sword from heaven

Chapter 397 Night Devil

Chapter 397 Night Demon (Fifth Watch)
"Senior Brother Sun, I want to visit the Vientiane Building." Song Yunge said.

"Vientiane Tower, okay!" Sun Xuanzhen nodded: "I'll go with you later, I just want to find a way."

"What do you want to find, brother?"

"About refining the eyes." Sun Xuanzhen shook his head and said: "This time the loss is due to this, and we can't see through their concealment."

"Heavenly Secret God Eye?"

"It's hard to practice the divine eyes of heaven, so I'll let it go." Sun Xuanzhen shook his head and said, "It's good to just practice one eye of seeing the sky."

"Guan Tianyan..." Song Yunge thought for a while, and finally shook his head.

There are so many martial arts minds in the Vientiane Building, there are really countless ones, and it is impossible for him to have seen all the minds.

So it's no surprise I haven't heard of it.

Sun Xuanzhen said: "After practicing that, teach Wei Gaoqiu a lesson next time!"

Song Yunge smiled: "Master, I don't know if I will borrow it."

"Yes." Sun Xuanzhen nodded lightly: "Master seems strict, but he is actually very generous. Besides, Senior Sister Zhou is asking for help."

But most of the things that Senior Sister Zhou asks for, the master will not refuse, let alone it is not a big deal.

The treasures in the Divine Marquis Realm all recognize their owners. Even if they are lost or taken away by others, they can be sensed with their own minds, and they can be returned directly.

After a while, footsteps sounded, and Zhou Yingying walked lightly, with a faint smile on her cold face, and she came over with a purple lacquer box.

The small purple lacquer box about the size of a palm gleamed darkly in the sun.

Song Yunge rushed to meet him.

"Here it is, Master will only lend you a month to play with." Zhou Yingying tossed the small purple lacquer box away.

Song Yunge hurriedly reached out to take it, overjoyed: "Thank you, Senior Sister!"

"You don't need to thank me, just thank Master." Zhou Yingying said, "It is Master who is so generous."

"Yes, yes, yes." Song Yunge nodded hastily.

He excitedly opened the purple lacquer box, and there was a small thumb-length sword inside. The blade was as black as ink, without any luster.

Song Yunge felt that it looked like a piece of coke.

"This is the Night Demon Sword." Zhou Yingying said, "It's amazingly powerful. Be careful, don't hurt yourself. After all, you are not the master of the sword, so you will get hurt."

Song Yunge stared at it with a wide smile and nodded.

His joy is three parts exaggerated and seven parts real.

With this, my mission is completed, as long as I fly back with it, and then build a big formation that covers the sky, I can isolate this passage, and the world will be peaceful.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but get excited.

Song Yunge reached out to touch the Night Demon Sword, but stopped just before touching it, slowly suppressed his smile, and suddenly closed the purple lacquer box, and put the box on the wooden shelf beside it.

"Brother, put the Yemo Sword here first, let's go to the Vientiane Building."

"Huh—?" Sun Xuanzhen looked at him curiously.

Whoever gets it, has to touch it carefully after getting such a treasure, isn't it rare for a while?
Why did he seem to lose interest all of a sudden, did he feel no need for it after he got it?No excitement?

"You don't like Yemojian?" Zhou Yingying asked with a frown.

Song Yunge shook his head: "I like it, but I dare not touch it. I want to find a body training method first, and then come back to appreciate it."

"Don't dare to touch?"

"It's very dangerous." Song Yunge shook his head and said, "It must be bad luck if you touch it."

"No way?" Zhou Yingying opened the box in disbelief, and reached out to get the Yemo Sword.

She moved faster than she could speak, no way, before she finished the three words, her hand touched the hilt of the Night Demon Sword.

Although this sword is small, it is exquisite and exquisite, and the hilt and sword patterns are not missing, it is just a small scale of the long sword.

The patterns on the sword body are mysterious and mysterious, and you will feel in a trance if you look closely.

Song Yunge hurriedly opened his mouth to stop it, but it was already too late.

"Bang!" Zhou Yingying seemed to be thrown fiercely by a stone thrower, flew high, drew a parabola in the air, and landed heavily on the roof.

"Clatter..." A large piece of the roof tile was smashed.

Song Yunge closed his eyes.

Sun Xuanzhen grinned.

He felt as if he had been hit like this too, it was hard enough, obviously the power on the sword made him unable to move, and he couldn't use his kung fu to resist.

They rushed over and caught Zhou Yingying who was sliding down the roof.

She was as motionless as a rock, sliding straight down.

After catching her, she was able to move again, but her hair was disheveled, her big bright eyes were flushed, and she bit her red lips tightly.

Song Yunge said embarrassingly: "Senior sister, this is what Master dealt with me, I didn't expect you..."

"He—!" Zhou Yingying stomped her feet angrily: "How stingy!"

Song Yunge smiled and said, "If it were me, I wouldn't be willing to borrow such an important treasure, but the master can't save your face, senior sister, so he can only lend it to me reluctantly, but he also doesn't want to make it easier for me."

Sun Xuanzhen nodded with a smile.

Zhou Yingying said bitterly: "What did you do long ago? Why didn't you remind me?!"

Song Yunge said embarrassingly: "I'm stupid, I didn't have time."

"It's all your fault!" Zhou Yingying said angrily, turned around and left while arranging her clothes.

The pink blouse was already stained and her hair was disheveled. Although she couldn't see herself, she knew she must be in a mess.

Seeing her disappear, Song Yunge breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's go to Wanxiang Building." Sun Xuanzhen smiled and shook his head.

The two of them didn't dare to talk about Master here, he could hear it, and once he said something bad about him, he would definitely be punished by Qiuhou.

All the way to the Wanxiang Building, Sun Xuanzhen didn't find Wei Gaoqiu and the others following him, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

After the two entered the Vientiane Building, they separated, each looking for their own exercises.

Song Yunge was thinking about how to go back safely.

Although the Feihong Jue is wonderful, it directly burns the body and turns it into a white rainbow, which is actually turning it into a little soul.

When he ascended this time, he got into Xie Baixuan's body directly, so he was directly captured by him.

What about going down by yourself?

Also turned into a ray of soul, taking away others?

He really didn't want to take others away and wanted to keep his body, but he thought that those masters like the gods and emperors couldn't come down to the lower realm, so he knew it was difficult and impossible.

He first had to figure out why those masters above the Son of God couldn't go to the proving ground, was it because of regulations, or because of the rules of the world, and what rules could be exploited.

With this goal in mind, he kept flipping through the pages, looking for the records of the proving ground, and finally figured out what was going on.

He finally cleared up some doubts now.

What puzzled him most was why this body was also called Xie Baixuan.

The person who went down to seize the body was Xie Baixuan, and he was also Xie Baixuan, which was too coincidental.

If it is the same world, it is not surprising that the world has the same name and surname, but it is too strange in two worlds.

Now he understands that this Xie Baixuan's luck is really good.

The arrival of the god son Yuxiao is not random to find someone to seize the house, there is a trade-off, the combination of Qi and machine is the best, and the most precious fate is second.

The so-called qi mechanism is similar to the horoscope, but more complicated than the horoscope. It contains almost everything, such as zodiac sign, endowment and even name.

And this Xie Baixuan actually met Xie Baixuan from the lower realm, and they really fit in very well, so the strength recovered the most.

But the other two God Sons of Yuxiao didn't have such good luck, they could only look for those with better fate, so their strength recovery was not as good as that of Xie Baixuan.

PS: There will be another update later.

(End of this chapter)

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