sword from heaven

Chapter 569 Golden Clothes

Chapter 569 Golden Clothes
Song Yunge looked at it calmly, as if staring at a giant beast.

After a while, a white light flew out of Song Yunge's sleeve.

After the white light penetrated into the golden mist, it was like a drop of water entering the sea, and it melted immediately, leaving no drop.

Song Yunge's figure flashed, and he appeared ten feet away.

Clusters of golden mist instantly appeared around him, surrounding him.

Apparently this time Golden Mist has paid attention to him, instead of just using a ball of Golden Mist, he wanted to take him down at once.

Song Yunge's figure flickered, turning into shadows one by one, and then waving golden fragments in his hand.

Where the golden shards pass, the golden mist dissipates.

Song Yunge laughed out loud, triumphantly.

He deliberately stimulated the Golden Mist to see if it was emotional or absolutely rational, and then decided on countermeasures based on this.

"Hahahaha..." Song Yunge couldn't stop laughing, waving the golden shards, retreating non-stop, and slowly came to the front of the shrine.

When he saw the two girls stepping out of the palace gate, he wanted to step into the square, and hurriedly shouted: "Don't come out!"

The two girls stopped abruptly.

They stopped with one foot in the air, then retracted.

Four clear eyes turned to Song Yunge, trying to figure out what happened.

Song Yunge seemed to be in a state of madness, which was really abnormal.

"Hahahaha..." Song Yunge continued to laugh, then came to the gate of the shrine and stepped in.

The golden mist dissipated quickly.

Song Yunge breathed a sigh of relief, carefully recalled the previous scene, and analyzed these methods of Jin Wu.

He finally shook his head.

These golden mist routes are weird and abrupt, hard to guard against, there is no law at all, it seems to be adapting to the situation.

And there are rules to follow in adapting to changes, but he really can't see the rules of these golden mist.

His face was serious.

Seeing him like this, the two women felt that he was abnormal, and their faces remained calm as if someone owed him money.

"Senior brother...?" Wu Youxue couldn't help calling softly.

Song Yunge shook his head and sighed.

It seems that it is not so easy to deal with Jinwu.

"Brother?!" Wu Youxue called out.

Song Yunge looked at her with a smile: "Junior Sister, I'm fine."

"Brother, what are you worried about?" Wu Youxue said: "Let's listen to it. Although my senior sister and I can't help with martial arts, we can help out with ideas, and maybe it will touch you."

"It's this golden mist." Song Yunge said, "It's scary, and I've been thinking about how to deal with it."

Wu Youxue said: "Is it highly poisonous?"

Song Yunge shook his head: "I don't know if it's highly poisonous or not, but I can't touch it anyway. Its power is weird and terrifying."

"Its power is terrifying..." Wu Youxue frowned and said, "Can the golden fragment restrain them?"

Song Yunge nodded.

"Then it's easy to handle." Wu Youxue said: "How about using these fragments to make an inner armor directly?"

Song Yunge frowned.

Wu Youxue said: "If it can be made into inner armor, can it still invade?"

"...I'm afraid I can't come in." Song Yunge shook his head.

Wu Youxue smiled and said, "So it can stop it?"

"Junior Sister, you are really powerful." Song Yunge said with a smile: "But I never thought of this method."

What he has been thinking about is not defense, but offense, how to subdue gold atomization and use it for his own use, thereby changing his destiny.

"Then give it a try." Wu Youxue said.

Leng Biluo didn't speak, she faintly felt that the golden pieces might not be so easy to make into inner armor.

But at this time, it is not appropriate to say too much.

She had secretly tried these golden pillars and golden lands, which were so terribly strong that she couldn't hold them down with her fingernails.

It seems that when the wood touches the gold nuggets, no matter how hard you try, there is no way to leave traces. It can be seen that these golden materials are very powerful.

It is almost impossible to make an inner armor.

Wu Youxue said: "I just don't know if it's too hard to do it."

Song Yunge smiled and said, "There will always be a way."

His internal force was concentrated on the golden fragment, but it didn't soften at all. After the internal force entered the gold piece, it was empty and unaffected.

He poured in his internal energy continuously, and poured all his energy into it in one breath, but there was still no change.

So he switched to another kind of power and directly guided the power of the Ten Thousand Souls Refining Talisman, feeling faintly that it was the right way.

Sure enough, apart from the concentration of his spiritual power, the golden fragments slowly changed from thick to thin.

Song Yunge was refreshed and continued to concentrate.

In one breath, he melted these pieces into cloth as thin as a cicada's wings, and then wrapped it directly around his body, smiling.

Leng Biluo was surprised.

She didn't expect that she could really turn into an inner armor, and it wasn't just an inner armor, it looked like a piece of clothing.

There is nothing more strange than this in the world, it is so hard and so hard, it can be turned into such softness, allowing it to change.

"Haha..." Song Yunge laughed loudly, "It really is a good idea."

Wu Youxue smiled sweetly: "Congratulations, brother."

"Thank you, Junior Sister." Song Yunge said with a smile, "It's really a surprise, so I'll give it a try."

In fact, like Leng Biluo, he didn't have too much hope at the beginning, otherwise he would have thought of this idea long ago.

Just because it was unreliable, it has never been implemented. At this time, Wu Youxue mentioned that he is a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and he can really turn into clothes if he tries it casually.

Wu Youxue smiled, and glanced at Leng Biluo proudly.

I was finally able to help my senior brother, instead of holding back everywhere, I was able to help before Senior Sister Leng.

Leng Biluo shook his head and said nothing.

Song Yunge had already stepped to the edge of the golden mist, laughed loudly, and stimulated the golden mist again, wanting to further observe its emotions.

Jin Wu did not move, as if he had fallen asleep.

Song Yunge felt that it was not asleep, but was still staring at him coldly, but it didn't move rashly.

With the clothes turned into golden fragments, Song Yunge was unscrupulous, and wanted to see what Jin Wu would do with him.

The golden mist split into several groups and shot at Song Yunge's legs in a flash.

Song Yunge faced it calmly and remained motionless.

Although the legs were not covered by the golden fragments, Song Yunge was not worried that it would really rush to his feet.

Sure enough, when the golden mist came to his feet, it stopped suddenly, then stopped in mid-air, and retreated quickly.

Song Yunge took a step forward, rushed ahead of it, blocked its path with his sleeve, and then watched the golden mist retreat and shoot towards his eyes.

Song Yunge flicked his sleeves again.

Golden Mist turned to the back of his head again.

Song Yunge turned around.

Immediately, he found that two groups of golden mist had rushed over, attacking back and forth, and at the same time, golden mist appeared under his feet.

Song Yunge laughed, but to see how brave Jin Wu is, whether he dares to take this risk.

He was multi-tasking, and when the golden mist rushed over, he covered his head with his sleeves, and at the same time retracted his feet and entered into his clothes.

Groups of golden mist retreated quickly, trying to avoid the golden clothes, but Song Yunge shook his clothes with a wave of his sleeves, and took a few steps forward.

He was so fast that the golden mist was melted by the golden clothes, and no one was spared.

Song Yunge laughed again.

Leng Biluo shook his head: "It's too crazy."

Wu Youxue pursed her lips and smiled lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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