sword from heaven

Chapter 383 Sitting in town

Chapter 383 Sitting in town (six more)
Song Yunge turned his eyes and said with a chuckle: "Oh, some of you want to join me."

His eyes fell on the two hundred households.

The faces of the two hundred households changed slightly, no matter how difficult it was to control their expressions, they really thought so.

And looking at the commander's expression, it was obvious that he could see what he was thinking.

Song Yunge's eyes fell on the other two hundred households: "There are others who want to find someone to get rid of me."

The two hundred households turned their eyes away, not daring to meet his eyes, and their hearts sank slightly.

Song Yunge continued: "Some still want to deal with me through your lord, thinking that no matter how favored I am, I can't compare to the lord."

He shook his head and said, "I tell you, you are wrong!"

He smiled and said: "Now you princes are in danger of protecting themselves and can't help you. You should think about how to deal with me yourself."

He continued: "Ning Yuanfeng, you are now a thousand households."

"...Yes!" A round-faced young man solemnly clasped his fists, not showing any joy, as if he was not happy about the promotion from a hundred households to a thousand households.

In fact, it is very difficult for a hundred households to be promoted to a thousand households, and they need to get real credit. Without enough credit, they can only succumb to a hundred households.

This is the basic law of the imperial court and cannot be easily broken. Even Sheng Chong Shenlong rarely breaks this rule.

Song Yunge was an exception this time, it was a special method for a special period, Xie Ziying couldn't control that much.

The Five Cities Yu Ma Si must be in control, and the most trusted person must be sent, otherwise the capital will be in turmoil, and her throne will not be stable.

Song Yunge's eyes flicked across the crowd again, this time they all widened their eyes to show their frankness.

"Go, guard the city gate and patrol well. If there is any troublemaker, you don't have to be polite, just lock it up!" Song Yunge said calmly: "If something goes wrong, if there is something wrong, if the motive is not pure and you want to watch the excitement, then don't Blame me for being ruthless!"

He looked at Zhou Qinzhuang, who was motionless in the distance, and waved his hand: "Bury him."

"Yes..." Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Song Yunge directly killed a thousand households, and the effect was immediate. Qianhu would kill them if they wanted to, let alone them.

No matter what, at least he can't let him know, otherwise he will kill people without evidence or reason.

This is completely contrary to the practice of the officialdom, as if a devil incarnation broke in, it is really terrifying.

They quickly assigned a few people to move away from Zhouqinzhuang, and then each took their subordinates to patrol the city or take turns at the city gate.

Song Yunge sat in the lobby of Wucheng Yumasi, with his eyes closed and motionless, as if in trance.

The magic eye hangs over the entire capital, taking everything in the capital into it.

Every sergeant of the Wucheng Yumasi is in his eyes, and he can see what each one is doing.

While staring at Wucheng Yumasi, he was also watching all the movements, especially those palaces.

He suddenly disappeared into the hall in a flash, and the next moment he appeared on the roof of the hall, a white light flew out from his sleeve.

At this moment, outside the palace, a middle-aged man in green shirt was hurrying past, his head was buried in his way, and he didn't even look at the palace in the distance.

Suddenly a white light pierced through his eyebrows.

The middle-aged man in Qingshan froze immediately, motionless, and then two sergeants from Wucheng Yumasi heard Song Yunge's order and dragged the middle-aged man away so as not to alarm others.

Song Yunge kept floating away, sometimes rushing to the east, sometimes to the west, streaks of white light shot out from his sleeves, killing one person with one blow.

It was only after the lights came on that he left Wucheng Yumasi, returned to the palace, and came to Duanhe Hall to meet Xie Ziying.

Duanhe hall is as bright as day.

Xie Ziying was looking at a map, concentrating on it, and the lights made her extraordinarily charming and eye-catching.

Song Yunge's footsteps interrupted her gaze.

"Your Majesty." Song Yunge cupped his fists.

Xie Ziying wore a bright yellow gown, and her whole body was naturally elegant and majestic.

It was different from the morning.

This throne is really extraordinary, it can change a person's temperament so quickly, it is amazing.

Seeing that it was him, Xie Ziying breathed a sigh of relief: "You're finally back."

Song Yunge smiled: "The palace is safe for the time being, besides, I have been watching this side all the time."

The Yukong Palace cannot be used in the palace, but the magic eye can, and can see clearly.

Su Qinghe and several eunuchs were busy going around, bringing out boxes one by one from time to time and presenting them to the Duanhe Palace.

Song Yunge knew that she was investigating the inner treasury, the real family background of the royal family, and some unique mysteries.

But these mysteries can't be hidden from him, he has Xie Sheng's memory, and knows many mysteries that no one else can know.

There are even many mysteries that Xie Ziying didn't tell, which he was going to confess when he was dying, but he didn't have time to confess.

Xie Ziying said: "Without God Son Yuxiao, I have nothing to worry about, and besides, you, the sword god, are here to suppress you."

"How is the situation here, the emperor?"

"Very good, there is not much resistance." Xie Ziying smiled, shook her head and said, "I never expected it."

She originally thought that once she announced her enthronement as emperor, all the ministers would fight against it with all their might and would never accept it.

The reality is quite the opposite.

None of these ministers objected, they were all extremely obedient, and even seemed eager to become emperor themselves.

This was too unexpected for her.

Song Yunge smiled: "This is the unpredictability of people's hearts, congratulations to the emperor."

Xie Ziying waved her jade hand: "It still feels awkward to hear you call me that, so you should call me princess."

Song Yunge smiled and nodded: "I killed a thousand households today, the prince who colluded with the fifth prince, and the commander who colluded with the fourth prince did not move."

"Hmph, fourth brother and the others are all offering delicious food and drink."

"They have spread the news." Song Yunge shook his head and said, "It seems that the palace needs to be cleaned up."

Xie Ziying frowned.

It is a big taboo to have problems in the palace. People around you are the most difficult to guard against. You can't always be vigilant and cautious. It's too tiring.

Song Yunge said: "I will clean up a batch, clean it up, and return the palace to a clear environment."

Xie Ziying nodded slightly.

She looked deeply at Song Yunge: "If it wasn't for your help, I really wouldn't be able to cope."

Song Yunge smiled.

"What I promised must be done. The Six Great Sects can continue to set up the Four Spirit Guards to re-defend the Twelve Border Towns. The Martial Arts Hall will be closed again, and the Six Great Sects will no longer be attacked."

"Then I would like to thank the princess." Song Yunge clasped his fists together.

"However, the six sects cannot infiltrate the imperial court."

"It's only natural...Princess, it's time for me to leave too."

"Where to go?"

"Go back to the Sword God Temple." Song Yunge said with a smile: "The princess has priests here, and I don't need to protect them."

"Leaving so soon?" Xie Ziying shook her head lightly and said, "I haven't sorted it out yet, I haven't made it right yet, you have to continue to be the commander for a while."

"...Okay, then wait a month." Song Yunge laughed.

Xie Ziying showed a sweet smile.

When she heard Song Yunge leave, she was suddenly empty and panicked involuntarily.

She felt that she had suddenly ascended to the throne, and there was no one trustworthy around her, so she really had no idea.

The only one I believed in was Song Yunge. Once he left, I really couldn't bear it, so I could delay it for an extra month.

After one month has passed, try to find a way to delay it for another month.

Song Yunge suddenly frowned.

He got up and walked out. Xie Ziying was curious and followed him.

(End of this chapter)

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