Chapter 15
The two teenagers were teasing each other about the topic of love in the temple, while outside the temple, the two older sons had just received a carrier pigeon from afar.

"What did that person say again?" Lei Mengsha curled his lips, "What surprise can we give us this time?"

"The carrier pigeon said that your little daughter ran away from home!" Luo Xuan frowned.

"What! What's going on!" Lei Mengshou snatched the letter, opened it to read, and immediately became furious, and kicked Luo Xuan, "You are called Fengya, why are you making such a silly joke! Where is my daughter written on it, huh? You read it to me!"

"Hahaha, it's just to relieve the serious atmosphere." Luo Xuan laughed, "I am naturally casual, but because of the events of the past few days, the strings in my heart are too tight. But according to the letter, It's exactly the same as Miss Yan's family said. There is indeed a force behind the Yan family. I didn't expect that Miss Yan's family is really capable. But what kind of person, even the person in Tianqi City and the Yan family The daughter of the family for many years can't guess the origin?"

"Dark River?" Lei Mengsha frowned.

"It's also a possibility." Luo Xuan read the letter again, "But I didn't expect that guy Liu Yue to be willing to make a move. I thought that apart from the nerd who couldn't help, he was probably the only one who didn't want to help. But the letter said that even he might not be able to handle this strong is the opponent? Anhe... But these people don't behave like Anhe is hiding there."

"Don't worry." Lei Mengsha said proudly, "Beili's eight sons have never joined hands before, even if they come from Wushuang City, they don't have to be afraid!"

"However, he said that Liu Yue couldn't figure it out, so what if he really couldn't figure it out?" Luo Xuan said worriedly.

"Since he said that he might not be able to handle it, there must be someone behind him."

Three hundred miles away.

on the official road.

A whole body black, its extremely long carriage is galloping rapidly.There are six swordsmen guarding him on steeds. They are so powerful that passers-by see them and give way one after another.

Until a gorgeous sedan chair suddenly appeared on the official road.

What kind of sedan chair will run up the official road?The official roads are full of galloping horses. This kind of sedan chair will be trampled to pieces within a few miles.Probably, except for the children of the aristocratic family with a brain twitch, no other idiot would do such a thing.

"Get out of the way!" The leading swordsman shouted angrily.

The sedan chair moved forward a few more steps, and then stopped. The four handsome men were carrying the sedan chair. With their looks, it was really unusual for them to be bearers.And at the front stood a little boy who was leading the way, dressed in gorgeous clothes, looking at the swordsman with a smile.

"I said get out of the way! Did you hear me!" The leading swordsman yelled again, but the sedan chair remained motionless. He finally couldn't help it, and took the lead in driving the horse forward. With a light wave of his right hand, the sedan chair Holding the long knife in his hand, he made a gesture to go over and kill the boy who led the way.

"Presumptuous!" the boy shouted angrily.

Immediately, a handful of gold leaves flew out from the sedan chair, the leaf twirled slightly in the air, turned around, and flew back into the sedan chair.

The swordsman's horse missed the gorgeous sedan chair, and ran towards the side of the road. It ran faster and faster, and suddenly threw the swordsman's head on the ground, blood gushing into the sky, and the four handsome men immediately put the sedan chair on the ground. Moved an inch to the side to avoid the blood.

"Stop, stop!" Seeing this, the remaining swordsmen hurriedly reined in their horses and stood up.

"Who is here?" A bearded swordsman asked.

The boy took a few steps forward: "My son said, leave the things in the carriage, and spare you not to die."

"Your son speaks so loudly, but do you know that we are from Daoyan's family in the southwest? If you offend us, what will happen to you? I'm afraid you don't know yet." The bearded swordsman sneered.

The boy yelled: "Young master said, the Southwest Daoyan family is nothing!"

A nice voice in the sedan chair said in a low voice, "I didn't say anything."

The boy also replied in a low voice: "My lord, you definitely want to say that."

The bearded swordsman was stunned for a moment: "Since your son is not afraid of our Mu Yuxing Yan family, why don't you dare to declare your family?"

"My son..." the boy said loudly.

"What are you talking so much, go up and beat them up!" The man in the sedan chair interrupted the boy in a low voice.

The boy's words were interrupted in the middle of his speech, and he felt annoyed for a while, and replied in a low voice: "Young master, let me finish." Then he raised his head: "My son said that he will not talk nonsense with you, let me beat you! "

Before the words were finished, the boy jumped forward, and several times he had already rushed to the face of the bearded swordsman. He leaped high and punched him on the head!
The bearded swordsman was taken aback for a moment, and immediately drew his knife to meet him.

But the little boy's fist the size of a steamed bun smashed the long saber into three pieces. This natural supernatural power frightened the bearded swordsman to run away immediately and fell straight to the ground from his horse.The little boy didn't chase after him, but just chuckled, and stepped to the side of the carriage, and stretched out his hand to lift the curtain, but saw that the curtain was torn to pieces in an instant.

A flywheel burst out of the air, and the little boy retreated violently, but the front of his chest was still torn to pieces. He gritted his teeth and turned his head: "My lord!"

The curtain of the sedan chair has also been raised.

A folding fan flew out.

The little boy leaned over hastily, the folding fan passed through him, and knocked the flywheel back, the folding fan bounced back, the boy took hold of the folding fan and flew back to the side of the sedan chair.

"My lord, that man is so powerful." The boy said with a weeping voice slightly.

The person holding the flywheel in the carriage came out. He was a middle-aged man in a black robe with a gloomy expression. His flywheel was huge, but the hand holding the flywheel was skinny and pale, which looked extremely uncoordinated.

"You are not from the Yan family, who are you?" the young master in the sedan chair asked softly.

"But I know who you are." The man's voice was hoarse and terrifying, "It is said that you have a magnificent face, and because of this, you especially hate others looking at your face, so you can hide your face if you don't show it. Four beautiful men carried the sedan chair for you, and a guide boy delivered the message for you, and you have such a serious obsession with cleanliness that you don't even want to step out of the sedan chair and walk on the ground."

"My lord, what should I do? Did someone see it? I said earlier that you shouldn't be so particular about being a human being. The sign is too obvious." The boy frowned.

"I don't want others to know my identity, but others know it right away, which means we are famous." The young man in the sedan chair whispered.

The boy nodded, and said to the man holding the flywheel: "That's right, we are Mr. Liu Yue who was rated as 'Peerless Beauty' by the Young Master List!"

"It's me, not us." The young master in the sedan chair sighed again.

(End of this chapter)

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