwise you won't be able to fight the tiger, and the backlash is terrible."

"...Yes." Gu Xian nodded reluctantly.

A killing intent flashed in his eyes.

This Song Yunge is too dangerous to stay!
The two floated to a mountain peak, sat on a rock, and remained still while bathed in the sun.

After a while, two white-clothed old men floated closer like ghosts, clasped their fists and saluted: "Princess!"

"How?" Xie Ziying said calmly.

The two old men looked serious and shook their heads slowly.

"Huh—?" Xie Ziying frowned: "No? They are masters of the Sword Marquis Realm, so they can't?"

"Princess, for some reason, their souls all dissipated and failed to enter the Heavenly Spirit Pot."

"That is to say, after they die, their souls are all gone?"


"What a Song Yunge!" Xie Ziying got up and said bitterly, "What a vicious fellow!"

Gu Xian said in a daze: "Princess, did he also destroy the souls of these masters?"

Xie Ziying sneered and said: "Who else can there be except him!... He must know the mysteries of our Yanwu Hall, but his soul is immortal, so he directly destroyed their souls, so as to shock the disciples of the Yanwu Hall!"

"Body and soul are gone, vicious!" Gu Xian felt that Song Yunge was dangerous and couldn't stay.

"Princess, what should I do?" An old man in white said with a sad face: "The soul of the Tianling Pot is not enough, so it can't be summoned, this..."

Another old man in white said in a deep voice: "We can only send another group of disciples, and then lead Song Yunge away."

"Can you be farther away from Da Luo City?" Xie Ziying said in a deep voice.

Both disciples in white shook their heads.

"You need a soul that has entered the Heaven-Suppressing Formation." An old man in white shook his head and said, "It's useless if it's not a soul in the Sky-Suppressing Formation."

Another white-clothed old man said: "Besides, it is better to activate the Tianling Pot in the Heaven Suppressing Formation. Therefore, if Song Yunge cannot be destroyed, it is best to lead it away, so as not to interfere with the activation of the Tianling Pot."

"Putting away..." Xie Ziying frowned and paced.

Gu Xian said: "Princess, I have a way."

"Let's listen to it." Xie Ziying said.

Gu Xian said solemnly: "You can invite him to the Martial Arts Hall, trap him, and prevent him from coming back!"

"There's already an oath." Xie Ziying said.

Gu Xiandao: "This is not considered dealing with him, right? There is no intention of hurting him, just trapping him."

"... That's true." Xie Ziying said in a deep voice, "Go send a letter to him and invite him to the Martial Arts Hall!"

"Yes!" Gu Xian clasped his fists and saluted, turned around and turned into a curling shadow and left.

The two old men in white let out a long sigh of relief.

Xie Ziying said indifferently: "If he stays in the Martial Arts Hall for a few days and still fails, then what shall we do?"

The two old men suddenly frowned and shook their heads helplessly.

"It's only one city away." An old man in white said, "We must succeed no matter what, otherwise..."

Another white-clothed old man said: "It is absolutely impossible to fall short. As long as Song Yunge is not around and their souls are still there, they will succeed!"

"Go and recruit people." Xie Ziying said: "All those who refuse to obey the discipline in the Yanwu hall will be selected."

"Yes." The two of them clasped their fists in a deep voice, turned around and walked away.

Xie Ziying looked at the bright sky and sighed leisurely.

(End of this chapter)

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